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Pedagogical strategy for environmental education in university students

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The environmental problems of the contemporary world are, for the most part, caused by the direct and indirect action of anthropological factors. This is how the role of the human being has acquired, especially in the last decades, an essential function regarding the impacts on the environment, which currently constitutes, in many ways, a real concern for humanity.

Such a situation requires a change in the attitude of the human being, so that knowledge and convictions in this regard must be translated into actions that favor their environment, from strictly local levels to those of global significance. A project of this nature is directly and objectively related to the environmental value system demanded by contemporary society, which is why no effort should be spared in this important direction.

According to Mendes Ceccato, M. (2007). stresses that this increasingly serious situation is conditioned by the irrational attitude of the human being in the environment, so it is necessary to modify behaviors that have prevailed in the historical future, and to form new patterns of behavior based on the conception of sustainable development, as it is conceived as a process of creating the material, cultural and spiritual conditions that promote the elevation of the quality of life, with a character of equity, and sustained social justice and based on the harmonious relationship between natural processes and social, having as object both current and future generations (Mendes, M., 2007).

On the other hand, Altieri 2010, affirms that this concern, in recent years, has been the center of discussions and debates in different national and international meetings, which shows that the solution of such problems is really complex.

In order to achieve the difficult goal of working towards a systemic understanding of the environment, for the sake of sustainable development, the Angolan school can and must become the essential center for its promotion. This important effort needs to be conceived and carried out as a continuous and permanent process of instruction and education, in such a way that it constitutes a component of the comprehensive education of all citizens, aimed at harmonizing the acquisition of environmental content. relationships between human beings and between them and nature, in order to promote the orientation of economic, social and cultural processes towards sustainable development.

The Cuban National Hero José Martí, in the 19th century, stated that: “… to educate is to deposit in each human being all the human work that has preceded him, is to make each human being a summary of the living world, until the day he lives: it is to put it at the level of its time, so that it floats on it and not leave it below its time so that it cannot float; it is preparing man for life ”(Martí, J., 1975: 35).

The idea of ​​linking school with life is not new, it can be affirmed that it arose from the Middle Ages itself when the teaching of the trades was done directly in the workplace and there were no separate institutions of production that dealt with the teaching. However, this important precept has been frequently forgotten in the daily practice of teaching.

According to Commander in Chief F. Castro, education must be aimed at "… preparing man for life and social work" (2003: 7) which "… includes teaching him to confront personal and social problems safely in himself and with abilities in the search for different solution alternatives in correspondence with the historical moment in which he lives ”(2003: 11).

The case of Angola, the educational reform in force since 2001, is part of the analysis of the situation related to education in the country and uses a conceptual methodological framework that guides the way for the solution of the associated problems in its context. Among its objectives it contains: the expansion of the school network, the improvement of the quality of teaching, the reinforcement of the effectiveness and equity of the educational system; which constitutes one of its fundamental components of the and creates necessary and logical expectations on the part of all those, directly or indirectly involved in the educational process, and involves various sectors of Angolan society.

In this sense, the opinion of the first Angolan president A. Neto is shared, referring to the fact that "… it is necessary to take care of the formation of our children and our youth now, so that they can continue our revolution in the future…" (1976: 6), hence the aforementioned educational reform contemplates the formation of the new generations, developing in all its fullness the intellectual, physical and spiritual capacities and promoting, in students, high feelings and aesthetic tastes; turning ideo-political and moral principles into personal convictions and habits of daily conduct expecting to see contemplated in them, the interests and needs of a society in transformation at the height of the historical moment in which it lives.

Based on the idea of ​​the Angolan president, there is a need to form a new generation that meets the principles and ideals that society aspires to, based on the need to first prepare the student who is being trained as a future teacher in charge of equipping to this new generation of values, attitudes and feelings of love for the environment, which translates into actions in favor of its non-deterioration.

Taking into account the different disciplines that are taught during the Geography teacher training, it is expressed in the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, which can contribute to the environmental education of students, but the subject is only considered in the Environmental Management program which is taught in the fourth year, it opens up vast potential for developing effective work in this direction. However, despite the fact that the remaining disciplines taught in the course have a natural and social focus and orientation, the environmental education of the students is still susceptible of being objectively, systematically and contextually enriched; It is not always possible to achieve a clear understanding of the responsibilities that the school institution has in this regard.

On the subject related to the integration of environmental education in the training of new generations, there are several investigations consulted by the author and that constitute antecedents of the present, of them, references in the international context, the works of McPherson, M (1999), Díaz, R. (1999), Valdés, O. (2001), Bosque, R. (2001), Santos, I. (2002), Roque, M. (2003), Vagas, A. (2010), Merino, T. (2010), Gibert, M. (2011), González, G. (2011), Osorio, A. (2011); and other researchers of general training such as Pomier, P. (2004), Altieri, M. (2010) and Magdoff, F. (2010), among others.

In this regard, studies have been conducted at the Angolan school by, Dinis, A (1973), Morais, JA (1976), Pacheco, F. (2004), Benguela, Z. (2006), Castilho, F. (2007), Rangel, N. (2009), Araujo, P. (2009), Chinendele, M. (2009), Dos Anjos, R. (2009), Pakisi, C. (2010), Agostinho, G. (2010), Sebastiao, P. (2010), and others; In all cases, the consulted authors reveal the importance of integrating environmental education into the training of new generations of Angolans who have to their credit the responsibility of building a new homeland according to the demands imposed by the historical moment and the needs of development. of the nation on sustainable bases, in a country immensely rich in resources and seriously looted during years of domination.

Given this mission, the importance of the environmental education of students who are preparing as Geography teachers in the country's pedagogical higher schools is highlighted, however, based on the author's professional experience and the diagnoses made during the research process, (observations to classes, inspection visits, verifications at the year level of the degree), it was found that in the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, there are difficulties in this regard during the training of students in the Geography degree, which manifests itself in the following problematic situation:

  • Poor knowledge and identification with the environment, which leads to the formation of a fragmented and non-systemic vision of it. Limited treatment of environmental education as a methodological issue in the preparation of teachers. Insufficient execution of teaching activities aimed at education environmental of the students from their professional profile. Prevalence of demonstrative and non-practical demonstrative methods related to the environment and its dynamics.

The exposed situation and from the theoretical references consulted, the author identifies a contradiction that manifests itself between the non-systemic nature of environmental education in the training of students and the social demands that, from his profession, give him a high level of responsibility in the global and harmonious formation of the new generations, as established by the Educational Reform and the Constitutional Law in Angola. Taking into account what has been stated, it is declared as a scientific problem, how to contribute to the environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, Republic of Angola?

The pedagogical process of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié is determined as the object of study; and as a field of action, the environmental education of students.

This leads to proposing as an objective of the research, to propose a pedagogical strategy that contributes to the environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié. To fulfill the research objective, the following scientific questions are asked:

  1. What are the theoretical and methodological references that serve as the basis for environmental education in the Republic of Angola? What is the current state of environmental education for students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié? What elements should To form part of a pedagogical strategy that contributes to the environmental education of the students of the Geography major at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié? What results are obtained with the application of the pedagogical strategy related to the environmental education of students in the Geography career at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié?

In order to answer these scientific questions, the following research tasks are proposed:

  1. Determination of the theoretical and methodological references that serve as the basis for environmental education in the Republic of Angola. Characterization of the current state of environmental education for students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié. Design of the pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié. Assessment of the results obtained with the application of the pedagogical strategy related to the environmental education of the students in the Geography degree of the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

The general methodology of the investigation starts from a materialistic dialectical approach and the theoretical methods that are specified below are used:

Analytical-synthetic method: for the evaluation of the various sources used in the study of environmental education and the results obtained in the phase of diagnosis of the students of the and evaluation of the correspondence between the proposed pedagogical strategy designs and its application.

Inductive-deductive method: as a way to specify the prevailing trends in the development of environmental education in the training of students. It was also possible to specify the conceptual framework regarding environmental education and training and its treatment in the training of students.

Method of the transition from the abstract to the concrete: it allowed from the foundations of the theoretical principles of environmental education to arrive at the precise definition of the activities to be carried out.

Historical-logical method: it is used to explain the historical periods of environmental education that serve as the basis for its study and improvement at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, Republic of Angola.

Modeling: it is used in the process of abstraction that involves representing the essential relationships and dependency relationships, hierarchization and structuring of the components and contents of the pedagogical strategy, in the function of training in environmental education for the Geography student at School Pedagogical Superior of Bié.

Methodological triangulation method: it is used to ensure that a more comprehensive approach is taken in solving the research problem. It is classified as triangulation between methods (betwen-method or across-method). It involves the use of two or more research methods and can occur at the design level or in data collection. Observational data and interview data were coded and analyzed separately, and then compared, as a way to validate the findings.

Systemic approach: to assess the mode of interaction and organization between the different components and reveal the functional relationships established between them. It allowed establishing the relationships between the components and the system as a whole. During the structuring and verification process of the pedagogical strategy.

On the basis of the review of all the official provisions that regulate work in the Geography career, taking into account the demands of the diagnostic-investigative work undertaken in this work, the author proposes the following empirical methods:

The documentary study, to achieve an adequate understanding of the guidelines and provisions of the Ministry of Higher Education at its different levels and of the Ministry of General Education and the Environment, in relation to programs, resolutions and laws in force in Angola.

Observation, to verify in practice the performance of teachers in the work of environmental education in the classes where their contents are discussed for the training of students in the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, Republic of Angola and the way of acting of the themselves.

The interview, to know criteria and opinions of Geography students about environmental education that takes place in the current conditions of schools.

The survey, to verify the knowledge of the students, professors and heads of department, in terms of the contents and in particular with regard to the environmental education that is linked to them.

The criterion of specialists, to know about the quality of the diagnostic-investigation and of the pedagogical strategy proposed by the author, to be able to perfect it and make an assessment of its applicability.

The statistical-mathematical method was used to tabulate the data derived from the application of the instruments and to compare the results in the selected stages, based on the percentage analysis.

In relation to the study unit and sample decision, and in correspondence with the reality of the pedagogical process that operates in the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié and the objective of the research; a population is selected and the sample is made up as follows.

Population: it included the 3 department heads, 11 teachers and 237 students of the Geography degree. Sample: 100% of department heads and teachers and 132 students for 55.7%. For the selection of the sample, an intentional criterion was assumed for teachers and administrators, simple random for students.

The theoretical contribution of the thesis lies in the construction of the definition of training in environmental education based on the systematization and relationships identified between environmental education and training from the natural, social and cultural components in the province; The principles that support it are also reformulated and allow its implementation in the pedagogical process of the Higher Pedagogical School of Bie.

From the practical point of view, the research acquires a value of methodological contribution, since the strategy can be used as an example of possible actions to address the issues of environmental education during the pedagogical process, therefore it constitutes an important material for the performance of Geography students at the Escuela Superior de Bié, and feasible to take paths in fact in current conditions, with the aim of achieving a higher level of scientificity and systematicity in the performance of environmental education. On the other hand, the elements that are taken into account for the design of the strategy: assume the perspective of the other, promote communication through dialogue and promote human growth, which enriches and contextualizes it.

The scientific novelty: lies in the fact that the pedagogical strategy that is presented offers the scientific bases for developing the work of environmental education through the pedagogical process, for training in environmental education, taking advantage of the potentialities that the profile of the student of Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

From the structural point of view, the thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and annexes. Chapter 1 addresses all the theoretical and methodological references, from which the essential aspects that support training in environmental education are highlighted. In this chapter, the main aspects of the relationship between education and environmental training and their meaning in the comprehensive training of the Geography student are also analyzed.

In Chapter 2 the research variable is parameterized and the results of the diagnostic work carried out at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié are presented, the proposal for a pedagogical strategy is based, and the results achieved in the verification of its applicability.

The partial results of this research have been disclosed in scientific articles, and presented at various international events such as, University 2012, Science Didactics 2012, Scientific Days in Kuanza Sul (Angola), Scientific Days at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié and in the 2013 Pedagogy Congress, among others.

Chapter I: Theoretical and methodological references that support environmental education and its contribution to the training of geography students at the BIÉ pedagogical higher school.

The distinction between training and education in environmental issues is almost impossible to clearly demarcate it, since the two concepts are closely linked from their theoretical and methodological references. This chapter is dedicated to this relationship and its materialization in the training of future teachers in the Higher Pedagogical Schools of Angola.

1.1 Background of environmental education in the pedagogical process.

Although the environment has always existed, its definition is a relatively recent cultural result in humans; who by becoming aware of its existence, through thought assumes its meaning, its conception, its interpretation, its study and its domain. For this reason, this concept and human culture are closely linked, in continuous evolution and with different meanings.

For the understanding and better study of the environment, as well as the different approaches that it has had in the Angolan educational system, the author assumes the existence of four periods based fundamentally on the repercussion of different international events in the treatment of formal environmental education., the characteristics of the national and international context and its impact on education in Angola.

The first period is located from the first years of the 1960s and lasts until the mid-1970s, it is known as the period of conservationism that has as its background the most important events that occurred in the first half of the 20th century, on all in 1946 with the creation of the Atomic Energy Commission and in 1948 the creation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

While movements in favor of conservationism proliferated in the world, in Angola, the highlands had a complex historical development since they were colonized in the early sixteenth century. The plantations and natural forests that were originally a source of energy and fuel for rural settlements were devastated.

The long period of Catholic indoctrination, (1575 to 1975). He characterized an educational system with a strong connection between the Catholic Church and the Portuguese State, worrying about religious education for an elliptical minority (assimilated), and leaving aside the majority of Angolans to know how to read and write, inherited from the centralist tradition of the Portuguese colonial administration and, above all, a heavy heritage in terms of coverage, schooling, organization and school management; Education was conceived to respond to the needs of a characteristic exploitation economy in Angola at that time. And the school was directed and destined for a colonial elite, the native workforce being devoid of any qualification without the need for technical or social adaptation,hence their knowledge of the impact of economic production on the environment was totally ignored.

The second period or ecological period begins in the mid-1970s and lasts until the late 1980s, its manifestations in Angolan education were: Under the effervescence of independence and the breakdown of the colonial yoke, it focused mainly on the fight against illiteracy and although the results were not as expected, the right of inclusion was provided to all citizens equally, to educational services. Naturalism predominated in the contents taught, viewing the environment as a resource to be exploited, inherited from decontextualized pedagogical models of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

In 1978, the First Educational Reform was proclaimed that with the introduction of new materials such as programs, didactic manuals and others to facilitate the educational teaching process, which foresaw the formation of a new man. In this first reform, the integration of environmental education and awareness content in the teaching curriculum was due to the reflections made during the first national week of nature conservation, which occurred from January 26 to 31, 1976.

The foregoing is also endorsed in the Constitution of the Republic 2010, in its article 39, where it is postulated that "… the State protects the environment and the natural resources of the country. It recognizes its close link with sustainable economic and social development to make human life more rational and to ensure the survival, well-being and security of current and future generations. It is the responsibility of the competent bodies to apply this policy. It is the duty of citizens to contribute to the protection of water, the atmosphere, the conservation of soils, flora, fauna and all the rich potential of nature ”(2010: 14).

From here on, the ecological trend of environmental education begins to be echoed in the study plans and despite the fact that in Tbilisi, its transversal nature is established, its application is recharged towards the subjects of the Natural Sciences area, especially the geography.

The third period runs from the end of the 1980s until 2000, it constitutes a new stage in the development of environmental education in which the way of valuing environmental problems transitions from an environmentalist approach towards sustainability, to Angola the period is characterized by:

In the educational system, environmental education begins to be treated as a component of moral, political, and social training to deal with the complexity of the ecological crisis. Its objectives include training citizens aware of their individual and collective responsibilities to enhance participation. in the search for alternatives at the local and global level. But the social situation of the civil war that was lived then, prevented the fulfillment of such purposes and the final result led to the exacerbation of illiteracy and the educational crisis.

The fourth period, of sustainability against neoliberalism, comprises from 2001 to the present, it is distinguished by the deepening and systematization of the work of environmental education in a globalized and neoliberal world, among its main manifestations in the country are:

Angola does not escape the effects that the international and especially regional situation have on the economy and development of the countries, the same Eucalyptus forest plantations that played an important role during the period 1993 –2002 (end of the war) since They were the only fuel sources for the displaced populations and internal refugees, they suffered a high impact from deforestation, as the number of forest cuts for the construction of houses increased, which made the situation that the Angolan environment begins to undergo more complex. Today the city is without protection from the winds and with great air pollution.

The environmental problem is conditioned by a difficult economic situation and is characterized, on the one hand, by insufficient environmental awareness of economic and social decision-makers, and on the other hand, by insufficient application of a policy, which in practice integrates the environmental dimension to the country's development processes.

After the Second Educational Reform (2001), environmental education continues to focus primarily on the subjects of Biology and Geography. As established in the Basic Law of the Education System (Law No. 13/01), there is a need to include in the programs of the different areas of knowledge, content on the mission of environmental education, the Guidelines and some Principles of the Program. of Environmental Education and Awareness in Angola.

At the educational level, the treatment of environmental content continues to be related to the degradation of the natural components of the environment, neglecting the social, economic and cultural aspects; reason why the required systemic approach for the interpretation of the environmental problem is not reached.

The understanding that environmental education is not an independent subject is evident, and that the contribution, in this sense, will be to the extent that the object of study of the different subjects is linked, either explicitly or implicitly, with the environmental problems, taking into account the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills, attitudes; as well as the formation of values ​​in a general sense.

The current educational system in Angola provides support for the training of teachers in general and technical education. This strategy also works according to the increase in teaching staff and the improvement of pedagogical quality. The program includes deepening practices and seminars both locally and regionally. The needs of each subsystem and of the various technical-professional sectors are taken into account.

1.2 Environmental study of the province of Bié. Starting point for the environmental education of students from the pedagogical process of the Geography course

Bié is a province of Angola that covers an area of ​​70 314 km², its approximate population is 1,794,000 inhabitants. The capital is the city of Kuito and is made up of the following municipalities: Andulo, Camacupa, Catabola, Chinguar, Chitembo, Cuemba, Cunhinga, Kuito and Nharea. Due to its size, it is comparable to nations like Portugal

During the civil war, the territory was devastated environmentally and some basic services are still in recovery. Bié is also characterized by being a confluence area of ​​a series of ethnic groups, but two prevail: Bieno, a subgroup of the Ovimbundu, whose name is related to the name of the province, and Chokwe that, in its migration from the northeast from Angola they got here. Finally, there are small towns listed in the Ganguela ethnographic category, such as the Lwimbi.

In relation to higher education, it has two faculties, the Polytechnic Higher School, which belongs to the José Eduardo Dos Santos University located in the fifth academic region and also the Bié Pedagogical Higher School, which is a direct dependency of the Ministry of Education Higher.

The Higher Pedagogical School is an institution of public higher education, created in 2009, by Decree No. 7/09, of May 12, as a result of the resizing of the Agostinho Neto University, consistent with the creation of new academic regions. From 2005 to early 2009 it functioned as an extension of ISCED-Huambo. It has 1,659 students, 48 ​​Angolan teachers, 23 Cuban and one Brazilian teacher. Its mission is: quality pedagogical training and competence for future teachers specializing in, Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, Primary and Pre-school Education, Biology, Chemistry and Physical Education; to contribute to raising the education and general culture of the populations of the Kuito, Bié regions.

Related to environmental education in the province, due to its marked deterioration, the idea of ​​Governor Álvaro Boa Vida is taken into consideration, stating that work must be done in the conscience of the population and improve living conditions so that they are not carried out practices that harm the environment, such as: cutting down trees, burning garbage, the problem of basic sanitation, lack of respect for older people, among others. For this and other reasons, the need to work on environmental awareness and education from school is considered, and to put the family and the community in function of the development of environmental tasks for the conservation of their environment.

The author then considers that specific training is required for students in pedagogical careers that allow them to transmit knowledge, skills, values ​​and modes of action consistent with sustainable development in their future profession. This training will provide ecological, sociological, anthropological, philosophical, economic knowledge and foundations (theoretical-methodological, methods and techniques), among others, that will help develop a critical awareness of their environments, in such a way that the training process, as a whole with a series of habits, attitudes and behaviors, it can become concrete.

The new system of teacher training aims to professionally prepare teachers in order to ensure their theoretical and practical preparation, from the introduction of new models aimed at raising the levels of scientific and technical-pedagogical qualification of students. For this reason, initial and permanent training cannot be understood in a detached way from the process of producing didactic knowledge and this, in turn, cannot take place outside the natural laboratory of the classrooms.

Future teachers must understand that environmental education, in addition to a rigorous, deductive and formal body of knowledge collected in the fields of human development, is also a human activity, with all the problems that such activities entail: moments of conjecture, of doubt, acceptance or refutation; It has been built through centuries of attempts, successive corrections and refinements, as well as cultivating problem solving strategies, some of them very unusual among most people's ways of reasoning.

“Environmental education should not be a subject added to existing school programs, but should be incorporated into programs aimed at the entire student body, whatever their age. Its content should cover all areas of the school and extracurricular program and constitute a single continuous organic process ”(UNESCO, 1980: 15). The main idea is to achieve, thanks to a growing interdisciplinary relationship and prior coordination between disciplines, an education with a view to solving environmental problems and preparing students for decision-making.

When carrying out a critical analysis, the criteria of the consulted authors are shared since their results can be contextualized in the reality of Angola, specifically in the pedagogical process of the training course for students of the Geography degree in the Higher Pedagogical Schools, since awareness is the objective of this career, based on a reflective process that directs the students' procedures towards transforming the environment on the basis of sustainable development, which will undoubtedly transform them into citizens who They will be able to use the country's resources and contribute to its economic development by training new generations. In compliance with the above, it is required to integrate during the training for the environmental education of the student,attention to three components:

The natural component, associated with the ecosystem organization of nature. Therefore, to the energetic fluxes between the living species and of these with the physical conditions of the environment as well as to the nutritional cycles that pass through all the living and non-living elements of the ecosystems and that make life possible (including the human) in the different spaces that man affects or affects him and in general that are substantial to the very existence of the biosphere, among other interactions. That is to say, it is about nature estimated from its indispensable systemic ecological order as it conditions and demands life in general and social life in particular. A natural component evaluated outside this dynamic lacks environmental sense.

The social component, deployed in a context of relationship with nature, associated first of all with socially conditioned demographic and productive dynamics, in unity with the rest of the socio-formational typologies, based on the specificity of the existing production relations.

This component is understood from everything that gives uniqueness to the social movement as a superior form of the movement of matter and therefore that incorporates nature as a socially significant reality for the being of society; this is that it gives content and historical-concrete form to the society-nature relationship as well as to the men who participate in it. This social life also takes place in ecosystems and it itself has an objective need for its ecosystem organization as a condition of existence.

The cultural component that, taken as a singular dimension of the social, acquires the capacity of mediator in the relationship between society and nature, while the socio-system dialogues with the bio-system through culturally qualified human activity. Culture constitutes a synthesizing element, of definition of environmental attitude-aptitude and solution of the problems concerned, while at the same time that environmental reality is recreated and developed.

To achieve the integration of these components in the treatment of environmental education in the pedagogical process of teacher training, it should be oriented to respond to the needs of knowledge acquisition and the formation of feelings, qualities and values ​​in students, from social interactions and the zone of proximal development.

1.3 Training in environmental education. Theoretical - methodological bases for its development in the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, Republic of Angola.

In the definitions consulted around environmental education and training, training in environmental education is not only the act of transmission or possession of knowledge, because knowledge is made, remade through the transforming action of the real and through the critical understanding of the transformation that has taken place before what can happen tomorrow. Training in environmental education constitutes an organic and reflective process of reorganization of individual and collective knowledge to influence the participatory, active, reflective and transformative way in building capacities to understand and intervene in the social transformation of the local and international environment.

From the systematization of the concepts of environmental education and environmental training and given that the object of study of this research is the pedagogical process in which education professionals are trained; the author feels the need to define, the training in environmental education as: Long and complex process that includes the concepts, procedures, and very especially values ​​and attitudes, considered according to a model that takes into account sociological, contextual, psychological factors, and of curricular design; that articulates academic content and pedagogical and didactic training in environmental education.

In which it is made explicit that it constitutes an element of the education process that begins with the development of the individual's personality, so it acquires a permanent and systematic character. From the author's assessment, it is understood, not only as a vision or as a reorientation and articulation of disciplines, as considered in Tbilisi and other authors, but as a permanent and contextual educational process, aimed at awakening the need to universalize human ethics and induce individuals to adopt responsible attitudes and behaviors in relation to the environment, which ensure their protection and the improvement of the quality of life of humanity in the present and the future, all of which implies acquiring awareness and acting accordingly.

For the fulfillment of all the aforementioned, there is a need to train future professionals with comprehensive and general training in environmental education, with all that we can highlight that: the training of professionals has multiple challenges for the 21st century, determined first for the numerous and complex problems that humanity faces in the current stage of the civilization process and secondly for the new trends and currents in the field of educational sciences.

It is a matter of making an approach to the problem of environmental training of education professionals attending to these two requirements. The program for strengthening environmental education in Angola has the following general objectives:

  1. Provide all people the possibility of acquiring knowledge, in the sense of the values, attitudes of interests and opinions necessary to conserve, protect and improve the environment and the quality of life using various means; Progressively introduce new patterns of behavior in citizens, social groups and society as a whole, with respect to the environment and the consequent quality of life; Develop training actions in the field of the environment at different levels (seminars, courses, etc.) aimed at teachers, health technicians, journalists and responsible: gradually introduce basic notions, environmental concepts and themes in the school curricula of the different levels of education, favoring approaches to local environmental problems and their solutions;

By way of conclusion, it is pointed out that environmental education as a dimension of Education includes among its theoretical and methodological foundations the following elements:

  • It ensures the understanding of the environment and environmental problems as complex systems that must be approached from a holistic perspective focused on human relations. It constitutes an education in values, which pursues not only the formation of knowledge and skills, but also reaching the dimension axiological of these, associated with the formation of behaviors in the framework of participatory education, inserted as an integrated conception, intrinsically, in all disciplines. Environmental education must be part of education in a broad sense, as is the formation of values ​​and all their class, political, economic and cultural assumptions. It promotes conceptual and methodological innovation based on open, participatory and problematizing methods that allow the active and critical learning.It develops the formation of a non-consumer culture that incorporates skills to live in the sustainable world that implies the formation of a personality whose main distinction is austerity, unable to enjoy comforts and advantages that harm the life of society and nature.

Chapter II: Pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of the geography career students, details for their practical implementation in the BIÉ pedagogical higher school.

In this chapter, the analysis of the results obtained from the use of empirical and theoretical investigations is carried out, allowing the determination of the dimensions and indicators to be taken into account in the diagnostic stage. The current state in the treatment of environmental education in the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié is characterized.

In addition, the foundation of the proposal is made from the philosophical point of view. Furthermore, from a psychological point of view, the chapter addresses the importance of cognitive and affective aspects within the teaching-educational process and their implicit significance within the author's proposal. In the pedagogical order, the integral nature of the pedagogical process and the full relationship that must exist between the components that make up this process are conceived, taking into account, in particular, the need for the use of problem-solving methods that guarantee learners a developer learning, active and reflective, which also contributes to the development of skills and the formation of important values ​​in students.

2.1 Characterization of the current state of environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

For environmental education, as a variable, it is proposed to investigate its behavior from four dimensions and indicators are established for each of them (Annex 1). The result of the initial study allowed the author to characterize the variable from the following elements:

In general, it can be argued that the heads of department are insufficiently prepared to carry out the work of orientation of environmental education to teachers from the methodological preparation, despite recognizing that on the part of the government there is an orientation to do so, since They would provide the future teacher with the knowledge, skills, and values ​​to contribute to their way of acting in their professional performance. Governed in the documents of the educational reform in Angola.

On the other hand, teachers recognize the importance of environmental issues but consider that they do not have the necessary tools to teach them. In the classes it was not possible to observe the use of the methods, forms and pathways for the development of environmental education for the educational process. Although attempts are made to know the needs of the students, there is no evidence that they work with their potential for environmental education. The assessment of positions assumed in different situations related to the environmental education of students during their educational work is not promoted.

In the students, it was not possible to verify that they demonstrate mastery of professional skills to integrate environmental education into their work from the discipline they teach. However, it promotes the systematization of environmental education actions planned during the educational process, speaking in a general sense of harmful habits and processes aimed at formal education in a particularly marked sense.

2.2 Foundations of the pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

The materialistic dialectic is assumed as the philosophical foundation and general method of this proposal, because it provides a system of scientific ideas, criteria and points of view for the interpretation of the universe in which one lives. The author assumes, as the main psychological foundations in his investigative work, Vygotsky's historical-cultural approach, which states that the student dynamically appropriates the socio-historical experience of humanity.

The work of environmental education in classrooms is based on a systemic conception that defines the most appropriate pedagogical actions, so that in each subject it is not enough to emphasize everything directly related to the specialty, which leads to putting into practice a vision partial and incomplete of objective reality. In this way, the organization of teaching, extra-teaching and extracurricular work where environmental education acquires comprehensive and interdisciplinary approaches is essential.

The teachers who undertake this urgent task require the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively incorporate a true environmental dimension in the development of their programs (curriculum), which responds to contemporary demands, both community and national. and global.

An aspect of great pedagogical interest in the proper exercise of environmental education, is based on the instructional and educational work based on the previous knowledge and experiences of students regarding environmental problems and the particularities of the environment where they live. The environmental problem, when it is object of treatment in the classroom, is sustained in the reflection, in the pertinent analyzes of the cause-effect relations and in the dialectical contradictions that are inherent to it.

The use of productive pedagogical methods derived from well-defined objectives, the contextualization of teaching and the objectivity of teaching work, are other aspects that promote success in environmental education work in school classrooms. This is how the problem-based approach to teaching is one of the criteria assumed by the author in his thesis, the consequent application of which is aimed at active and reflective learning, and at raising the motivational levels of students towards issues of environmental significance.

2.3 Structure, components and actions of the pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of the students of the Geography degree at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

The components and actions of the proposed strategy are based on the theoretical and methodological criteria issued in the foundations that precede it and the characteristics of the teacher who is being trained at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bie. The strategy consists of four stages: a stage of diagnosis, planning, execution and control. It is characterized by having a systemic, dialectical and flexible character. The systemic character is where coordination relationships predominate, although subordination and dependency relationships between activities and actions are still present. Its flexible nature, given the possibilities of adapting to change in correspondence with the apprehension of educational potential according to the needs and expectations that they manifest in the contexts of professional performance.

Its dialectical nature is present in the search for the qualitative change that occurs (real state to the desired state), by the constant adaptations and readjustments that its actions may undergo and by the articulation between the objectives (pursued goals) and the methodology (instrumented pathways to achieve them by combining the methods of educational guidance and environmental education) among others, based on the need to:

  • project preparation in environmental education topics. plan environmental education in the methodological work system plan environmental education work in professional action contexts.

Workshops and scientific-methodological events are also considered to be moments in which the results of the methodological work and the rest of the activities of the pedagogical process are exchanged and communicated through exposition, debate and reflection. This encourages feedback within the pedagogical process, to make changes based on the results.

For a better understanding, each stage is explained with the objective, activities and actions that are proposed.

I- Diagnostic stage

Objective: To determine the needs and potential of students for environmental education. It is oriented towards three fundamental directions: Diagnosis, procedures used, and attitudes.

In relation to the first address, it is proposed:

  • Diagnosis of knowledge about environmental education that students possess. For this diagnosis it is suggested to apply the instruments that appear in annexes 1,2 and 3. Diagnosis of the procedures that are used for the application in the pedagogical process of the principles, objectives and methods for environmental education. It is suggested that the professional skills that are integrated for environmental education, the knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values ​​inherent to the environment be considered.Diagnosis of the attitudes that are expressed, in the positions that are assumed before different problems of environmental education, in the interrelation of their contexts of professional performance.

In order to fulfill the objective proposed at this stage, specific activities and actions are proposed.

It is proposed to carry out three fundamental actions and within them the corresponding activities.

1-Preparation for diagnosis.

Determination of the aspects to diagnose. The main priorities of treatment work for environmental education should be identified from the school perspective. For this see; the minutes of methodological meetings, problems to be investigated at school, other investigations carried out in educational centers.

In addition, consult the characterization of the Community and the school to identify the common points between the objectives, methods and results that are achieved, from environmental education and that allow the diagnosis to be expanded. The elements in common that are dealt with allow determining from the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal aspects to be diagnosed, bearing in mind the dimensions and indicators that are proposed for the research variable and the value scale.

Determination of the techniques to be used in the diagnosis.

2- Preparation and application of the instruments.

  • Construction and / or adaptation of instruments. Application of instruments to diagnose needs in student training, management structures.

3-Processing and presentation of the results of the instruments that are applied. The tabulation of the instruments. It allows the analysis of potentials and weaknesses individually and in groups, with students.

For this it is necessary:

  • Interpretation of the data obtained, Qualitative assessment of the results, Preparation of individual and group forecasts.

The interpretation, assessment and elaboration from the quantitative and the qualitative, allows the teacher to project according to the needs and potentialities, from the individual and the group, the actions to be carried out in the center. It is necessary: ​​the presentation of the results of the diagnosis in the school's career groups.

II- Planning stage:

Objective. Design activities for the exercise of environmental education in the school and the community

It presupposes the critical analysis of the results of the previous stage. In addition to the operating conditions in the career and the educational needs that are detected, with a systemic and coherent conception that responds to the general objective of the strategy. This stage is developed in five actions that are deployed in specific activities and are explained below:

  1. Interpretation of the applied diagnosis. Determination of the topics to be dealt with in the methodological work system. Precision of the methodological work routes to carry out each topic. Design of program of activities to work with the student, in the school and in the community. the ways to carry out the themes in the methodological work system and those that will be used for the program of activities to be implemented in the school and the community.

Regarding the Interpretation of the diagnosis applied to the student. The teacher analyzes the results of the diagnostic stage.

a) This allows determining the educational needs regarding environmental education.

b) Preparation of a forecast of topics to be developed.

2. Determination of the topics to be dealt with in the methodological work system of the school, based on the diagnosis. The strengths and weaknesses that are detected in the first stage make it possible to plan the topics for teacher preparation in the methodological work system.

They are characterized because they favor.

  1. The understanding of himself, his interpersonal relationships and culture. The problematization of his life and reality. Communication with himself and with others. The projection of personal goals and the time to achieve them.

In its structure it must be kept in mind:

1st: The experience.

2nd: Prosecution of the proposal.

3rd: Contrast with the experiences. The themes must allow materializing the steps outlined, as well as fostering the creativity of the students involved.

4- Design of the program of activities for the school and the community.

The design of the program, to work the environmental education in the school and the community is designed in the formation of the student after making the diagnosis. It is suggested to work in educational activities and to incorporate family and community members into school, extracurricular and extra-educational activities. Each design is dependent on the contextualized characteristics, their potential and needs.

For the elaboration of the plan of activities to work with the community it is necessary to receive, first of all, the preparation in the topics and also take into account those of the teacher as a starting point.

People build their knowledge from their own ideas, sometimes acquired before or during learning, and through their physical and emotional experiences. These ideas have great internal coherence and are very difficult to modify. In the case of the subject of these topics, some preconceptions must be taken into account:

  1. The belief in the omnipotence of the human species. The belief in the unlimited recycling capacity of nature.

Both conceptions consider the Earth and the human species as the center of the universe. They materialize in attitudes of waste and excessive optimism about the reversal of damages. Questioning them constantly is a starting point when dealing with the different problems that will be studied in the themes.

Learning based on the treatment of environmental problems.

The themes should debate environmental problems present in the school environment, to favor reflection, reasoning and critical capacity through well-organized and structured activities.

To promote interrogation, data search and inquiry, the environmental problems that are detected can be entrusted to all the teachers for the research. For this, the technique of identifying and solving the environmental problems of the context must be used. Technique that they will later apply when designing the activities and actions with their contexts of professional performance, jointly using the ways of working in environmental education that are referred to in the theoretical chapter.

III- Execution stage

Objective: Execute planned actions that contribute to environmental education

This stage has three specific actions:

  1. Carrying out the themes in the methodological work system. Implementation of the program of activities in the school and the community based on the socio-cultural characteristics Readjustment and evaluation of the activities in their execution process.

IV- Evaluation stage

Objective: Evaluate the applicability of the proposal.

To evaluate the themes from the conceptual point of view, it is considered important that the exhibition takes into account the following aspects:

  1. Make an introduction in order to relate the ideas prior to the phenomenon to be treated, which must be related to the new concepts that are acquired. Present the learning material that can be: an exhibition, a reading, a practical activity, a debate, a painting, among others. The important thing is that the conceptual organization is clear and is carried out explicitly. Establish relationships between previous ideas and the new organization of content, checking to what extent students are able to exemplify, explain, compare and apply, among other skills.

The analysis of the application of the strategy is carried out according to the proposed objectives. All this enables the elaboration of evaluations in relation to the proximity of each group, especially the teacher, to the desired state; as well as the systematization of the activities and actions that are undertaken.

The verification of the final results constitutes a starting point for the identification of new needs and problems. This result is used for the redesign of a new action plan, which is valued by the participants.

The attitudinal component requires that, in addition to conceptual change, there be a change in modes of action that has an impact on the adoption of behaviors that respect the environment and improve their quality of life.

For this, the teacher, when designing the activities and actions, must group the contents into concepts, procedures, attitudes and to achieve a development in the environmental thinking of his students.

2.4 Results obtained in the environmental education of the Geography students, after the application of the pedagogical strategy in the educational practice of the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié.

However, to check the applicability of the proposed pedagogical strategy, the author relies on the methodological triangulation criterion, proposed by Dr. C. Ruiz, A. (1997), research methods are applied, which allow the information to be crossed Obtained to control the data from different positions, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the design and the impact of the pedagogical strategy to develop the environmental education of the student.

The techniques and methods used were: the assessment scale (see Annex 4 Assessment scale), and the Observation Guide for teaching activities (see Annex 5), which allow deepening the veracity in the development of knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, from the application of the pedagogical strategy. According to the aspects considered for observation, the following assessment can be made:

  • The mastery of scientific knowledge and positive values ​​regarding environmental education reaches the student. Taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the curriculum to carry out environmental education. The preparation achieved by the cloister Awareness is still considered a weakness and involvement by the leaders at the commune level.

Next, the specialists' consultation is given, which is carried out in two moments: the first is carried out with a survey to which is attached a synthesis of the proposal designed by the author. They make very critical judgments about the pedagogical strategy and the methodological procedures for its application, which allow the work to be perfected, they are: (see annex 6, survey applied to specialists to assess the applicability of the strategy).

  • The organization of the pedagogical process enhances the incorporation of the family and the commune. The role played by the directors at the level of the Pedagogical School of Bié and the government of the province is fundamental for the development of the strategy In this same sense it facilitates the preparation of the student for environmental education to work. The development of methodological work in the school, properly planned and organized, enhances work with environmental education. Thematic workshops are a way to develop the preparation of teachers according to the student they are training. The indicators and dimensions are in line with the pedagogical strategy, but the measurement scale should be more precise.


Given the conditions of the current world and of Angola in particular, environmental education is constituted as an essential element in the comprehensive training of new generations, hence the pedagogical process that takes place at the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, offers endless possibilities for its development from an integrative perspective of the curriculum, from this idea it can be concluded that:

Training in environmental education, seen as a dimension of the pedagogical process, integrates the contents that the disciplines of the Study Plan contribute from the teaching activity to the other extra-teaching activities, manifesting the systemic nature of said process, through which the student prepares As a citizen and professional by providing academic content and pedagogical and didactic training in environmental education.

In the diagnosis, environmental education is evident in the Geography student's training, weaknesses persist in terms of knowledge, procedures, attitudes and development. However, there are potentialities and opportunities that make it possible to transform this situation by using a pedagogical strategy.

The proposed pedagogical strategy is structured in stages, activities and actions, characterized by having a systemic, dialectical and flexible character. With it, it contributes to offering levels of aid in the training of the Geography student to work environmental education and raise their quality of life.

The evaluation of the results of the application of the pedagogical strategy reveals favorable changes regarding the desired state. Environmental education of the Geography student is expressed in the acquisition of knowledge, the development of evaluations, skills and changes. It is also evident in the various activities and actions that are modeled and carried out in the school and the community.


Continue the application of the proposed pedagogical strategy in accordance with the approach that supports it, enriching the processes of execution and evaluation of the pedagogical strategy in favor of improvement, especially for environmental education. This allows its constant evaluation and improvement, as well as the adjustment to the new needs, conflicts and contradictions that arise in the dynamics of its application.

Strengthen the training and permanent improvement processes of the practicing professional to prepare them with a view to applying the pedagogical strategy proposed in different contexts of action

Consider the application of the pedagogical strategy presented in this research in the training process of Geography students, with a view to their comprehensive education, in correspondence with the needs and demands of the school context and society.

Scientific production of the author

  • AGOSTINHO C., GUILHERME. (2011). "Environmental education strategy in primary schools in the S. Antonio neighborhood". ISBN 978-95-9-1614-34-6AGOSTINHO C., GUILHERME. (2011). "Sustainable use of the environment". ISBN 978-959-18-0780-9AGOSTINHO C., GUILHERME, (2013). Strategy for environmental education in the primary education of the Santo-Antonio community of the Huambo municipality, Republic of Angola. On CD-ROM "Pedagogy 2013". ISBN 978-959-18-0881-3.AGOSTINHO C., GUILHERME, (2014). "Pedagogical strategy for environmental education for students of the Angola primary school". IPLAC Magazine. ISSN 1997-6752.

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Annex No. 1: Survey of students of the Geography course at the Higher School of Bie. Republic of Angola.

Student, we invite you to answer the following questionnaire in order to achieve your collaboration in this research. We request that you express true criteria in your answers that guide us at work, for the time provided, thank you very much.

1. Do you consider that it is important to include the environmental dimension in the classes of the degree you are studying? List some environmental problems that affect the community near your school.


2. Identify from the following options the one that best fits the place that environmental education occupies in the educational project of your school

a) __ It is a priority and involves the community in systematically programmed activities.

b) __ Activities that respond to the interests of the center are planned, such as cleaning areas, planting trees or recycling garbage.

c) __ It is not a priority in the educational work of the school.

d) __ Other (s): ___________________________________________________


3. Select from the following variants the two most frequent ones for which you receive content related to environmental education in your school.

  1. __ I receive abundant knowledge, from most of the disciplines of the study plan in an integrated and systematic way.__ I receive information from some disciplines.__ I receive little information and in a non-systematic way.__ The knowledge I have is the result of my personal study. __ The knowledge I have obtained through the media and social communication__ Other (s): ___________________________________________________


4. List at least three qualities you must possess as a graduate of your career related to environmental education.




5. In the space provided below, express the significance that environmental education could have for your professional and citizen training.

Annex No. 2: Observation guide to class in the Geography course at the Bié High School. Republic of Angola.

General data.

Discipline: __________________

Indicators to evaluate It is observed It is not observed

Evidence of knowledge of the components of the environment is shown and its problems are worked on in a systemic way.

They have knowledge of the current documents in values ​​education and environmental education.

Manifest update on the contents of environmental education.

Use of methods, forms and pathways for the development of environmental education in the educational process.

Knowledge of the needs and potential of their students for environmental education.

It promotes the assessment of positions assumed in different situations related to the environmental education of students during their educational work.

Demonstrates mastery of professional skills to integrate environmental education into his work from the discipline he teaches.

It promotes the systematization of environmental education actions planned during the educational process.

Annex No. 3: Results of the Observation Guide to class in the Geography course at the Bié High School. Republic of Angola.

Criteria Average Rating

  1. 0.6 Not Observed0.8 Not Observed0.5 Not Observed0.3 Not Observed0.9 Observed0.7 Not Observed0.7 Not Observed0.9 Observed

Source: Observation Guide

N = Maximum: 1 0 - 0.8 Not Observed

N1 = Minimum: 0> 0.8 It is observed.

L = _1_ / 5

L = 0.2

Annex No. 4: Assessment scale for identifying strengths and limitations

Objective: Identify the strengths and limitations of the strategy for environmental education


Evaluate the following propositions according to the level at which they are.

They are expressed as characteristics to integrate. Take as a criterion the scale that we present below. Mark with an X the box that you consider:

1- Never. 2- Sometimes. 3- Almost always. 4- Always.


It promotes environmental education content in the subjects.

Promotes in your group tasks related to environmental education

Take advantage of the school's potential for environmental education for families and the community.

Carry out extra-educational activities in the group with a view to environmental education.

It accepts with satisfaction the work of environmental education with the family and the community.

He values ​​the integration of environmental education content in the teaching and extra-teaching activities of his group as positive.

Activities are carried out that promote environmental awareness.

Annex No. 5: Observation guide for teaching activities.

Objective: To verify the presence of environmental education through teaching activities.

Exercise: _________________

Year: _____

Affair: _____________________________________________________

1. Environmental education content is addressed in the dynamics of group work

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___

2. They take advantage of the potential of the content of the class to approach orient environmental education

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___

3. The methodological treatment of the content of environmental education is evident

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___

4. Teacher preparation regarding the concepts of the orientation of environmental education

Good___ Regular___ Bad___

5. Mastery of the content of environmental education

Good regular bad_________

6. The leading role is enhanced.

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___

7. Contributes to developing respect between people.

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___

8. Admonishes inappropriate environmental behaviors.

Yes___ No___ Sometimes___ Does not manifest _____

9. Other actions of environmental education that the observer would like to value.

Annex No. 6: Survey applied to specialists to assess the applicability of the strategy.

Objective: To know the criteria of the specialists on the pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of the Geography students and to be able to perfect it and make an assessment of its applicability.

Dear classmate

As you already know, we continue to work on pedagogical research in Bié, Republic of Angola and for this purpose, different actions are carried out conceived in a pedagogical strategy for the environmental education of students and those included with the family and community, we know of his willingness to collaborate and we have decided to consider him as an expert for the application of the consultation of specialists, so his criteria would be very useful to us in order to improve this strategy and assess its applicability, and implementation in the pedagogical process at the University of Bié.

We therefore ask you to carefully analyze the content of the summary offered and respond by marking with a cross (x) the degree of importance that you attach to each of the proposals that reflect aspects that underlie the strategy, structuring and important actions of its execution. The very suitable category represents the highest degree of importance recognition and the lowest is not adequate. Thank you very much.

We need your suggestions, recommendations or evaluations regarding the strategy, for which we thank you in advance for your notes. Please express them below.

Pedagogical strategy for environmental education in university students