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Studies of the work system in the organization

Table of contents:


1. Work design

In recent times, it is sought to investigate the motivation of the employee, because it increases performance and productivity. Job design is the process that organizes the different tasks that must be performed in a specific position and has become the main strategy to try to simultaneously improve the motivation, commitment and performance of individuals at work.

The way the job is defined allows the organization to identify the personal requirements necessary to attract the best qualified employees for the job and keep them working for the benefit of the company.

On the other hand, the content of the position can be a training and development agent, which is why many organizations transfer their members from one position to another to prepare them, with the aim of promoting them to positions of greater responsibility.

An important element of job design is determining the most effective method of performing it. This method is called motion studies. The purpose of the movement study is to find the way to carry out the work, minimizing the variables of effort, cost and difficulty through the optimal use of human potential, machinery and materials. The tools for the study of movement are included in three categories that differ in terms of the degree of detail and are called:

  • Process analysis: gives a broad view of the work design and performs an evaluation of the work flow. The process flow diagram is intended to provide an overview of the steps that are followed from the beginning of the work to its completion. The process diagram related to human work follows the trajectory of the activities of a certain individual, while the process diagram of the material considers the processes that involve the use of materials. Activity analysis: it is a way of considering work with more details. Perform / a comparison between processes and various time scales. For example,You can use the activity analysis to detail and add the times corresponding to the movements of an individual's assistant on the task that the latter performs, and in which the participation of the latter is necessary. Multi-activity diagrams describe the details of tasks performed by an individual in situations where other people or machines affect the time required to complete the task. Operational Analysis: Used to examine a method in the smallest detail (even at the level of hand movement).Multi-activity diagrams describe the details of tasks performed by an individual in situations where other people or machines affect the time required to complete the task. Operational Analysis: Used to examine a method in the smallest detail (even at the level of hand movement).Multi-activity diagrams describe the details of tasks performed by an individual in situations where other people or machines affect the time required to complete the task. Operational Analysis: Used to examine a method in the smallest detail (even at the level of hand movement).

2. Analysis of the process

A Process Analysis is a systematic way of documenting the flow of all operations in each of the functional areas of the company.

The Process Analysis report presents performance indicators for closed cases.

You can choose to filter by process and by any of the previously defined dimensions. The reports will always be displayed according to a specified time interval at the bottom of the screen.

Process Analysis is divided into five reports:

Cycle time: The report contains the number of cases closed in a chosen process, showing the average duration, expected duration, standard deviation and the number of cases completed on time. Completed cases DO NOT include aborted cases.

Histogram Durations: Allows you to control the time it takes to close processes.

This report shows the number of days it took for cases to be completed, or closed (not including aborted cases).

The vertical line represents the expected closing time of the cases. The line separates timely closed cases from overdue closed cases.

Activity Process: It allows analyzing the efficacy obtained from the proportion of closed cases over the cases created.

This report shows a summary of the activity of the process during the selected period of time. Contains the number of cases created (opened), the number of complete cases (closed), and the number of cases aborted. It also shows an effectiveness value obtained from the relationship between closed and created.

Process activity is displayed as a histogram graph.

Activation Ranking: Displays a graph to compare the number of cases created from all the project processes.

A bar graph shows the number of cases created for all the processes of the project. The chart is ordered by creation number.

Frequent paths: It allows identifying the frequent routes of the process.

This report shows the most frequent paths of a specific process. This option allows you to identify the business cases that are most common and make decisions based on these statistics.

3. Simultaneity Analysis

To meet the everlasting need for increased processing power, the software industry is constantly shifting to multi-core processor systems. Unlike the increased application performance achieved by faster processors with higher clock speeds, performance improvements in many multicore systems can only be achieved by writing effective parallel programs.

Some forms of parallelism have existed in the software industry for a long time. However, building core software applications that take full advantage of parallel hardware requires major changes from practices designed for sequential applications.

Testing parallel applications is not an easy task. For example, simultaneous errors are often difficult to detect due to the non-deterministic behavior displayed by parallel applications. Even if errors are detected, it is difficult to reproduce it consistently. Also, after correcting a defect, it's not easy to make sure it's fixed correctly, rather than just masking it. In addition, parallelizing can also introduce new bottlenecks in performance to be identified.

4. Analysis of the method

One of the most important aspects for a business or company to grow and increase its profitability is to increase its productivity; which I can say that an increase in productivity is understood as the increase in production per hour of work.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a work study which aims to increase productivity without resorting to large capital investments and without requiring more effort from the labor force. The fundamental instrument that gives rise to greater productivity is the use of methods, which includes the design and selection of the best methods, processes, tools, equipment and specialties necessary to manufacture a product, since controlling the processes and following them step by step appropriately, productivity can increase 10% in a given time.

The study of methods and the measurement of work are closely linked, the first is used to reduce the work content of the task or operation, while the second is mainly used to investigate and reduce downtime, to then set the standards of time of the operation when it was carried out in the improved form thanks to the study of methods.

Some procedures for the study of work are carried out through the following foundations:

  • Devise the most economical method taking into account all the circumstances in which the company finds itself. Measure the amount of work required by the chosen method and calculate the time it takes to do it and which increases productivity so much.

5. Performance standards

An important point of the performance standards is that they detail learning goals and describe expectations.

There are different types of Control, such as Strategic Control that is long term and Tactical Control that is short term. Both are constituted to inform the superiors about the state of the areas that are being verified, so that they have the option of modifying aspects to improve, or if it is okay, just follow it.

It is for this reason that the Establishment of Performance Standards is of utmost importance in organizations, because with this you can not only know the status of the company; because these not only give information about accounting, but also the opportunity to know how the situation is with the Human Resource, since control covers all areas of the company.

The importance of performance standards is that it allows the introduction of new compensation policies, improves performance, helps to make promotion or placement decisions, allows to determine if there is a need to retrain, detect errors in job design and help to observe if there are personal problems that affect the person in the performance of the position. Performance evaluation cannot be restricted to a simple superficial and unilateral judgment of the boss regarding the functional behavior of the subordinate; it is necessary to go deeper, locate the causes and establish perspectives in common agreement with the evaluated.

6. Measurement of work

The measurement of work consists of techniques by which it is intended to determine the time that a qualified worker spends in carrying out his task. This type of measurement aims to know the total manufacturing time of a product in order to optimize its production, among other factors to consider.

By reducing the time it takes to produce a product, you can increase the productivity of resources, either with respect to labor or facilities. Measurement of work allows investigating, reducing and then eliminating downtime or what is same to determine the time in which the productive work is not executed for whatever reason. The measurement will also allow the management to measure the time it takes to execute an operation, thus clearing the unproductive time of the one who is considered productive, being able to appreciate its existence, nature and the importance it has in the organization.

Once unproductive time is known, measures can be taken to reduce or eliminate the company's operational circuit. It also allows establishing new standards of working time for carrying out a certain activity.

Another benefit of measuring work is knowing where management and / or workers are failing in order to reverse it in the short term.

The measurement of work unfortunately is not well regarded in the union sphere because according to the unionists, this measurement directly attempts to reduce the unproductive time by the workers, and does not involve the management, where performance standards are also set that They may conflict with the rights of employees. Obviously the management has a great responsibility in the unproductive times, many times unproductive times are tolerated due to lack of material or breakage of the machines without there being a management that mediates so that this does not happen and it is precisely at that point where the management has your responsibility.Summarizing we can say that the measurement of working time serves to determine the nature and importance of unproductive time in order to eliminate it as soon as possible and then set performance guidelines in future work processes.

Studies of the work system in the organization