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Evaluation and analysis of quality management in a mechanical maintenance company


This work consists of the evaluation and analysis of the quality of management at the Granma Repair Company in Matanzas, whose main activity is the commercialization of automotive parts, pieces and accessories and service to light vehicles. It was possible to determine that the main difficulties are, in that the organization only manages by results and is oriented to efficiency.

There is no systemic approach to quality management. In the work, different tools for evaluation, analysis and diagnosis were applied, such as SERVQUAL, indicator analysis, Kendall's coefficient method, process map and cause-effect diagram.



Quality implies continuous improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and its activities, always being very attentive to the customer's needs, complaints or signs of dissatisfaction. By planning to refine and control work processes, you will increase the organization's capacity and performance.

The SGC are evolving in such a way that it becomes more and more prominent, the factors that allow better knowledge and an agile adaptation to the changing market conditions. Among these factors we highlight the vision of the market and strategic planting, the design of the key business processes and the measurement, analysis and improvements.

Our company to complement its quality policy and create a frame of reference against which the effectiveness of the QMS company is compared, outlines its quality objectives which are:

Maintain 5% of the commercial assortments in stock to ensure immediate services and carry out larger productions at the request of its clients.

Evaluation of the individual competence of the personnel to carry out their work every three months by operator or job.

Implementation and certification of the SGC in the area of ​​low pressure hydraulic and pneumatic hoses.

These are the generals of the organization based on them and depending on their particular characteristics of each process, they have defined their own Quality Objectives in the relevant functions and levels.

The elaboration of a Quality Management procedure represents a successful advance for the Company.


Chapter I Theoretical foundation.

Over the years, scholars have approached the issue of quality from different perspectives. EW Deming (1989), JM Juran (1993), P.Crosby (1996), A. Feigenbaum (1971), Kaoru Ishikawa (1988), Harrington (1990), Schroeder (1992), Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985)

Despite the diversity in the definitions that over the years it can be seen that there are coincident elements referred to by the different authors such as: requirements, market, client, satisfaction of expectations, efficiency, improvement and an indisputable approach towards achieving customer satisfaction.

Reviewing their definitions, we realize that they all place customer satisfaction at the center of the concept.

According to the author EW Deming (1989), quality does not mean the achievement of perfection, but the efficient production that the market expects. Offer low-cost products and services that satisfy customers.

JM Juran (1993): A key element in the definition of quality is the "fitness for use" of a product.

P.Crosby (1996): He explains it from an engineering perspective as the fulfillment of precise norms and requirements. Her motto is "get it right the first time and get zero defects."

  1. Feigenbaum (1971): Composite characteristics that allow to meet consumer expectations. Quality is built from the start of product design.

Kaoru Ishikawa (1988): Develop, design, manufacture and maintain a quality product that is the most economical, useful and always satisfactory for the consumer.

Harrington (1990): It is meeting or exceeding customer expectations at a price you can afford and at a cost you can bear.

Schroeder (1992): Quality is including zero defects, continuous improvement and great customer focus. Each person defines quality with their accessories.

Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985): They define the quality of the service as the judgment that the client makes about the superiority or global excellence of the product, that it is an attitude, related but not equivalent to satisfaction and that is described as the degree and direction of discrepancies between customer perceptions and expectations.

A.Galgano (1995): Describes quality as customer satisfaction, affirming that this concept surpasses and enriches other more traditional meanings and insists on its global meaning.

NC / ISO 9000: 2005. Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics meets requirements.

However, if the most recent definitions are analyzed, it can be verified that the meaning of the quality category broadens its scope, they no longer allude only to certain characteristics of the product or the process, but are oversized and globalized to organization-wide level, which requires a comprehensive and systemic approach.

This global meaning of quality has been explained and demonstrated by the Japanese style or approach to total quality management (CWQC), in which the word quality is the reference and objective of any activity carried out in the company. A reference or a target cannot be partial as there is a risk of ignoring the others. The client seeks a global result (a set of: price, quality, deliveries, service and security), so that it is not possible to take care of a single factor without taking into account the rest. In other words, the pursuit of a limited objective can compromise customer satisfaction, therefore, the word quality must express a global and unifying concept that encompasses everything related to the objective of "excellence" to which every company should aim.Within the meaning of the word quality, everything must be included (Galgano, 1993).

This global meaning is complemented by another operation which establishes two key aspects:

Quality as customer satisfaction. Within this scheme, the word quality is projected outwards and is not the result of always partial and subjective internal visions. What counts is the degree of customer satisfaction.

Quality as output. Output equals quality, and vice versa; both are therefore synonymous. Thus, all people are responsible for a part of the quality and also from this point of view, a great unification is registered.

These two aspects are consistent with the need to articulate the approaches: external, internal and dynamic that characterize quality management today. On the one hand, it emphasizes its external projection, towards customer satisfaction and the need for its objective measurement, and on the other hand, the importance of coordinating the internal supply chain to ensure the quality of its deliveries is recognized, as an internal guarantee of the external assurance; managing to dynamically unify these approaches. The operational meaning responds to the need to measure a category as broad, global and complex as quality, establishing its operationalization through customer satisfaction (quality as customer satisfaction), but emphasizing the process focus that characterizes quality management,considering the quality equivalent to the outputs and not only as the end result of a process.

Finally, two new meanings of quality are proposed within the CWQC philosophy closely related to the way of managing quality. According to Galgano (1993), “negative quality” means the deviation (negative precisely) between what is obtained and what that should be obtained to meet expectations. Identifying the deviations to be reduced, or at least having the tendency to reduce, means operating to eliminate the problems linked to "negative quality" This is why sometimes we also speak of "reactive quality" in this field: we react (you must react) in the face of negative situations. Every day companies realize more of the enormous potentials and the great need to intervene to reduce negative quality.

  1. Padrón (2001) defines negative quality as that based on defects and insufficiencies, it is oriented to the internal client and the process.

Positive quality It is a more complicated area, but also a more stimulating one, which requires much more active action to increase the level of customer satisfaction (Galgano, 1993).

  1. Padrón (2001) states that positive quality is managed on the basis and characteristics of the service, modifications and additional improvements of the service offered, with an orientation to the external client.

These last two meanings of CWQC quality are closely related to conformity quality (negative quality) and design quality (positive quality).

Part of Quality Management aimed at increasing the ability to meet quality requirements. The requirements can be related to any aspect such as effectiveness and efficiency. Efficacy is the relationship that exists between the good or service and the degree of customer or company satisfaction, and Efficiency has a clear economic dimension, as it involves the ideal selection and effective and efficient administration of human and financial resources. and materials; as well as producing with the lowest possible cost, which leads to increased productivity by optimally organizing the service process.

Efficacy: Degree to which the planned activities are carried out and the planned results are achieved.

Efficiency: Relationship between the result achieved and the resources used.

Indicators of Efficacy: They measure how well or how poorly a process meets the expectations of its customers. Examples:

  • Customer satisfaction Perceived quality Leadership level Formal level of standards.

Efficiency Indicators: They are those that measure the consumption of process resources. Examples:

  • Costs and Expenses.% Occupancy. Accounts Receivable. Accounts Payable. Quality costs.

Processes are the core of an organization and through them value is added to customers. Process management contributes to improving the overall management of the company.

An adequate management of the processes allows to evaluate, analyze and continuously improve the performance of the organization, as well as to ensure an optimal performance of people and the use of resources.

When identifying QMS processes, consideration will be given to whether they provide added value for the customer or not, and whether they should minimize or eliminate the tasks that they do not provide since the mission of an organization must be to create value for its customers. The processes must always be oriented to customer satisfaction.

The number and complexity of processes vary markedly from one organization to another. The processes of two organizations can be formally identical, while the resources, improvement methods and leadership can be radically different.

Identify the processes and determine their sequence and interaction in the first step to control and improve them; Thus, the desired result of the organization is achieved. Then the effort should be focused on maintaining and improving the efficiency of the processes. In this way, continuous customer satisfaction is guaranteed.

The effectiveness of the system consists in that the organization must focus its efforts on developing the processes in accordance with the guidelines contained in the documented procedures and the results obtained are transferred to the quality records, which serve to monitor and establish the Basis for future improvements, therefore, will be effective because it achieves what was planned.

Documenting the processes makes them repeatable, controllable, teachable and improvable. Provides a firm foundation for undertaking improvement.

The processes can be classified into:

Strategic processes:

They are those that provide guidelines to all other processes and are performed by management or by other entities. They usually refer to laws and regulations.

The strategic processes related to quality management are: Strategic Quality Plan, National Quality Assessment Plan, Quality Management System implicit in the Quality Manual.

Key processes: They concern different areas and have an impact on the customer, creating value for them. They are the essential activities, the raison d'être of the company, Support processes: They support the fundamental processes. They help in carrying out the fundamental processes. The support processes related to Quality Management and Control are: Recruitment and promotion of personnel; Purchases; Training; Information systems; Management control; Maintenance.

The quality management system is that part of the organization's management system focused on achieving results with respect to quality objectives, to satisfy the needs, expectations and requirements of internal and external stakeholders, as appropriate. The quality objectives complement other objectives of the organization such as those related to growth, financial resources, profitability, the environment and occupational safety and health. The different parts of an organization's management system can be integrated together with the quality management system within a single management system, using common elements. This can facilitate planning, resource allocation,setting complementary goals and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the organization. The organization's management system can be evaluated by comparing it with the requirements of the organization's management system. The management system can also be audited against the requirements of International Standards, such as ISO 9001 and Iso 14001. These management system audits can be carried out separately or together.

To achieve quality products, organizations must have a customer / market orientation, establish an adequate relationship between product quality and price, have a trained and motivated workforce, and a firmly established quality management system (QMS). Furthermore, the market now increasingly requires the adoption of internationally recognized quality management systems and the demonstration of this fact by certification through accredited bodies. This certification is considered a factor of competitiveness, since it adds value to the product, increases customer confidence and facilitates access to national and international markets.

ISO 9000 is a family of international standards that describes a basic set of elements, from which a quality management system can be developed. To develop these standards, an international standardization methodology has been used, within the framework of the International Organization for Standardization.

There is an experience activity that involves a group of people from a company interested in proposing solutions to problem or conflict situations, undergoing an analysis that should lead to a concrete action plan that allows solving the problem situation: the Diagnosis.

The Diagnosis is a previous and irreplaceable Process to manage Quality.

  • DIAGNOSIS QUALITY MANAGEMENT Prior + Technical Planning + Control + Improvement

According to Valdéz Riviera (1998). The diagnostic concept is part of a preventive and strategic management process. It is constituted as a means of analysis that allows the change of a company, from a state of uncertainty to another of knowledge for its proper management, on the other hand it is a process of permanent evaluation of the company through indicators that allow to measure the signs vital.

Quantitative quality control tools:

  • Plot diagram Frequency histogram Pareto diagram Cause-effect diagram Scatter diagram Stratification Control charts Flow diagram.

Qualitative tools of quality management.

  • Affinity Diagram Relationship Diagram Systematic Diagram Arrow Diagram Matrix Diagrams

Since most of the studies are oriented to evaluating the quality of tangible products, it is important to consider some relevant aspects related to the quality of service (Grönroos, 1982; Lehtinen & Lehtinen, 1982):

For the user, evaluating the quality of services is more difficult than evaluating the quality of tangible products; possibly the criteria they use to assess the quality of a service are more difficult to understand.

Users not only evaluate the quality of the service evaluating the final result they receive, but also take into account the process of receiving the service.

In evaluating the quality of a service, the only criteria that are really relevant are those established by users. Only users judge quality, all other judgments are irrelevant.

The perception of the quality of a service is established based on how well the provider performs the service, evaluated in contrast to the expectations that the user had regarding what he expected the provider to do.

The evaluation of services is more difficult than that of consumer goods, due to their more intangible and difficult to define characteristics, which is why it is necessary to make a brief review of the concept of service quality. For this, we must start from the two most important currents: the Nordic school of marketing of services or called the European tradition and the North American school or institute of marketing sciences designated as the North American tradition, the latter being the best known, for its great development and disclosure, enhancing social interaction between customer and employees.

Before finishing this short bibliographic review, it is necessary not to overlook a concept that is very fashionable today:

Continuous improvement. It is the process by which small improvements are continuously made in all company functions and in which all personnel participate. This process, moreover, focuses on low or no cost ideas, is action-oriented and is quick to apply. The Japanese have a word for this process: kaizen, and it represents the way of life of the Japanese people: trying to be better every day, even a little.

The basic objective of all companies and, therefore, of all their managers has always been to make them competitive, offering quality products or services at a better price than the competition, at the best cost for the company itself and with the greatest possible dominance of its segment in the market, that is, being a leader in its sector. These competitiveness and leadership objectives have remained unchanged over time from the dawn of the industrial revolution to the present day; what has changed and in all probability will continue to do so in a market like the current one, characterized as we all know, by strong pressure at all levels of companies, to progressively improve their level of Quality and immediate results. costs and therefore its competitiveness,These are the strategies used. These strategies have evolved from the concept of Artisanal Quality, passing through inspection in the centralized Quality Control departments, to the current concept of it, oriented towards Total Quality management as a philosophy focused on customer satisfaction and the participation of all company employees in the continuous improvement of products, processes and services, with the massive use of quality tools as an aid to achieving these objectives.oriented towards Total Quality management as a philosophy focused on customer satisfaction and the participation of all company employees in the continuous improvement of products, processes and services, with the massive use of Quality tools as an aid to the achievement of these objectives.oriented towards Total Quality management as a philosophy focused on customer satisfaction and the participation of all company employees in the continuous improvement of products, processes and services, with the massive use of Quality tools as an aid to the achievement of these objectives.

Chapter 2: Diagnosis of Quality Problems in the Granma Repair Company.

2.1-Brief Historical Review of the Granma Repair Company

On December 25, 1976 by resolution No. 331 of the Ministry of the Iron and Steel Industry at that stage, co. Lester Rodríguez, the so-called Engine Repair Company and Aggregates "Granma" was created. Currently subordinate to the management of motors and boxes of the industrial group UNECAMOTO.

With legal domicile in Carretera Central KM 108 Peñas Altas, Ciudad se Matanzas and with commercial name ESTAMAT.

Our company began its construction in an area of ​​17 682.1m2 in February 1972 and in April 1973, after completing some of the civil works, the installation and assembly of tools began in order to provide services in the repair of minor aggregates of Soviet equipment and later of Engines, facing the difficulties of the moment when not having enough qualified personnel to face the production plan with the new technology installed.

Just to mention some aspect of the production of that time in September 74, out of 42 engines to be repaired according to plan, 107% was achieved with 45 in total, and that same year the production plan for 300 engines was successfully completed. being evident the high productive and political morale that I identify from the beginning to the group of workers with their leadership and political factors at the forefront.

It reached its highest productive level in 1986 with 3.8 million pesos, in 87 it decreased to 1.0 million as a result of readjustment and reprogramming of production due to the passing of three important workshops to the Railway Union.

In 1992 the production curve bottomed out only 0.7 million. The following year the situation began to reverse, growing by 44% in relation to the previous year, as a result of the start of the equipment re-motorization activity and which would definitely mark the Company's activity with the distinctive seal. As of this date, the recovery of the productive levels begins, maintaining a sustained growth that reaches its highest values ​​in 1998 and 1999, where 3.2 and 3.3 million pesos are obtained, respectively. Significantly influencing the re-motorization to MINAZ of the Yun tractor with ADE engine.

A new stage of subsistence begins for our company, making its way into the solvent domestic market in a frank process of growth each year, reaching total turnover in 2007 of 8.6 million with 48% CUC currency in its composition.

In all these years the Company has been growing through the work of the Revolution and in its daily work and as a result of the enthusiastic work of its workers, it has obtained important and well-deserved Diplomas, Recognitions, Trophies, Medals and decorations such as trophy for the winning center of the Inter.Empresa emulation.

  • Recognition "Ready for Defense Second Stage 2000" from the Ministry of Iron and Steel Industry SIME to the Granma Repair Company in 2000. Recognition of the Ministry of Iron and Steel Industry SIME for having complied with the Foreign Currency Income Plan given on January 16, 2001.Diploma of the Ministry of Iron and Steel Industry SIME as an Outstanding Company for the results obtained in 2001.Diploma of the Automotive Industry UNECAMOTO for the effort made to achieve the status of Outstanding Company given on December 28, 2001. Certificate of Registration of the Republic of Cuba, Ministry of Justice Mercantile Region given on December 6, 2001.Recognition of the Automotive Industry UNECAMOTO for the effort made to achieve the status of Outstanding Company given on January 17, 2003.Diploma of the Automotive Industry UNECAMOTO for the effort made to achieve the status of Outstanding Company in 2003. Recognition by the Provincial Committee of the Union of Metal and Electronic Workers of the province of Matanzas as an Outstanding Company given on March 24, 2003. Certificate of National Vanguard belonging to the National Union of Metal Workers for successful results in socialist emulation in the 2004.Recognition of the Automotive Industry UNECAMOTO for the effort made to achieve the status of Outstanding Company given on December 9, 2004.National Economy Award of the SIME NOMINATED Ministry of Iron and Steel Industry to the Granma Repair Company on March 04, 2005. Recognition of the Automotive Industry UNECAMOTO for the effort made that allowed it to achieve the status of Outstanding Company in 2005. Committee Recognition Provincial of the Ministry of Iron and Steel Industry SIME to the Granma Repair Company for its decisive contribution in the emulation on July 26, given in the month of February of the year 2005. Recognition of the Provincial Secretariat of the Metallurgical Union of the Ministry of Steel and Mechanical Industry SIME to the Granma Repair Company for its outstanding participation in the Programs of the Revolution, given on March 24, 2006.Automotive Industry Diploma UNECAMOTO as an Outstanding Company for the results obtained given on January 31, 2007.

Status of the Certification of the Quality Process and Business Improvement.

Quality Management System.

Our company is committed to certify this system in the first half of 2008, so we have the processes and procedures to begin applying the Business System.

Business Improvement.

By agreement No. 5416 of the Executive Committee of the Minister's Council dated March 30, 2005, it was approved that the company will begin to apply Business improvement and since then the system has been implemented in the center.

2.2 - Corporate Purpose

  • Provide repair, maintenance and re-motorization service for all types of engines for light, heavy, agricultural and construction vehicles, forklifts, machine tools and their parts, parts, components and accessories, in national currency and currency. Provide recycling and Dieselization of all types of engines for light, heavy, agricultural and construction vehicles, in national currency and foreign currencies. Produce and commercialize automotive parts, pieces, spare parts and accessories, spare parts for industrial equipment, in national currency. and currencies, according to nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Provide forklift reconditioning services and specialized lifting equipment, in national currency and foreign currency.Provide rental services for forklifts and specialized lifting equipment, in national currency and foreign currency. Provide assembly services for machine tools, in national currency and foreign currency. Produce and wholesale market light metal structures associated with social programs of national or territorial interest., as well as providing assembly and installation services thereof, in national currency and foreign currencies, according to nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Provide specialized transport equipment rental services, in national currency.as well as providing assembly and installation services thereof, in national currency and foreign currency, according to nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Providing specialized transportation equipment rental services, in national currency.as well as providing assembly and installation services thereof, in national currency and foreign currency, according to nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Providing specialized transportation equipment rental services, in national currency.

2.3 - Mission:

Provide efficient and quality after-sales services, re-motorization, motor repair, as well as the commercialization of parts and other mechanical productions.

2.4 - Vision

Increase our participation quota in automotive repair services in the province, increasing our turnover to more than 10 million at least in the next 5 years.

Achieve for the future a competitive culture where a rational order prevails regarding material and financial assurances, potential man's attention.

2.5 - Product portfolio

Marketing and provision of the service of re-motorization of second-hand engines. Such as Mitsubichi 4D56, 4D32, Toyota 2L, 3L, 1C, 2C, 3C, Hino, Suaro, Tico, etc., all are of similar constructive characteristics, there are 8, 6 and 4 cylinder engines, electro pump

Assembling hydraulic and pneumatic low pressure hoses

Vehicle Hose type Lenght of
M / U hose Cant Racor Fitting Type Cant Racor Fitting Type
Mitsub L 300 SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.28 two (Racor 021 175BB / 21)
Mang / brake Fixed Female
Forward Long Pressable M10x
Mitsub L 300 SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.22 one Fitting 0021 121BB / 42 one Fitting 0021 175 BB-121
Mang / brake Fixed Male Fixed Female
Front short Pressable M10x Pressable M 10 × 1
Mitsub L 300 SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.34 two Fitting 0021 121BB / 21
Mang / brake Fixed Female
Rear Pressable M10x
Mitsub L 200 SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.3 two (Racor 021 175BB / 21)
Mang / brake Fixed Female
Lead Pressable M10x
Mitsub L200 SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.38 two Fitting 0021 121BB / 21
Mang / brake Fixed Female
Rear Pressable M10x
Fiat boxer SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.485 one Fitting 0021 121BB / 42 one (Racor 0021 113BB-118
Mang / brake Fixed male Fixed Female
Lead Pressable M10x Pressable M 10 × 1
Fiat boxer SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.47 one (Racor0 021 121BB / 42) one (Racor 0021 113BB-118
Mang / brake Fixed Male Fixed Female
Rear Pressable M10x Pressable M 10 × 1
Fiat boxer SAE-J 1401 1/8 ″ 0.48 one (Racor 0021 121BB / 42 one (Racor 0021 113BB-118
Mang / brake Fixed Male Fixed Female
Forward Pressable M10x Pressable M 10 × 1

2.6 - Real Clients

  • Ectesa Provincial Beverage and Liquor Company Credit and Trade Bank Cubatur Varadero Provincial Food Company Pescamat Construction Materials No. 8 Popular Power Ecomat TransoECASA

State-owned companies that have a large pool of equipment that needs technical assistance, maintenance, repairs, sale and after-sales service.

In this table, all the automotive equipment in the province that have a Transport Operating License are registered. In studies carried out, it was found that 47% of the truck fleet is owned by MINAZ AND MINAGRI, that 51% of the total number of buses is owned by the People's Power, as well as 70% of the total number of cars.

Trucks ……..4577… 65.5%

Bus ……….919… 13.1%

Minibus ……….51 …… 0.7%

Cars ………… 502 …… 7.2%

Others ………… 944 …… 13.5%

2.7 - Suppliers

  • TransimportAutoimportRegasoMitransComercial GuamaRandiAutopartes

We have a group of suppliers with state-of-the-art technologies and excellent quality that gives us the possibility of successfully competing in the market.

Our suppliers are accredited in the country, with extensive experience that allow them a stable sequence in the delivery of the goods, which gives us a safe market.

We have suppliers that cover a line of vehicles and others that are more extensive, all in the automotive activity.

2.8 Organizational Structure of the Granma Repair Company

The company has 7 basic productive business units and a Logistics Support and Service unit for a total of 8 units, 5 of which are located in the company's own base, one in Varadero.

  • Determine the fundamental products of the company. (BCG matrix)

The fundamental products of the Company are second-hand engines and Hydraulic hoses and low pressure tires.

Analysis of Product Portfolio of Repair Company Granma

Product lines Sales by product lines I grew per line
Year 2003 Year 2004 Year 2005 Year 2006 Year 2007 2006 resp.


Mitsubichi engine 7,246 6,822 9,803 10,412 16,481 58%
Toyota engine 159,963 171,124 216,402 261,179 363,806 39%
Hino motor 6,120 8,520 8,279 13,004 13,919 7%
Suaro engine 20,633 35,440 27,913 54,090 46,926 -13%
Tico Engine 7,638 5,718 10,333 8,727 17,372 99%
Hydraulic hoses 1,064 2,678 1,440 4,088 2,421 -41%
Total 202,665 230,302 274,170 351,500 460,923
Increase 14% 19% 28% 31%

Competitive sales

Lines of


Establo SA SOMEC Ampelo SA Repairing Granma Total
Mitsubichi engine 8,423 4,395 7,325 16,481 36,623
Toyota engine 90,951 60,634 90,951 363,806 606,343
Hino motor 26,677 46,395 28,997 13,919 115,988
Suaro engine 93,852 73,322 79,188 46,926 293,288
Tico Engine 13,029 43,429 13,029 17,372 86,858
Hydraulic hoses 3,712 8,393 1,614 2,421 16,140
Total 236,645 236,567 221,103 460,923 1,155,238

Motor Market in the region

Lines of


2007 2006 I grew up. Merca.
Mitsubichi engine 36,623 28,390 29%
Toyota engine 606,343 505,285 twenty%
Hino motor 115,988 109,422 6%
Suaro engine 293,288 279,321 5%
Tico Engine 86,858 62,041 40%
Hydraulic hoses 16,140 15,670 3%
Total 1,155,238 1,000,130 16%

Data for BCG

Product lines Competitors
Mitsubichi engine 8,423 16,481 1.96
Toyota engine 90,951 363,806 4.00
Hino motor 46,395 13,919 0.30
Suaro engine 93,852 46,926 0.50
Tico Engine 43,429 17,372 0.40
Hydraulic hoses 8,393 2,421 0.29

From the previous data the following parameters necessary for the elaboration of the BCG matrix are determined

PRM TCM Sales Vol
Mitsubichi engine 1.96 29% 16,481
Toyota engine 4.00 twenty% 363,806
Hino motor 0.30 6% 13,919
Suaro engine 0.50 5% 46,926
Tico Engine 0.40 40% 17,372
Hydraulic hoses 0.29 3% 2,421

Current Period BCG Matrix

1-Internal balance of the product portfolio

Star Toyota engine 363,806 83%
Mitsubichi engine 16,481
Subtotal 380,286
Unknown Tico Engine 17,372 4%
Subtotal 17,372
Dog Suaro engine 46,926 14%
Hino motor 13,919
Hydraulic hose 2,421
Subtotal 63,266
Total 460,923

According to this analysis, the product portfolio is healthy because it presents the majority of the sale in Productos Estrellas.

The market leader faces three fundamental strategic options: Expansion of total market demand, defense of current market share and expansion of its market share.

To continue being the dominant company, it is necessary to act on three fronts:

  • The Company must find ways to expand the total market demand. It must protect its current market share through effective defensive and offensive actions. It can try to increase its market share.

2.10- Analysis of the forces of competition.

Every company whose mission is to sell any product or service, thus achieving a profit, has the urgent need to have truthful information about what is happening in the market (information about its actual and potential customers, about the behaviors of these, on direct and indirect competition, etc.,) in order to determine what can be more convenient to produce, who should be offered what is produced and what is the best way to be structured such offer.


Bargaining power of suppliers

The rivalry between competitors

The threat of new market entries

The bargaining power of buyers

The threat of products that replace ours

Our main competitor is the firm EL ESTABLO itself has a series of competitive advantages that are of great interest to follow up on behalf of our Company:

  1. It has its own workshops to provide light and deep repair services, being a favorable option in the services they offer: Sheet metalwork, electricity and painting.They are located geographically in the Capital of Cuba, which is in constant development. Possibility of imports of material raw and accessories. They have a group of specialists in charge of importing the raw materials necessary for production and not through suppliers as in the case of our company. They have certified hydraulic hoses and low pressure tires by ISO 9000-2001 quality management system

There are other competitors such as the firm Apelos, Somec, Randi and Guama.

2.11- Analysis of customer satisfaction.

The development of a company to be continuous depends on its ability to identify the needs and desires of its customers and act accordingly, and not on the formidable characteristics of a product and its apparent longevity.

Our Company has not lost sight of its customers for a second and they have kept creating new products to satisfy the growing and ever changing needs of consumers.

Therefore, it declares that "Quality is SAFETY" for our clients which means:

  • Safety for the use of the product. Focused on the customer, Ensuring the efficiency of the processes, with a unity of purpose, Reaffirming an authentic professional ethics of the workers, with Interest in the training of the person, Decreasing production costs and rejections, Allocating material resources, human, economic for the development of QMS, reaching technological and labor discipline in the organization.

Analysis of customer satisfaction:

Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand their current and future needs, meet their requirements, and strive to exceed their expectations. This is reflected in principle number 1: Customer focus, quality management that forms the basis of the Quality management system of the family of ISO 9000 standards.

Identify customer needs and expectations:

  • Through different ways that complement each other, including: market research, which is one of the pillars on which the growth planning of the company must be based, search for updated information, information on the companies of the SOMEG competition, surveys, among other ways that provide information on the current or potential market. Solve problems of the commercial process in order to improve its efficiency. Reduce the cost of the commercial process through the development, selection and improvement of the products and the methods of the aforementioned commercial process, this objective may be achieved by obtaining and recording data on the potential and / or actual market, by choosing the appropriate techniques for the systematic analysis of the data and finally,by means of the adequate application of these specific techniques to the different problems to analyze within the market in which it is affected or is intended to influence.

Design and development of products and services.

  • The organization must design and develop products and services tailored to the needs and expectations of customers. Organize actions to ensure that the improvement of products and services and their adjustment to customer needs is carried out systematically with the objective to periodically feed back with the client, the survey included in our annex No. 1 is proposed.

Improved communication with the client.

The organization must plan and manage communication with the client to achieve feedback and an effective adjustment of the service. Among others it must:

  • Track the services offered in order to determine levels of satisfaction. Use regular procedures to obtain data on customer satisfaction. Attached survey No1 and 2.Determine and satisfy the daily needs of its clients.It must establish a clear and precise method so that the client can express her complaints and opinions.Use the information on client satisfaction to adjust and improve the service.

2.12- Analysis of complaints and claims vs. Customer satisfaction.

Surveys are carried out to 50% of the clients who receive the service of the company, by the technicians of the Quality area, the internal auditors when required, and other technicians appointed by the management of the company, seeking with this to obtain information on:

  • The degree of satisfaction with the service provided Compliance with the expectations of the service provided Current expectations

These surveys are taken as a reference for continuous improvement in service quality

In the event that a customer complaint occurs, it is processed as a non-compliance of the service and proceeds as established in the corrective and preventive actions. Annex No. 4.

The head of the process, the directors of UEB carry out the investigation of the cause of non-conformity or joint observations with the technical personnel of their area and propose effective corrective actions to solve them, which were proportional to the magnitude of the problems detected. and the risks that may arise from it.

Non-conformity is understood as non-compliance with a specified requirement, whether for the product, service or process. Non-conformities will be determined through internal audits of the implemented SGC, internal review by management, customer complaints that are appropriate or detected by a worker in these cases will be recorded in the non-conformity register, actions will be taken before a potential non-conformity or in the face of a situation that may cause.

2.13 - Identification and classification of the Company's processes.


  • Document control: Establish a structured documentary system in accordance with the requirements of the reference standards.


  • Management of financial resources: It establishes how to provide, depending on the work to be carried out, the financial resources necessary to guarantee the QMS processes and their continuous improvement.


  • Human Resources Management: Establishes how to provide, depending on the work to be carried out, the Human and Material Resources necessary to guarantee the QMS processes and their continuous improvement.


  • Product realization: It establishes how to carry out communication between the Company and its customers, so as to guarantee information about the service, queries, contracts, attention to requests, modifications and customer feedback, including complaints. Also establish the method for requests for the product, services and personnel that meets what is needed for the realization of the product and raises the evaluation, selection and reevaluation of suppliers.


  • Measurement and Analysis: Establish the method of how to control and measure the QMS processes and the analysis of the data obtained from the measurement.


  • Improvement: Establishes the taking of actions to guarantee the effectiveness and continuous improvement of the QMS.

Process Map Annex No. 5

2.14 - List the problems that hinder the production or service provision of the company.

Problems that hinder the production or provision of the Company's service and their causes.

  1. Insufficient use of the working day, given by:
  • Absenteeism and lateness to work.Technological and equipment breakdowns, which is why on occasions the expectations of the service provided have been breachedLoss of time due to indiscipline and other causes.
  1. Difficulties in insuring raw materials and materials.
  • Inefficient execution of the suppliers' technical material supply program affecting production stability. Insufficient fuel figures. Lack of tools and devices to carry out said
  1. The company does not yet have a certified Quality Management System, but if they are implementing the established processes, in May we will receive the CTEC Audit and we must certify in the 2nd Quarter of 2008. Although with the application of the Business Management implements a subsystem of attention to man with the aim of achieving greater motivation of human capital the following problems remain:
  • The budget of expenses in CUC in the section of means of protection for men is lower than the offer found in the market, so many times this product cannot be purchased, and when they are acquired it is of very poor quality (work boots). Deterioration of the roofs of the ships, since they leak. The electrical installations are in poor condition. Not adequate conditions of the work stations, mainly lighting and ventilation.

As an investment plan has not been conceived, the aspects dealt with in points 2, 3, and 4 are being solved with the Industrial Maintenance budget.

2.15 - Determine the relationship of the problems listed with the key processes.

The key processes are related to the problems that hinder the production or provision or service of the company since these processes coexist with the functional administration, they concern different areas, making possible an interfunctional management generating value for the client and that therefore seeks your satisfaction. It determines what processes need to be improved or redesigned, sets priorities, and provides a context for initiating and maintaining improvement plans.

2.16 - Determine the causes of these problems.

The root causes of these problems are

Financial deficit caused by the chain of defaults that affected the company in the first quarter of 2008.

Reduction of fuel allocation by directive of the Ministry of SIME.

2.17 - Identify the economic and non-economic indicators that are carried in the company.

Our Company had a total of 169 workers at the end of 2007, represented as shown below:

Company template summary

Occupational Category Template % Specific Weight with respect to the total%
Approved Cover Approved Cover
one two 3 4 = 3/2 5 6
Leaders twenty 19 95 11.11 11.24
Technicians 52 48 92.3 28.89 28.41
Workers 75 73 97.3 41.67 43.19
Services 32 28 87.5 17.78 16.57
Administrative one one 100 0.55 0.59
Total 180 169 93.8 100.0 100.0

Absenteeism Behavior

Not Concepts Plan 2007 Real 2007 %
one Calendar time background 61685 61685 100
two Non-Working Time Fund 18441 18174 98
3 Holidays and holidays 14385 14385 100
4 Holidays 4056 3809 94
5 Maximum usable time fund 43244 43511 101
6 Usable Time Fund 43244 40092 93
7 Unusable Time Fund 3419
8 Work accidents 46
9 Commuting accidents 0
10 Disease 931
eleven Authorized 81
12 Authorized by Current Law 954
13 Of it: Maternity leave 624
14 Unjustifiable 59
fifteen State and Social Obligations 1348
16 Pure Absenteeism 2.46
17 Total absenteeism 7.8
18 Interruptions

Comparative analysis of absenteeism with respect to the previous year.

Indicators Accumulated until December / 2006 Accumulated until December / 2007
Pure Absenteeism 1.99 2.46
Total absenteeism 7.2 7.8

In an analysis carried out in December, the company obtained favorable results with respect to the previous year in the indicators: sales plan, which grew by 29%, gross added value, grew by 2%, the expense / income ratio, it behaves satisfactorily, yielding a profit in the period of 9.3 MP. Not happening the same with Productivity which decreases by 1% so there was deterioration in this indicator, the average salary increased by 9% compared to the previous year.

The same happens with respect to the plan in the indicators: sales plan, which grows by 16%, the average salary decreased by 2% compared to the plan. However, the indicators: gross value added, decreased by 3% due to an overdraft in productive consumption of 6%, which represents $ 480.0 MP, which causes the planned added value not to be met, the expense / income ratio is not met. in relation to what was planned due to an overdraft in productive consumption of 6% that represents $ 480.0 MP and an increase in financial expenses of $ 60.0 MP, yielding a profit in the period of 9.3 MP lower than planned and Productivity decreases in a 3% due to non-compliance with value added.

Economic indicators

Sales plan

Gross value added


Revenue Expense Ratio

Cost by weight




Non-economic indicators

Percentage of absenteeism

Average number of workers

Time to produce the product

Storage capacity utilization

Internal Customer Satisfaction Percentage

External Customer Satisfaction Percentage


Staff training

Performance evaluation

2.19 - Classify the indicators based on the following criteria:

  • Process / result indicators Indicators that allow measuring effectiveness / efficiency.
Indicator Process Outcome Effectiveness Efficiency Effectiveness
Sales plan X X
Gross value added X X
Salary X X
Revenue Expense Ratio X X
Cost by weight X X
Productivity X X
Utility X X
Income X X
Performance evaluation X X
Percentage of absenteeism X X
Average number of workers
Internal Customer Satisfaction Percentage X X
External Customer Satisfaction Percentage X X
Image X X
Staff training X X
Time to produce the product X X
Storage capacity utilization X X

2.20 - Analyze the dynamics of variation of these indicators taking 5 years for the study. (Product life cycle).

Product life cycle.

The evolution of products on the market follows a cycle that goes through a series of stages, similar to the phases of living things, each with its own peculiarities. The life span of products does not always have the same behavior guidelines. It is accepted the general way that there are changes in the market, both in consumers and in the conditions of business development, forcing organizations to constantly adapt their brands to market expectations.

The product life cycle is described through the evolution of sales and benefits from the launch of the product to its withdrawal. At each stage the results and actions of the competition vary, so different marketing strategies must be used.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
SPENDING 32 34.7 36 39.2 42.9
COST 106.8 121.6 156.7 220.3 315
SALES 202.7 230.3 274.2 351.5 460.9
UTILITY 63.9 74 81.5 92 103
INCOME 63.9 74 81.5 92 103
TOTAL 469.3 534.6 629.9 795 1024.8

Variation rate Current year-Base Year

Base Year

Year 2004 Year 2005 Year 2006 Year 2007

534-469 = 14% 629.9-534 = 18% 795-629.9 = 26.2% 1024.8-795 = 30%

469 534 629.9 795

When analyzing the dynamics of variation in these five years, we can see that it has increased gradually in each year as shown above, which is motivated by growth in sales due to high demand in the market, increasing every year.

2.21 - Determine from the previous steps, the type of management orientation of the company: towards effectiveness; efficiency.

  • From the previous steps, the company guides management towards effectiveness and efficiency, drawing up the following strategies: The company does not yet have a certified Quality Management System, but if they are implementing the established processes, in May we will receive The CTEC Audit and we must certify in the 2nd Quarter of 2008 Increase the diversification of the services that the company currently provides, prioritizing those programs of the Revolution. Decrease Production Costs so that we are more competitive, increasing savings. Increasing productivity in relation to the Average Salary. Maintain a Health and Safety System and attention to human resources, in terms of: Training, Salary, stimulation and participation in decision-making.Maintain a high sense of belonging to prevent acts of indiscipline, illegalities, crimes or corruption from occurring, with greater rigor and demand in labor discipline.

2.22 - Diagnose the state of the company's quality system based on the 8 principles of Quality management with the following format:

Beginning Possible tools to use Comments on the evaluation of the principle in the Company
Customer focus External and internal customer survey to know the needs

Current and future to meet your expectations.

Annex No. 1,2 and 3

Surveys are carried out (see Annex No. 1 and 2) to 50% of the clients who receive the Company's service, by the technicians of the Quality area, the internal Auditors as required and other technicians designated by the management of the Company, seeking to obtain information on:

- The degree of satisfaction with the service provided.

- Current expectations.

These surveys are taken as a reference for continuous improvement in service quality.

Leadership Create an appropriate environment in the organization and train senior management to understand what their subordinates are doing. The organization leader creates methods that allow employees to get involved and put all their energy into achieving the Company's objectives. It establishes a clear vision of the entity's future.

The leader must inspire, encourage and recognize the contributions of staff and provide them with the necessary resources and freedom to act with responsibility and authority.

Staff commitment Internal customer survey that the worker understands the importance of their contribution and the role within the organization.

Annex No. 3

Members of the organization must identify the brakes on performance, problems that reduce performance, they must accept their part in the problem and their responsibility to accept it.

Workers must be motivated and recognized when performing their tasks. Clearly knowing the scope of their level, place and measure of action and being motivated to carry out the functions of their tasks through their own initiatives must freely exchange knowledge and experiences and pass it on to the rest of the organization.

Focus on process Process map

(Annex No. 5) and Diagram of the processes. (Annexes No. 6,7,8,9,10 and 11)

It helps us to systematically define the activities necessary to obtain the desired results.

It allows improvement opportunities to be focused and prioritized.

Set clear responsibilities for managing key activities.

Identify the intermediaries of the key activities between the functions of the organization.

Management focus Integrate and align the processes that achieve the desired results and focus efforts on the key processes. Structure a system to achieve the objectives of the organization in a more efficient and effective way.

Structures approaches that amortize and integrate processes.

Define and target how specific activities within the system should work.

Continuous improvement External and internal customer survey and improvement diagram.

Annex No. 11

Provide the organization's staff with training in continuous improvement methods and tools.

Make continuous improvement of products, processes and systems a goal for every person within the organization.

Fact-based decision making Economic and non-economic indicators. External and internal customer survey.

Annex No. 1,2 and 3

It must be ensured that the data and information are sufficiently precise and reliable using valid methods in decision making taking into account intuition and experience.
Mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers Increase the ability to create values ​​for both parties.

Optimize costs and resources.

Key suppliers are identified and selected, creating clear and open communications, sharing information and future plans, and joint improvement activities are established.

2.23 Proposed solutions to the problems found in the organization.

Decrease the Company's absenteeism rate by 1%, which implies an increase in labor productivity of 112.4 MP with a decrease of 2 workers.

Reduce the cost of wages by weight of gross value added by 2%.

Eliminate time loss due to indiscipline and other causes, which would increase productivity by 20%

With the correct implementation of the fuel, the cost of services purchased would be reduced by 10.7 MP.

Carry out the work meeting with the groups previously selected by areas, to work together with the Directors of the UEB and Functional Directorates in carrying out the diagnosis, as a previous step to the assemblies that will be held. The techniques that will be used for the diagnosis will be:

  • Documentary review. Direct supervision.
  • Make studies of new markets.

To influence more efficiently the contracting process of these raw materials, demanding that our suppliers guarantee supplies in a timely manner.

Implement the established processes to be able to certify the Quality Management System.

2.24 Conclusions

2.25 Recommendations

Based on the aforementioned, we consider that the company must improve its quality management system based on the actions taken by its managers, taking into account the opinion of the workers so that everyone feels involved in decision-making, for what we can recommend to continue working on the improvement and improvement of the management system through:

Streamline repairs of tools machines and acquisition of supplies.

Systematically carry out technical checks on equipment.

Demand the correct compliance with the hours of Entry and Exit of the staff and breaks within the Labor Day

Achieve an increase in fuel according to the real needs of the growth of the Annual Plan.

(See annexes in PDF)


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Evaluation and analysis of quality management in a mechanical maintenance company