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Management strategy of the sports team marcelo salado lastra from the municipality of sancti spíritus, cuba


The objective of this work is to redesign the management strategy for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus. For this purpose, a sample of 67 people who have an average age of 37 years was intentionally selected, 16 of them are women and 21 are men, and the Logical History, Analysis and Synthesis, the Inductive-Deductive and the Document Analysis, the survey, the semi-standardized and standardized interview, the brainstorming group work technique and consulting experts. The application of the same allowed redesigning the management strategy taking into account the mission, the diagnosis, the shared values, the vision, key result areas, as well as the strategic objectives with their respective guidelines, the action plan and the measurement and the control.Conclusions are reached since the indications for the 2010-2011 academic year and the essential steps for a management strategy model were taken into account when preparing the management strategy model. In addition, the Sports Combine Marcelo Salado Lastra has 25 years of foundation, a total of 183 workers and 20 sports disciplines, encompasses two popular councils and 10 schools, the management strategy was redesigned in accordance with the model developed for the Sports Combined, with the following elements: mission, diagnosis, shared values, vision, key result areas, strategic objectives, guidelines, action plan, and measurement and control. The experts consider that the model is adequate,its parts are well interrelated and it is completely generalizable to the rest of the sports combinations. The members of the Board of Directors of the Combined report that the guidelines and the 5 key result areas constitute novel aspects, that the elaboration of the strategy allows planning and organizing all the actions by key result area and that brings benefits.


The present work has as objective to Redraw the address strategy for the Sport Cocktail Salted Marcelo it Ballasts of the municipality of Sancti Spíritus. For it was selected a sample of 67 people that you / they have an age average of 37 years of them 16 intentionally they are women and 21 are men and they were used as methods and technical of investigation the Historical one Logical, Analysis and Synthesis, the Inductive-deductive one also the Analysis of Documents, the survey, the semi-standardized interview and the one standardized, the work technique in group of the storm of ideas and the consultation to experts. The application of the same ones allowed to redraw the address strategy keeping in mind the mission, the diagnosis, the shared values, the vision, areas of key results, as well as the strategic objectives with their respective limits,the action plan and the mensuration and the control. They are arrived since to conclusions for the elaboration of the pattern of address strategy one kept in mind the indications for the course 2010-2011 and the essential steps for a model of address strategy. Also the Sport Cocktail Salted Marcelo Ballasts it possesses 25 years of having been founded, a total of 183 workers and 20 sport disciplines, it embraces two popular advice and 10 schools, the address strategy was redrawn in correspondence with the pattern elaborated for the Sport Cocktail, with the following elements: the mission, the diagnosis, the shared values, vision, the areas of key results, the strategic objectives, the limits, the action plan and the mensuration and the control. The experts consider that the pattern is adapted,they are interrelated their parts well and that it is totally generalizable to the rest of the sport cocktails. The members of the advice of address of the Cocktail refer that the limits and the 5 areas of key results constitute novel aspects that the elaboration of the strategy allows to plan and to organize all the actions for key result area and that he / she brings I get benefits.


The study of strategy and strategic direction today constitutes a fundamental aspect in the entire system of any organization, not only for what it represents for its internal organizational structure but also for what it allows it to obtain in relation to knowledge and work in its environment.

The strategic management process is made up of a set of organizational processes and key individual interventions, which reconcile the needs and threats of the environment, with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in order to clarify the mission, define a vision for the future, as well as develop a system of objectives and strategies that optimize and concentrate resources, efforts and wills for a certain period of time.

Strategic Management is said to be the process through which an organization formulates objectives and is directed towards achieving them. Strategy is the means, the way to obtain the objectives of the organization. It is the art of intermingling internal analysis and wisdom used by leaders to create values ​​of the resources and skills that they control. Analysis and action are integrated into the strategic direction.

Therefore, for an organization to be successful, it is very important to analyze reality with a strategic focus, to conceive the future in the midst of the present, creating a certain anticipatory capacity in the face of future turbulences that could occur and that would affect the organization from a logical, broad, systematic reasoning that arises from the evaluation of the present and that seeks to establish the links and connections of this with possible and probable futures.

Therefore it is necessary to have a management strategy to guide the course of direction, orient the efforts of the organization in the same direction and that allows you to control your resources and managing their procesos.En correspondence with the above have been performed several investigations in the Sports Teams of the province to prepare and in some cases implement the management strategyFor example: Management Strategy for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Community School in the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus carried out by Joguar Cabrera García, 2008; Model of Management Strategy for the Community Schools of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus carried out by Miguel Rodríguez, 2009; Implementation of a management strategy in the Renán Turiño Sports Complex in the Municipality of Trinidad carried out by Eddgar Ruiz, 2010, among other investigations.

On the other hand, the accelerated changes that take place in the international arena have a marked connotation in the internal events that take place in the country.

Really, the environmental conditions have been changing, each day faster, with more uncertainty and turbulence, this makes strategic decisions lose their effectiveness in a shorter time, which is why the change in strategy is imposed more frequently and quickly.

As happened with the Sports Teams, where from the 2008-2009 academic year they had established the strategic direction as a form of management with the proposal of a model to prepare the strategies and in correspondence with the above, the Sports Team Marcelo Salado of the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus He devised his strategy until 2012, taking into account the mission, diagnosis, vision, key result areas, measurement criteria, action plan, and measurement and control; However, for the 2010-2011 academic year, new indications for the INDER management-management process are established, instituting a restructuring of the key results areas with guidelines as a new form of management in sports institutions,which is not in correspondence with the strategies developed by the Sports Teams, hence they do not meet the new requirements of the INDER National Directorate.

Taking into account the above, the following scientific problem is formulated:

What aspects should be taken into account to redesign the management strategy of the Combined Sports Marcelo Salado Lastra in accordance with current requirements?

In correspondence with the aspects indicated above, it was proposed as

Overall objective:

Redesign the management strategy for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus.

Scientific Questions:

What aspects should be taken into account to develop a model to draw up the management strategy for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus?

What characteristics does the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus have?

How to apply the model to redesign the management strategy for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus?

What evaluation criteria do the experts and the members of the board of directors have regarding the management strategy of the Combined Sports Marcelo Salado Lastra of the municipality of Sancti Spíritus?

Population and sample

Out of a population of 183 workers from the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex, a sample of 67 people was selected through intentional sampling, which represents 36.6%, as we believe that they are the ones who can provide us with the most information to successfully carry out this investigation. The sample has an average of 37 years, of which 16 are female and 21 male.

The research methods and techniques used were: the historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, document analysis, the Survey, the semi-standardized interview, the standardized interview and the group work technique.

Analysis of the results:

In the indications for the 2010-2011 academic year, new criteria are established for the INDER management-management process, instituting only five key results areas with guidelines as a new form of management in sports institutions, which is not in correspondence with the strategy developed for the Sports Combine Marcelo Salado Lastra of the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus, hence it does not meet the new requirements of the National Directorate of INDER and must be reformulated taking into account these indications.

Preparation of the model to be used to prepare the management strategy:

After comparing the different models referred to in the bibliography and the one that was being used in the combined strategy with the new indications, it turned out that none met these requirements, hence the need to design a new model, such as the one listed below..

1. Mission.

2. Diagnosis.

3. Shared Values.

4. Vision.

5. Key Results Areas.

6. Strategic Objectives.

7. Guidelines.

8. Action Plan.

9. Measurement and control.

Characterization of the Sports Complex Marcelo Salado Lastra of the municipality of Sancti Spíritus

For the preparation of the management strategy it is necessary to start from a characterization of the institution.

The Sports Complex “Marcelo Salado Lastra” has been founded for 25 years and is included in the Los Olivos People's Council of the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus, located on Calle Anglona S / Nl.

This center serves two Popular Councils: Los Olivos and Managuaco, where they serve a total population of 25,440 inhabitants, divided into the urban population with 21,845 inhabitants and the rural population with 3,595 inhabitants.

The combined has a total of 183 workers, of whom 4 are cadres, the rest being divided into 161 teachers and 18 non-teachers. The teaching staff is divided into two departments; the Sport department and the Physical Education and Sport for all department, lastly the non-teaching workers are grouped in the Administrative department.

Management strategy of the Sports Combined Marcelo Salado Lastra

Mission: The sports team Marcelo Salado Lastra has the mission of promoting and promoting the practice of sports, recreational activities, physical education and physical culture through its technical force in the facilities and other areas created by the Revolution, using scientific advances technicians and the systematic training of their human resources to meet the demands of training, recovery of physical and mental capacities, the creative use of free time as well as raising the quality of life of the population.


Internal elements


Little promotion and dissemination of activities.

Shortage of implements and changing rooms for training and competitions.

Inexperiences in the activity by the teachers in training.

Technological and financial limitations.


Systematics in Political and Ideological Work and the Formation of Values.

Stability in the Staff of the Center.

Good relations between workers.

Good preparation of the Board of Directors and its reserves of Tables.

External elements


Outskirts of primary and secondary schools

Outskirts of recreational and cultural areas

Presence of the Faculty of Physics Culture and SUM with their offers of improvement.


The schedule in the schools

Presence of other institutions such as the Fire Department and the PNR with their Circles of Interest.

The blockade of the country.

Shared Values: Patriotism, honesty, responsibility and collectivism.


We will continue to be INDER, we will fulfill our social mission in the spirit and the renewing reality of the battle of ideas sustained in the creative interpretation of the thought of our Commander in Chief.

We will significantly raise the quality and diversity of our sports reserve, through a sustainable system that guarantees athletes in time and form.

Physical culture and health promotion services will be extended to the family in order to increase the quality of life. The quality and effectiveness of physical education will be promoted, as well as, healthy recreation through the diversity of offers in the different population settlements, educational institutions and state agencies.

Definition of key result areas:

The key result areas of the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Combine in the Sancti Spíritus municipality are as follows:

1. The ideological, moral and values ​​political formation in the Cuban sports system.

2. Sport for all and sports training.

3. Training and improvement of human resources supported by science and technological innovation.

4. Improvement of economic and financial management.

5. Internal control and prevention.

Key Results Area No. 1: The ideological, moral and values ​​political formation in the Cuban sports system


Perfect the process of political - ideological, moral and values ​​formation based on the concept of national defense, exemplary, professionalism and unconditionality to the principles of the Cuban Revolution.


1. Political-ideological training is an inalienable task for managers at all levels, who use the management bodies and work teams to carry it out and their effectiveness, results and causes are periodically evaluated.

2. The preparation of managers, professors, officials, leaders, students, and politicians for political-ideological work is broad, profound, and an expression of their convictions.

3. The methods of political-ideological, moral and values ​​training are participatory, personalized, persuasive, dialogical and practical.

Key Result Area No. 2: Sport for All and Sports Training


Multiply the massive practice of sport, school physical education, adults and systematic physical activity in the community, guaranteeing the quality of these services, implementing and directing the policy of practicing sport for all in the spheres and sectors of the social life of the country, guaranteeing the systematic and wide popular participation.


1. The rigor of the selection of the enrollment in the Sports Schools for High Performance Sport is the foundation of the rationality that favors the increase in attention to student-athletes and also the sports results are taken to higher levels.

2. The continuity in the application of the Directive Strategy of the Cuban Sports System that has as its support the political-ideological training of the athlete with a high sense of belonging, optimizes the processes on the basis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of coaches, referees, federations and leaders.

3. The hierarchy, scope and integration of Science and Technological Innovation are deepened in the Training Plans and Preparation Programs of the athlete.

Key Results Area No. 3: Training and improvement of human resources supported by science and technological innovation


Improve the planning, organization, quality of the educational teaching process, and the management of human resources in the sports education system, the policy of overcoming human capital and its managers, as well as the increase in the results of science and technological innovation.


1. Progress is made in the consolidation of the organization, functioning and methodological work of the governing bodies, optimizing the integration between the teaching, sports, ideological and values ​​political formation, and the economy areas.

2. The systematic inter-school communication and the pedagogical delivery from the base, allows the expansion, scope and differentiated attention to the National Schools system and the indication of prioritizing the ownership of EPEF groups in the Sports Schools is ratified.

3. The process of elaboration and production of textbooks, reference books, educational software, as well as the coverage and integrated use of didactic means and educational technology are perfected.

Key Results Area No. 4: Improving economic and financial management


Ensure with quality and rationality the financial economic management and its human and material resources that guarantee compliance with the specific guidelines for sport of the 2011 economic plan.


1. The prestige of our sport is raised through the presence of qualified specialists and teachers as collaborators in various countries, supporting the selection process based on the quality of human capital that we have, the participation of countries in our sporting and scientific events, the heads of Missions abroad apply a greater dynamism in their management, as well as a greater immediacy in the response processes to demands.

2. The development of actions aimed at raising economic culture throughout the sports system achieves a greater understanding and support for the policies and decisions that are adopted.

3. The economic processes, the accounting and the Internal Control in the Sports System are strengthened, based on the efficiency in the use of human, material and financial resources, and satisfactory results are achieved in the application of the accounting, financial and statisticians, who support economic decision-making at different levels of management.

Key Results Area No. 5: Internal Control and Prevention


Guarantee with rigor and systematicity in all areas and jobs, internal control and prevention, which allows the execution of actions for the elimination of those that cause the acts of corruption and crime, achieving an environment of control that minimizes moral and material damages.


1. Rigor and professionalism, systematicity and demand are increased in thematic and comprehensive visits to the territories and entities as an efficient control mechanism for compliance in the fight against irregularities, crime, corruption and behaviors far from the legislation and indications of the organism and those established in the internal control guide.

2. The prevention plan is prepared according to the risk areas declared by each entity, applying technical organizational measures and ideological policies contained in the plan in all instances, with the participation of the workers.

3. Full compliance with the Security and Protection System in all national and provincial entities subordinate to INDER, through organization and control measures aimed at guaranteeing compliance with the assigned missions with greater effectiveness and efficiency, guarantees the eradication of the acts of crime.

Measurement and Control of the process: The measurement and control of the process will be carried out through: The constant Diagnosis, the bimonthly Checkup and the Annual Meeting.

Expert assessment of the management strategy developed

After the management strategy was developed, it was assessed with the experts, taking into account a number of aspects.

All the experts stated that the steps of the model are completely interrelated, since first the model has the essential elements to fulfill the function for which it was conceived, that is, the mission, the diagnosis, the shared values, the vision, key result areas, strategic objectives, guidelines, action plan, and measurement and control. And secondly, the established order favors the interrelation between them, whether from the mission, the areas, the strategic objectives and the guidelines.

100% of the experts consider that the elaborated strategy completely corresponds to the designed model, since for the preparation of the same each one of the steps of the model was completed taking into account the methodological aspects of each one, such as the mission is drawn up in paragraph form and answers the key questions of what the institution does and what it does for; The diagnosis includes the internal elements that are the strengths and weaknesses and the external ones that are the opportunities and threats that the environment offers to said sports team and also the definition of the key results areas, the strategic objectives and the guidelines that respond to the demands of the higher organism.

All the experts consider the preparation of the management strategy to be adequate, since for this it started from the characterization of the entity, each step from mission to measurement and control is correctly carried out.

Regarding the possibility of generalizing the applied model, all the experts refer that it is completely possible, since it is very well conceived, is in correspondence with the established indications and responds to the real characteristics of the sports combined.

Assessment of the members of the extended board of directors of the combined company on the elaboration of the strategy

The members of the combined board of directors consider that the model as such is not novel for the institution, since previously there was a similar one for which the previous strategy was drawn up, which if it is novel is the reduction of the key result areas to 5 only and the guidelines for each area that finally add up to a total of 45.

All the interviewees report that the application of the model has been of great importance since it allowed the strategy to be prepared in an organized manner, with the logic of the steps and the correct interrelation between them, that is, the mission, the diagnosis, shared values, vision, key result areas, strategic objectives, guidelines, action plan, and measurement and control.

The members of the board of directors consider that the elaboration of the strategy brings with it the following benefits:

- Better planning, organization, execution and control of services.

- The mission or raison d'être of the institution is well defined, as are the objectives to be met with its actions.

- It is possible to diagnose the real situation of the combined taking into account the weaknesses, the strengths, the opportunities and the threats.

- Improves the work of managers

- Creates a culture of measurement and control.


1. In preparing the management strategy model, the indications for the 2010-2011 academic year and the essential steps for a management strategy model were taken into account.

2. The Sports Combined has 25 years of existence, has 183 workers, serves 2 People's Councils, 10 educational schools and 20 sports disciplines.

3. The management strategy was redesigned in correspondence with the model developed for the Marcelo Salado Lastra Sports Complex in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus, with the following elements: mission, diagnosis, shared values, vision, key result areas, strategic objectives, guidelines, action plan, and measurement and control.

4. The experts consider that the model is suitable for the preparation of the strategy, that its parts interrelate very well and that it is completely generalizable to the rest of the sports teams.

5. The members of the board of directors of the Combined Sports Marcelo Salado Lastra report that the guidelines and the 5 key result areas constitute novel aspects, that the elaboration of the strategy allows planning and organizing all actions for each key result area and that brings with it a number of benefits.


Implement the management strategy in the Sports Complex Marcelo Salado Lastra of the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus for the organizational benefits that it brings.


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Management strategy of the sports team marcelo salado lastra from the municipality of sancti spíritus, cuba