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Tourist security study on a beach in Ecuador


The objective of the investigation was directed to a diagnosis at the beach "Los Perales" in order to measure the safety of the tourist who attends it. The REDATAM software allowed defining the population density of the Canton San Vicente to analyze crossings of the variables of age group with urban or rural area and the variable of type of activity of the inhabitants.


The applied survey had the purpose of evaluating from the affluence of the tourist at different times of the year to measure the level of satisfaction of the same on the attractions of the beach. The reliability analysis made it possible to assess the properties of the measurement scales used in the instrument and of the elements that make up the scales for a Cronbach's Alpha result of 8.95, for which reason it was considered reliable.

Key Words: Security, influx, reliability, strategic plan and diagnosis.


In Ecuador, tourist activity is a reality; The geographical position of the country has made it a very attractive benefit, its landscapes and natural areas are sufficient conditions to call the country as the "tourism paradise", which places it as the most diverse for its exuberant fauna and flora, as well as a varied multicultural and rich traditional history.

According to referential statistics on tourist activity, we argue that it occupies the best place in the planning of sustainable development, but it is considered as an alternative activity in the face of the oil export crisis situation. Ecuador has a unique tourist heritage of its kind that is attractive to international tourism for its biodiversity.

In the country, strategic areas for ecotourism management have been identified and in the coastal area of ​​the province of Manabí, they have been identified as one of the most abundant tourist areas in ecosystem and biodiversity, so there is tourism that runs along the spondylus route or known as beach tourism as a tourist product.

The Manabí province consists of 22 cantons and of which 10 are with a beach area or spa because what tourism mainly frequented according to statistics from the Ministry of Tourism is European and Latin American tourism, mainly Argentines, Colombians and Chileans. San Vicente is a canton of the Manabí province divided from Bahía de Caráquez by a bridge that has become a tourist attraction in the area, it has a population of 22,025 inhabitants according to INEC data, 2010.

Los Perales beach located from on the north coast of the San Vicente canton has an extension of 150 m, adjoins the Los Caras bridge and the San Vicente pier, frequented by inhabitants of the area and by tourists arriving from different countries and sites in the country, recognizing that there is a representative frequency both in winter times and in summertime, so that national tourism frequents on holidays, so an overpopulation in the town and a high tourist flow.

The low level of safety of visitors who frequent the beach “Los perales” is of concern to GAD's administrators and managers, increasing the rates of criminal acts that are increasingly noticeable, leading to instability in the safety of visitors who frequent different seasons of the year the Canton. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the laws and statutes in force regarding tourist security.

Proposing a methodology to guarantee tourist security is of a relevant nature and with it, generating functional strategies that are more consistent with the security paradigm and thereby achieve tourism sustainability, framed in the current policies of the Ministry of Tourism. For this reason, it constitutes an opportunity from the strategic point of view, considering the importance that human resources require in their training and learning of new technical knowledge to carry out tourist safety.


The Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, in collaboration with the National Police, Tourist Security Service, specialized guides, experts in security systems and civil society, have developed the "Safety Instructions for Tourists in Ecuador". This document contains general advice that stresses the importance of complying with safety guidelines, which can mark the before and after in the practice of different tourist activities.

Reviewing the evolution in the behavior of international tourist arrivals to Ecuador, based on the year 2011, it can be seen that tourism has been increasing every year. Among the main issuing markets registered in the month of January 2011 are: Colombia, the United States and Peru, with a significant percentage share of 26.68%, 17.23% and 15.13% in their order, and such markets such as Spain and Germany that contribute to arrivals in the country, with relative values ​​of: 4.67% and 1.87% respectively. However, it should be emphasized that after the creation of the Comprehensive Tourism Marketing Plan of Ecuador, positive behaviors have been generated in the markets considered as priorities for Ecuador.

Starting from tourist visits to the San Vicente area with a monthly flow of 200 in any season and in the holiday or carnival season the flow increases 50% three times more. So the level of satisfaction of visitors will be measured through a survey that the sample size will be 80 visitors.


Evaluate the tourist security that is provided in the "Los Perales" beach to determine its level of impact on the influence on visitors.


The low level of safety of visitors who frequent the “Los perales” beach is of concern to GADs administrators and managers, increasing the rates of criminal offenses that are increasingly notable, leading to instability in the safety of visitors that frequent the different seasons of the year. year the Canton. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the laws and statutes in force regarding tourist security.

Proposing a methodology to guarantee tourist security is of a relevant nature and with it, generating functional strategies that are more consistent with the security paradigm and thereby achieve tourism sustainability, framed in the current policies of the Ministry of Tourism. For this reason, it constitutes an opportunity from the strategic point of view, considering the importance that human resources require in their training and learning of new technical knowledge to carry out tourist safety.

The research will be carried out using the logical historical method and the quasi-experimental through SPSS 20.0 will allow a more reliable statistical analysis and in turn achieve the stated objectives, as well as field techniques such as survey and observation methods will be applied to providers of security services and residents of the area to obtain reliable information that will help the success of the investigation.


For this, an instrument designed to measure different variables related to research was applied in order to obtain favorable results that allow decisions to be made regarding the safety of tourists who frequent this beach.

Of the options evaluated to verify by age, those who attend the Los Perales beach the most who attend are people with the corresponding age of 50-54, which represented 38.75% of the total of respondents where the age range of 25 continued. 34 personified 22.5%, followed by 35-49 for 18.75%, observing that those who attend the most are adults and the attendance of young people is significant. So it was important the statistical analysis for this age group which correspond to national tourists and which to foreigners in order to define the amount of flow of visitor to the beach where 78.75% turned out to be national visitors and only 21, 25% of foreign tourists, the most representative being national visitors.

From the surveyed population, we wanted to evaluate the reason that prompted tourists to visit the beach, using various variables to measure the reason for tourists visiting the beach, noting that the most significant was visiting family or friends with a 32, 5% followed by the cultural that in this indicator are the holidays and carnivals which is where the greatest number of visitors arrive at the Canton of San Vicente, which indicated 30% and in third place that was also significant was that of rest and pleasure with a 25%, the rest were below 10% so it will not be taken into account as shown in the following table:

Table Reason for visiting the beach.

Frequency Percentage Valid percentage Accumulated percentage
Valid Rest or pleasure

Business or work

Visit with family and / or friends



Know or experience


twenty 25.0 25.0 25.0
7 8.8 8.8 33.8
26 32.5 32.5 66.3
24 30.0 30.0 96.3
one 1.3 1.3 97.5
two 2.5 2.5 100.0
80 100.0 100.0

Own elaboration.

The visitors or tourists who frequent the beach do so in the company of their relatives, which was the most representative result, which yielded 40% and 36.3% attended with their friends, which is why the number of national visitors is significant. to this beach.

Visitors referring to the means of information they used to get to the beach did so through recommendations from family and friends that it is deduced have previously attended that this represented 48.8% and 33.8% were visitors who through Internet found the information of the tourist destination of the beach, only 11.3% was through an agency that deduces that these visitors are foreigners. This denotes that there is an attractiveness about the beach product in the San Vicente area and clients that are recognized to represent levels of repetition.


In order to know if the services provided in the area respond to the increasingly competitive needs and demands of the tourist environment and of the clients who attend, it is essential to evaluate the services in order to define if the tourist's safety responds to the demands not only of the market but to the laws and current policies. The variables that were evaluated to know the levels of acceptance or satisfaction were:

Lodging, gastronomic services and fun.

The lodging service was evaluated as regular representing 57.5% of the respondents, while the gastronomic service or typical foods 42.5% evaluated it as excellent and 42.5% appreciated it as good, denoting that the level of Acceptance of this indicator is very good, making it one of the visitor's attractions, where only 12.5% ​​rated it as fair. Of the amusement service it was valued as good with 41.3% and 28.8% categorized it as regular, denoting that it is necessary to look for alternatives or strategies to make it more attractive to tourists.

Tourism security defined as the protection of life, health, physical, psychological and economic integrity of visitors, service providers and members of the receiving communities. These services were evaluated as poor, representing 62.5% of the respondents and 32.5% answered that these services were regular, representative 73.8% confirmed that there is no certainty about their relevance and permanence, denoting the dissatisfaction of tourists for their safety. It is indicated that due to its relevance, functional strategies should be drawn up to improve the safety of your stay on this beach.

Respondents are given the options to assess in an ascending manner which are the security services that are most distinctive for maintaining the discipline of the bathers on the beach, the most representative being the presence of police or beach guards who represent 55%, followed by lifeguards with 22.5% which is of vital importance to guarantee the survival of bathers, with 11.3% of public lockers that would decrease crime rates and 10% the presence of paramedics, such as shown in the statistical table:

Table 13. How to improve visitor safety.

Frequency Percentage Valid percentage Accumulated percentage
Valid Guards or Police

Life buoy

Public Lockers For Doctors others Total

44 55.0




1.3 100.0





1.3 100.0




98.8 100.0


Own elaboration.


This Reliability Analysis procedure calculated a number of scale reliability measures that are normally used and also provided information on the relationships between individual elements of the scale. The results were not favorable due to the indecisions and the non-concentration of the clients when answering the questionnaire.

Alpha of


Alpha of

Cronbach based on

typified elements

N of elements
, 895 , 774 fifteen
N %
Cases Valid

Excluded to


35 100.0
0 0
35 100.0

Reliability Statistics Summary of Case Processing

  1. List deletion based on all variables

of the procedure. Source: SPSS 21.0


The level of seasonal influences of visitors to the beach "Los Perales" according to a survey carried out is in festive season are the most influential to the canton of San Vicente according to data from the municipal GAD of canton and the tourism department the behavior of visitors and foreign tourists It is with an increasing trend according to the season in which they frequent and the variations are not as representative. Table 16: Descriptive Statistics for Visitors shows an analysis of the last four years of visitors and tourists entering the canton.

Table 16: Descriptive Statistics of Visitors.

SEASONS Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014
Carnivals 5,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 7,800.00
Holy Week 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00
Holidays 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 1,300.00
Christmas 1,400.00 1,300.00 1,380.00 1,200.00
End of the year 1,200.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,400.00
Totals 11,100.00 13,100.00 13,980.00 13,700.00

Own elaboration.

According to statistics on the frequency of visitors to the San Vicente Canton and Los Perales beach, we observe that the carnival season is the season with the highest flow of visitors, followed by Easter as shown in the graph below:

Graph 16. Beach Season Statistics.

Own elaboration.



Comparing the levels of influences in different seasons for years, they can see that in carnivals it exceeds all the statistical expectation of visitors to the beach and with them the growth of crime rates to measure tourist safety, followed by the Easter season, which is the Second place of attendance for years of tourists and visitors. According to graph 17, the averages for each season are observed.

Graph 17 Statistical by Season.

Own elaboration.

Strategic Functional Improvement Plan.

Functional strategies based on tourism development must contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of beach destinations, and of the master strategies and / or those of the different systems or strategic units in the tourism destination. These strategies are designed with the purpose of anticipating how to use and apply the resources and skills within each functional area of ​​each system or strategic unit of activities in order to maximize the productivity of said resources.


  • The instrument applied to tourists visiting Los Perales beach was reliable, resulting in Cronbach's Alpha of 8.95.

Tourism security defined as the protection of life, health, physical, psychological and economic integrity of visitors was evaluated as poor, representing 62.5% of those surveyed, so operational strategies should be directed to improve the same.


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Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidMIRANDE, L.O (2010). Social tourism. The city of Azul as a destination for rural school students. MONCADA, JL 2005. Hunting tourism: a very different sport. The Land of the Feathered Serpent. Electronic Journal of the Mexican Conservation Learning Initiative, Mexico.OMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for policy makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidThe city of Azul as a destination for rural school students. MONCADA, JL 2005. Hunting tourism: a very different sport. The Land of the Feathered Serpent. Electronic Journal of the Mexican Conservation Learning Initiative, Mexico.OMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for policy makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidThe city of Azul as a destination for rural school students. MONCADA, JL 2005. Hunting tourism: a very different sport. The Land of the Feathered Serpent. Electronic Journal of the Mexican Conservation Learning Initiative, Mexico.OMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for political decision-makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidHunting tourism: a very different sport. The Land of the Feathered Serpent. Electronic Journal of the Mexican Conservation Learning Initiative, Mexico.OMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for political decision-makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidHunting tourism: a very different sport. The Land of the Feathered Serpent. Electronic Journal of the Mexican Conservation Learning Initiative, Mexico.OMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for political decision-makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidOMT (2006). ” United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for policy makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidOMT (2006). " United Nations Environment Program. For a more sustainable tourism: guide for political decision-makers ”. Madrid.PÉREZ, RC (2009). turydes. perception of the level of satisfaction of residents with tourist activity: the comala, colima, mexico case, 1-2, PORTER, ME (2009), Competitive strategy. Techniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidTechniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: PyramidTechniques for analyzing the company and its competitors. Madrid: Pirámide.PORTER, ME (2010), Competitive Advantage. Creation and sustainability of superior performance. Madrid: Pyramid
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Tourist security study on a beach in Ecuador