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Business success factors in san juan de pasto colombia


In the research called IDENTIFICATION OF FACTORS THAT HAVE LEADED SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LEADERS TO BREED TO ENTERPRISE, MANAGEMENT AND SURVIVAL OF BUSINESSES AT THEIR CHARGE, it was found that entrepreneurs attribute their success in the entrepreneurship phase to factors such as the sense of competition., effective communication, teamwork, creativity and discipline, factors that combining and applying them at opportune times were positioning your company within the market.

Within the management stage, entrepreneurs state that their success lies in factors such as knowledge of the market they serve, management of conflict resolution, management of their company with their own resources, internal communication that leads to excellent coordination between areas and favorable external communication among others.


In the sustainability part of the company, understood as facing the future, businessmen state that they must do so by changing paradigms, diversifying their products and services, and basically forming support networks to face international policies.


In San Juan de Pasto, the idea of ​​the absence of companies has become widespread, a statement that is not entirely correct due to the presence of small and medium-sized companies. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge within the region of the stories lived by successful entrepreneurs, in which the precedence, identity, prestige, honor, and leadership of these men or women who have spent much of their lives dedicated to their organizations, as well as the entrepreneurship and formation of their company.

Another component on which it is necessary to identify success factors is the management that these entrepreneurs have carried out in their company, which includes obtaining, creating and adapting goods and services, developing technologies and making decisions, among others.

In addition, survival is a variable to be highlighted, from which we can extract some factors that entrepreneurs consider important to keep their companies positioned as successful within the regional socioeconomic environment, which consists of maintaining their organizations over time, maintaining a productivity and competitiveness in the environment.

The lack of disclosure and study on the stories, management and expectations of our business leaders in San Juan de Pasto has created a situation of difficulty for future generations to achieve their goals; However, experience can lead to strengths being taken advantage of, that previous mistakes are not made and that as leaders they allow us to see opportunities where the common only sees threats.

In order to identify the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, it is necessary to identify some concepts that allow achieving this objective with greater precision, such as entrepreneurship; understood this as the possibility of creating something, evidenced in the emergence of a company where there is a creative action of wanting and being able to do things.

Creative entrepreneurship is understood as wanting to do things, using the will power not to fail in all attempts and a self-confidence in the security of achieving your goals with a positive attitude, successful mind and determination. It is the ability to self-motivate to undertake important things, put them into action and seek a high dose of differentiation, seeking to be unique in what is done.

The central part of the venture is the ENTREPRENEUR, who is classified as a manager of his own destiny, but with the difference that he is a leader concerned with others, aware of social problems, with a clear sensitivity to the environment that surrounds him and with an unlimited ability to apply their knowledge with a view to effectively and efficiently solving the problems presented to them, with a guideline marked in its principles.

An enterprising person must have defined personality characteristics that explain success at any level, which in our case is related to business. Among some characteristics are: the INTERNAL CONTROL CENTER, which consists in the fact that the events of daily life are determined by the actions of the same individuals; PROPENSION TO RISK, understood as the possibility of taking advantage of the opportunities that are presented to the entrepreneur, assuming the situations in which he can really do better and adjust to his needs; TOLERANCE TO AMBIGUITY, understood as the ability to act in an unpredictable, discordant and ambivalent environment and PERSEVERANCE, understood as the constancy that the businessman has of not giving up in the face of adversity.In addition to the above characteristics, motivations, competences and behaviors must be taken into account.

Pasto has identified as successful companies: Hotel Cuellar´s, Panadería y Pastelería La Merced, Puyo y Cia. Ltda., Productos Martha, IU CESMAG, Fátima Clinic, Mister Pollo Restaurant, Casa Metler, Drugs Santiago, Diario del Sur, Morasurco Café Puro and Distrilar among others. The reasons for considering them successful lie in social recognition, their productivity, number of direct and indirect jobs, seniority and their sustainability.

Entrepreneurship in the successful entrepreneurs of San Juan de pasto can be evidenced through the identification of the stories lived by them, among which the following can be highlighted:


The idea of ​​what is now a great hotel arose in the year of 1982, among a group of friends united by the great bowling hobby. Therefore, ten partners met to build a bowling alley in the style of those found in the most important cities in the country, however the business involved making a very large contribution from the partners, an aspect that influenced the partners to withdraw and it was Don José Cuellar who would prosper with the idea.

After a while, its owner built the bowling alley he had always dreamed of, but since this was an idea that came up without much planning, it only served its owner a good taste. For this reason, taking advantage of the conditions offered by the business on the second floor, the idea arose to build several offices to lease them, but when calculating the monthly income that would be received by all the offices, it was analyzed that it was not a flattering sum On the contrary, it could not cover the investment made. But the idea of ​​building was not discarded, and then a new and good idea "building rooms" emerged, whose monthly income would result in economic benefits.

Don José acknowledges that the lack of knowledge of the business and a respective planning led him to face multiple inconveniences that were gradually being solved, such as the construction of 19 rooms with single beds, discarding the idea that families could visit the hotel. This problem caused high costs for changing beds and their respective lingerie.

Since the workload was high, he then decided to end the bowling alley and expand the hotel based on a feasibility study carried out by his son, who became the hotel administrator managed by Don José Cuellar. Thus, the services provided at the hotel were aimed at middle and high income guests from the beginning and have always been characterized by excellence.

In addition to the strengths found, it is worth highlighting that the staff working in the company is one of the factors behind the hotel's progress, since it has competent workers in its different areas and specialties. This factor leads to the identification of another factor of the success of the hotel, which is the provision of a comprehensive service; therefore, not only the accommodation service is offered, but also the restaurant, bar, lounge rental and excellent communications that make their guests feel satisfied and happy to return.

Like any forward-looking manager, he yearns for a good future for his hotel and has therefore measured his future in three years. For this reason, it has carried out expansions in the waiting room, reception, dining room, and event rooms that have amounted to several million pesos and which has been financed with its own resources and with resources from a 3-year deferred loan.. With this, it is expected that the 51% increase in the level of guests will be maintained and store will rise to continue competing with quality and not with prices and to continue working based on its mission of keeping customers working as a team.


This company, winner of multiple prizes awarded by business associations, was born out of the perennial dream of its founder: Mr. Víctor Hugo España, a provincial person with few economic resources, who started out as an employee of the Rosas Cafeteria and after working for a time in said business and knowing the operation of the bakery, he leased the business thanks to the opportunity granted by the owners and after leasing this business for 3 months and having paid $ 150,000 per month, he was conditioned by the owners to acquire the bakery due to the great boom I take it. It was then that he sacrificed his family assets and sold his house in Funes, to be able to buy the business where he worked, starting his own business.

When Don Víctor remembers his beginnings in the business, his time comes to his memory where, in addition to being a baker, almojabanero and pastry chef, he was a student who had to sacrifice part of the night in the baccalaureate study at the Libertad night, because he recognized that only his pastry skills were important, but he had to complement it with basic and specialized studies. This is how he studied until late at night and began his work at the bakery at two in the morning, since he slept in the same cafeteria where he worked. When he finished his high school studies, he decided to complement it with a career according to his interests; therefore, he studied Public Accounting at night and obtained the title of profession that allowed him to expand his knowledge and to better organize his company.

Don Víctor has also recognized that one of the strengths that has allowed the business to grow is teamwork and that he has such a broad mindset that he has among his advisers people with excellent abilities and with the appropriate national and international experience to lead the company to achieve its objectives; therefore, the company that only specialized in bakery products grew and expanded its range of services, in addition to the basic bakery products, the restaurant service emerged and the development of various specialties that have made this business one one of the best in its market segment.

According to its conception, a company is useful when it not only presents returns for its owner, but when it results in benefits for employees and extends to the community. To do this, it helps the “Pan Vida” Foundation by supplying daily bread and coffee for two hundred people who live on the streets. A monthly contribution is given to the Association of Blessed Ezequiel Moreno to help people suffering from cancer, and markets and money are donated to the House of Divine Providence.

The company that started 21 years ago with three brothers and two more employees, today has 70 workers, who actively participate in the progress, preservation and improvement of the business image.

When talking about the future, the company quantifies it in the short term, therefore objectives are set to meet a deadline of one to six months. One of its objectives derived from a need, consists in expanding the physical infrastructure, since every day the products offered and the customers who require them increase, therefore in the coming months one of the existing salons will be expanded, since space is no longer sufficient.

The company welcomes the application of quality standards based on critical controls, and although they cannot comply with all the standards required for large-scale restaurants, which imply from the production of the inputs used in each of the products, until the final product is obtained, work is done to buy the highest quality raw materials and use the most specialized labor to produce the best.


In the month of August 2002, the CESMAG University Institution celebrated with overflowing joy the twentieth anniversary of its foundation, and by commemorating such a special date, it is of essential importance to move until the year 1976, when Father Guillermo de Castellana, after innumerable efforts and having founded several institutions guided by the objective of providing education to the low-income female population, such as the María Goretti School Association - the basic work of the Capuchin community -, the normal school, the boarding school, the elementary school, the The middle school section and the ceramics workshop, among many other works, received the good news that the project he and his collaborators had presented to a Catholic entity based in the Netherlands called CEBEMO,to construct a building that would consist of five floors to accommodate students willing to receive studies of a superior nature was approved.

It was then that the María Goretti School Association, the governing entity at that time of the work of the Capuchin Friars, carried out the corresponding procedures and a year later the construction of the work began. The period of the construction of the Holland Building, as the work was called in gratitude to the country from which it received donations, was an arduous task that involved many sacrifices, not only for Father Guillermo, but for his immediate and faithful collaborators who, stone after stone and long work, culminated the work in 1980 when in February of this year with the presence of the President of the Republic in Dr. Julio Cesar Turbay and the ambassador of the Netherlands, among other personalities, the building was inaugurated.

Given the entrepreneurial characteristics of Father Guillermo de Castellana, he carried out the necessary steps so that higher education could be offered to the community at the technological level and on August 18, 1980, the contract with the Ministry of National Education that signed the offering to the community of the new technological programs in Financial Administration, Physical Education, Preschool Education and Ceramics; programs that began their academic work on August 16, 1982, along with two programs that previously worked, such as Draftsmen of Architecture and Topography, and which day by day were educating and allowing the progress of the low-income community.

The institution continued under the direction of Father Guillermo de Castellana, and in his rectory period, he founded his Personalizing and Humanizing Philosophy, which conceives the formation of all students as "people" whose dignity is achieved through education and which It has become the driving force of education up to the present time and guide of the work of the following rectors of the institution who after several years of life have seen the passage of the official institution to be a private entity, but always guided for the same ideals.

Father Guillermo de Castellana accompanied the majestic work created in the beginning until his health problems prevented him, and in 1986 he passed away, delegating to his other brothers in the community to continue the work. This is the work that, since 1998, after outstanding directors, Father Evaristo Acosta Maestre has carried out with great diligence, in whose administration it has been possible to observe great advances in the projection of the educational aspect through the implementation of new technologies, professional careers through agreements with renowned universities and specialization that has made the educational field perfect every day,offering new and good alternatives of study and in the cultural aspect allowing the Institution to be linked in events where the rescue and promotion of the nariñense and Colombian culture prevail.

It should be noted that as rector Father Evaristo Acosta has understood the importance of being linked to the productive sector and that is why he has worked so that the students of the Institution join the workforce required by the different institutions dedicated to various activities and complement the knowledge acquired throughout their technological and professional careers.

Perseverance is a quality that characterizes the administrator of this important institution and this is reflected when, for many years, it has endeavored to transform the academic character of the María Goretti Center for Higher Studies into a University Institution and again with the tireless help of its collaborators in In August 2002, the objective was achieved, which will now allow IU CESMAG to offer more study opportunities through technological and now professional studies.

The challenge he now faces is to project the new image of an institution that works for the well-being of the community that needs it most, with the help of the hundreds of collaborators who make up the IU CESMAG and whose sole purpose is to provide quality education for Nariño, Cauca, Putumayo and North Ecuador to continue complying with the postulate of forming "NEW MEN FOR NEW TIMES".

Creativity is not only the process of generating ideas, but also managing them so that they translate into innovations that add value to the company. It is important to review the importance that creativity acquires when dealing with the strategic, organizational, competitive, problematic, etc., present and future situations that are part of business life.

The term creativity can be understood as the process of generating new ideas or as a result of that process that ends with the generation of something new.

Most creative people have common qualities like independence, autonomy, intuition, and spontaneity. Creativity depends more on the person than on the company and its conditions, and for a company to be able to rely on being creative, personal creativity must first exist. This is how pastuso entrepreneurs have proven to possess each of these characteristics, which they have potentiated and crystallized in their business idea.

Another characteristic of creativity that successful Pasto entrepreneurs possess is problem solving using unconventional ways of thinking. This provides models of thinking and problem solving that provide a more intuitive vision when facing new situations.

Creativity is the consequence of the interaction between the person, the work and the context of the company.

The creativity manifested by the entrepreneurs of Pasto is conceived as the ability to transform reality, which sets the mind towards finding new or different useful solutions to the problems that were in their environment, through its use the entrepreneur developed elements differentiators to face the adverse situations that your socioeconomic environment offers you.

Motivation to achieve in direct relation with the leadership that the successful entrepreneurs of Pasto possess, is associated with the ability to guide the work team towards the achievement of a common objective, manifesting itself as the main incentive for obtaining results, the motivation to achievement that although it is a characteristic of difficult development in the cultures of the third world countries, it can be strengthened to the extent that excellence of goals and objectives is taken as the central axis, strengthening self-control in managing success and failure in the face of the results and encouraging individual self-esteem with the recognition by themselves of the contribution offered to the achievement of the results of the entire work team.

Leadership is fostered through the generation of opportunities within the socio-economic sphere related to organizations, so that each person involved in all processes can use their knowledge, talents, character, or each specific capacity for influence well. of a leader.

Discipline, a factor of success among Pasto entrepreneurs, is considered to be an essential ingredient for the creation of parameters for quality assurance of results, from the point of view of order, compliance and use of a method that facilitates work to the team. The discipline entrepreneurs did not understand as the rigorous application of manuals, but as the value of individuals to organize control mechanisms over efficiency (use of resources such as time, capabilities, knowledge) and effectiveness (achievement of results learning) of the work team; all this combined and inviting the construction of their own quality standards.

Teamwork, considered as a value through which you can create the impact of synergy between all the characteristics of being an entrepreneur in order to achieve common goals, and which, as stated by the entrepreneurs of Pasto is a characteristic or Basic value of their success in this phase, since through it they could gradually consolidate their companies.

Another characteristic that the businessmen of Pasto highlighted as important is communication, which they consider as the process of interaction and human coexistence that allow the approach to reality, the transfer of experiences, access to knowledge and the transmission of ideas, among others.. Taking communication as a support for the integration of the ideas and experiences of the work team, which guarantees the timely and consistent achievement of results within organizations.

The sense of competition was a factor that allowed each company to position itself, since through its presence each member of the work teams, they tend to stand out positively, highlight and demonstrate better results with respect to their peers, both at group level as individually. This competition is healthy as long as it is a motivator associated with benefits for the community, which in each case is represented by customers.

As a last characteristic, but not less important, there is the knowledge and application of administrative processes, understood as the existing interrelation of the different functions of planning, organization, direction and control, which despite being important was not definitive to when starting a business.


For the identification of the success factors, at the management phase level, it is necessary to take into account aspects such as: the analysis of the general situation, the evaluation of the organizational culture and the structure of the company.

The general situation was evaluated through the analysis of variables such as the economic situation, which indicates that the vast majority of entrepreneurs started and currently operate with their own resources originating from the provision of services or the sale of goods according to each case and some resort to obtaining resources from third parties.

The little use of external resources for the operation of companies allows them to have a more solid economic structure, since the profits obtained in each year can be used more appropriately. Said economic stability allows Pasto entrepreneurs to be able to carry out activities without resorting to credits, which entail additional costs; however, if they resort to these they are done in low proportions.

Another variable to take into account is the identification of the size of the demand, understood this as the availability that people have (user) to acquire a certain product or the use of a service. According to employers, it is important to know exactly the characteristics of their applicants, as well as their size. This aspect is reflected when it is appreciated that entrepreneurs claim to know their real demand.

It should be noted that although 100% of entrepreneurs know their market, their operational capacity does not allow them to fully cover it, and only 12.5% ​​of entrepreneurs claim that their coverage is excellent, followed by 75% who say it is good and only 12.5% ​​believe that their coverage is regular (see table 1). Although the demand is true so far, some of them say they want to increase it, so they have used their economic resources in order to achieve it, as is the case of the Cuellar´s hotel, which has invested resources to increase and improve its capacity reception of guests. There are other entrepreneurs who do not intend to expand their coverage, their main purpose being to maintain the current market.

Table 1


Excellent one 12.5
Good 6 75
Regular one 12.5
Bad - -
Total 8 100

Source: This Research.

From their perception, businessmen consider that the operating capacity of their companies is largely good, a situation that is consistent with the coverage of their markets. The lack of state-of-the-art technology causes the presence of problems in some operational processes, such as the production and distribution of goods or the provision of services, an aspect that in some way prevents them from being excellent.

The effective communication that exists in most companies, helps to ensure that there is valuable coordination between the activities carried out by each of the areas or departments of the company in order to obtain an excellent product or provide a service like no other. Currently not only employers but workers have recognized that individually considered work is not as successful as when it is carried out in coordination with a good team, so a way of working has been established in which a department depends on the work of another and make up a chain whose result is aimed at meeting the needs of the community.

Conflict is a situation that affects the normality of operations and that tends to be resolved. In the resolution of internal or external conflicts, the effective administrator is known and this is reflected in the image that the company can project from within; For this reason, the entrepreneurs of Pasto, aware of the interest in timely and adequate solutions to resolve conflicts of any category, think that their management capacity is good in the vast majority and in a lesser proportion they consider it to be regular. They affirm that, although their experience, studies and research have provided them with the necessary tools to solve different difficulties, they realize that they still have a long way to go to achieve efficient and effective conflict management.

A good number of company collaborators think that any change or implementation made to any process or resource belonging to the company can have disadvantages for them; therefore, business leaders have done valuable work, since in addition to ensuring that the production, distribution or provision of services are carried out effectively, efficiently and economically, they are tasked with socializing and instructing people that changes in a company are necessary if you want to impose the difference and stand out among so many companies that are located in the same sector; for this reason, adaptation to change is not yet excellent, but being good it is located a few steps so that the company can walk towards success.

Each experience and knowledge acquired over time have been essential to imply that entrepreneurs are not alone in search of success, but are a group of individuals working for the common good. The previous statement is reflected in the fact that 12.5% ​​of entrepreneurs recognize the importance of work among a good team and rate it as excellent, 62.5% class it as good and 25% regular (see table 2). There are organizations that do not have this same conception and therefore, as can be seen, they view teamwork as a process in the process of improvement after convincing each member of the company that they are an important part of it and that their well-being is well-being of the organization in general.

Table 2


Excellent one 12.5
Good 5 62.5
Regular two 25
Bad - -
Total 8 100

Source: This Research.

An aspect that is closely related to teamwork is the sense of belonging, because to speak of this factor is to relate to the dedication that each of the collaborators has so that with their work they can fulfill the mission that has been fixed the organization; therefore, the sense of belonging is rated excellent by most employers and fair in a small proportion. The entrepreneurs of our city reflect that their workers conceive the company as their own and for this reason their work, rather than an obligation, is taken as a collaboration to achieve an established vision as a guide for all activity.

When speaking of organizational culture, reference can be made to the set of norms, established principles and attitudes presented in the face of the emergence of multiple situations that must be faced. This culture is expressed through values, principles and procedures that are developed within the company and that are reflected in aspects such as giving orders within them.


Successful Pasto companies initially had simple, elementary technology; that is to say, the initial investment in this sense was not representative, the important thing was to have a grant in this sense in order to start the business. As time goes by, obviously, technology is developing rapidly and therefore, entrepreneurs to stay positioned as leaders within the region are acquiring the necessary technological means to continue productivity. In this sense, there is a need to satisfy consumer trends and desires that are more demanding every day due to the development and growth of markets.

Faced with competition, the positioning in the region of successful companies in Pasto, several of them have the exclusive distribution of certain types of products, and have clearly managed to compete with quality, good service and prices.

The ability to produce, market or provide a service by the successful entrepreneurs of Pasto has been characterized by the attitude of development and evolution, which have allowed them to achieve to date a representative diversification, have walked according to the demands of its clients, who change according to tastes and evolve with their preferences; When the wishes of the plaintiffs are satisfied, they are responsible for providing important support to the company, with recognition in the middle.

The companies that are successful in Pasto have been characterized by providing quality goods, products and / or services, with which they continue to consolidate their good name, which becomes an asset that is intangible, but manages to position itself in the minds of consumers. It was possible to highlight the way in which in Pasto the companies that managed to position themselves solidly had means of advertising, marketing and in this regard they are so strong that it is not difficult for ordinary people to immediately identify the name and location of the companies. successful.

A common denominator of entrepreneurs in Pasto is that they have thoroughly analyzed the market, that is, identifying new trends in it, clearly innovating in that environment. This is, for example, how they have had the opportunity to leave the country with the purpose of knowing the new trends and trying to apply them in the region, making tests and expecting positive results that fortunately have occurred; inclusive, trying to eliminate old customs of the consumers, who have adapted to the new tendencies that are modifying the market, in its segmentation and new uses for products, goods and services. In this sense, if necessary, the employer contacts and allows all relevant studies to be carried out in search of knowing the impact of new trends.

Regarding labor relations, the well-being of employees is always sought, with the purpose of motivating them in such a way that they acquire a greater sense of belonging with the company that provides them with their source of income and family well-being. There is also a common feeling among successful entrepreneurs and that is to keep their workers, as long as they fulfill their obligations; There are even examples in which the workers formed a union. It is convenient to clarify that in most companies a union has not been organized as such, however, that does not mean that their right to associate is not respected.

It has been possible to determine another important element related to the personnel, and that is to provide the worker with a space for recreation and sport, in the sense of complementing these activities with their comprehensive training. Inclusive complementary activities are carried out with the aim of promoting the union between the different managers of the organizations.

Successful entrepreneurs in Pasto see the future from a perspective framed by high competition, because the opening of the markets means that products and goods from other countries arrive at lower prices, and undoubtedly they must continue to compete with quality, prices and services.

When touching this point, the businessmen are not oblivious to the reality of the country, that is, they are clear that they need state support in the sense of seeking peace and tranquility in the country, because there are cases in which it is no longer possible to reach to other regions in the south west of Colombia, such as the department of Putumayo, because they have been victims of the violence that afflicts the country, for example, the incineration and theft of product transport vehicles.

It is important to emphasize the fact that there is fear on the part of these successful leaders regarding personal security and their families. There is no doubt that this is one of the most worrisome points to keep in mind, since they do not want to close their companies and leave with capital. Undoubtedly they know that they have a high social commitment, they are also aware of the amount of unemployment they would generate, because trade, the provision of services, among others, are generating a series of production chains and directly involve a large number of families that subsist on the performance of its commercial activities, which go beyond the borders of Nariño.

One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs must face in order to stay within a consumer society as changing as that of Colombia, lies in the way in which they must prepare to face world economic policies; Policies that require businessmen, although successful, but small economically and administratively, to form strategic alliances in order to effectively face the overflow of goods and / or services that from abroad entered Colombia due to world policies such as globalization, understood it is like the accelerated movement of economic goods across regional and national barriers. This exchange includes people, products, and the tangible and intangible forms of capital.The immediate effect of globalization is the reduction of the economic distance between countries and regions, as well as between economic actors themselves, thus increasing the dimensions of markets and economic interdependence.

In the face of globalization, which is a characteristic that is generated from a spontaneous market process, which is derived from the efforts of individual economic agents (transnational companies) seeking higher profits, Pasto companies must take on this challenge with the Homeless financial resources, which compared to those of transnational corporations will quickly be absorbed; It is for this reason that the entrepreneurs of Pasto see as an alternative the unionization and creation of a cluster in each sector, which will allow them to strengthen themselves economically and administratively in order to be competitive with the goods and services that are brought in from abroad to dispute regional demand and, why not, the national and international demand.

Schematically, the factors manifested by the Pasto entrepreneurs that must be taken into account so that their companies remain in the market with the same or greater success are the following:

Esp. Sandra Lucía Goyes Eraso

Esp. Victor Hugo López Díaz

Esp. Alvaro Alonso Ramos Lara

Administrative Economic Research Group



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Business success factors in san juan de pasto colombia