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Phases of the administrative process

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It refers to the structuring or construction of the organization until it is fully integrated, it works for development.


It is the one where fully structured, efficiently and ethically develops operations functions in all their variety but coordinated complexity.

The administrative process is cyclical

Accurate in Integration -> Planning -> Organization -> Management -> Control

Forecast. It involves the idea of ​​anticipation regarding events and situations.

1.- Definition of objective. It is something that is intended to be achieved, it allows us to clearly define: quality, quantity, time and form.

2.- Evaluate research “determine the viability of our objectives” {1.-Historical, secondary sources, primary sources.

3.-Selection of alternatives. Choose the one that suits you best.

Planning. What I am going to do?

Determining what we are going to do before doing it, consists of setting the specific course of action derived from the forecast stage.

Forecasts. Determine something in a certain time "assumption of what we are going to do."

Goal. Specifies determines qualifiable and quantifiable.

Program. Set dates.

Policies. General rule to follow.

Process. Sequence of activities such as the administrative process.

Budget. Allocation of money according to the program.

Types of plans:

Short term plans. One day, one week, one month.

Medium-term plans. They can be two years old and under 5 years old

Long-term plans. They are older than five years.

Strategic plantation. Building scenarios in the future "is planning from the future and building scenarios".

Organization. How is it going to be done?

It ensures that its structure is adapted to its objectives, resources, processes and the environment.

It has three meanings, two stages and five elements.

Integration With whom? And with what?

It consists of obtaining and articulating the material and human elements that the organization and planning indicate for the proper functioning of a social organism.


(Identification process and getting good candidates to occupy a position within the organization)


(Process to choose among the good candidates for the best)


(Rights and obligations of the worker and the employer written within a


Give guidance to the person hired to the person hired regarding the organization, its work environment, services, allowing rapid adaptation of the worker

-Training: Planned process aimed at providing and developing the skills, knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes so that the worker can carry out the activities that his job requires in the best possible way.

-Development: Activity that allows raising the cultural level of the worker, making the most of their potential and promoting their permanent motivation.

  • Material resources:

1.- Requisition: It is exposed to the purchasing department (acquisitions), when another department has a need.

2.- Quote: Suppliers expose the characteristics of the material and establish the cost per unit or the price of the item.

3.-Purchase decision: Based on the cost and quality of the material, the decision is made and the order is prepared.

4.-Delivery of material resources: The merchandise is delivered to the procurement department.

The purchasing department is responsible for carrying out the four processes of material resources; the administrative being makes the last decision to buy a product or not.

They will be carried out when there is a shortage in the warehouse.

Address Watch what is done?

It is the element of administration in which the effective realization of everything planned is achieved through the authority of the administrator.

Decision making. Have authority to make decisions.

Integration. What resources will I need.

Motivation. Stimulus. Need. Wish. Reaction.

Communication. How the message will be taken to action and satisfaction.

Supervision. Look out.


Stages of management:

Authority. Ability to make decisions, command and be obeyed.

Motivation. General term that applies to all kinds of impulses, desires, needs, desires and similar forces.

Communication. Process of transmitting messages through written and oral.

Supervision. Monitor that the activities carried out by the workers are being carried out according to the plan.

21st century executive profile.

1.-Emotional intelligence.


3.-Global vision.

4.-Mastery of technology



7.-Work as a team.

8.-Take on challenges.

9.-Negotiation capacity.

10.-Ethical values.


12.-Decision making.

Control. It is making sure that the objectives are achieved according to the established plan, with the possibility of adjusting those norms and objectives, in short, measuring and evaluating.

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Phases of the administrative process