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Organizational structure and its tools

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Living things have a particular classification that identifies them, vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates have vertebrae or bones that support the physical body. Invertebrates, on the other hand, do not have these vertebrae or structures, therefore they do not have a rigidity or support.

But, what relationship does this clarification have with the organizations? The answer is simple, organizations that have a structure are firm and remain standing, that is, they remain in their market, those that do not have a defined structure easily give way due to the lack of support.

This brings us closer to the importance of structures in organizations. There is no organization that can operate without the backing and support of a structure, whether formal or informal, its permanence depends on it.

At the same time, it needs the support of management tools that allow the proper functioning of its internal processes; these are known as organizational tools. Each one develops criteria and skills that the organization needs in its daily operation.

In this article the conception of the organizational structure as a key element for the permanence of organizations in their market is exposed in a general way, the types of organizational structures and their main operating characteristics are also identified. Lastly, the tools that it uses in its operation task and the benefits that these allow in its development and implementation in the institutions are described.

Organizational structure and its tools

What ensures that the organization works properly? This is a question that more than one has asked. Although it is true that the strategies and techniques are decisive in the correct functioning of an organization, so is its structure and the tools that its work performance uses.

So what is the structure of an organization? The Financial Encyclopedia defines: "It is a fundamentally hierarchical concept of subordination within the entities that collaborate and contribute to serving a common objective."

"Organizational Structure is the set of all the ways in which work is divided into different tasks and the subsequent coordination of them" (Mintzberg, 1984).

An organization can then be structured in different ways, this depends on the objectives set, its context and the availability of the necessary means for its operation.

Therefore it is understood that the structure of an organization is the one that allows specific assignment of responsibility for different processes to certain people, group of them or departments in specific areas.

Basic principles of the organization

The organization structure is a function of the division of labor, specialization and delegation of authority. Under these characteristics the structure of an organization is organized.

The first consists of separating complete activities into simple actions, specialization describes continuous work where there is practice and skill in the assigned task, and the delegation of authority consists in the transfer of authority and responsibilities to certain subordinates so that a specific task or activity is accomplished.

Command and control unit.

The command unit establishes that for each set of responsibilities there must be a chief, that is, that the subordinate area does not receive instruction from a third party at the same time. Control capacity is one that describes the number of subordinates that are under the command unit. It is a matter of discussion among those who design the operational functions of an organization.

Organizational structure

A structure in the set of elements that compose or form a whole, the organization refers to the way in which those elements are formed, that is, they are organized. Starting from the descriptions above it is correct to say that all things we know are an organized structure. For such a case, an organization is merely an organized structure.

Structure refers to the characteristics that distinguish the internal components and in turn the organization is made up of them, it is a structure of parts. In the universal context, the first classification of the organizational structure defines the formal and informal aspects.

to. Formal. This is the name of the set of rules, structure, procedures that make up a formally organized organization. It is the division of activities that enables defined objectives to be achieved. It is established by formal means through writing, defined rules that are not subject to consideration. In some organizations it is regulated under strict compliance parameters, while in others it is only part of the formal protocol.

The reason that this type of structure exists lies in:

  1. They allow the achievement of the objectives set by the organization since responsibility is delegated to Indic people and they are responsible for compliance in a timely manner. They facilitate coordination of activities. The responsibility of those who are assigned a task is to report progress, this allows maintaining updated information that allows regulating and controlling all activities in order of progress. It promotes specific assignment of authority, that is, the responsibilities of the individuals who are They control and manage the organization, as such is the defined hierarchical structure on which the total operation of the company rests. It allows the skills specialization of employees.Because it is a continuous process under the same responsibility, it develops capacities and then allows group collaboration.

The Financial Encyclopedia mentions characteristics of a formal organization, to name a few:

  • Defined norms and excellent regulation Arbitrary structure Defined objectives and policies Status in the hierarchical structure Limitation of the person's activities to specific actions Strict principle of coordination (activities, division of labor, authority, responsibility, delegation, unit of command, hierarchy. Tranche of control, equity in the workload, etc.)

The following diagram summarizes the formal structure of an organization:

Formal structure. (Financial Encyclopedia, 2015)

b. Informal. It is thus attributed to the social structure that determines the forms of work in practice, it is usually more dynamic than the formal one because it is made up of agreements between people of a common organization. The formal approach is based on the written parameters, on the ideal operation, but it is clear that the reality does not always conform to the written opinion, but rather it adjusts to the need required at the time the work is performed.

Fundamentally, it is based on unofficial means where it does not necessarily occur within the organization, but due to its informal concept it can be developed outside it by people grouped independently of the organization's structure. These groups are identified as being of interest or friendship.

Due to operational flexibility, the informal structure can respond better to unforeseen events, since its conception is based on the assumption of unexpected eventual action. It is considered a by-product of the formal structure. At the same time, it allows us to be a strategy that allows us to effectively develop personnel management.

Some characteristics of the informal structure are:

  • It is dynamic and flexible It is an excellent platform for motivation It is based on theory and treats collaborators with individuals It has values ​​for mutual trust and reciprocity There is no clear definition of operation, it is subject to eventuality It adapts quickly to changes It changes and constantly evolves

Keith Davis, according to the Financial Encyclopedia, mentions that informal groups are useful for four functions of the formal structure: they consolidate the cultural and social values ​​of the group, allow social status and satisfaction, promote communication among members, provide control Social.

The following diagram summarizes the informal structure of an organization:

Informal structure. (Financial Encyclopedia, 2015)

Organizational structure types

Another way to classify organizations is by the type of authority relationship that exists between them. In this order, structures are identified:

  1. Organizational linear. It is the oldest of all structures. In it, authority is very well defined and can hardly be avoided. Decision making is quick because it is only communicated to the person in charge or immediate boss. Being linear, communication flows slowly and usually the main problem is that the boss has a lot of responsibility for multiple activities.
  1. Online and Staff. This type of structure is related based on the combination of the linear structure through consultation and the relationship with the departments or staff. Being a combination, it makes use of the speed in decision making and the agility of the communication flow by consulting experts in the departments or staff of the organization.
  1. In committee. The main characteristic is that the responsibility is shared by a group of people and not only falls on one person or a few. Decision making is by consensus through group meetings. In exceptional cases, it uses linear and staff organization to consult specific decisions.
  1. It is a type of structure that arises based on the needs and new challenges facing organizations, in which it adjusts to changes in the environment and in particular to new research and development departments for the creation of new products.

One of the adaptations that the personnel facing this type of structure must assume is that they must respond to two different authorities, but with the same objectives, first they report to their immediate department head and to the head who regulates new development projects in the organization..

Its development is done around specific themes and projects where experts in the area are required. The main advantage is its flexibility and the ability to cope with unexpected events and sudden problems. The boss must know how to integrate into the team people who respond effectively to the instructions of two superiors who demand a response.

Organizational diagram


Develop an organizational restructuring model through the implementation of formal specifications through organizational tools in private sector companies in the Córdoba - Orizaba area.


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Organizational structure and its tools