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Formation of values ​​and their practical application in the business world

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In the formation of values ​​and in their practical application in the business world, the ones proper to the exercise of the profession must be taken into account and personally, they must promote responsible, stable, efficient and effective work environments according to the interests and needs of customers and employees.


Leadership continues to be an important topic to deal with in the business world, since it presupposes the achievement of success in meeting the objectives and goals of an organization. Since Nikolas Machiavelli wrote "The Prince", multiple investigations and studies have been carried out to identify the competencies that define a person as a leader of reference.

Leadership is a condition that is granted by other people and that, as Peter Drucker (1964) and Kenichi Ohmae (1983) defined, means being a strategist, a creator of ideas, goals, programs and a generator of activities and processes in constant development, or, as Idalberto Chiavenato, 1993 says, is the interpersonal influence exerted in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to the achievement of one or more specific objectives.

Values ​​are included within the concept of labor competencies, a term that up to now has not been explicitly reflected in the concept of leadership, however, it is a very important component that a leader must show, since it defines how this is related to team members and with customers, is their performance on a daily basis and the guide to follow for collaborators and subordinates.

Today it is included in the plans, study programs and ways are sought, methods that promote the formation of values ​​and that these are accepted by the individual.

Furthermore, the leader must be able to ensure that values ​​are respected by all employees at all times.


In a globalized world in which knowledge management has become an imperative to achieve a constantly competitive business position, employees and leaders are required to develop job skills based on creativity, in anticipation of the needs of the client, in positive attitudes and in social skills that make way for spaces for dialogue, business and conflict management at higher levels.

To the view of organizational behavior in leaders that was previously focused on a high curriculum compendium and high commitment to the organization, which is maintained today, is added the ability to handle complex problems, the development of positive attitudes and the aptitude to model them in others, in favor of the goals and objectives of an organization, as well as the own and other people's handling of emotions and values.

Although on a large scale everyone is imbued with the need for competency vision for the management of leaders and human resources in general, knowledge, skills, attitudes, including the management of emotions, remain in a top place, but in a less preponderant and less visible area for many: the values ​​that make up the very core of the personality.

Everything behavioral in man is governed by the system of values ​​and anti-values ​​that the individual has and these are shaped within the family, business and social framework and depends on historical factors, degree of development of the productive forces and also by factors economic. Values ​​penetrate all strata of society and are manifested in all behaviors, including what is regulated.

Definition of Competencies

Competences can be defined as the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, combined, coordinated and integrated in ACTION, acquired through PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Formative and non-Formative), which allows the individual to SOLVE specific PROBLEMS, in a creative and independent, in SINGULAR CONTEXTS.

Adapted from: Competency Management of Human Resources

Defining values

1. It is the socially positive significance of objects and phenomena of reality (José Ramón Fabelo Corzo, 2001, University of Havana)

2. It is a conviction or stable belief at the time that a certain mode of conduct or an existential purpose is personally or socially preferable to its opposite mode of conduct or its purpose. (Milton Rokeach, 2008, University of Michigan)

Organizational values

"Organizational values ​​are the conviction that members of an organization have regarding preferring a certain state of affairs over others (honesty, efficiency, quality, trust,)." Carlos López, 2016

The values, once determined and defined, guide the behavior of the members of an entity, are transmitted over time and are developed and adapted according to external influences and internal pressures, as a consequence of organizational dynamics; they are like a magnetic field that unites and drives everyone who works in the same activity.

The need for students to graduate with a closer look at business reality contributes to the emergence and employment in practice of the concept of job skills.

To form competences and therefore values ​​requires the presence of problem situations, capable of mobilizing resources for their resolution while being oriented towards specific learning.

To educate the manager in effective communication:

Exercises to contribute to that competency profile:

  • Productive-creative exercises (affirmation and questions arise from them) Productive-creative exercises (identifying elements, relating elements applying knowledge and creating texts) Generalization-systematization exercises (development of logical thinking, using the bibliography)

Participatory methods define how to achieve the purposes of training.


  • It is one of the most used methods, it consists of facing students to real situations or very close to reality, in which specific problems related to their future professional activity are presented, either through case studies and / or videos. used for the development of oral expression, communication, problem solving in the profession and consolidation of knowledge.

Collaborative learning methods

These, through teamwork, social networks and web pages, turn out to be an important method that fosters the formation of collective values, allows their consolidation and, therefore, that they are instituted.

In the curricular training of leaders, it is necessary to emphasize values ​​from three angles: national and global values ​​that are reflected in the constitution of a country and that are mostly globally accepted, values ​​from the profession and values ​​from the personal. These define who we are.

The first could include environmental awareness and how it can affect the entire population and the planet, commitment to the country rather than individual interests, it is worth asking what your positive business brings to the nation, to your fellow citizens, not only the product but its components and their handling, as well as, commitment to the organization.

The values ​​from the profession we can exemplify them with the case of the legal profession and the principle that everyone is innocent until proven otherwise (not to be corrupted), the ethical principles of client-lawyer confidentiality, not to be carried away by empathy, prejudices or stereotypes, due to similarities in political inclinations or degrees of commitment that are generated in social relations.

Personally: honesty, transparency, humanity, respect, moral conduct, fairness.

Starting from a coherent way of acting, it is integral that the rest of the items that make up the concept of competence take on special relevance; values ​​can influence the elevation of knowledge, towards continuous learning for a greater good, can lessen the impact or actions by effervescence in emotions, can shape attitudes if the importance of their leadership for the organization and the country has been internalized. Values ​​are the rock on which a company of excellence is built, it is what is lived on a daily basis in the business world.

Hence, in the training of leaders, the development of values ​​is essential because, in addition to displaying them, they must be carried out all the time.

Structuring shared values ​​is one of the most important jobs that a top manager has to do.


  • The training offerings must emphasize the theme of values ​​in achieving the objectives for the formation of leaders. These same offers must specify by what procedures, techniques and practices they are going to promote the development of values. It is necessary to create skills in leaders. of how to define and enforce values ​​in the business sector. In the formation of values ​​and in their practical application in the business world, what is accepted by the country must be taken into account and, to a large extent, intermingled with what is globally established, the values they must be present in the exercise of the profession and personally must ensure responsible, stable, efficient and effective work environments depending on the interests and needs of the client and that, in addition,They do not ignore the esteem for the employee and within it the equality of rights towards women, an item to which special attention must be paid today. Values ​​are the foundation on which a company is built, it is what is lived in every moment.


  • Díaz Llorca, Carlos (2006), Criteria for the application of values ​​in management, University of Havana, Cuba Díaz Llorca, Carlos (2007), Management by values ​​in action through a case study, University of Havana, Cuba Fabelo, José Ramón (1994), Universal values ​​in the context of the global problems of humanity. Cuban Journal of Social Sciences No. 28, 1994.Lucero Moya, Oscar (2008), Values ​​system at the University of Holguín manager. Cuba.Martín Fors, Daylenes (2004) Values ​​at the center of organizational culture Center for the Study of Management Techniques of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of the University of Havana. Information source: Gestiopolis.comSalazar Fuente, Roberto (2015), Values ​​as part of organizational culture, Information source: Gestiopolis.com (2018) //coahingxvalores.com/10-preguntas-para-llevar-valores-empresa-a-la-accion/(2018) //coahingxvalores.com/como-te-afecta-desequilibrio-valores(2017) / /www.egonzehnder.com/files/the-five-things-i-wish-i-had-known.pdf(2018) //www.escuelamanagement.eu / category / leadership-skills-2 / (2017) //www.los-10-valores-de-un-líder.com/
Formation of values ​​and their practical application in the business world