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Strategic personal and company formulation to succeed


I the big company

Often when we are children they ask us and we wonder what we will be when we grow up. This concern accompanies us until adolescence when we have to decide what we are going to study at the University or the technical institute.

When we are finishing university we ask ourselves, what now? Some of us intuitively reflect and write notes on what we should do, but others simply allow themselves to be improvised, that is, whatever comes. Very few of us receive guidance and help to continue on the path that leads to success.


People must find meaning in their existence, they must know where they want to go, each person poses their own challenges, including creating their own future. They must be clear about their objectives as well as the relationship that exists between them and their resources and their relationship with the environment that is changing every day.

Undoubtedly, for man to succeed, he must develop a true commitment to self-development and self-knowledge, taking into account the existence of various factors that can be controlled and not controlled by themselves. That is, internal and external factors.

Thousands of young people and people in general roam the world without knowing what to do or where to go, falling into frustration and then giving in to family and social violence, shaken by poverty and social disintegration. Whole lives go by without a trace. In their life the sense of future is absent, they have the feeling that only the present exists and since the present is bad for them, they fall hopelessly and hopelessly.

It is important that people formulate a personal life plan considering that they are part of a family and the family is the foundation of the nation.

In order not to be considered in the list of losers we must not believe that the luck factor is the decisive element of what happens to us, we must exercise control over our destiny. The Law of causality must be taken into account: “He who does good achieves good; and he who does evil reaps evil. "

“Many have forgotten that the three aspects of their being are three energies: Thought, word and action; the three together produce a result = feeling or experience ”. "It is also difficult for them to listen to their soul, the soul seeks to evolve, the soul is the highest feeling of love that we can imagine."

When asked which is the most important company in the world, many immediately answer Microsoft, IBM, SONY, etc. others issue a reflective response stating that the most important company is the family, those who deepen their reflection to answer that they are certainly few, answer that the most important company is oneself.

Therefore, as the most important company is oneself, so that its development is efficient and with the possibility that it can influence its future, I consider that people should:

Analyze your situation in relation to the environment.

Know the restrictions on your freedom of action.

Investigate new fields of activity.

Find your self-satisfaction.

Be productive.

Under the Sun there is nothing new, everything is done, that is why in this book I have collected the teachings of great authors who have written about aspects of self-help, which in my opinion we must take into account to achieve success. I have also considered my personal experience that I have obtained as a son, husband, father, university professor, manager of multinational companies and consultant.

The structure has been formulated based on the foundations of strategic planning, that is, setting out the vision, mission, objectives and strategies. We consider that the great objective of the personal company is success, and its profitability, happiness.

With the intention of putting a grain of sand in the noble task of cultivating men of good, I put at your disposal this modest contribution, and I thank you in advance for your kind dear reader, for allowing me to be in your hands and accompany you on the path of life, in search of success.

The author

I.- Strategic formulation

The current context that we have to live in places us in a world full of changes and constant challenges, so it is imperative to know new tools that allow us to achieve success. Strategic planning consists of determining the direction that a person must have to achieve their medium and long-term objectives.

In formulating the strategic plan we must take into account:

  • Strategic analysis: in this aspect we must take into account the analysis of the environment, expectations, objectives and power, as well as resources and capabilities. Choice of strategy: highlights the generation of options, the evaluation of options and the selection of the strategy. Implementation of the strategy: it has to do with organizational discipline, allocation and control of resources, management of strategic change. Strategic control.

The Strategic Formulation Process

Source: Adapted from Strategic Management, José Luis Galán, U of Seville.

There are several purposes that a strategic planning system can encompass, some of which are listed in Annex 1-1, and that people can establish in their lives. A planning system can try to achieve several of these purposes. A person at any given time may need to achieve certain goals more than others:

  1. Change the direction of the person's life. Accelerate growth and achieve success. Eliminate habits that make us inefficient. Concentrate resources on important activities. Develop better information to make better decisions. Develop a budget and short-term operational plans. Develop situational analyzes of opportunities and dangers to provide a better awareness of the person's potential in view of their potentials and weaknesses. Develop better coordination of their activities.Develop better communication.Develop a sense of security through a better understanding of the changing environment and the ability for the person to adapt to it.Train constantly.Provide a map to indicate where the person will be located and how to get there up there.Set more realistic and demanding goals, but where possible. Review and examine current activities as well as make appropriate adjustments and modifications, in view of the changing environment and the person's goals. Provide awareness of the changing environment to better adapt. Develop what successful people do.

ANNEX 1-1: Purposes of a Strategic Planning System. Adapted from Strategic Planning- George Steiner.

II.-Personal strategic plan

"It is the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating decisions that allow us to achieve our objectives" Fred David.

Main benefits of strategic planning

  • It reinforces our vision, mission and values ​​that we have set ourselves. It gives us a good basis for decision-making. It reduces the risk of diverting our efforts. It helps us to be clear about where we are going.

2.1.- Personal vision

A very important step in the formulation of the personal strategic plan is the writing of the vision, that is, what we want to be. In this task, let's let our imagination fly, let's put wings on it so that it flies without time limitations. Let us project ourselves into the future and there look at ourselves as we would like to see ourselves. Let's not be mean to ourselves, let's be ambitious and generous with our dreams.


We all have dreams that we long to achieve, so it is important that we do the right things and in an organized way, to make them come true. In life there are many examples that courageous men have given us, especially in the way that we must fight for our purposes, it is important that we do not fear failure, because trying to achieve them, we will surely run the risk of not achieving success. We should never neglect our aspirations, let us be protagonists of great feats as others did when they dared.

The desire to be great.

People can achieve many things in life, almost everything they can acquire with money: food, shelter, leisure, but they cannot make "the desire to be great." The desire to be great, according to S. Freud, along with the sexual drive is what leads man to do things.

This desire moves man to develop different activities that allow him to project himself in search of recognition, that is, to feel important.

This desire helps us to successfully treat people.

Vision Formulation Guide

When defining our vision, we can help ourselves with the following questions:

  • What do I see as key to my future? What unique contribution should I make in the future? What would I be excited about being part of the future? What do I see as the greatest opportunity for my personal growth? How do we see ourselves? What do we want to do in the future?

Key Elements of a Vision.

-It involves our heart and our spirit.

-Touch our interests and needs.

-It is what we want to create.

-It's something worth fighting for.

-It gives us a meaning to work.

- By definition it is great and a little hazy.

-It is simple.

-It is a living document that can always grow.

-It is a starting point from which to achieve higher levels of specificity.

Developing a Vision.

1.-Explain the need for a vision.

2.-Explain the components of a successful vision.

3.-It makes it easier for people to create their own visions.

4.-Share the components of these visions.

5.-Discuss and promote consensus.

2.2.- Personal Mission

It consists in discovering our reason for being. Frankl states: “Every person has his own specific mission or vocation in life…. In them it cannot be replaced, nor can its life be repeated. So each person's task is as unique as their specific opportunity to carry it out. ”

Feel useful, you need

If we should be aware of anything, it is our mission on Earth. By doing so we will surely realize that we are useful, that we need it and we will verify it in the satisfaction of achieving our dreams or by generating a happy and happy smile on the face of our neighbor.

Formulation of the mission

To write our mission we can be guided by the following questions:

  • What are we doing? Why do we exist? What sets us apart from others? Who are we? What do we seek? Why do we do it? What are our values?

o Values ​​o Principles oMotivation (social, commercial, religious, cultural, etc.)

2.3.- Values

People should always keep in mind values ​​such as truth, perseverance, prudence, honesty, industry. Dr. S. Covey suggests that we rely on:

The Principle-Based Paradigm

Character ethics is based on the fundamental idea that there are principles that govern human effectiveness, natural laws of the human dimension that are as real, as natural, as constant as universal gravitation.

P rinciple of straightness; The concept of equity and justice is developed. P RINCIPLE Integrity and honesty; They build the foundation for trust, which is essential for long-term personal and interpersonal cooperation and development.

P RINCIPLE of human dignity.

P RINCIPLE of service or idea to contribute.

P RINCIPLE quality or excellence.

P rinciple of potential.

P rinciple of growth.

People can only experience true success and happiness when they learn these principles and integrate them into their basic character:

- integrity - humility
- Loyalty - Measures
- Value - Justice
- Patience - Effort
- Modesty - honesty

2.4.- Strategic objective

A goal is a specific, quantifiable result, possible to achieve in a certain period of time. The objectives can be divided into general and specific.

The great personal goal: Achieve Success

"Success is the satisfaction of a human being when he reaches all his goals, it is to feel that he has achieved everything for which he has worked without caring about the obstacles that have been encountered because the obstacles are a test so that one knows that one can continue forward and be strong". "In the heart of all winters lives a pulsating spring, and behind each night comes a smiling dawn," Khalil Gobran (1883-1931).


Let us guide our lives to achieve goals, do not allow the advice and opinions of others to prevent us from achieving it. Goals will guide us on the right path, let's make them our incentive that encourages and stimulates us towards a certain action. Although it may seem strange, most people do not have goals, they are adrift, it is important that we think about setting goals by organizing time and action.

If we visualize a large staircase, we will see many steps on it, each step we climb we will be reaching some goals that will allow us to reach the great goal of reaching the top of the ladder. Goals serve as means of measuring progress.


For our life to have a reason for being, we must have a purpose, which will help us expand and improve our lives. There are many people who do not know where they are going and what they want.

We need to control our actions and project ourselves. Something that we should never forget is our thoughts, what we think we will be. Marco Aurelio said "Our life is made up of our thoughts". To achieve a purpose it is important to use the mind a little more than others, making that extra effort is the challenge. To continue on the right path, let us not lose sight of our purpose and be persistent to achieve it.

In life we ​​develop many personal and professional activities, we must concentrate on those that help us achieve our purpose. Sometimes we are presented with jobs that in the short term are very profitable but that can deviate us from our purpose, so it is necessary to carry out a good analysis to avoid seeing ourselves in a dead end. It is important to separate mediocrity from success.

2.5.-Personal Strategies

They are the chosen paths to achieve the objectives committed during our life. It is important to know what our strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities are.

Strategic analysis

For the strategic analysis we will do an internal analysis of ourselves to discover our potentials and weaknesses, as well as the resources and capabilities we have.

It is also necessary to make an analysis of our environment, today we are living in a highly turbulent environment, generated by technological, economic, political and social aspects. If something characterizes the current environment is that it is continually changing, nothing is still.

2.5.1.- Internal Analysis

Carrying out an internal analysis is an important part of personal strategic analysis and is a purely individual task. Apart from the skills that we must develop, it is necessary to make an inventory to see if we have certain virtues, among which we can mention:

Integrity Patience Humility
Enthusiasm Gratitude Ambition
Perseverance Friendship Tolerance
Honesty Judgment Creativity
Own domain Consideration Courtesy.

You are unique, you are unique

Something wonderful that happens in us is that we are unique. There is no other on earth like us, we are unique and different, we have our own feelings and thoughts.

Inside us there is a great treasure that is waiting for us to use it, so we must not only discover it but also use it. Many search for treasures in distant lands, travel the world, dive into depths, enter in inhospitable lands. But they do not search their hearts and minds, if they did, they would find good feelings and thoughts in them that will help them find success.

It is important that in life you are yourself. Do not imitate or try to be like others, study your own personality and live as such, you are something new in the world.

Know yourself

To walk with aplomb and without urging for life, a fundamental task we have is to know ourselves, that is, we must know our inner self.

"In our inner self we will find our physical body, our astral body and our mental body. It is essential that in order to know ourselves, we must know and differentiate each of these bodies.

The Body is our animal, it is the horse on which we ride. Therefore we must treat it well, we must feed it with pure food and drinks and take it scrupulously clean of the slightest stain. Because without a perfectly clean and healthy body we will not be able to carry out the hard work of preparation, nor bear the incessant effort.

The astral body inclines us to anger, to injury, to envy, to greed, to covet other people's goods, to plunge into depression. The astral body desires these things not because it wants to harm us but because it likes intense vibrations, as well as the constant change of them.

Our mental body wants to think proudly that it is something separate from the rest. Even when we have cut him off from worldly things, he persists in speculating about himself, in inciting us to think about our own progress instead of thinking about helping others. ”

Knowing oneself is part of the personal strategic plan that each of us must make in order to follow the path that gives the light of reason, there we will identify our strengths and weaknesses, and then work on our weaknesses to reduce them and avoid being vulnerable to desires of worldly things that are presented to us every day and at every moment. Know thyself! Socrates proclaimed.

Johari's window

This tool helps establish better communication and allows appreciating other people's opinions about oneself, which is why it constitutes an important means of feedback.

Therefore, the Johari window serves to identify: Feelings, Attitudes, Motivations, Opinions, Perceptions and Appearances.

Public area, Free or open (I know - others know) area of ​​free conscience and voluntary interaction and communication. It is characterized by the free exchange of information between the self and others. It would be the level where persuasive communication occurs.

Blind area (I don't know - others know) area eventually intuited but not fully conscious and unintentionally shared with others. They are those things that the individual does not perceive about himself (either because he has become accustomed to them or because he unconsciously denies them) but that others do perceive.

Secret area (I know - others don't know) area consciously closed to others. It is all that I know about myself, but I do not make it known to others. I keep others at a distance by hiding my true self. I reserve my comments and protect my inner self from harm, assuming that the information I can give can be used against me. Behaviors that we voluntarily hide from others.

Subconscious or unknown area (I don't know - others don't know) Unknown and / or not perceived area by oneself and others. It is one that expresses those aspects of our personality that we are not aware of and that are also unknown to people who relate to us.

It constitutes what neither one nor anyone knows about oneself, which can be phobias, trauma, etc.

Core Competence

Prahalad and Hamel, stated that every company-person to maintain leadership must identify its competitive essence. The competitive essence of every person is in that activity or activities that they know how to do best, and it is on it that they must develop their competitive advantage.

Around the competitive essence, people must organize their resources, seeking an efficient use of them, always thinking of finding results. Another characteristic that the competitive essence must have is that it must be difficult to imitate, many times the competitors will look for the easiest way that is to copy.

To have essential competencies, the following conditions must be met:

  • First: We must train ourselves permanently, in what not only imparts knowledge, but is taught skills with constant updating. Second: For competencies to be sustained and nurtured, they must be continuously used, deployed and reconfigured in many ways.


They are the potentialities, distinctive capacities and availability of resources that people have, on which they must design their strategic plans. It is important to recognize our distinctive capabilities.


Each person has to identify "what is their Achilles heel", disadvantages, resources and capabilities that they lack.

Resources and Capabilities

Our resources and capabilities are valuable as they will help us neutralize dangers or take advantage of opportunities. Some of the abilities can only be possessed by certain people. Ideally, the capacities are expensive to imitate because they are unique and valuable, which gives us the advantage of achieving a position and development of interpersonal relationships based on trust and friendship.

Financial administration

The financial aspect is vital for the achievement of our objectives. Among them the one that stands out is savings, which leads us to sacrifice part of the desires of the present to think about the needs of the future. To get into the habit of saving, we must be able to curb our passions, avoiding wasting our time and money. It is important to think about "the age of skinny cows".

It is also advisable for people to invest their money in real estate such as houses and land. These in the end will serve as an anchor in the patrimony of the person, the lands have the virtue that are revalued. In relation to the holding of securities as shares, it is important to constantly monitor their trend because they can vary.

Some points that we could analyze to see our financial solvency:

  1. The financial ratios, which tell us whether you are strong or weak. Ability to raise the capital you need in the short term. Ability to raise the capital you need in the long term. You have enough working capital. Know effective procedures to make your budget..Has a basic knowledge of financial matters.

In relation to money, it is good that we take into account that it is not healthy for us to obsess over it. This constitutes a means and not an end. There are people who lose perspective and even give their lives and theirs for having it, some manage to amass great fortunes without being able to enjoy it. "In life there are men so poor that all they have is money."

Management and supervision

Adequate administration of our resources is the stage that moderates and drives the will of each element to develop according to the approved plans.

The person must be:

Multifunctional: learn various functions.

Multi-skilled: find other ways to do the same thing. Self-motivated: being able to feel optimistic, turning problems into opportunities.

Change-oriented: Don't be afraid of change. Self-controlled: that he himself does a quality control, he is sure that what he does is well done.

It is important for people to develop the following:

1.Knowledge of strategic management concepts.

2. Set measurable objectives.

3. Ability to carry out planning activities.

4. Organizational capacity.

5.High mood.

6.Effective control mechanisms of their activities.

Production of goods and provision of services

As a professional, the following aspects should be considered:

1.Knowledge of your labor market.

2.Professional and personal prestige.

3.Increase of users of its services.

4. Quality philosophy.

Information systems

People must take into account the handling of information as well as knowing how to communicate properly.

Today the world lives pressured by the abundance of information, which, if we don't know how to handle it, can become disinformation. To optimize its use, you must have the necessary knowledge:

1.Ability to use the information system to make decisions.

2. Regularly update your information.

3. Knowledge of the information system and the competitive advantages it can offer you.

4. Constant training in the management of the information system.

To get your message across to others, four basic practices can help you improve communication and get your message across.

-Touch others where they are; Develop the message taking into account the point of view of others, not yours. -Make sure your interlocutor understands the importance of your message.

-Keep the attention of your interlocutor alive; it is good to maintain a regular flow of information.

-Communicate affirmatively and comprehensively.

Personal image

One of the fundamental aspects that we must take into account is our image, it is important to know how they see us in the society we live in. Our honor is the most important asset, therefore, our word counts, personal and professional prestige. Let's not forget that the name we have is the brand through which we seek a position in society. It is important to be responsible, trustworthy and honorable people.


The definition of knowledge has intrigued some of the great world thinkers, from Plato to Popper, without reaching a consensus.

The literature on the analysis and management of knowledge indicates relevant characteristics in the use of knowledge within the company. Machlup (1980) identifies thirteen "elements of knowledge", including: knowing, being familiar with, knowing, remembering, remembering, recognizing, distinguishing, understanding, interpreting, being able to explain, being able to demonstrate, being able to speak of and be able to interpret.

Machlup also identifies five "kinds of knowledge": practical knowledge, intellectual knowledge (encompassing scientific, humanistic, and cultural knowledge), time-passing knowledge (news, gossip, stories, and the like), spiritual knowledge, and superfluous knowledge (not wanted).

Explicit knowledge is transmitted by communication, with ease of communication being its fundamental property.

Tacit knowledge is transmitted through its application. If tacit knowledge cannot be codified and can only be observed through its application and acquired through practice, its transfer between people is slow, expensive and uncertain (Kogut and Zander, 1992).

The critical distinction between both types of knowledge lies in the transferability and the transfer mechanisms between individuals through space and through time.


It is a sacred institution blessed by God. Marriage involves a crucial decision in our life, it is important that we know how to choose our partner and there are no magic recipes to do it. We can only listen to the voice of our heart. This is conceived under love.

We must bear in mind that when we marry we not only do it with our partner, but with their surroundings, their customs and their family. Our partner must help us grow, share our dreams, our struggles; as the divine mandate says, to be together in good times and bad.

Great men like Abraham Lincoln and Leon Tolstoy were spiritually torn by the bad character of their respective wife, they lived unhappy; The story tells that one day Leon Tolstoi left his house in the middle of winter, regardless of the inclement cold, he preferred that than being with his wife, overwhelmed by bad weather, he died at a railway station. Once, while eating breakfast, Abraham Lincoln felt the heat of a hot liquid on his face, it was coffee that his wife, pushed by anger, had thrown at his face. In order not to fall into disgrace, like these great men, we must be careful when choosing our partner. Many women are also victims of their husband's bad behavior, they are subjected to the harshness of their bad character, selfishness and mistreatment.

In a marriage the couple must understand that progress corresponds to both of them. You must understand that the relationship is based on interdependence, in which both have their own space, the same that must be respected.

"A true home is conceived when they know how to fulfill the duties and obligations of the couple."

The profession

In life every person must learn to earn a living, must seek for him and his dependents a quiet life. For which you can be sustained in a profession, so your determination must be a diligent task that helps you to decide properly what you are going to study. It is important that parents support their children to decide, giving them a vocational orientation, taking into account their abilities and capacities. For example, people who want to become engineers need to be fond of math.

We must be passionate about our profession, we must feel pride and love it, this feeling will help us to be constantly updating ourselves, the current environment that is highly competitive requires us to be the best and the first.


One of the crucial activities of man is his professional development, and this he will achieve through a decent job that not only allows him to earn his daily bread, but also to develop professionally. Work dignifies the person. Commit to your work.

“What people call Success and Good Luck is not the result of chance; it is the prize for creative effort ”.

“The most active men are the happiest; leisure laziness are a curse and the first enemy of human happiness ”

The College and the University

Training is a continuous dynamic that begins in basic education and then goes to university. Professionals carry a stamp on them that identifies them in which University they have studied. It is important that we know how to select the institution where our children study, bearing in mind that our children will be trained in the image and likeness of their teachers.


Professionals must seek to know new experiences, ways of life and work, they must seek to interrelate with the foreigner, this will give them a different vision of the world in which they find themselves.

Family and social environment.

The family environment is important for the normal development and growth of children, parents should be concerned with creating an environment that provides them with the opportunity to grow safely, which will have an impact on their self-esteem.

The family environment that transmits love and peace is the driving force of those who make up the family. If there is love there will be respect, if there is respect there will be peace, if there is peace there will be progress.

Social Network, friends

One of the instincts of man is the gregarious, it makes people live in society, it is not conceived that man lives alone and isolated from the world. That is why it is of utmost importance that men know how to develop our social networks, beyond family circles.

Selection of friends

One of the tasks that we must take into account and care is related to the selection of our friends, because not everyone has the same attitudes, customs, ways of acting and thinking. Selection should be based primarily on values.

Our friends must be free and of good manners, many may be from our same generation and others may be older than us. To converse with generational friends is to share our dreams, our diversions as well as our sorrows and projects. To talk with older people is to receive the experience and the teaching of the path they have traveled before us.

Benjamin Franklin, the sage who tamed the Ray, before dying, wrote in his memoirs: “If I could choose, I would not object at all to living the same life from the beginning, on the condition that I be granted the privilege that they have the authors when printing the second edition of their works, to correct some of the errors of the first ”.

How to start living again? It is certainly difficult, but we can make other people especially young people live making fewer mistakes, through advice, understanding and guidance.

The elderly must be aware of the great role they play as guides and instructors who guide the youth without selfishness.

The young man must look at the elder as a friend who has lived a long time, denoted in his gray hair and in his face withered by time. The older must keep in mind that the young is a great potential that is full of energy and healthy illusions. The young and the old must walk together sharing experiences and wisdom, dreams and hopes.

The intelligence

Intelligence gives the individual the ability to make decisions and improve their living conditions, has the ability to solve problems. "We do not live to think, but we think to live."

According to Howard Gardner there are multiple intelligences, linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, kinetic-bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal intelligence. Intelligence is said to be the result of a set of genetic and environmental variables. It is important that we identify the type of intelligence to guide our greatest efforts towards it in order to find excellence.


It is important to have a healthy body to be able to carry out various activities, both physical and intellectual, for which we must develop the habit of eating properly. Put liquor aside, play sports and plan leisure activities.


Enthusiasm gives people the push to succeed. They are happy with what they are doing and feel self-confidence and faith in their plans. Enthusiasm is manifested in every expression of your face and tone of voice, it is a contagious force that achieves the cooperation of others. Enthusiasm is a powerful force that can lift you up and propel you out of the depths of your being.


It is the art of continuing to achieve the goals set, overcoming the obstacles that come our way in life, we do not allow transitory failures to stop us or divert us from our goals. Perseverance helps us to follow and overcome temporary failures, it is the power to achieve victory.

Time management

One of the most valuable resources that people have is time, so it is necessary to manage it efficiently, it is important to develop a plan of daily and weekly activities that help us achieve our goals.

We should all reserve time for study, leisure, work. The ecclesiastic says: "There is time to cry, to sing, to dance, to work and to die, there is time for everything."

Many times we waste time on trivial and unproductive things that at the end of the day we find that we have not progressed.

In time management we must consider: traditional time management that deals with chronos time, a Greek word that defines chronological, linear and sequential time; where no second is worth more than another and the clock controls our life. But the key is in kairos time: appropriate or quality time.

Time management must be conceptualized as a way of being and a way of living. Today we live in the ER; The current world requires us at all times to respond to immediate needs and / or solutions.

Among the most common wastes of time we find Bad administration or poorly planned and distributed workload originates the shortage of time. Doing too much in too short a time. Some people don't know how to say “no” to distractions or unforeseen events, they confuse priorities working on urgent things, leaving important things for later. Daily goals are set far beyond the ability to meet them.

Main skills:

A. Identification of roles. The first thing is to write down our key roles. LET'S BE PROACTIVE - HABITS

B. Selection of goals. Think and specify two or three important results to be achieved in each role over the next seven days, which will be recorded as goals: PRIORITIZE

C. Temporary programming. Set goals to achieve them. TO PLAN.

  1. D. Daily adaptation. Daily planning becomes a function of day-to-day adaptation to activities, events, relationships and unforeseen events. Delegate functions. Learn to say No: Handling of unscheduled Activities

Interior peace

To successfully walk the world we must achieve inner peace, that is, spiritual peace, that in us there is no place for resentment, envy, the force of forgiveness must reign, which will free us from negative mental influences. Contact anyone you know has unfairly offended and offer a sincere apology.

Positive mental attitude.

The mind is powerful, it can generate negative or positive thoughts. It is important to generate positive thoughts since these will attract good aspects to our life, and let's not forget that only we have complete control over them.

Let's try to generate enthusiasm around our positive thinking. We must always keep ourselves busy with positive and productive things. Let us not allow economic and resource limitations to fill us with negative thoughts, great men who have achieved success teach us the way forward.

Mind's power

Man was created with great creative capacity. The mind is capable of developing high levels of energy that, unfortunately, very few have discovered the ability to use.

Throughout history we see the great achievements that human civilization has developed, differentiating itself from the way of life of animals. They have made possible great discoveries, fantastic inventions, works of art, monumental constructions, unparalleled adventures.

Self esteem

Self-esteem has to do with security, confidence and the ability to value and respect yourself. It has a direct impact on productivity and people's behavior. Depending on self-esteem, you can be a good student, a good professional, a good manager, a good person.

A person with high self-esteem assumes his responsibilities and does not leave it to chance. Self-esteem is something that is built or rebuilt within, it depends on the family environment in which we are and the stimuli that it provides us.

A person with good self-esteem firmly believes in values ​​and defends them with all his will, acts according to his judgment, does not shy away from another person even if he does not recognize his qualities, does not allow himself to be manipulated by others. It is important that people in general have good self-esteem to achieve success.

People of high self-esteem are born to succeed in all aspects of their lives. They have an iron spirit and great mental strength, they always work according to their objectives, which is success, so they do not fear failure or allow it to stop them, on the contrary, they learn from it so they do not make mistakes again.

The Gift of Forgiving

It is important to develop in us the gift of forgiveness, in this way we will free ourselves from negative energies, from grudges, which all they do is limit and hinder our progress towards success. We free ourselves of rage, anguish, anxiety, thirst for revenge, nonconformity and other emotions that accompany that memory.

To forgive is to move away from the past to face the present with optimism in the hope of consolidating a better future.


It is important to overcome worry, this causes anguish, failure, lack of commitment and unhappiness in people. Emotional tension is the cause of many ills such as insomnia, headaches, ulcers, etc.

It is important to develop positive thinking where there is no place for concerns, the same ones that bind us to inaction and conformity.

According to Hector Tassinari in his book Camino al Éxito, he states that positive thinking is characterized by:

  • Total knowledge Absolute honesty True enthusiasm Total dedication

It allows us to develop our best qualities making us capable of teamwork.


By giving thanks we are opening our spirit, we are making known the depth of our being. To be grateful is to be loyal to people, it is to recognize and value the efforts of others, which facilitates our understanding with our neighbor. A person who fosters gratitude in your being is on the path to success.


Being alone allows us to listen to our heartbeat, to feel the movement of our vital organs. It is important to reserve a place, a space where silence is total that allows us to immerse ourselves in a deep meditation to meet the most important person:


Self motivation

Self-motivation will give you the strength to get ahead, let's not forget that we are the great author and builder of our lives, for which we must undertake continuous personal improvement. Motivation must be aimed at achieving a certain goal, by motivating ourselves we will be strong and victory will be near.

A self-motivated person is not conformist, does not believe that everything is determined, does not shy away from challenges, on the contrary, works and thinks about his future.

For Hector Tassinari, the self-motivation or motivation of the Attitude allows us to realize the abundant opportunity of the potential that we possess, we learn to control thought, to improve our daily attitude, to be the person we want to be and it will give meaning to our life, it is important to constantly generate energies and forces despite the obstacles.

Right now, give yourself to your ideals as much as you can, don't wait for the future. Constantly motivate yourself.


For Dr. S. Covey, the habits defined for the analysis of effectiveness are defined as an intersection of knowledge, capacity and desire.

Knowledge: it is the theoretical paradigm, what to do and why.

Capacity: it is the how to do.

Desire: it is motivation, wanting to do.

It depends on the public image of the attitudes, behaviors, abilities and techniques that make the processes of human interaction work.

People in general have bad and good habits. We need to identify them to strengthen the good and correct the bad. Good habits help us to constitute examples of life. Bad habits can often make us fearful of criticism, indecisive, jealous, suspicious, even carrying out activities that threaten our health, such as being a chain smoker.

For Dr. S. Covey, basically our character is made up of our habits. "Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny ”.

Habits are powerful factors in our lives, often unconscious, constantly and daily express our character and generate our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

There are habitual tendencies like impatience, indecision, criticism or selfishness that violate the basic principles of human effectiveness.

According to Dr. George Weinberg, any one of the six things can contribute to a habit being bad:

1.- The habit does nothing but costs time and energy.

2.- The habit separates one from the experience; we concentrate on the secondary and we move away from enjoying the essential.

3.- Physically the habit is harmful.

4.- The habit irritates people.

5.- Habit makes one look silly.

6.- You don't like the habit you have.


It is the Habit of responsibility, results in Freedom.

They can combine the creativity and resources of individuals to create

Proactive Model

a proactive culture. Proactive people have great initiative, they have the ability to generate changes based on self-awareness, imagination, moral awareness, independent will, as expressed in the model proposed by Dr. S. Covey.

2.5.2.-Analysis of the environment

The environment is made up of two elements:

  • The general environment The specific sectoral environment.

General environment

Since man is not an island, it is important to make an analysis of his environment, that is, what surrounds him. Among the fundamental aspects that we must analyze are the following:

Technological aspects

Technology is changing and has changed the lifestyle of man, information systems have shortened distances, have dwarfed the world, information travels at the speed of light. These changes require man to be constantly updating himself.

Political aspects

The actions of the political class that can be in the parliament or in the central government have a direct impact on the way of working, on the obligations and on the rights, so it is necessary to be informed about this scenario, as well as the international conflicts.

Economic aspects

Economic indicators such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, exchange rate, interest rates and financial movement, variation of the most important stock exchanges in the world. We must try to be informed about them as they can create an opportunity or a threat. Managing the economy can have a negative or positive impact on our lives

Social aspects

The social environment often determines sustained growth, as well as peace and permanence. A healthy and educated town will improve the environment to live better.

Specific environment

It is the set of factors that directly influence a person, their actions, competitive and cooperative responses.

When carrying out the analysis of these aspects we can determine which are our:


Understanding them as those situations or socioeconomic, political or cultural factors that are beyond our control, whose peculiarity is that they are feasible to be exploited if certain conditions are met.


They are those external factors that are beyond our control and that could harm and / or limit the development of the person. Threats are events that occur in the environment that represent risks. We can identify resistance to change, lack of interest or motivation, high risks and great obstacles

2.6.- Determination of strategies

From our internal and external analysis we obtain our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is important to determine our strategies.

The strategy

Strategy as a science is not a new topic, it is a topic that dates back centuries. On the eastern side, the Chinese general Sun tzu found its application in the military field. Pericles, the Athenian patrician, found its application in the management of public finances, while in politics, Nicolás Machiavelli shows its application through his work The Prince.

"Thinking strategically is the art of beating an opponent while knowing that the opponent is trying to do the same with you," say French thinkers Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff.

In order to achieve their goals, people must be able to "concentrate a super-powerful mass of forces at the turning point" as stated by Karl Von Clausewitz.

The strategy over time does not always have the same result, if it gave a positive result today, it does not mean that tomorrow it will give us a similar result. So we must constantly be innovating and developing new strategies.

Let's not forget that strategic thinking helps us to have a different vision, so it is necessary to develop it.

Questions to decide:

When establishing a strategy we must define the scope where we will act, structure the paths that allow us to reach the scope, know our attributes that help us win, build a process that points us to a logical sequence of our movements, keep our profitability in mind.

Selection of strategies

What is involved is choosing a strategy based on the person's strengths and correcting their weaknesses, in order to take advantage of opportunities and counter threats.

Strategy feasibility

When selecting a strategy it is important to see its feasibility, for which the following concerns must be resolved:

-Can the strategy be financed?

-Can the established objectives be achieved?

-Is it possible to cope with competitive reactions?

-Do we have the required skills and abilities?

-Do we have the necessary knowledge?

Acceptability of the strategy

The Strategy must be internalized in each one of us.

-What will be the impact on our profitability?

-How will it affect financial risk and capital structure?

-Will our personal activity change significantly?

-Will the relationship with external stakeholders change? -Will the strategy be acceptable in my environment?

Continuous growth

It is important to design a plan for constant growth, this will allow us to improve our quality of life to become a better person. As we improve, everything around us will improve. It is necessary to start growing right now, we must bear in mind that growth is not automatic, growth will improve tomorrow, growth is exclusively our responsibility.

For growth it is necessary to be willing to learn, design a personal development plan, not settle for the achievements, focus on the most important issues and always apply what we learn.

Personal positioning

It is important that we project an image of achievers, so we must form a dynamic image in our minds. People like those who are not arrogant, hypocritical and boastful.

Everyone in society has a place, a position, they will take us into account according to what we have decided to be both professionally and personally. For the image we project we will be admired and respected. One of the factors to achieve this is integrity, which is one of the most important qualities, it flourishes and grows when you are honest with yourself, this will allow us to walk with our heads up, free and without complexes.

Differentiation strategy

One of the strategies that we can follow to achieve our personal positioning is to add to our basic training something that is perceived as unique and that sets us apart from others.

SWOT matrix

We can build our SWOT matrix by crossing our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, from there we will obtain:

FO strategies

This strategy we can say is the ideal, we use our internal forces to take advantage of opportunities.

DO strategies

It consists of overcoming internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities. There are often interesting external opportunities for personal development, but people have internal weaknesses that prevent them from exploiting those opportunities.

FA strategies

We use our strengths to avoid or lessen the repercussions of external threats.

DA strategies

It involves reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding or avoiding threats from the environment. A person facing many external threats and internal weaknesses, in fact, could be in a very precarious situation.

2.7.- Actions

To achieve the strategies we have determined, it is necessary to implement a series of programs; Below we mention some of them:


In life there is something that we must never forget, we always have to carry them with us, that's why we always:

You must believe in ideals.

You must give love.

You must have hope.

You must believe in God.

You must respect and love nature.

You must encourage your creativity.

You must smile.

You must learn to be happy.

You must give a little joy to all things and that everything that reaches our hands or our life, you must always leave the best of what it was when we found it. You must promote respect, faith and trust.

Learn to listen

People have closed their ears, they are not interested in listening to their interlocutors, they have even closed to listen to the musical sound. Knowing how to listen is developing the capacity to know how to learn.

Many have failed for not knowing how to listen to the advice of their parents, of their faithful friends, of their loyal collaborators, of their close families and above all of the voice of God.

Most people are not very good at listening. Listening is usually a poorly developed ability

You can become a better listener if you follow the following eight suggestions with discipline:

1.- Prepare to listen, have the desire to hear the message they are sending you.

2.- Stop talking, "a good idea has never come to mind through an open mouth."

3.- Listen with understanding.

4.- Listen to everything the interlocutor has to say.

5.- Be aware of what is not said.

6.- Pay attention to what things are said; more than 70% of our interpersonal communications are non-verbal.

7.- Take breaks.

8.- Feedback.

Love and respect your parents

One of the divine mandates reads "honor your father and mother", in life we ​​must be pleasant with them, let's not forget that they gave us everything of themselves, they rejected the selfishness of living only for them and they consecrated themselves to us, they shared their poverty and riches are always and have been by our side, when we fell ill they were by our side, reaching us with their generous hands for food and medicine. When we fell defeated the first breath we received was from them, when we achieved victory in silence and from afar they celebrated it.

Let's not forget that they gave us their summers and springs, that is to say their youth, let's not forget that their hair turned gray and their faces withered for giving us the best to become good men and women.

Learn from your mistakes

Life is full of actions, we carry them out at every moment, in doing so we will surely make mistakes, that these serve us to learn, to strengthen our character and our spirit.

Let us not be afraid of making mistakes as long as they are guided by coordinated and planned action, what we do fear is inaction. Nelson Boswell said: "The difference between greatness and mediocrity is in the way an individual looks at his mistakes." It is important not to be afraid of making mistakes and avoid risks or decisions that could lead to failure. Every mistake we can make will help us go one step further. Conrad Hilton says "successful people keep moving, they are wrong, but they do not give up."

Jhon Maxwell presents us with the following guidelines that will help us to change failure for opportunities:

  • Appreciate the value of failure. Don't take failure personally. Let failure rectify you. Keep a sense of humor. Ask why? Not who? Learn from your failure. Don't let failure take you. keep in the ground.Use failure to measure growth.Do not give up.

Control fear

Fear along with failure are the biggest obstacles to success. Sir Bacon said "nothing is terrible but fear itself", we all have fears and the variety is almost limitless, we must not allow these to control our lives.

John Maxwell states that: "Fear breeds inaction, inaction leads to lack of experience, lack of experience blankets ignorance, and ignorance produces fear." Fear produces delay, generates negative factors and mediocrity. Fear must be faced and overcome.

Don't be afraid of criticism

Take any opportunity to learn how others see you, and use it to take an inventory of yourself and find things that need improvement.

Refrain from negative conversations, especially criticism, gossip or to damage the reputation of another person. Those activities condition your mind to think negatively.

Do not allow criticism to affect you, always seek to be the best, before them you have to be serene, unshakable and act with a sense of humor, when faced with criticism we often have no choice but to laugh, especially when they are unfair. It's crazy to respond to our fierce critics.

Dale Carnegie in the face of unfair criticism raises the following rule: "Let's do things the best we can, and then open the old umbrella and try not to get wet from criticism."

Emotion management

Something that makes it difficult for us to govern are our emotions, especially impulses fueled by anger. Many times we become impulsive people, who first act without measuring the consequences and then repent.

Attitude towards change

"We cannot bathe twice in the same waters of a river", "The only constant in life is change", philosophers firmly declare, and it is true, change is present throughout the history of humanity marking the step of evolution. The change as such is not new, what is new is the degree to which it occurs.

Today we are witnessing the dizzying changes that are occurring in our environment, we see that information travels at the speed of light and that man is constantly investigating new technologies, which will have a direct impact on his lifestyle, so their way of living is changing.

Faced with this situation, we must be aware that in order to successfully face the challenges that are presented to us today, we must be able to face those changes, for which it is important and necessary that we define our attitude.

Given the changes, we can see that men can assume four types of attitudes:

1.-From the ostrich, hide the head when changes occur.

2.-Reactive, react like firefighters, act when changes occur.

3.-Preactive, prepare for changes.

4.-Proactive, having the ability to generate changes

Men of good will, we must always have a proactive attitude, that is, be constantly generating changes to improve the environment that we have to live.

To be proactive we must be sure of the world in which we want to live. The essential virtues that we can highlight are our own initiative, high moral solvency that allow us to model the world we want to live and humility to continue learning, so it is necessary for us to be aware that just as there is the learning curve, there is the curve of unlearning, which will facilitate us to get rid of our bad habits, bad habits, despair and defects that bind us to underdevelopment.

"The only constant in life is change", we must be able to assume changes as part of our life to successfully move into the future, controlling the uncertainty associated with it. We must assume the change but without forgetting the fundamental principles such as honesty, integrity, humility, etc.

Learn from great men

The world is full of brilliant men, they are an example for humanity, with their steps they have generated a path for us to follow and they have left us many teachings, all full of love, heroism, patriotism, kindness, spectacularity, sacrifice, of courage, morality and integrity. In great men such as Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pachacutec, Marco Aurelio, Cicero, Socrates, Cromwel, Einstein, Darius, Christopher Columbus, Pericles, Solon, Galileo Galilei, Fleming, Manuel Kant, Mozart, Nicolás de Pierola, Newton, Jorge Basadre, etc., we find success as a common denominator, the perseverance that led them to achieve incredible things in life.

Make any one of them or another great man into your inspirational figure, emulate him in every possible way.

Compare yourself to the best

A valid learning process is to compare yourself with the best, the first task that we must undertake is to identify the best, then we must learn from them the best practices, those have led them to success.

Dr. Robert Camp suggests the following:

  • Know thyself. Learn from the best. Integrate what you have learned. Obtain superiority.

Never lose hope

In some sacred place there were four candles, which should always be lit, each one representing faith, peace, love and hope; the place was spacious and silent to the point that you could hear the murmur of each one of them. The one of faith murmured, the man no longer believes in anything, therefore I no longer serve and he went out; the one of peace murmured, the man only lives for war and went out; the one of the love murmured, in the heart of the man there is only hatred and it was extinguished. In that, an innocent girl entered who, when she saw the candles extinguished, exclaimed !! the candles cannot be extinguished, they must always be lit !!, in that she heard the candle of hope tell her, don't worry, while I am lit they will never leave to shine the candles of faith, peace and love, because I will see to it that they are always lit.

Let us not allow hope to be extinguished, in our being we always have the hope of seeing ourselves as successful, educated, honest, prepared and with the noblest interest in serving the country.

Overcome obstacles to cooperation

Many times in life we ​​have to face obstacles, for this it is important to look for solutions together; It is not exclusively being soft or hard, but a communication of both. It is soft on people and hard on the problem. It focuses on interests, not positions.

The obstacles to overcome for cooperation are:

-Your reaction.

-The emotions of others.

-The position of the others.

-The discontent of others.

-The power of others.

Constant Negotiation

People are always negotiating, according to experts, approximately seven thousand decisions are made every day. In a negotiation we are presented with different alternatives, we can both win, we can both lose, I can win and you lose, I can lose and you win.

The secret of negotiation is to prepare. The more difficult the negotiation the greater the preparation must be.

According to W. Ury, there are five important points on the road that leads to an agreement:

-Interests: In order to reach an agreement satisfactory to both parties, you have to begin by deciphering the interests of both parties.

Decipher your own interests, decipher their interests. The most important personal skill in negotiation is the ability to put yourself in the place of others.

-Options: After knowing the interests we can devise creative options to satisfy them. A common mistake in negotiation is to insist on a single solution, your original position.

-Norms: An independent norm is a yardstick that allows one to determine what is a fair solution. Common standards are market value, fair treatment, law.

-Alternatives: The agreement is a means, the end is to satisfy your interests. The purpose of negotiation is to explore whether you can better meet your interests through an agreement than through your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (MAPAN). MAPAN is the key to bargaining power.

-Proposals: It is a possible agreement that you are willing to accept. It is useful to keep three proposals in mind:

Vacuum something big.

Develop a withdrawal.

Devise a detection signal.

Master the Mathematics

One of the disciplines that governs the world is mathematics, through them it seeks to explain the various physical, social, economic, financial phenomena, etc.; We will always meet with them so it is important to develop a love for them in our children, to avoid disliking them in the future. Mastery of mathematics gives people the ability to develop their analytical skills and a better world view.

Keep a good relationship with God

God, in his infinite and divine wisdom, conceived and created the world, he put various living creatures that manifest themselves in a thousand ways, some have movement, others are static but they give their fruits with generosity; there are salts and minerals. Impressively he established a universal balance between day and night, in nature he established divine proportionality, that is, he left nothing to chance.

In that range of creatures that God put in our earthly world we find one with particular and different manifestations, that creature is man, who, unlike the others, has the intelligence that allows him to discern between good and evil, between the truth and lies, between light and darkness.

We are all capable of seeing the outer light, the light that the Sun generously gives us, but few of us are able to see the spiritual light, the light that emanates from our inner Self, that light that guides us along the paths of life, that painful road that many mortals follow without knowing where they are going.

The darkness that surrounds man is the symbol of ignorance that makes him walk the world with anxiety and doubts, makes passions dominate his being.

God has given us the light of reason, with which we learn the virtue of defeating ourselves and at the same time teaches us to travel safely through the temptations that surround us every day and every moment.

The light of reason has imposed in our minds the ability to think and in the heart that of feeling, these two aspects directly lead us to be humble men, as such, we walk the world distilling joy, happiness and sincerity because a Humble heart is white as the snow of those pure mountains that man has never known, therefore he has never stepped on, that whiteness is not simply an illusion, it is the reflection of the light of reason.

In the face of such great generosity that our creator has had in giving us the light, we have the obligation to be pleased, we will be gratified only if we are able to bring the light to the world where the weak mortals are surrounded by darkness, if we walk through the world with humility, the man of God does not need to show himself or be noticed, because he is recognized for his acts and attitudes, therefore you will be recognized as the son of light, as the instrument of God that has the noble mission of traveling the world, distilling love, faith, peace and hope.

“To communicate with us God uses feeling, thought and experiences.

  • High thought contains joy. o The clearest words contain truth. The highest feeling is the so-called love ”.

The man of God travels smoothly through wild and aggressive roads, the strength of his enemies are pulverized, envy does not affect him, his intuition is sensitive and warns him of the evils and bad arts that his enemies prepare for him; ambushes are lost in the infinity of indifference, in their aura the negative energies crash and fly in a thousand particles towards themselves.

In his heart the noble and pure feelings live, in his mind the righteous and strong thoughts are generated; your heart and mind are blessed and illuminated by God.

"Evolution consists of: Knowledge, experience, being, is the Most Holy Trinity:

  • God the father is knowledge. God the Son experience. God the spirit is being. "

Love nature, you are part of it

"Man fights against nature forgetting that he is part of it", every day he moves further away from it, pollution is constant, it pollutes the air, water and land. It wrongly acts as if the resources that nature has lavished on us were rents when in reality they are capital.

It has launched in the race to plunder the depths of the earth, it has developed new materials that pollute, it has lost its balance, the earth is constantly warming, the glaciers are giving way, many species of flora and fauna are being lost.

It is imperative that within the life plan we become aware of the care of the environment, of our habitat. It is a responsible and deeply human decision.

"Nothing at all is kinder than nature and nothing at all has been more cruel to nature than man."

Respect your neighbor

Benjamin Franklin declared "I will not speak ill of any man and of all I will say how good he knows."

Dale Carnegie states, “Any fool can criticize, censure, and complain. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and able to forgive. "

Since we are not an island we need to live in harmony with others and within it we seek to be appreciated and accepted. To achieve this it is necessary to be pleasant and we will reflect it through the smile, the most beautiful sound that people can hear is the one that comes out when pronouncing their name, that's why we must always remember the name of the people who are in our environment. We must show interest in people, listen carefully, make people feel important.

Alfred Adler wrote “The individual who is not interested in his fellow man is the one who has the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest injuries in others. From these individuals all human failures arise".

Talk to Yourself

We are constantly generating ideas, leading projects, promoting changes; Because of which we can go through hard and difficult times, we have to fight against indifference, conformity, bad arts, envy, tirade and injury.

The cobbled, narrow, thorny and shadowed roads by the darkness of the merciless fight, return to your slow and heavy steps. He who leads the changes engages in a confrontational struggle on the part of those who resist change.

Walking on the dark roads, paved with mediocrity, strikes the soul, shakes the body, the attacks are fierce, all loaded with injustice and bad habits. In those moments it is when the force of the character is noticed, the spirit emits a light, in those moments of impotence, of pure adrenaline, the heart vibrates, galloping hard like an Arabian horse that runs wild through the burning desert.

Solitary moments passes the leader, the man of historical feats, the man who advocates change walks alone through the world, carrying his hopes and illusions of seeing a better world, armed only with the weapons that gives him the strength of his intelligence - thought and the fervent feeling of his heart; weapons diametrically different from those carried by the warrior of the feudal era.

In the heat of the fight, of the debate, of the quick decision-making you find yourself alone, it is there where you must turn to your best friend, who is always with you, turns to your inner self, establishes contact and talks with yourself, ideas they will emerge at the speed of light, and prepare to act, it will be comforting to feel that you are not alone, that your steps are walked in company. Moments of reflection, of solitude, of concentration, your being is wrapped in the clothing of prudence, which protective shield protects you from attack and injury; the more you converse with yourself, your conversation will be so sincere and profound that you need to develop a concentration in thousandths of seconds, at those moments feel running into your strongest bloodstream, agilely beating your heart, feel the cold gaze of your adversaries, their gestures,feel guessing their thoughts and movements, the atmosphere becomes sepulchral, ​​you can even hear the creak of the woods, as well as the molecular movement of the air, everything is deep, so deep that you will hear a thousand voices.

When you talk to yourself you will feel a deep satisfaction, which allows you to get through those difficult moments that you have to overcome, always under the inspiration of your inner strength.

Make the right decisions

We are challenged to make decisions and we are making them at every moment, these range from those with high implication and little implication in relation to risk. We make decisions from the moment we get up, when making them we can make mistakes because we are fearful or reckless. To reduce risk and increase success, we must have the right information and have it at the right time. For Dr. George Weinberg, fear, grief, and inefficiency accompany inability to make decisions.

When making a decision, we must be prepared for criticism, for failures, for mistakes, and we must understand that what is important is the ability to stand up in the event of making a mistake.

Make sure your message reaches others

People in general have the obligation to communicate simply because in this world we interact with other people, for some it is difficult for them to do so, some authors propose four basic practices that can help you improve communication and ensure that your message is received.

- Develop the message taking into account the point of view of others, not yours.

-Make sure your interlocutor understands the importance of your message.

-Keep the attention of your interlocutor alive; it is good to maintain a regular flow of information.

-Communicate affirmatively and comprehensively.

Be optimistic

It is important that we be optimistic to hope that the future brings favorable results. Optimism will help us to face difficulties with good spirits and perseverance, discovering how positive people and circumstances are, trusting in our abilities and possibilities together with the help we can receive.

If you remain optimistic you will tend to have a better mood, be more persistent and have good physical health.

Break the established

In life it is necessary to break the status quo, the established. Often perception anchors us to known patterns in the mind and makes it difficult for us to be flexible in creating.

To break schemes, you have to break your own habits; the functions themselves must be questioned; question the services themselves; Only in this way will you get used to breaking the established and will not have barriers to create.

Innovate permanently

It is important to generate a competitive advantage that allows us to be leaders , for this to happen, it is necessary to be different, and we will be different to the extent that we have the capacity to innovate and create. You have to innovate management and manage innovation.

We must constantly be innovating.

Take risks

The leader has to take risks to achieve success. A good leader knows that while he cannot alleviate all uncertainties by taking risks, there are a few things he can do to ensure that his decision is the right one.

Here are some suggestions that allow us to take risks.

  1. Gather information wisely. Ask yourself: who will it affect? What will be the impact if it is not successful? What will happen if you don't take the risk? Prepare thoroughly. Be flexible no matter what action plan you take, leave room for some adjustments along the way. Be sensitive when making the decision. Keep the right perspective.

There are more risks in inaction or repetition of action in the long term than there is in innovation and initiative in the short term. If you want to make positive progress, you have to take risks. Willian Duver said, "There is no such thing as zero risk." In other words, you will take risks no matter what type.

2.7.- Implementation of strategy

After selecting the strategies, it is important to implement them, for which it is necessary to determine the resources available, allocate our time and resources. Another important aspect is change management and being very disciplined.

It is necessary to carry out a programming of the activities, describing them, assigning resources and fixing them in time.

The success of the implementation is in the ability to organize, generating savings in our costs and creating value.


The implementation of the strategy will find its sustenance in the leader that we have within us. The leader sets the pace for the company.

Characteristics of a leader

It is essential that the leader has the following characteristics:

  • Intelligence - Emotional maturity Culture - Cortez Sociability - Flexibility Self-confidence - Initiative Enthusiasm - Honesty

A leader fails

When implementing the strategy, the following should be avoided:

1.- Solve all the problems simultaneously.

2.- Propose immediate reforms without having a diagnosis.

4.- Look for spectacular and dramatic results.

5.- Assume autocratic and haughty positions.

6.- Failing to respect your neighbor's self-esteem.

7.- Do not promote the participation of your collaborators.

8.- Failing to promote an adequate work environment.

The new management paradigms must consider:

1.- Integrate order and change.

2.- Develop committed and intelligent people in the organization. 3.- Positively resolve the tension between security - dependency and autonomy-initiative.

4.- Integrate action orientation with reflection.

5.- Generate flexible and dynamic teams.

To lead the change requires



-Commitment and motivation.

-Capacity and knowledge.


-Understand the other.


-Care about people and results.

Leadership behaviors and practices

1.-Inspire a shared vision. (Having a vision of the future, getting the support of others)

2.- Challenge the process. (looking for opportunities and taking risks)

3.- Enable others to act. (encouraging collaboration, empowering others)

4.-Show the way. (giving an example planning progressive achievements)

5.-Encourage the heart. (acknowledging contributions, celebrating achievements)

The Situational Leadership Model

Originally proposed by Hersey and Blanchard, it helps leaders to evaluate people's behavior and choose the most appropriate way to lead each of them.

This model is based on two concepts:

1.- The amount of direction and structure, degree of encouragement, support and personal recognition that the leader must provide.

2.- The level of autonomy manifested in the conduct of the supervised.

Basic assumptions

-There is no single perfect style of leadership.

-Different situations require different styles.

-The most effective leaders are those who can vary their style, according to the situation.

-Leadership is the process of promoting the development of people's autonomy.

Management behaviors

-Set goals or objectives.

-Planned the work of the supervised.

-Communicate priorities in tasks.

-Clarify the role that corresponds to each person to fulfill one. homework.

-Set times and dates for the works.

-Determine methods of evaluating the performance of the supervisee.

-Shows or explains how to do a task.

-Check if the job is done well and the time.

Supportive behaviors

-Listen to the supervisee's problems.

-Praise the fulfillment of a job.

-Ask for suggestions or information on the development of a job.

-Encourage or reassure the supervisee that they can do the task.

-Provides information on the operation of the organization.

-Share information about yourself.

-It makes it easier for the supervised person to solve problems and make decisions.

2.8.- Strategy control

The task of strategic formulation also requires us to carry out a control on the results of the implementation of our personal strategy, for this we must develop indicators to evaluate the progress we are making.

Control is verification or regulation to stay within the limits provided in the planning.

To control is to know:

What to measure?

How to measure?

When to measure?

We must bear in mind that through control we will seek:

1.- Find out what is being done.

2.- Compare the results with the objectives.

3.- Approve or disapprove the results.

4.- Apply corrective action.


Control is very important throughout the planning process:

1.- It constitutes a means of forecasting.

2.- Search for quality and productivity.

3.- Seeks that the person adhere to their actions and strategies.

Key points for control

When applying or establishing a control mechanism it is important that we take into account the following factors:

1.- They must quickly indicate deviations.

2.- They must look forward.

3.- They must be objective.

4.- They must focus on the strategic points.

5.- They must be cheap.

6.- They must be understandable.

7.- They must indicate a corrective action.

Factors when establishing controls

1.- Opportunity: It must be applied at the right time "neither before nor after".

2.- Frequency: Must be defined how often? control.

3.- Quality: Poor control can be worse than the total lack of control.

4.- Cost: The cost of a control system must be known.

III.- Profitability: Happiness

Every company has to be profitable, therefore our personal company must be profitable, guided by the great objective: Personal Success. As a result of achieving that goal we will have personal profitability: Happiness.

The happiness

It is very difficult to define happiness, some say "it is a state that endows those who enjoy it with the feeling of self-fulfillment and fulfillment towards oneself and the elements of the surrounding environment, be it physical or imagined".

It should be said that such a feeling of self-fulfillment and fulfillment gives happy people greater serenity and stability in their thoughts, emotions and actions ”.

Others postulate that happiness "is a permanent state, and depends on answering the three fundamental themes of man in a good way, these are: the relationship with oneself, the relationship with others and the theme of death."

For some authors, happiness is a mental attitude that man can consciously assume, that is, it is a decision. The idea that happiness is a decision, is argued by the fact that man has sought many ways to find that happiness in many ways, and yet it seems elusive to most people.

Human beings have always tended to pursue happiness as a goal or an end, as an ideal and permanent state of well-being to reach.

"The joy of living depends directly on the purity and dignity of conscience, seeking a happy life must be the watchword for human evolution."

"There is no greater happiness than having a clear conscience." “If you lose wealth you will have lost little, if you lose health you will have lost something; but if you lose the peace of the soul, you will have lost everything ”.

Whatever the theories, the thinking of the philosophers, and the statement of important authors, let us seek happiness and provide it to those around us.


  • TASSINARI, Hector. Road To Success COVEY, Stephen. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.MAXWELL, John. The Map to Achieve Success.URY, William. Get over the No. CARNEGIE, Dale. How to win friends OSHO. The child's book.STEINER, George. Strategic Planning ALESSANDRA, Tony. Charism.GOLEMAN, Daniel. Emotional intelligence.GARDNER, Howard. Multiple intelligences STONE, Clement. The infallible system to succeed.CONKLIN, Robert. How to get people to do things WHEELER, Elmer. How to sell yourself.CARNEGIE, Dale. How to enjoy life and work.WEINBERG, George. Your True Self. WALSCH, Neale Donald. Conversations with God.FARID, José. HILL, Charles, JONES, Gareth. Strategic management Ten, Emilio. Management Research Manual.
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Strategic personal and company formulation to succeed