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Organizational structure and models from a teleological perspective

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The constant variable of the organizations is the change that allows them to adapt more and faster to the needs and expectations of their clients, designing, modifying, innovating theoretical models; a teleological approach will allow them to interpret the existing reality, identifying and separating the final causes to reach perfection.


Coming from the Latin cambium the word change according to the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy defines it as "the action or effect of changing". The change will therefore be an action by which we leave one situation for another.

Organization: It is a system of consciously coordinated activities made up of two or more people; cooperation between them is essential to the existence of the organization. An organization only exists when there are people who are able to communicate and who are willing to act together to achieve a common goal.

Models: A model is a representation of an object, system or idea, differently from the entity itself. The purpose of the models is to help us explain, understand, or improve a system.

Teleology: The word was coined by the German philosopher Cristian von Wolf in a document written in Latin (philosphia rationals sive logic) in 1728.

For Aristotle, he enclosed his teleological doctrine in two words: ouden mathn udén máten) = "Nothing in vain." "Doctrine of the final causes". The Scholastics established the principle that quidquid fit, propter finem fit = "everything that is done, is done for some purpose"

Organizational models with a teleological perspective

Kast and Rosenzweig consider structure as the established pattern of relationships between components or parts of the organization.

To begin to address the issue we must understand what is an organizational model? And what is it for? As Kast and Rosenzweig rightly say, the organizational model is a structure which is what will make us deal with our business and what it serves us for is to sustain the company with human, technological, financial and economic resources, etc.

Social organization is like “a device to achieve improvement, with the means of a group, and some purpose” Daniel Kast and Robert kahn systematic theory of organizations.

Because I mention it in this part because every organization seeks to improve this and before following a model with the steps it takes here, it explains that it must also first verify all its components.

From my point of view, an organizational model seeks to give an idea and form to the structure of the company since with the model it will know how to start from operations to the way of thinking and acting for its rise.

We must know that for this an organizational model from the teleological point of view you have to know that it is done with an end or for an end, now this purpose or end will make it be concrete or specific in something not only as the cause effect but also as a cause that is compounded and will lead to a goal, since if it is being done it is for a specific purpose that it has.

An organizational model is made up of 6 important parts that make it a whole:

  1. People: they are those who make up a group that are there for the same interests Technology: since with it you condition yourself to do your activities Leadership: an individual must lead others in order to coordinate and control activities The goals: they are the ones that guide the group and give them the motivation to carry out their activities Environment: the relationship and way of working that is in harmony since they are all a family The structure: here we present how work is organized and the steps that divide the levels hierarchical tasks etc.

Taking these points it can be seen that the model that was made with these points will have a pyramid shape where the levels of the company and the purpose it will have with the obtained model will be established from above.

We must bear in mind that with the passage of time the way of life has changed as well as the way of organizing and seeing a company. This is due to the technological changes that have been important for the evolution of companies. does or has been done for a purpose which is evolution

So it is in this part where one wonders what is sought with organizational models with the teleological approach.

  • See what is the end with which things are done It is done for a specific good or improvement The evolution of companies Give dynamism to organizations

There are different organizational models which are:

  • Katz and Kahn approachTavistock technical partner modelKatz and rosenzweig modelPeter Senge model

To apply scientific administration, a "mental revolution" was necessary both in the mind of the worker and in that of management itself, Frederick Taylor scientific administration.

Because I pick up these words of Taylor is due to the fact that an organizational model seeks to be that change in management and to be of the entire company, it is what will make it different and unique.

In Greek times the term teleological was already spoken and as we mentioned in the introduction for Aristotle, teleology was divided into 4 existing causes, which are:

  • Material cause: that of which something is composed Formal cause: that which gives being to an object Efficient cause: that which has produced an object Final cause: that for which an object exists

These causes were fundamental for Aristotle since with them he completed the power to explain the universe.

In an organizational model, when choosing it, the company is also choosing the cause that will drive it towards success, since it will give meaning and purpose to its proposal.

If we relate both concepts we will understand that a company that chooses an organizational model is itself giving its idea of ​​being and the cause in the end is not only the fact of wanting to grow and be successful but also the pursuit of greatness. With this he wants that although we know that a company is a whole this is given in parts and each one of them plays an important role since it is the grain of sand that contributes to have the perfection of it.


In this work I present the relationship between the organizational model and teleology and to conclude this topic and from my personal point of view, the organizational models, although they are the part and the reason for a company, since they give it the orientation of its purposes for which it is I believe and the path by which it must continue to achieve its objectives is.

Teleology looks for the final causes, that is, it occurs already in the after things, it needs to pass the beginning to know the causes that follow, which already with teleology explains its final cause or purpose that it had and if in any case perfection What the company is looking for will be given after passing a period of tests, elections, designs that will make it innovate and be more competitive and thus perfect its work.


Organizational structure and models from a teleological perspective