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Formulation of the strategic plan of the department of rivas nicaragua


The "Support for the Formulation of the Strategic Development Plan of the Department of Rivas" Consulting, arises through the management efforts of the Secretary of the Government, Dr. Rosa Argentina López, with the support of Arch. Marta Rivera. Before the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources of Southwest Nicaragua Project (Southwest Project).

In the framework of consolidation of the terms of reference and methodology, for the development of the consultancy, it was determined to divide it into two phases:

Phase No. 1: During which the base line diagnosis will be carried out, strengthening the institutional architecture at the departmental level, as well as presenting a methodological, conceptual and chronological framework for the elaboration of the "Strategic Plan for Departmental Development" and "Plan of Sector Action ”.

Phase No. 2: It is defined as a process of consolidation of the methodological, conceptual and chronological framework of the "Strategic Plan for Departmental Development" and "Sector Action Plan".

Parallel to Phase No. 1, a "Space Economy" consultancy will be carried out, in order to strengthen government proposals framed in the National Development Strategy (ENADES), identifying and analyzing the key "conglomerates" to achieve the socio-economic development of the department of Rivas. Also during Phase No. 2, there will be a second consultant, who will take as a basis the "Base Line Diagnosis", the study of "Economy of Spaces" and the "Proposal of the Strategic Plan for Departmental Development", an exercise will be developed in order to develop a proposal for the "Sector Action Plan".

The National Coordination System for the Implementation, Monitoring and Participatory Evaluation of the ERCERP will be used as the main methodological and conceptual tool in the search to strengthen the "Institutional Architecture", "Role and functions of municipal, departmental and national actors, and the "Departmental Strategic Planning.

This document contains the methodological and conceptual steps that will be used to obtain the products consigned in the terms of reference of the consultancy for "Phase No. 1".

2. Methodology

2.1 Objective

  • Support and strengthen the process of formulating the Strategic Plan of the Department of Rivas. The departmental governmental framework will be used as an agglutination platform, with proactive participation from the private, municipal, and non-governmental sectors. In addition, methodological tools are created that allow the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Departmental Strategic Plan, such as its future extrapolation to other departments in the country.

2.2 Methodological Steps

The first phase of the consultancy has to develop three primary products from May 20 to July 31 of the current year:

1. Survey of the Baseline Diagnosis;

2. Strengthening of Institutional Architecture, at the departmental level;

3. Preparation and consensus of the Methodological proposal for the formulation of the Strategic Plan for Departmental Development.

The development of the consultancy is framed in the following state policies and strategies:

1. The Enhanced Strategy for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction (ERCERP);

2. National Development Strategy (ENADES);

3. The National Coordination System for the Participatory Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of the ERCERP;

4. The Citizen Participation Policy;

5. The Policy of Decentralization and Local Development (Unofficial)

6. The Land Management Policy;

7. The Environmental Policy of Nicaragua;

8. Municipalities Law (Decree 40)

9. Organization, Competition and Procedures Law of the Executive Power (Decree 290)

Considering also as a first effort to implement at the departmental level the "National Coordination System for the Implementation, Monitoring and Participatory Evaluation of the ERCERP".

The process in which the consultancy will be developed has as a principle to be a binder of the sectors present at the municipal, departmental and national levels, inviting governmental, non-governmental, civil society and private initiative organizations to participate, arrange and actively manage in the process of shaping an "Institutional Architecture" at the departmental level and formulation of intermediate tools that contribute in the medium term to the development of the "Strategic Plan for Departmental Development"

The sequential steps by product of the consultancy are presented in the following points:

2.2.1 Baseline Diagnosis (DLB)

As the main characteristics of the DLB is to be concrete, participatory and agreed with the main actors represented in the sectors identified in the first phase of its formulation. Incorporating those basic indicators that characterize the current situation of the different sectors.

In this case, information available from municipal, departmental and national sources will be used, as well as other information that allows a basic profile of the department to be synthesized in a minimum of space, considering the role that men and women play in production processes, commercialization and management of human, financial and natural resources.

It should be emphasized that based on the DLB, it is feasible to formulate a "Monitoring and Evaluation System" for the department.

As a particularity of the DLB to be developed, will be the different "Workshops", of an informative nature, information collection and validation, on the basis of resorting to the knowledge of the actors of the development of the department. In any case, the diagnosis will not seek to sacrifice integrity. In other words, it will include most of the basic indicators that reflect the main problems and development potential of the municipalities and the department, and in the particular case of Rivas, an important analysis will be the border situation with Costa Rica and the phenomenon of migration.

Another aspect to be covered through the process of collecting primary, secondary and "workshops" will be the identification by sector and rural development subsector of training needs.

Through the "Workshops" it will be possible to obtain primary information that allows an analysis of the obstacles, conflicts and potentialities that prevent or support the approach to the vision of sustainable development, which is currently promoting the state through the "National Development Strategy".

The DLB formulation process is simplified as follows:

1. Identification of key actors by development sector

It is identified as the backbone of the process that will allow for cross-sectional participation by civil society from the department of Rivas, the NGO, government entities and the private sector. The participation of a large number of actors will allow obtaining a concrete and realistic DLB. The sectors identified with the "Departmental Technical Secretary" to be the uniting entities of the identified actors are:

1. Social Infrastructure Sector;

2. Economic Infrastructure Sector;

3. Productive Sector;

4. National Services Sector.

It is worth noting that although the sectors indicated are within the Public Investment System (or Program), and therefore they are a means of reference to bring together government entities. In the department of Rivas, there is already a three-year work history, allowing the eminently governmental sectors to be transformed in their beginning to multisectoral ones, for which the society of Rivas is already identified within a specific sector, for which reason A restructuring based on the standard sectoral axes that are handled in the diagnostic and strategic planning processes, would cause a setback in the process of participation and agreement that the "Secretary" has consolidated. Therefore, it is proposed within the “Sectors” to identify specific subsectors that allow to bring together key actors.The main objective of the identification of the actors is to make the invitations to participate in the "Informative, Participatory and Validation Workshops", the effort will not focus on the actors located in the departmental capital, in its first stage the actors will be identified with the collaboration of the "Departmental Technical Secretary".

Institutional Delegations, National and International Programs and Projects and Organized Civil Society. Expanding the call to consider other actors during the development of the workshops.

2. Collection of Primary and Secondary Information

The collection of "Primary Information" will be carried out through information capture ballots that will be sent to identified key actors, in bilateral meetings, micro-workshops and workshops. In addition to the participatory and concertation exercises developed during the DLB formulation workshops. Of special interest is the primary information obtained from the municipalities, civil society and private initiative. Considering that government institutions have a good number of Diagnoses and specific studies referring to their specific area of ​​work, considering an adequate means of channeling secondary information, also resorting to national and international programs and projects, non-governmental organizations and society. civil in general.As an alternative product, the primary and secondary information obtained will be systematized to leave the headquarters of the "Departmental Technical Secretary" of a "Technical-Administrative Documentation Center".

3. DLB participation and validation workshops

The workshops will have a double objective, the first within the framework of strengthening the "Institutional Architecture" which will be expanded later, and within the framework of the formulation of the DLB, will be the means used to strengthen the identification of key actors by sector and subsector, collection of primary information through ballots, surveys and exercises of a participatory and concerted nature. It is expected to carry out three rounds of workshops with the following unions and sectors:

1. Association of Municipalities of Rivas (AMUR);

2. Departmental Government Delegates (Government Cabinet);

3. Social Infrastructure Sector;

4. Economic Infrastructure

Sector: 5. Productive Sector;

6. National Services Sector.

In addition to the widely invited workshops, micro-workshops will be held with specific subsectors or unions, as well as bilateral meetings with municipal mayors, representatives of civil society, directors and coordinators of national and international programs and projects and non-governmental organizations. It is necessary to highlight that the workshops, micro-workshops and bilateral meetings will have a transversal focus on gender equality, not only in the merely conceptual but operational framework.

4. Inclusion of "Study of Space Economics"

In parallel to the work carried out by the specialist consultant in "Strategic Planning", the consultancy on the "Space Economy Study" for the department of Rivas will be developed, in order to approximate and consolidate the government's proposal, contained in the National Development Strategy (ENADES), the general product to be presented within the framework of the consultancy is presented below:

  • Based on the review of national policies and strategies of "Socioeconomic Development", identify at the departmental level the economic activities (quantitatively and qualitatively) with a high degree of competitiveness and the ability to develop productive conglomerates at the departmental level, within the framework of "Strategic Planning" directed by the Secretary of Government of Rivas.

5. Analysis of information and formulation of the DLB

A theoretical-statistical analysis will be made of the primary and secondary information collected and the results of the "Economy of Spaces" consultancy, proceeding to formulate a Base Line Diagnosis, with a vision of being a concrete and validated document.

6. Validation of DLB

They validated the DLB, it will be carried out during Phase No. 2 of the consultancy (August 01 to September 15), using two modalities:

1. Distribution to Key Actors, for analysis and obtaining comments and suggestions individually and through work meetings; and

2. Multisectoral workshops, with the sectors that participated in the workshop rounds of the consultation and consultation phase, which allows validating the theoretical and statistical content, in addition to comments, conclusions and recommendations, with actors directly involved in development of initiatives at the departmental level.

2.2.2. Strengthening the "Departmental Institutional Architecture"

Parallel to the “Base Line Diagnosis”, the first actions will be carried out to strengthen the “Institutional Architecture” at the departmental level, an action that in itself is crucial for the future development of the “Strategic Departmental Development Plan”.

As a base tool, the document of the “Coordination System for the Participatory Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of the ERCERP” (PASE System), developed by the Secretariat for Coordination and Strategies of the Presidency (SECEP), will be used, coinciding in the creation of "Alternatives of local capacities and insertion into the global market", which conceptualizes it as follows:

“The Government, through processes of concertation and public-private cooperation, undertakes a clear decentralizing process expanding the capacities of the different levels of the Public Administration, promoting the allocation and management of public spending and investment based on concerted processes of territorial strategic planning and privileges the realization of public works through local execution capacities.

It adopts an integrationist and open-minded policy modulated with an investment policy in human capital, protection of vulnerable groups, expanded coherence and complementarity between public and private investment ”.

The direct contribution of the process is specified in component No. 1 of the PASE System, "Institutions and installed capacity":

This component aims to "establish both territorial and national institutional capacities to promote technical and managerial excellence in the coordination and operation of the execution, monitoring and follow-up of the Strategy", through the installation of territorial technical units and training, directly or via subcontracts, to create and strengthen development capacities in the participating public and private entities (In annex No. 3, the flowchart of the "PASE System" is presented) The PASE System, proposes the structuring of the "Institutional Architecture" using functional axes and territorial levels:

The proposed axes are:

1. Political-Administrative Axis;

2. Technical-Executive Axis;

3. Axis of Concentration and Participation.

In the development of this line of action, the consultancy will carry out:

1. Analysis of the structure of the departmental level in the political administrative and technical executive axis and development of a proposal for consolidation

It is necessary to start by indicating that there is a proposal for "Implementation of the UTIP", developed by the consultant Arch. Edgar Sotomayor, with irrefutable excellence being the conclusions and recommendations that the consultant arrived at in the study, so the analysis and proposal It will focus on creating the role and functioning framework of the "Departmental Technical Secretary", the Government Cabinet and the links with the "Territorial Unit of Public Investment", under the logic of the particularities existing in the current structure of the Secretary of Rivas Government. The work will be carried out through meetings and workshops with the members of the Departmental Secretary and the Government Cabinet.

2. Initiative to consolidate the Sector Councils and the Departmental Development Council

The PASE System defines the Departmental Development Council as “The maximum form of discussion and agreement of the different actors at the departmental level, for decision-making on concerted planning of territorial economic development and growth.

They have a direct impact on the formulation, execution and monitoring of the Strategic Departmental Development Plans referenced by the ERCERP and the specific priorities of each department ”. (See Annex No. 3) Considering the above definition as our framework for the development of the proposal, our specific actions in the consolidation of the CDD will be carried out through:

2.1 Conceptual analysis

Based on the analysis of the secondary information collected, interviews and work meetings with members of the secretary, government cabinet, civil society and directors of development programs and projects, a conceptual framework will be conceived for the formation of the Sector Councils and Council Development Department.

The analysis will focus on the identification of the potential representatives of the different sectors and unions that can integrate the Departmental Development Council, such as the internal “Institutional Architecture” that allows the functionality with efficiency and effectiveness of the Departmental Development Council, initially it will be analyzed the participation of:

1. Departmental Technical Secretary;

2. Territorial Unit of Public Investment;

3. Government Cabinet;

4. Social Infrastructure Sector;

5. Economic Infrastructure Sector;

6. Productive Sector;

7. National Services Sector;

8. Supreme Electoral Council;

9. Nicaraguan Institute for Municipal Development;

10. Association of Municipalities of Rivas (AMUR)

11. Judicial Power;

12. Departmental Deputies. (Among others)

2.2 Consolidation workshops for key sectors

From the primary key guilds or sectors to form the Departmental Development Council, there are different levels of organization. The “Productive Sector”, represented in the “Departmental Council of the Agricultural and Forestry Sector” (CODESAF), is duly found. established and regulated, while the Social Infrastructure, Economic Infrastructure and National Services sectors do not have a defined organization. There are duly organized guild subsectors.

The second objective of the "Workshops" to be developed is the consolidation of the identified "Sectors", as well as the strengthening of the "Government Cabinet", under the definition of the PASE System by "Constituting itself as a decentralized apparatus of the Executive in the Department and made up of the Departmental Delegates of the different ministries, decentralized entities and State companies ”.

Following the model by which the "Departmental Secretary" consolidated CODESAF, "Boards of Directors" and "Technical Secretaries" will be implemented to:

1. Social Infrastructure Sector;

2. Economic Infrastructure Sector;

3. National Services Sector;

4. Government Cabinet; and the

5. Productive Sector (CODESAF) will be strengthened and expanded.

6. Association of Municipalities of Rivas (AMUR)

In addition to the workshops, direct actions will be carried out through meetings and micro-workshops with the other primary sectors and unions, identified to form the Departmental Development Council.

2.3 Formation of the Departmental Development Council

With the support of the "Departmental Technical Secretary", based on the provisions of the "PASE System", a first approach will be made to the formation of the Departmental Development Council, an action necessary to strengthen the process of consolidation of Institutional Architecture in the Departmental Level and the Strategic Planning Process.

The CDD is expected to progressively evolve with the strengthening process that the "PASE System" it proposes implements in the Department of Rivas.

3. Strengthening of the link between Municipalities, the Guild of Municipalities and Institutional Architecture at the Departmental Level:

During Phase No. 1, the consultancy will carry out actions through bilateral meetings, micro-workshops with municipal mayors and workshops with municipal mayors, in order to strengthen the understanding of the importance of having an "Institutional Architecture", establishing the roles, functions and administrative technical limits of this structure and non-intervention in matters of municipal autonomy. Publicizing the added value it has, having a "Departmental Technical Secretary", the "Territorial Unit for Public Investment" and representation before the "Departmental Development Council".

It is clear from the consultant that strengthening such an important link between municipal and departmental actors cannot be achieved in such a short period, which is why it is expected to lay the groundwork for actions within the "PASE System" to consolidate the relationship between the municipal and departmental level.

Presentation of results report

At the end of the consultancy, a report will be presented containing the results of the processes that led to the strengthening of the "Institutional Architecture", conducting an analysis on the development of the actions and presenting a compendium of the "Memory Aids" of the workshops, micro workshops and meetings held.

2.2.3. Preparation and consensus of the Methodological proposal for the formulation of the Strategic Plan for Departmental Development

Every Strategic Departmental Development Plan (PEDD), regardless of the territory to which they correspond, must express a vision of the development desired by its proponents and a conception of the subject of development. It is also built from a certain perspective and with a methodological planning approach that favors or does not favor citizen participation in development planning.

This vision of the subject of development also expresses, by inclusion or omission, transversal approaches such as:

Gender equality;

Migratory phenomenon;

Strengthening the Local Power;

Promotion of Rural Training;

Sustainable Development and Conservation of the Environment; and Territorial Planning Oriented to Urban and Rural Development.

Strategic planning with transversal approaches is necessary, but it also requires the definition of conceptual axes. Starting from the previous premise, the third line of action to be developed by the consultancy constitutes an exercise in concept development.

Through the elaboration and search for consensus of the “Methodological” framework, by which the “Strategic Plan for Departmental Development” (PEDD) will be developed and formulated, as its operational tools that are constituted in the “Sector Action Plans” (PAS).

The specific actions to develop are:

1. Formulation and distribution of a martyr document “Proposal for a Global Methodology for the formulation of the Strategic Plan for the Departmental Development of Rivas”

Based on a conceptual framework, a document will be prepared containing the planning criteria proposed by the consultant, as well as similar departmental strategic planning models. The “martyr document” will be distributed to key actors and decision-makers for their analysis, development of proposals and recommendations. The formulation of two versions of the “martyr document” is presupposed prior to carrying out group consultation and validation actions.

2. Consultation and validation actions

At the end of Phase No. 1 of the consultancy, there will be a first draft at the "Methodological proposal" level, for the development of the "Strategic Development Plan for the Department of Rivas", prior to consolidating the first draft and after entry of proposals and recommendations of the documents distributed, a minimum of two consultation and validation workshops will be held, in addition to the micro-workshops and work meetings with the planning team, seeking to consolidate the methodological proposal.

3. Annexes

3.1 Terms of reference

3.1.1 Terms of reference Planner (First phase)

Support for the preparation of the Departmental Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Development Region of the Department of Rivas / Nicaragua. (First Phase from May 20 to July 31)

1. Background

The Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Southwest Nicaragua Project (Southwest Project) began in February 2000. It operates with funds from the German Development Cooperation through GTZ and budget counterparts from the Government of Nicaragua. Phase 1 of the Project includes the period of 02/15. 2000-14.02. 2003.

To date, the Project acts mainly in the Nandaime municipality, contributing to the valorization of the natural resources of the Ochomogo basin on a pilot basis for neighboring municipalities. The project executes micro-irrigation projects and supports agricultural, livestock and forestry production.

Furthermore, the Project has prepared technical studies on reforestation, rural credit, local economic development strategies and productive alternatives. An important axis of the project intervention is the coordination / preparation or establishment of alliances with local actors (municipalities, communities, associations, cooperatives) with a focus on sector programs and the training of technicians, promoters and leaders of peasant farmers.

2. Justification

Strengthening the process of formulating the Strategic Plan of the Department of Rivas, contributes to consolidating planning actions with gender equity that will allow in the medium and long term the appropriate use of the department's human, financial and natural resources, allowing the generation of sustainable development with a strong social base.

El ordenamiento territorial es definido como el proceso de planificación, programación global y coordinado de un conjunto de medidas que buscan una mejor distribución espacial de los seres humanos, actividades productivas y recreativas, tomando en cuenta los recursos naturales disponible (potencialidades – restricciones) y teniendo que contribuir al desarrollo armonioso de cada territorio.

The territorial ordering seeks to match the interests of a given territory to those of a larger spatial set in which the farm, the region, the municipality, the region, the province or department and the entire country are inserted. Therefore, land use planning seeks to remedy excesses, imbalances and disparities caused by anthropogenic actions that are too free, very spontaneous and almost exclusively concentrated on the variable of economic profitability.

In general, the outline of the Regional Strategic Plan formulated on the basis of land use represents a frame of reference intended to allow the examination of major decisions by the public and private sectors, regarding the geographical location of their relevant investments, and They constitute a guide for the development interventions of all the entities of the state apparatus (mapping), as well as an instrument for guiding private sector activities.

The formulation model to be developed in the context of the Regional Strategic Plan is inspired by a philosophy of participatory planning with gender equity, agreed to promote sustainable development at the regional level with a focus on sector programs, chains and clusters.

It assumes, then, that private and public local actors mostly identify the best development and conservation options for their territories. At the same time, the strengthening of local and regional capacities for environmental and financial management of the territories is oriented.

3. Short-term mission objective

  • The objective of the mission is to support and strengthen the process of formulating the Strategic Plan of the Department of Rivas. The departmental governmental framework will be used as an agglutination platform, with proactive participation from the private, municipal, and non-governmental sectors.

In addition, methodological tools are created that allow the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Departmental Strategic Plan, such as its future extrapolation to other departments in the country.

4. Main tasks

  • Update of the diagnosis of the department, incorporating those basic indicators that characterize the current situation of the different sectors and reflect the main problems, conditioning factors, limitations and potentialities of development in the region.

This diagnosis must also contain a sectoral analysis of the obstacles and conflicts that prevent or support the approach to the vision of sustainable development, in the municipal, departmental, national and border areas, such as the immigration process of the population of the department to the Costa Rica (binational), with a cross-sectional approach to gender equality;

  • Identify key actors in the process of formulation and implementation of the Departmental Strategic Plan, both government and the private sector. For the identification of the actors, they must be representatives of organizations, institutions, projects, municipalities, municipal associations and other associations with a presence in the region or individuals with knowledge of their respective sectors and with the capacity to propose solutions; Develop consultations, meetings, micro workshops and workshops with identified actors, individually, sectorally and multi-sectorally, allowing the generation of a consultation and participation process that concludes with the formulation and validation of the Departmental Strategic Plan;Promote the consolidation of the institutional architecture at the departmental (regional) and municipal levels developed and validated by the national, local government and civil society, as an entity that promotes the Departmental Strategic Plan and actively participates in the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation.; Formulate methodological tools at the sectoral level that allow the operationalization of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Systematize the department's social, economic and environmental information, generating tools and methods that allow consultation of the actors participating in the process of formulating and implementing the Plan Departmental Strategic.as an entity that promotes the Departmental Strategic Plan and actively participates in the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation; Formulate methodological tools at the sectoral level that allow the operationalization of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Systematize the department's social, economic and environmental information, generating tools and methods that allow the consultation of the actors that participate in the formulation and implementation process of the Departmental Strategic Plan.as an entity that promotes the Departmental Strategic Plan and actively participates in the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation; Formulate methodological tools at the sectoral level that allow the operationalization of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Systematize the department's social, economic and environmental information, generating tools and methods that allow the consultation of the actors that participate in the formulation and implementation process of the Departmental Strategic Plan.generating tools and methods that allow the consultation of the actors that participate in the formulation and implementation process of the Departmental Strategic Plan.generating tools and methods that allow the consultation of the actors that participate in the formulation and implementation process of the Departmental Strategic Plan.

5. Expected products

  • Updating of the Departmental Diagnosis, within the context of strategic planning for sustainable development, conservation and with a gender equality cross-sectional approach; Design of identification cards for actors and consultation of local, departmental, regional, national and border actors with emphasis on Immigration process of the population of the department to Costa Rica; Preparation of a Guide for the Formulation of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Proposal for systematization of social, economic and environmental information to support decision-making in the implementation of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Meetings, workshops and micro-workshops with local, departmental, national and border actors identified, within the framework of participatory, concerted and validation of the Departmental Strategic Plan;Training workshops with departmental and municipal technicians and specialists, promoting the strengthening of local human capital; A report from the consultant, which will reflect context, activities carried out, results, training measures, maps, conclusions and recommendations.

6. Consultant profile

  • Natural resource management and administration planner with 10 years experience in

Development of models and methods of regional strategic planning in the social, economic and environmental areas;

Formulation of strategic plans at the local, municipal, departmental (regional), national and border levels;

Situational management and operations research, which allows the generation of local development models and the incorporation of criteria of actors involved in participatory planning processes;

7. Duration

The consultancy will have an execution period of 60 calendar days from the signing of the contract.

3.1.2 Terms of reference Planner (Second phase) (Draft subject to discussion)

Support for the preparation of the Departmental Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Development Region of the Department of Rivas / Nicaragua. (Second Phase August 01 to September 15)

1. Justification

The need to successfully complete the formulation process of the Departmental Strategic Plan; Sector Action Plan; and the Monitoring and Evaluation System, as a means of guiding the implementation process. Also achieving added value by incorporating the Investment Plan and a Bank of Projects formulated and validated by the main actors of the Department of Rivas, incorporating into the Institutional Architecture formed during the first phase.

During the first phase of the consultancy, the proposal for the Departmental Strategic Plan and the Sectoral Action Plan was presented at the proposal level for validation by the different actors and sectors, as well as the final validation by the different actors, as well as its presentation at the national and national levels. Donor forum will allow the consolidation of the Plans.

2. Short-term mission objective

The objective of the mission is to support and strengthen the formulation process of the Strategic Plan of the Department of Rivas, incorporating for it the formulation methodology of the Conservation and Sustainable Development Region (RECODES).

The departmental governmental framework will be used as an agglutination platform, with proactive participation from the private, municipal, and non-governmental sectors. In addition, methodological tools are created that allow monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategic Plan, such as its future extrapolation to other departments in the country.

3. Main tasks

  • Carry out consultations, meetings, micro-workshops and workshops with identified actors, individually, sectorally and multi-sectorally, allowing the generation of a consultation and participation process that concludes with the formulation and final validation of the Departmental Strategic Plan and Sectorial Action Plan; Consolidation of the departmental (regional) and municipal structures, within the framework of the institutional architecture implemented during the first phase of the consultancy with the support of PROFODEM; formulate methodological tools at the sectoral level that allow the operationalization of the departmental strategic plan; develop the monitoring and Evaluation used for the Departmental Strategic Plan, Sector Action Plan and Investment Plan; Development of a Project Bank (portfolio),according to the proposal developed of the Departmental Strategic Plan, Sector Action Plan and Investment Plan; Presentation of the final version of the Departmental Strategic Plan, Sector Action Plan; Presentation at the national level of the proposal of the Departmental Strategic Plan.

4. Expected products

  • Strengthening of the Proposal for the Departmental Strategic Plan, Sector Action Plan through, workshops and Microtalleres with identified local, departmental, national and border actors; Preparation and validation of the Investment Plan of the Departmental Strategic Plan and Sector Action Plan; System Design Monitoring and Evaluation of the Departmental Strategic Plan, with regionally quantifiable and qualifiable human development indicators; Training workshops with departmental and municipal technicians and specialists, promoting the strengthening of local human capital; Developing in the context of the Departmental Strategic Plan a Bank (Portfolio) of Projects, with emphasis on the prioritized development sector;Development of the National Workshop to present the Departmental Strategic Plan and Sector Action Plan; Development of the strategy to present the Departmental Strategic Plan and Departmental Investment Plan in a donor forum; A report from the consultant, which will reflect context, activities carried out, results, training measures, maps, conclusions and recommendations

5. Consultant profile

  • Natural resource management and administration planner with 10 years experience in

Development of models and methods of regional strategic planning in the social, economic and environmental areas;

Formulation of strategic plans at the local, municipal, departmental (regional), national and border levels;

Situational management and operations research, which allows the generation of local development models and the incorporation of criteria of actors involved in participatory planning processes.

Formulation of the strategic plan of the department of rivas nicaragua