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Concentrated Senses Strategy

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Concentrated Senses Strategy

Origins and Present

  • The EKS® "Cyber ​​Management Theory" - adapted to Latin America by Ricardo Gevert under ESC © (Concentrated Senses Strategy) was matured in Germany by Wolfgang Mewes in the 1950s and 1960s and saw the light of day in the 1970s. Its two pillars Essential are the historical role of power in human action and the primacy of strategy over all things. The original label for "cybernetics" comes from the simple fact that its basic philosophy is to approach human management as an open system, that everything has to do with everything, that nothing can be faced in isolation, that the "trick" of Success is finding the "fault" in the system that has to be corrected to readjust it with the least possible waste of energy. The movement of its students already exceeds 120 thousand worldwide, however there are very few Spanish-speaking people.They were organized in a community with regular seminars and conferences and an activity around a strategy magazine (Strategie Journal). The prestigious The Economist already regarded Mewes, now 80, as "the most venerable German strategic management scientist." It was certainly not by chance that the prestigious management magazine Sloan Management Review, edited by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) dedicated its 40th anniversary to this topic in 1999, suggestively titled the edition "In Search of Strategy". In that issue of the SMR (Spring 1999, volume 40, No. 3), the well-known couple Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett in which the essential flag is the demand that managers change the way they approach and practice the strategy.The article by Ghoshal Bartlett and Moran is an argument against what they designate as "strategy as competition for the appropriation of value", whose roots they attribute to the doctrine of business strategy formulated by Michael Porter in 1980, in his work "Competitive Strategy" and the way in which managers and company managers "read" it in the last two decades. The criticism of this way of practicing strategy is summarized in a devastating way, by the authors: «According to this thought, strategy is to position oneself to grasp as much as possible, preventing anyone else from eating a part of the cake. With this strategy, the company is pushed more and more towards a dead end because each attempt towards the appropriation of value requires more efforts, until, finally, there is nothing more to appropriate ”."Get out of that constant rush, out of that dog-world, out of that world that adds up to zero," recommends this manifesto. As will follow from the ESC © Basic Principles, Mewes' strategic philosophy differs from that of Porter. model developed by Mewes also gave rise to the development of Goldratt's continuous improvement process, summarized in 1984 in the bestseller “The Goal”. Continuing with the bestsellers, Prof. Dr. Hermann Simon published in the book “The Hidden Champions”, the Harvard Business School 1996, in which - among others - he concludes after studying 500 successful German SMEs that sell products “Invisible” or low-profile, that 81% of these companies have based their strategy on or derived from EKS® (ESC © in Latin America).How? Adopting a guideline "in which the strategy focuses on creating value for society". Wolfgang Mewes claims to be in this "frequency" of strategy thinking since the 1960s. He claims, as a final note, that Porter, however, tweaked his doctrine in 1996 when he noted "the mutually destructive competition" that had come in the 90s. (See the article he then published in the Harvard Business Review, November / December 96, entitled “What is the Strategy”). With EKS® or ESC © it is not a derivation of «Rhineland» capitalism »Or any specific management in the colors of Germany. In recent years Gevert & Reinhardt Ltda. Develops and applies innovative strategic, marketing and tactical concepts based on ESC © itself, together with clients throughout Latin America,such as eg Top 5-Clienting Profit Strategy © and ESC © Newplacement RePro ©, ESC © Leadership and other novel concepts of management and associativeness.

One of the main successes of ESC © is that, based on the thought and methodology developed by Mewes, they have been adapted to the mentality, idiosyncrasy and way of working in Latin America, without losing the focus on which these companies must increasingly relate to. in a global and less and less local environment.

I. Concentration instead of wallpapering (or dispersion) "He who concentrates his forces sharply, instead of doing it broadly and dispersedly, more easily overcomes the obstacles" - not diversification just because…

"A dog that hunts many rabbits, after all does not hunt any (hunter wisdom)"

II. Most effective point "Markets react as interconnected systems, with all their laws" - markets are like biological organisms: changes in one of its elements invariably lead to changes in other elements, that is, on the global system.

David defeated Goliath. Why? Simply because he behaved diametrically opposite to his opponent: not hitting the eagle, but at the most effective point: not how, but where to concentrate the forces will be relevant.

III. Bottleneck Where is the most effective point? "What the Target Group needs for its development, it demands with greater enthusiasm." The art of management in an increasingly global world is to be able to recognize "the central problem" within the great mass of problems, which in turn is interconnected with all the others. Whoever fixes it sooner and better will also produce a chain reaction, whereby other minor problems will resolve themselves.

IV. Orientation in profit and not in profit "Whoever wants to increase the profit of his Target Group, will obtain his profit automatically" The correct goal decides our success. "If we solve the problems of others, we gain more" Why the maximization of the gains cannot be a permanent priority goal, but a consequence? Small difference = great effect and strategically determining.

The 7 phases of Strategic Development

1. Present Situation and Definition Strengths

2. Promising Field of Action

3. Total or partial Target Group (GO)

4. GO + promising = hot + problem solution

5. Innovation Strategy

6. Cooperation Strategy

7. Basic Social Task

We are facing an (R) evolution - Changement will replace Management

- Create your own situation, since to face the global (R) evolution, the answers are found in the strategic methodology.

- Clienting will replace Marketing (72% of the most important companies in the world put "customer orientation" as priority n ° 1)

- Companies will no longer be as we knew them - they will become "network weavers". Products will no longer be as we knew them - they will become “unique specializations and skills”

- In the future, most companies will prioritize “the ability to adapt to change. We are facing the revolution of the "old and new economy" in the direction of the "human economy" The source of value n ° 1 of the future will be the rediscovery of the human being and his abilities

- Relationships are the key to success and those who foster business rivalry will fail. However, 84% of people fear change and, therefore, their profile of unique competencies (special strengths) will play a determining role in organizational development. But even more, the decisive factor will be the competence profile of a team.

- That is why the "Changement" becomes the "topskill" of the future and the business mastery in the future will be determined by the "Clienting"

  • „Traditional forms of training and study are no longer sufficient…„ The “new” qualification must be coordinated with all domains of change

  • „Managers must integrate their collaborators into the change process„ Fears and insecurities must be taken seriously and their solution must be an integral part of the change „Successful change has three determining components:

- Strategic change

- Organizational change

- The mental change

Coaching in Change Processes

- Senior management coaching

- Tactical level team coaching

- Coach-the-Coach

ESC © a EKS® innovations

TOP 5 Clienting-Profit-Strategy ©

based on ESC ©

  • The "Clienting-Profit" is the "profit" or measurable and palpable profit for the client when accepting the offer of product or service of a company and / or new venture. This may be a material value such as increased profits, reduction of problems and unproductive labor costs, but also an immaterial value as an experience (eg an adventure tourism client). The best thing is to find a combination of both types of values ​​from the client's perspective.

This is an exclusive strategic methodology in Latin America, mainly oriented to SMEs and new ventures.

ESC © intervenes at the level of vision and goals, values, key strategic tasks, core competencies and management leadership, when despite the fact that the business strategy is good…

  • It does not obey an institutional style, that is, a sense and practice of the strategy shared by all Managers There is an inequality in the use and application of a strategic sense by Managers, that is, the Management methodology and style are lacking Institutional Management or Senior Management is not internalized through the example for other collaborators, that is, as part of effective leadership Elements of self-direction and / or self-organization are missing as part of the strategy The vision and balance of the goals of the employees is blurred Manager (interaction of business goals, personal in the profession and personal at a private level) There are gaps in methods for self-motivation and that of collaborators (realization of values, changes in disposition, behavioral requirements)

The leader must follow up on:

  • The mission and vision Differentiate their real benefit in differentiated clients (people) The needs of collaborators and colleagues Their own professional career

The effective leader must lead his own follow-up.

The leader must also be creative and flexible to cover the diverse contexts, situations and challenges of modern life and work environment.

The effective leader must lead his own leadership.

All this makes it necessary for the leader to have a greater capacity to adapt to changes, greater understanding and more skills than before.

The ESC © methodology is the most effective in assisting leaders in an accurate understanding of their talents and abilities, as well as developing effective skills.

ESC © Newplacement RePro ©

RePro ©… is a global and comprehensive strategic education and training concept, composed of 4 Steps to convey key qualifications and essential for personal and professional success.

The key qualifications to be achieved through this 4 Steps concept are:

With the Steps having a synergistic sequence, workshop and advisory participants find systematic answers to the following questions:

1. Where do I want to go? What do I want to be?

2. How do I correctly use my potentials?

3. What is my learning method?

4. How do I do the right things at the right time?

What is image creation advice?

To avoid misunderstandings: ESC © advice in image creation is not a disguise nor does it create a new personality.

The available individual resources are used and their development is enhanced. It is the sympathetic presentation of professional competence and individual personality. A business image consultancy, aims to locate or position such competencies, especially the outstanding ones, with credibility and depending on the position.

Depending on the economic situation or situation of the social environment, according to new conditions that warrant a reorientation of the market, the image can be actively modified, both for individuals, companies or other organizations.

No one is the victim of a certain image - we are the active managers of our own image!

ESC © -Associativeness

ESC © guides the process of business association:

ESC © -Train-the-Teacher


Aims: ESC © education proposes that the achievement of self-benefit is obtained from the common benefit, in any manifestation of social interaction. Achieve individual concern through general concern.

Goals: Training of happy, strategic, autonomous and independent individuals thanks to the development of the ability to reflect on their own social interaction (family, work, school, university, etc.) and the ability to modify the environment based on individual strengths and personal aspirations.

Specific objectives:

- Acquire strategic thinking that allows effective job placement in a globalized world

- Acquire strategic thinking that allows a successful work exercise in a highly competitive market.

The responses expected from participating students are:

- The ability to design your own job placement project based on individual strengths, external market information and cooperative information from the study group.

- The ability to transfer acquired strategic thinking to professional performance.

Central Business Person

Essentially, we attribute the success of a company's growth to the creation of interaction of people in its commercial, governmental and union relations; in association, creation of commercial networks, joint investments, licenses, training, know-how, solutions of products or specific raw materials.

- We call this "clienting"

No one wins alone

For lasting success in the global world, only those models that generate the establishment of economic and personal networks will be successful, those that yield benefits to all involved. Integrating partners into a network concept is our core challenge and core strength.

- We call this "network clienting"

Give and take

Capacity for future success will only be possible through a strategy of change and flexibility, concentrating efforts (specialization) on solving well-defined problems and for clearly identified target groups.

This is achieved by modifying the objectives and the form of relationships between management, HR, companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, catalysing a strategy that brings benefits to all parties involved.

- We call this "changement"

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Concentrated Senses Strategy