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Information sources and management in organizations

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When the information that is transmitted within the organization is clear and concise, there will be a good work environment and clear ideas of what you want to do. The adequate understanding of the information is of vital importance for the organization, so that it has a stable development.



The communication process is something that all people live with on a daily basis, it is needed to be able to relate to the world around us. In organizations it is the same, they are always in communication, which can be internal, referring to the one they have with their collaborators, be it to delegate activities, report on a new process to be implemented or simply a normal conversation between two collaborators., we also have the external one, which is the one that the organization has with its consumers, its suppliers or the very society with which it coexists, either to inform about a new product to be commercialized, the location of new points of sale, to publicize the social responsibility they carry out, among many other things.

When the information that is transmitted within the organization is clear and concise, there will be a good work environment and clear ideas of what you want to do. The adequate understanding of the information is of vital importance for the organization, so that it has a stable development.

At various times, the information flowing in the organization is not clear or is very "foggy", causing it to be distorted when it goes from collaborator to collaborator or when it is directed externally. Each time the information is removed more from the place where it was generated, it will tend to lose its original meaning, making it confusing or reporting something completely different from what was intended to be communicated.

The theme explored in this article is "diffuse information", this concept refers to the information that is transmitted in an organization, which when transmitted can lose its meaning and present variations, making the message difficult to understand both internally and externally, being able to affect decision-making for different issues, making the company greatly affected.

Key concepts

Here are some concepts that are considered key, for a better understanding of the article.


“Information is an organized set of processed data, which constitutes a message that changes the state of knowledge of the subject or system that receives said message. "(Wikipedia, 2018)


"That it lacks clarity or precision or is perceived in this way, generally because it is far away or because it is very extensive." (Oxford, 2018)

Fuzzy information

"It is a set of data that constitutes a message, about a situation or thing, but that as an entity, has the characteristic of being unclear, precise and uncertain" (Rojas, 2015)

Sources from which information can be obtained

The information that we occupy in our day to day, comes from different places, the same happens with organizations, it is not only their collaborators that generate it, but different sources, which will be described below:

Primary sources of information

Information that comes from a primary source is information that comes from the person who is generating it, that has not been published or that has not been interpreted by someone else. The information is new and original, they are created through intellectual work, according to Viñolas (2011), some examples of this type of information source are the following:

Experiments or Speeches or Interviews or Books or Magazines or Patents or Standards or Surveys or Letters or Theses; among others.

Secondary information sources.

In this type of information, it is characterized by being the one that is interpreted, questioned, studied or analyzed, obtaining it from some primary information source.

For the secondary source to exist, it must first have been a while from the primary source, based on past events. Some examples of secondary sources according to Viñolas (2011) are the following:

Books (Book based or other primary information source) o Encyclopedias o Articles on other works o Biographies o Anthologies o Monographs o Library catalogs; among others.

Tertiary information sources.

Tertiary information comes from the union of primary and secondary sources, or even only secondary ones, its main function is to get information about some ordinary idea that you have or a specific topic, some examples are the following:

  • Almanacs or Chronologies or Directories or Manuals or Instructions or Guides Statistical data or Bibliography of bibliographies; among others.

Another way in which we can classify information is qualitative and quantitative, which will be described below.

Qualitative information sources.

Another way in which we can classify the source of information is qualitative, it is one that cannot be explained in a statistical way or with numbers, so that the statement is based on an analytical conclusion.

The primary qualitative information is new, based on direct arguments, it can be said that it is “original” information, some examples of where we can find this type of information is in meetings of people or collaborators in the case of an organization and in interviews of any kind.

For secondary school, it is made up of information that has references to documents or writings that have primary information (the one mentioned above). In general, in any type of research that is going to be carried out, it must begin with a qualitative process, since by applying it, one will be able to approach the problem and understand it better.

In order for us to choose the best source of qualitative information, it is essential to define what type of process or situation we want to solve, in order to take into account the origin of our source, the importance of what we want to do, what will be obtained once that it is resolved, how reliable is the source that is consulted, who is the author and / or authors and if they have already been corroborated by someone else.

Quantitative information sources.

Contrary to qualitative information, quantitative information is explained in a statistical way, using numbers and mathematics. It is called quantitative because the samples are obtained by extensive, specific, random samples, among others.

Quantitative information in its primary form is founded on inferential statisticsThis translates into the need for sampling of some population, using observation and questioning to achieve the purpose of this process.

For its part, the secondary quantitative form is made up of summary data that examines and explains the data and information from the primary sources.

At the time that we are about to carry out some research process, it is necessary to review different facets that will be vital so that we can achieve our stated goal.

Some of these features are, how transcendental the research will be, the properties of the content of the source, how true the data are and the source from which they come, if they have already been proven, if the author is reliable, among other aspects.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, within the organization we can find two sources of information, which are internal and external, which will be described below.

Internal sources of information.

The internal information is that which comes from within the company, the information is collected in the organization and is usually destined for its collaborators at any hierarchical level, this for various purposes, such as to help decision-making.

External information sources.

This type of information is what comes from outside the company, either through various means or is generated by the organization, but is directed abroad.

The organization receives information from abroad, whether from its clients, suppliers, future potential shareholders or even for its own competition, having different purposes.

Information flow between the collaborators of an organization.

Information management is translated as tools that help organizations to obtain, produce and transfer, with the least amount of resources possible, data and information to later transform it into knowledge, with certainty, authenticity and novelty so that the organization reaches its objectives. Established goals.

In other words, obtain the necessary information, for the collaborator who needs it, when required, to help them in their decision-making.

Evaluate the information that was obtained.

In this part of the process, it is assessed how much it helps to solve the deficiencies and if it supports the achievement of the organization's objectives. It is extremely important to evaluate the information obtained, since this will define the competitiveness of the organization. In order to evaluate the information that was obtained, the organization must do the following:

  • Define evaluation objectives o Find both specific and general aspects of the information o Unite the information o Review different points of view of the information o Give feedback to the process o Distinguish where the information comes from o Differentiate what has already been proven from what not

Collaborators process the "clean" information.

In the penultimate scale of the process for the conduction of the diffuse information, the collaborators must process the “clean” information, that is to say, the one that has already got rid of all that confused and diffuse part, if the information is properly understood it will be of maximum help for the organization.

To make collaborators perceive information better, the following strategies can be used:

  • Summarize the information o Reflect and give a conclusion o Carry out the reports appropriately o Elaboration of diagrams (synoptic chart, concept map, among others.) Careful analysis of the information

Correct decision making is achieved.

Lastly, if each of the steps were carried out correctly and in the corresponding place, the collaborator should have no problem in order to make the best decision in favor of the organization, being able to achieve its established goals and be competitive, allowing it to continue in force. on the market for a long time.

Importance of good communication in an organization.

The correct use and understanding of information favors the organization, managing to increase its competitiveness, so it is of utmost importance to know how to make it perform. Although the most transcendental is the knowledge that the information is giving to the collaborators of the company, in order that their decision making is better founded.

Using information correctly depends on the correct flow of information between the company and its external and internal environment. Having the true information, without being altered or modified, will provoke in the collaborator a feeling of security that will help him to execute his activities or for decision making, this causes the organization to meet its established objectives and achieve its goals.

The information generated must also promote competitiveness, this not only depends on the ability of the company to produce, to be competitive, on the prices it handles, to publicize its products and / or services, among others; What the organization generates must be what the consumer really expects, which is why the organization must know and be aware of what is happening outside of it.

The information of what the consumer wants must be in their possession as quickly as possible, so that their rivals do not get ahead of them. The compilation of information, its capture, understanding and use of it is the key for any organization.

Clear and precise information, "transparent", helps to improve everything the organization is doing, both internally and externally, its processes, its administration, since if the information is clear and concise and is available when required, it increases the competitiveness of the organization and helps its human capital in its day to day.

Thesis proposal.

Carry out the "Process for the conduction of diffuse information" in the SME "Combustlan SA de CV"


Debugging the diffuse information that is available in the SME, since it is a constant that afflicts collaborators, of not understanding very well the information given to them and not making the best decision.


I thank my family, for giving me all the support and the drive to continue day by day, to the Technological Institute of Orizaba for opening its doors to me and allowing me to continue my studies with the Master in Administrative Engineering and Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for motivating me with their Knowledge in the Administrative Engineering Foundations seminar to carry out each of the assigned articles.


The set of information that the organization has, can help it during all the activities it carries out, in the place and at the necessary time, as long as it is understood by the collaborator who requires it.

Correctly carrying out the process of filtering diffuse information and choosing what really works for the company, will allow managers (the top of the organization chart) to better choose the direction the organization should take, improve its performance and be much more competitive than what it already is, since all collaborators will be well informed about what happens both internally and externally. But, if it is not possible to distinguish between what is diffuse and what is not, decision-making in the organization and the rest of the activities that are carried out day by day will be affected, considerably lowering the performance of the organization..

It is concluded that “diffuse information” is something that affects all organizations, regardless of their size or business line, but if it is adequately treated and the flow of information in the organization is ideal, it will greatly improve its competitiveness and can be adapted to the changes that are required.

Bibliography .

Arevalo, JA (2007). Information Management, content and knowledge management. II SIOU Group Work Sessions, 1-5.

Cuahua, AT (March 05, 2016). Gestiopolis. Obtained from

Writing team, Digital Magazine Tipode.com. (January 29, 2010). Types. Obtained from

Writing team, Digital Magazine Tipode.com. (January 29, 2010). Types. Obtained from

Oxford. (2018). Oxford Living Dictionaries. Obtained from

PowerData. (2018). PowerData Data management specialists. Obtained from

Rojas, NS (October 15, 2015). Gestiopolis. Obtained from

Sánchez, LR (March 14, 2012). Gestiopolis. Obtained from

Viñolas, ML (2011). Information sources: types and characteristics. Official Collegi of Librarians-Documentalists of Catalonia, 1-8.

Wikipedia. (March 8, 2018). Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Obtained from

It is a part of statistics that includes the methods and procedures that by means of induction determine properties of a statistical population, starting from a part of it. (Wikipedia, 2018).

It is a human activity that consists of talking about someone or something, as well as badly, although generally unfavorably, without the person in question being present. (Wikipedia, 2018).

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Information sources and management in organizations