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Evolution of administration and administrative theories



It is impressive that since the Bible exists, there are signs of administration and that naturally, the man "born leader" organized his group to survive the environment little by little according to the growth of needs. not only of born leaders but also the need to have people with the adequate knowledge to solve problems such as guides, representatives, social groups or companies.

It is important that the people who are the professionals of the administration know the antecedents and the evolution up to the present days since knowing the theory of the administration, its approaches and schools, it is possible to solve basic problems of the administration. It is surprising that the theory in most of its different approaches and schools is still applied today, some with improvements, but they continue this basis that emerged a few years ago.


The administration is one of the oldest activities that the human being has carried out throughout its history and due to its sociable nature it has had the need to organize itself to survive, dividing the different activities such as hunting, clothing, services among others.

The administration arises from the “need” and as the needs grow the administration evolves, at the beginning of the administration born leaders emerge, these leaders are born with those leadership characteristics and their entire tribe or social group followed them but everything changes so much needs as society and the need arises to have leaders with more knowledge about organization, processes, techniques, among other merely administrative activities.

Idalberto Chiavenato author Introduction to the General Theory of Administration says: “The word administration comes from the Latin ad (towards, direction, tendency,) and minister (subordination or obedience, and means one who performs a function under the command of another, is that is, one who provides a service to another. "

Wilburg Jiménez Castro says: "A science made up of technical principles and practices, whose application to human groups allows the establishment of rational systems of cooperative efforts, through which they can achieve purposes in social organisms."

Fremont E. Kast says: “Administration is the coordination of men and material resources for the achievement of organizational objectives, which is achieved through four elements: direction towards objectives, through people, through techniques, within an organization. "

So we can define the administration as the science that involves techniques, processes, principles, practices, through the coordination of all the elements and resources of an organization to achieve the objectives.

Origins of the administration

Historical background

The human being had the need to survive from his origins by organizing tasks to achieve certain objectives, such as protecting himself from the dangers of nature, according to each event that was presented to him, they built conclusions that they inherited from their successors about the successes or failures forming an empirical theory.

Since 1000 BC the Bible is one of the oldest and most important books to have existed and its various passages have had a strong influence on administrative theories.

Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, textually tells him: “Teach people ordinances and laws… Select the best… and assign them to be guides of thousands and guides of hundreds, and guides of fifty, and guides of tens and those guides must administer routine matters and bring to Moses only the important questions. ” It is interesting the way of thinking and organizing people since then making a division and assigning leaders of guides of a certain number of people.

The influence of the Greek sharp in the administration

Among the most important philosophies that added theories applicable to administration are:

Socrates who established a famous principle to get to the truth "The only thing I know is that I don't know anything", where he concludes that in most of the time people who did not have adequate knowledge came to deduce more things than people scholars of that time.

Plato establishes that there are 3 types of class of men according to their reasoning: that of gold for the rulers, that of silver for warriors, iron for farmers, and bronze for artisans. This classification of this great philosopher approaches the principle of division of labor.

Aristotle proposes the separation of state authority into the three branches: the executive and the judicial legislature. As the main idea establishes here the principle of fundamental authority for the organization of a social group is born in this case of the state.

Administrative theory

Management professionals must know the theories that support management and that serve to solve common problems. Administrative theory builds the base knowledge and principles that will help us understand administration more deeply. Administrative theory is also known as schools or streams

Classic management approach. Frederick Taylor Scientific School

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, different authors arose focused on investigating but in a scientific way the industrial companies of that time that had large masses of production, this evolution to administrative thought brings with it the establishment of the scientific stage.

Frederick Winslow Taylor

He was a Philadelphia-born industrial engineer known as the “father of the scientific movement.” He carried out studies in the production areas under the scientific method, all this by observing the workers in this area, his experiment was applied to workers who were Outside of the working hours that they promised to help him once his research was proven, he applied it to the daily life of the production, he concluded that his research could be applicable to any group and organization. Among the conclusions that came after his research is that there was no effective work system, There was no incentive for the worker to motivate him to improve his work, most decisions were made empirically,and there was not an adequate selection of people since the workers were incorporated without taking into account their skills and knowledge. And he established his study called times and movements, which is still applied today.

Work times and movements

In this study Taylor made a division of the entire process into its most important activities, and already with the help of a clock I try to eliminate the slow and wrong movements of the process.

At this stage the principles of operations management emerge:

1.- Scientific selection and preparation of the operator: Today this is a fundamental principle for job competencies, this fundamental principle is based on putting a more difficult task or above the capabilities and aptitudes of the worker.

2.- Establishment of production standards: As its name says, it tries to standardize the production system and its process tries that all workers and each part of the process should produce the same thing, this principle accommodates two other principles:

a) Salary incentives: This principle arises to incentivize the worker when he exceeds the standards without having to affect the quality of the product.

b) Central planning: Here workers must be well trained to carry out their work to achieve those indicators and standards

3.- Involvement of the worker in the process: The highly trained engineers said that the workers involved in production should be well selected, since if the workers were not adequate, the quality of the standard in the products would not be achieved.

4.- Line-functional supervision of production. This has a direct relationship with the supervisor

a) Principle of control: That the activities and tasks must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the regulations or planning

b) Principle of exception: It establishes that in the event that the workers have a problem that is not planned, the supervisor must intervene in the problems generated.

Other characters who influenced this approach were Henry Laurence Gantt and the spouses Frank Gilbreth and Lilian Moller Gilbreth they made the following contributions:

Henry Laurence Gantt: His main contribution is named after the well-known “grafica e Gantt”, which is used to this day

Frank and Lilian: They established a series of symbols known as flow charts

Psychological approach of the administration

In 1920 this approach was born and for industries and serial production, this emerged as the need and concern of entrepreneurs for the motivation towards their collaborators, all with very little scientific value but with great messages of dissemination at this time the well-known article Elberth Hubbard's “message to Garcia” where he places great emphasis on responsibility

Here also appear the first psychological tests that were used at that time for the recruitment of soldiers who participated in the First World War, and afterwards employers adopted this technique, this approach marks the change of the Taylor era where the Men saw them as machines and they worked only for money. It is from this transition that the phrase "human resources is the most important thing in the company" arises.

Mary Parker Follett

The first woman who cares about the psychological aspects of the man where she established that there were important elements such as command and coordination, these two I take as bases of authority and responsibility.

She viewed conflicts within organizations as problems that could serve as an impulse and growth according to the way it would be solved. She considered that to solve problems of this type it consisted of three forms: predominance, commitment, constructive conflict, a each is explained below

Prevalence: It is when one area or department prevails over another, but harms other areas by prevailing.

Commitment: This is less harmful is like the famous phrase "you support me I support you".

Constructive conflict: The conflict exists but the parties are willing to reach an agreement.

Elton Mayo and Hawthorne's study

Of the early characters in industrial psychology, I conducted the first serious studies of organizational human behavior. I conducted three experiments at the Western Electric company in Hawthorne. The experiment is named after the Hawthorne place.

In the year of 1924, the experiment began analyzing the conditions of the workplace and its relationship with productivity at the end of this initial experiment, they did not obtain great conclusions, on the contrary, they were quite confusing on the one hand, they subtracted the conditions of noise, luminosity, among others. to see if productivity increased, and on the other hand they left the workers in the same conditions, in the end there was no change in the result of the production and the relationship is their working conditions.

Later in 1927 the modifications to the initial experiment were made, here they selected a group of workers and made them know that they would be part of an experiment that would last 18 months where they meticulously recorded each of the things they did in the production system, they were given free food, series of interviews were carried out, work and personal, and there was an increase in their productivity, so that up to the stage of this experiment it was concluded that physiological conditions are important.

First experiment

Elton May in this first experiment ordered to remove all the improvements that had been made and all the people were surprised and thought that the productivity would decrease remarkably. invited to the experiment and there were no foremen present.

Second experiment

I carried out an open interview with the workers, without a rigid questionnaire, in order that they were open questions where the worker could speak his feelings without limits, but under a secret, the interviewers were instructed on how to carry out these questions in a formal way. open but above all to pay close attention to the answers to know how to listen and to generate more questions and here the rancor towards the organization and the bosses arose.

Third experiment

In 1931, in this third experiment, productivity and incentives were compared, where there was little impact on productivity. Here, formal and informal groups emerged where friendships among them had the greatest impact.

Sociological approach: Structuralism

Approach constructed by sociologists, where the analysis of social organization is related to any type of institution

In structuralism, basic concepts such as the concept of structure and the organization of all its parts and the relationship between them are handled.

Max Weber

Max Weber is a German sociologist who contributed a lot to this school and he considered three important concepts:

1.- The concept of bureaucracy: Nowadays it is a concept more used and known among all that has to do with the public function, which would come to be like organizational inefficiency.

2.- Concept of authority classification: It is the ability to be able to command and influence other people.

3.- Ideal bureaucracy model: It is based on the concept of bureaucracy but a model of this must be made up of: a maximum division of labor, hierarchy of authority, rules of authority, rules that define responsibility and labor, objective attitude administration, technical qualification and safety at work and avoid corruption.

School of systems

Study organizations as social systems that relate to each other affecting each other. Systems are also identified as the integration of two or more parts for a certain purpose, in this school everything is seen as a system both the organs that make up a human, the cells, everything is seen as a set of something that arrives to an end in this case to form something bigger and functional in the case of a cell or the universe among other things.

In this school a classification of systems according to how they interact with other systems emerges, of which they are composed both materially and objectively (abstract and concrete), what type of response characterizes them (these can be: dynamic, static, probabilistic and homeostatic), by the type of operation (deterministic and probabilistic) and finally by its degree of dependence.

Here it is worth mentioning the elements of a basic system and those known to all with inputs, process, product and feedback. Figure 1 below shows graphically how each of these elements interact.

Figure 1. Elements of a system

As shown in the figure, the inputs are the first element that the system needs to be able to reach the objective or the product, then the process is the transformation of those inputs to result in a product, and once it interacts with the environment and its effects on the product.

Quantitative school

This school occurs mainly in companies that have production processes.

It was in 1654 that Pascal carried out probability studies.

Then in 1801 Gauss who published the theory of number and intervened in Pascal's study and improved the distribution of frequencies and thanks to that there is a technique called "Gauss bell."

Later in the 20th century Frank B. Gilbreth became involved in the application of statistics in business administration.

Walter A. Shewhatrt, North American physicist published a book called Economic Control Of Quality, which generated a great controversy in his time since he carried out studies of the variability of product quality and several internal and external factors depended on this. environment where he concludes that the variations in the quality cannot be eliminated but if tolerances can be put, from this author the well-known circle of Deming arises, although he stated that he was not the author of this tool since it is in charge of planning, making, verify and act. The most attached to control considers that it must take four main steps: The establishment of standards, doing things according to the standards, taking an action when the minimum acceptable as the upper limit is exceeded,make a correction plan and carry them out.

Future work

Development of a manual of administrative theory for service companies


Establish by means of a manual of the different theories of the administration, the best tools for a service company


It is important to know the administration bases for a correct application, most of the antecedents and the emerged tools are important for any organization, some are used with great frequency and others are not very mentioned, these are applied according to the need of the companies, but there are also more current tools but with the fundamental basis of those theories, it is important to carry out an analysis of the tool to be used.


1. CHIAVENATO Idalberto, Introduction to the General Theory of Administration, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill / Interamericana, editors 2004.

2. HERNÁNDEZ and Rodríguez, Sergio Administración: thought, process, strategy and vanguard. First Edition McGraw-Hill / Interamericana editores México, 2002.

3. Gestiopolis.com. (2012). Gestiopolis. Retrieved on September 16, 2012.

4. Gestiopolis.com. (2012). Gestiopolis. Retrieved on September 16, 2012.


1. CHIAVENATO Idalberto, Introduction to the General Theory of Administration, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill / Interamericana, editors 2004, pp. 559.P. 10.

2. HERNÁNDEZ and Rodríguez, Sergio Administración: thought, process, strategy and vanguard. First Edition McGraw-Hill / Interamericana editores México, 2002. 469 Pages. P. 5.

3. HERNÁNDEZ and Rodríguez, Sergio Administración: thought, process, strategy and vanguard. First Edition McGraw-Hill / Interamericana editores México, 2002. 469 Pages. P. 30.

Evolution of administration and administrative theories