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Organizational structure of a municipal mayor's office in Colombia


Organization is the pillar of success for any company, denoting success not only as triumph over expectations, but as growth, innovation and constant formulation of objectives, which leads to imminent success in an organized way.

Introducing with this subjective point of view, I would like to share the experience I had when learning about the organization of the Municipal Municipality of Restrepo (Meta), bearing in mind that as a municipality of culture and history, a primary aspect of its mission is to be a potential agro-tourism the goal and the orinoquia from the administration and sustainable management of their wealth; This apart from its mission not only reflects its respect for nature and its culture, but the desire to achieve success based on the good organization of its administration, which will really be in charge of guiding its objectives towards achievement; it is now when I consider it convenient and opportune to introduce myself in the part of its administration and thus be able to visualize, analyze and in some way make useful contributions to this great organization.

The Municipal Municipality of Restrepo has adopted the model of formal organization, reflecting both the hierarchical part, and its due division of labor and also evidencing the respective order and regular conduct to be followed regarding the supervening need, this formal organization is the reflection of A good coordination, because it manifests the levels of the organization and from there derives its responsibility with it, a point of view to contribute, is to be careful and not fall into rigidity, that is, to adopt a formal organization properly legalized, does not mean that if the regular conduit is not complied with, an operational level could not interact with a managerial level, my proposal is to energize this concept, is to take into account each and every one of the suggestions from both our internal clients and from outsiders,since it is our internal clients who may know more about our clients' expectations regarding what they know about our organization and the tastes and preferences in their position as clients.

Starting from the formal organization using a functional Departmentalization, the Municipal Municipality of Restrepo, has structured a general organization chart that allows us to show three hierarchical levels, taking into account that the organizational levels exist because there is a limit to the number of people that a manager can supervise. effectively, in this case at the head of the organization we have the Municipal Mayor as a managerial level, from which five secretaries are released under their own direction, coordination and supervision, representing the executive level, in the same way the organization chart reflects a dependency that it follows directly from each secretary that constitutes the operational level; from the above description,we can get a very close idea of ​​its scope of control and it is precisely a formal organization with departmentalization by function with narrow sections, which facilitates direct supervision, strict control and rapid communication between subordinates and superiors, bearing in mind that there are clear policies and that it has also tried not to get too involved in the functions and decisions of each department, since it is necessary to highlight the degree of trust that the organization has, which has led them to harmonize a work environment not only of trust, if not of responsibility and empowerment of each subordinate regarding the tasks entrusted; It is not superfluous to emphasize that the word harmony is not synonymous with avoiding conflict, but with understanding that each discussion generates an ideological enrichment,concept that has been unified in the organization and regarding which there is clarity to distinguish a learning situation from a storm situation.

Just as its scope of control is clear, it is important to highlight the way they have been organized, I mean how they have been grouped by activities and people in departments to make it possible for the organization to expand and be coordinated, for which it has been implemented the Functional Departmentalization reflecting a clear coordination of activities and organizational hierarchy, this type of Departmentalization is the most appropriate for its activity, since the Municipal Mayor's Office is not oriented to satisfy a specific client, but rather to work together on the decisions that lead to development of a region, in this case the processes that go ahead to achieve its main objective are the processes that frame an organization that is based on projects that comply with strict approval steps,which requires that each department is in charge of carrying out its function for this or another project and also passes to another area for its completion; Of course, I am giving an example regarding projects contemplated in your development plan, but likewise, it is generally known that the City Halls cover all or most of the administration of a Municipality and more in the specific case of the Municipal City Hall. de Restrepo, which fulfills not only the function of directing and coordinating all the administrative tasks of the municipality and acting as a legal representative before all social, governmental and administrative entities, but also exercises the municipal police and judicial authority as the main body, among other functions, for all these activities at the head of the Municipal Municipality of Restrepo, it is clear,that their best way of departmentalizing their dependencies is in a functional way, so in this way they can lead to greater specialization within the organization and have an effective due process of their functions; likewise, this kind of departmentalization has a very notable disadvantage and is the limitation to the development of their functions, that is, each official is not willing to be flexible in the development of activities not related to their function, perhaps not only because of willingness, if not because she is so specialized in her area, that she really does not have the ideal knowledge to carry out an activity other than her own.in this way, it can lead to greater specialization within the organization and have an effective due process of its functions; likewise, this kind of departmentalization has a very notable disadvantage and is the limitation to the development of their functions, that is, each official is not willing to be flexible in the development of activities not related to their function, perhaps not only because of willingness, if not because she is so specialized in her area, that she really does not have the ideal knowledge to carry out an activity other than her own.in this way, it can lead to greater specialization within the organization and have an effective due process of its functions; likewise, this kind of departmentalization has a very notable disadvantage and is the limitation to the development of their functions, that is, each official is not willing to be flexible in the development of activities not related to their function, perhaps not only because of willingness, if not because she is so specialized in her area, that she really does not have the ideal knowledge to carry out an activity other than her own.perhaps not only by disposition, but because she is so specialized in her area, that she really does not have the ideal knowledge to carry out an activity other than her own.perhaps not only by disposition, but because she is so specialized in her area, that she really does not have the ideal knowledge to carry out an activity other than her own.

However, for the functional departmentalization and products or projects that are evident, the Matrix or grid organization could advise, because it complements the functions of each department at the head of its authority, in a unanimous effort against the same project where they are clearly defined the objectives of the same, clear that this organization is adequate as long as we need the collective effort to develop a project or process of the same interest, without pretending that it is the type of Departmentalization to be adopted by the entire organization; this is how you can interact, share and complement the knowledge of the different hierarchical levels so that the end or achievement of the objective is as optimal and effective as possible,highlighting the efficient possibility of developing several projects at the same time, but keeping the right people for their development.

In the same way as I have been able to know, analyze and contribute the structural part of the Municipal Municipality of Restrepo, it is time to interpret its line authority and it is at this time where it is essential to be very clear about the difference between power and authority with an elemental word and fundamental for each one, power represents the ability and authority the right; I emphasize this part because as a person at the top of this organization is the Lord Mayor Edgar Augusto Jara Guevara, who not only has authority regarding the decisions to be made, a right triggered by the position of the position he holds, if not He is also a person with a decision-making power to influence the actions and beliefs of his collaborators, a skill that not every leading entrepreneur in an organization possesses; Similarly,the line of authority reflects the relationship of superior-subordinate authority and with respect to the organization I have observed that it is clearly defined thanks not only to its formal structure, but also to the competence and professional preparation of each member who belongs to the “head ”Or“ top ”of a department that will be responsible for showing results if it really has power. But in this paragraph I do not intend to focus on highlighting the work of the members of the organization, my objective is to transmit a clear message of the differences between power and authority and likewise, to emphasize that power and authority are a complement, leaving reflection to think “ What would be a manager without power?

Taking up the previous concept of line of authority as the relationship of superior-subordinate authority, it is important to emphasize that we should not adopt an authoritarian position, it is appropriate to reflect the innate power that unleashes my abilities in order to transmit to the members of my organization that Having authority does not make us great or wiser, and really that is the first lesson I must pass on to be sure of creating people who can receive the power to make a decision with the guarantee of its effectiveness and with the security that will not exceed the limits of delegated power "empowerment".

Following the same order of ideas, I have identified that this entity has an organization that has adopted the fundamental aspect of delegation through the decentralization model, thanks to the fact that it has an organized structure where the lines of authority and its policies are clear, thus You have the same trust in the delegation of authority and functions, delegating not only autonomy to carry out an activity, but transferring part of the responsibility that comes with making a decision and we see it reflected in the delegation from the central part of the organization (office of the Mayor) who releases senior management from a bit of burden and transfers a certain autonomy regarding a development project to the competent secretary who is in charge and is also responsible for carrying out the assigned tasks,without having to resort to the authorization of the superior, since having been delegated a certain authority, he has the freedom to act in favor of the best decisions.

Likewise, we must never exceed the limits of decentralization, that is, we cannot try to delegate everything, because the central authority would disappear, nor can we try to centralize all the decisions because the work would not be efficient enough, just as we must be aware that it can. increase the complexity of coordinating the departments or units, at the same time that the costs could increase, but they are disadvantages that we can overcome if from the beginning we have detected the ideal people to delegate some authority, in the same way it not only depends on the person or subordinate, depends largely on the manager, director or in this case the Mayor,because above all they must evaluate their ability to delegate and that is triggered by aspects as important as being a receptive person who is always willing to listen to the ideas of others, to be willing to grant, to let others do things In your own way, if you consider that you know how to do them better, perhaps your subordinate uses a different technique but perhaps the results are better than what you could achieve yourself, it is essential to learn to allow mistakes, they are the basis of new triumphs, if we accept A mistake is sure that the other person will try to never disappoint again and finally you have to be willing to trust, trust the person I have chosen, because "for something I chose", to trust to reduce risks and uncertainties and something very important,We must demonstrate confidence so that our subordinates feel that they can act and will always be supported.

Finally, I hope that the content of this essay serves as internal reflection for our organizations, it is important that we sit down to examine how we are organized and structured and that we can restructure, although the content of this essay is very subjective, that is the essence, to be ready to listen to different concepts and new points of view that help us to evaluate and enrich our knowledge.

Organizational structure of a municipal mayor's office in Colombia