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Negotiation stages

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This research has as its topic Stages of Negotiation that can be defined as the phases and strategies that must be followed to obtain a good negotiation. And in this way achieve good results and benefits in our favor, whether personal or work.

The main objective of this work is to explain what is negotiation ?, and also explain what are the steps that must be followed to make a good deal, since many of us do not know them, and in my reflection it is of great importance to know them. to achieve being good businessmen in the labor or commercial environment.

The limitations of this work is that not everyone has the attitude to negotiate because sometimes we cannot even start a conversation with another person, this is because most people are shy and this causes them to become scared, nervous and Insecure with the person with whom they are talking, these causes can cause a bad negotiation.


From the sedentarization of man, villages began to be formed and the exchange or exchange of products began. This is how the trade started. As we can analyze through trade, the negotiation began, which means that for years ago it has been negotiating either to obtain a benefit, service or product, it is evident then to mention that people exchanged their articles to obtain a profit, in which both parties debated to reach an agreement that was equitable where they were satisfied with what had been acquired. “The first system of international relations to include the practice of negotiation was developed by the Greeks. Thus, they created words, such as an alliance, a peace agreement or a trade agreement. ”(Fernàndez., 2005, p. 6). Now to better understand the negotiation it is convenient to add some meanings:

When we talk about negotiation we refer to "… the process by which various parties try to express their opinions or interests in order to reach a joint decision satisfactory to all of them…" (S.Fernàndez, 2005, p. 1 and 2). According to the aforementioned, negotiation is when we expose opinions and interests to achieve the same purpose in which both parties reach an agreement, being satisfied with the agreement.

It is important to mention another concept of negotiation “It is defined as the process by which two or more parties that for any reason have a relationship of dependency (that is, they need something from each other) make deals with the aim of reconciling their differences. " (Muñoz Corvalàn, 2012). It should be added that the negotiation can be between two or more people, a serious example; the human resources manager decides to form a negotiating table so that the parties agree on a resolution as to why there are too many reports of absenteeism and authorization of personal leave permits in a friendly and fixed date of said meeting, issuing a statement to those involved.

In the same way we will add a last concept of negotiation, now we will define it "… as a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and try to agree on the exchange rate for them." (Amoròs, SF). According to what has been mentioned, negotiation is an exchange of goods and services, an example is; Joseph Fouché, French politician who exercised his power during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic empire, Joseph Fouché stood out for being a good businessman, ambitious for power and money, when he looked at his face he did not notice any gesture, so if he was angry, sad or happy, he had the same look on his face.


As a starting point we will start with a quote “If this man, even in the moments of greatest passion in his life, manages to dominate every last muscle of his face; if it is impossible to perceive an agitation of anger, of bitterness, of emotion on his motionless face, as if he were walled in silence… ”, (E.Zweig, 2006, p. 4). Without a doubt, Joseph Fouché is one of the best negotiators that has existed throughout history, because at the time of the agreement, no gesture was visible on his face, clarifying that in the negotiation, the gestures we carry out help us to see if the deal is on the right track.

In the negotiation there are four stages that we must follow to reach a deal where both parties agree and agree with the agreement, these are; Preparation, Discussion, Closing and Agreement. "Negotiations take place within a series of behavioral phases that are articulated over time in succession." (Rìos., 2005, p. 39). In accordance with the aforementioned, we will now clarify the phases that we must continue to address an agreement:

As the first point we will explain Preparation, it is where the parties must develop the plans to achieve a good negotiation.

During this period the good negotiator must try:

  • Know the opponent as well as possible, obtaining the most information about the person with whom you are going to negotiate and the company where you work. Discover the weaknesses, strengths and needs of the other person, such as ones, in order to better persuade the Adversary. “The decision on the place where the negotiation will take place plays a very important role…” (Fernàndez., 2005, p. 3). According to the aforementioned, the place can be an advantage or a disadvantage since it depends a lot on who of the adversaries chooses it. Select the most appropriate strategies, which we will discover thanks to the information acquired in the previous point. Reasoning on what things we are willing to yield, but before we set ourselves some objectives so that from this point we see that we are willing to give to obtain them.to be able to combat the possible obstacles that may arise in the negotiation and thus be able to look for quick solutions. Rehearse our position in the negotiation, as if it were a play to verify that we are ready.

As a second point we will explain the Discussion, which would be the beginning of the negotiation. In this part it is when we find ourselves for the first time facing the adversary, these first moments must be trial and error and we should not rush, but we should:

  • Know the position of the other party, before giving away ours. For this, questions can be asked to get the other party to trust and thus look for common starting points in the questions. Define ideas and avoid misinterpretations of the position of others, to find the expectations of what they expect from us in negotiation.

As a third point we will explain the Closing, at this point the small details are specified, from this stage it depends on whether the negotiation is closed or canceled. For it:

  • Common goals of both parties will be sought. The most difficult points will be negotiated. The other party will not be pressured, unless necessary. It is necessary to exchange. Never ask without giving anything in return. If we say NO to something, stay firm in our decision and do not allow the other party to notice us. Reach a previous agreement.

As the fourth and last point we will explain the Agreement, at this point the negotiation is closed, in which both parties try to obtain the maximum benefit, with the previous agreement in the above.

It should be added that with the previous and explained points, a good negotiation can be reached.


In summary, the negotiation phases are the procedures and strategies to follow in order to be a good business person and thus obtain excellent results, these phases can also serve us for a job interview, in my reflection it is very important That is why I liked the topic and it was of utmost importance to investigate what those phases are to achieve a good agreement. And be clear that in a negotiation you must be willing to give to receive. We suggest the following lines of research:

Types of negotiation.

Negotiation techniques.

Negotiation strategies and tactics.

Strategies for effective negotiation.



Amoròs, E. (SF de SF de SF). In search of the development of competitive advantages. Retrieved on 02/16/2016, from Organizational Behavior.:

E.Zweig. (2006). Fochè the dark genius. Thistle editorial.

Fernàndez., S. (2005). Negotiation techniques. Skills to negotiate successfully. Spain: Own ideas.

Muñoz Corvalàn, J. (06 of 2012). The negotiation. Retrieved on 02/16/2016, from Contributions to the social sciences:

Rìos., AS (2005). International trade negotiations. Peru: Editorial Fund of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

S.Fernàndez. (2005). Negotiation techniques. Skills to negotiate successfully. Spain: Own ideas Editorial, SL

Negotiation stages