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Business strategies in crisis situations

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In some way or another, no Institution, Company or Organization is exempt from going through a crisis situation. Communication management is a variable that is not very important. On the one hand, it can help to succeed or, on the contrary, sharpen it even more. This article aims to help all those susceptible to live an experience of these. That is why it focuses on one stage, communication in the crisis itself.

Previous definitions

What is understood by crisis? Common sense associates it with those unforeseen situations that burst onto the stage and can alter the course of events significantly.

Crises invade and hinder conscious, analyzed and safe decision-making since almost obsessive and permanent thinking about the consequences of the former occupies the mind insistently.

For some, crises can affect the positions of power of individuals or organizations. A manager may be forced to resign and a president to decline his position. For a company, a crisis can mean an accident, a large strike, damage to the environment, the declarations of one of its members, the financial situation or information that is leaked. Everyone must analyze their vulnerabilities and potential situations of becoming a crisis. There is no single definition depending on each individual case and its context. Power, time, emotions and uncontrolled behaviors are inherent factors of crises that must be analyzed in detail.

Decisive variable: time

Immersed in a situation of these characteristics, temporal perception is subjective and decisively influences the handling of circumstances. The combining emotions project two situations. The analysis of one of them, can lead those involved to consider that the counterproductive effects will not be harmful and therefore it is not necessary to act immediately when, in fact, reality requires it. Another analysis may conclude that the time is short to resolve the situation and the negative consequences are imminent.

Another temporal dimension that is part of the picture is social times. That is, the time of others: the time of the media, the time of Justice, competition, etc. This variable, due to its importance, requires training, analysis and planning on the part of the actors in a preventive way. In other words, time is a decisive and structural factor in the crisis; an incorrect reading can exacerbate the situation.

In the eye of the storm

In this postmodernity, flooded with screens, the media's agenda prevails. Crises are always inscribed in it. The negativity of a news item leads to transmitting "from the scene". This translates into pressure that requires information from those involved to bring it to the public stage. Once again, the time of the media contends to prevail.

The ideal is the formation of a "Crisis Committee" to assess the situation, its possible consequences and the actions to be taken. In the communicational field, it is necessary to constantly provide "first-hand information" and project an active and dynamic image in front of Public Opinion. Silence creates a negative image and leaves the ground open for voices ready to speak.

In this situation, all transmitted information must be verified and every word spoken will have its importance. Incorrect information or a phrase out of context will be difficult to recover.

Another aspect, advertising. It is advisable to suspend all ongoing advertising campaigns. Their messages can disturb, make noise, during communication management in crisis. The slogan, with a message opposite to the current situation, are the target of journalistic developments.

Communication tools:

  • A trained spokespersonPress ConferencesInstitutional SitePress PamphletsPress Press

A person must become the spokesperson. He is the valid interlocutor in front of the media and through him the elaborated institutional discourse is spread. It is better that a suitable person in front of the media duly informed that several go to the intersection and contradictions can arise. If the situation demands it, a Press Conference can be organized.

The official website is a communication channel not to waste. It is a resource to calm the craving for information from the Press and other audiences.

The Press Releases that are written must inform the state of the situation. In that same edition you can enter the time of the next office.

Another alternative, to combine, is to prepare a Press Kit. This presents an extensive development that contains the background of the situation, the current state and other additional information relevant to the interpretation of the case.

Prevent, a proactive attitude.

Undoubtedly, experience teaches, but it is not necessary to reach this stage if you can implement some strategies to avoid them and face them with prior knowledge. One of the possibilities is to use the scenario building technique. Similar to the scenarios that are developed in institutional communication diagnoses. They help to imagine alternatives to future contingencies. The ability to design scenarios and learn through them will optimize performance in crisis management.

Professionalizing the area of ​​Institutional Communication in organizations is a positive option in anti-crisis prevention. Professionals in this area know the back room of the press and are trained to generate answers in advance. Another option is the external professional management of the area.

Prevention, taken from this perspective, becomes a strength. The conjunction of these variables in the hands of the main actors will better overcome the impact of a crisis.

In today's society, the term "crisis" has become commonplace and presents a transfer, sometimes even curious. Preparing for a potential situation of this type is key in the face of the press's own dynamics. Developing a “Crisis Manual”, according to your needs, with professionals in the area of ​​social communication, will help you to face the crisis in an organized way.

Business strategies in crisis situations