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Evaluation of the implementation of new technologies in companies

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This article aims to publicize how new technologies have affected companies by mentioning what advantages and disadvantages their implementation brought.

As we all understand when companies just started, both nationally and internationally, they needed the support of people to carry out their activities, over the years technology has evolved, for example computers began to develop and these were taking the place of people in companies.

This brought unemployment as a computer could carry out the work that came to need the collaboration of two or three people to be able to do it, with the use of the computer the company saved time and money that it could use in some other activity.

Evolution of New Technologies in Companies

In recent decades, companies have changed a lot in terms of the use of information technologies or, better said, telecommunications (which are a technique that allows us to transmit or get a message from one place to another).

When we say new technologies, we refer to new advances in computing, video and telecommunications, and as the central theme of this article rightly focuses on companies.

A company with a good use of information and communication technologies can become a successful company, but if it has them and does not use them adequately despite having a good product, it may tend to fail in a certain period of time..

According to a recent survey by MIT's Technology Review magazine on the use of new technologies in companies, it tells us that for once the United States is not the country with the first place in its use, but Sweden, Ireland and According to this survey, the United Kingdom is where it is best to take advantage of advances in information technology for better performance within companies.

Another survey carried out by the National Statistics Institute (INE) tells us that companies located in Madrid, Catalonia, the Basque Country and Navarra are the ones that most use new technologies to communicate.

This report indicates that almost 99% of Madrid companies have an order for their daily operation, 81% use a local area network, 27% have wireless LAN, 96.5% Internet, 32.7% have installed An Intranet, just over 17% have an Extranet, 95% use email and up to 60% have their own web page.

The information revolution has taken a 180 degree turn in each of the establishments, as it makes it possible to make better use of cutting-edge technologies.

In the beginning, companies had different means to carry out their activities, for example, they used to send messages through couriers or postal mail.Nowadays, it is easier and faster to send an e-mail to where the information needs to be and it will be in a few seconds at its destination this does not mean that the previous form is discarded is also used but only when required.

As this example we can find many for example advertising, sales, among others. With the use of new technologies, companies obtain economic, social benefits, etc.

New technologies are important as they provide the company with a better way to make itself known both nationally and internationally and to market its products anywhere in the world.

But not everything is beneficial, just as new technologies have brought many benefits to companies, they have also damaged the economy of thousands of homes, since human labor has been replaced by that of some equipment or new technology that can do it in a different way. faster, providing the company with better performance and economic savings.

It is said that the evolution of technologies is divided into four stages of change, these stages are:

The importance and influence of technologies in a company are directly linked to its characteristics, therefore they will be different whether it is an SME or a Large Company.

Today, progress in so-called information technologies, encompassing computer equipment and applications and telecommunications, is having a major effect. In fact, it is said that we are in a new type of society called the Information Society or the Knowledge Society, which comes to replace the two preceding socioeconomic models, the agrarian society and the industrial society.

However, it should be borne in mind that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are only one instrument (yes, very powerful and flexible) for the management of companies.

Therefore, it is evident that new technologies are an essential element and in continuous development within any company. However, technologies are much more present in large companies than in medium and small (SMEs); This is mainly due to the size of the company and, as a consequence, its scope and its investment and management capacity, although little by little this difference is getting shorter, since many SMEs are beginning to be aware of that the use of ICT is a key issue for its expansion and survival.

Without a doubt, new technologies have brought about a dramatic and drastic change in all companies. In recent years, the Internet should be highlighted as the revolutionary element, followed by mobile telephony. In a short time the Internet has become essential in any company, regardless of its size, and such has been its influence, that most households use it constantly.

The majority of society makes daily use of the computer, the use of which takes place especially at home and in the workplace. Therefore, we can deduce that a large part of the use has a labor objective.

The Internet has become one of the best current technologies plays a very important role within companies today, since it provides the facility to advertise, sell, market and make good relationships both nationally and internationally.

The applications created with the Internet will allow us to:

  • New business strategies. New links with the customer. Follow-up. Customer service. Added value contribution: information. Business expansion: new markets. Market analysis: competition. Active and lively presence.

The company has modernized in different aspects and areas, advertising on the network is a good means of advertising, although it may have some disadvantages since there are individuals who like to profit from information, which is why for some people it is difficult to trust in making purchases via the Internet because they are afraid that their personal information will be extracted.

The goal of the companies is to formulate good work strategies to make good use of the new technologies, thus guaranteeing their survival in the market, having good support in both quality and efficiency, and thus ensuring that they succeed.

Companies that are using new technological advances are performing better and are using all their resources in a better way.

For example, the use of bank terminals in establishments gives customers the advantage of paying with their credit card if they do not get their cash or if they do not carry it, and this also benefits the owner of the place because he makes more sales.

However, there are places where they do not accept credit card payments and there are many customers who prefer to go to an establishment that if they do so, the company loses both customers and cash to continue growing in the market.

It is important that companies, whether large, medium or small, are at the forefront of the use of technologies, since it helps them to grow and excel in their field.

Another amount that companies benefit from is that they no longer need to go to the bank to carry out transactions, payments or any other operations that they have to carry out since they can access the bank's page on the network and carry out the operation they need. at the time that is most convenient for you, this is a faster and more efficient way to carry it out, A new and clear example of how technologies have evolved in companies and organizations is in radio stations, as most of us understand that radio is listened to through different media, for example a tape recorder, some small radio and even some phones. cell phones.

Currently, some radio stations already have an Internet page so that people who are not in the city where the signal is broadcast can listen and feel a little closer to their families.

Technologies have evolved a lot up to our times and as we all know they will continue to grow day by day as each day a new need arises as well as a new idea that helps companies strengthen their prestige.

The use of new technologies has helped companies to market their products both nationally and internationally if they require it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Evolution of New Technologies in Companies.


  • With the use of the Internet, people can take the information they need about a product that the company has on the market by accessing their website when they need it. It helps companies to market their products anywhere in the world.


  • They may partially replace the work of human beings in companies.

We can emphasize that new technologies have brought benefits to companies more than anything, for example they have helped them grow both economically and professionally.

My recommendations are:

For companies that do not have a bank terminal as a form of payment, it would be a good choice to add this to their payment methods, since it would bring them higher sales and some other benefits.

Another recommendation is for establishments that have not dared to use the Internet as a means to advertise or sell their products, it would be good to take into account that this would bring them great benefits that would help them grow and enter both the national and international market. why not!.


As mentioned, new technologies have been evolving into gigantic pasts, so this article was made with the purpose of analyzing how you have benefited and affected companies, bringing savings in different areas. Companies that are not up-to-date in this area run the risk of becoming obsolete, underdeveloped and at the same time giving a low quality of service.








Evaluation of the implementation of new technologies in companies