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Management from the perspective of general systems theory

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The object of study of this essay is to analyze what is the role of management from a systemic point of view, which allows us to analyze the organization as a whole, without forgetting that each of its parts is a fundamental part of achieving its objectives and that it is precisely in management where the main role is played to direct all areas to the goals set.

Role of management from the perspective of general systems theory

The role of the manager is to use the resources that are so efficiently in order to obtain the greatest possible benefit and thus be able to maximize the productive profit within a company.

Today the same society has greater demands and demands, and this generates a need for companies to have an effective direction that allows them to know how to direct their activities towards the achievement of their objectives, therefore when speaking of Management we must immediately link it with the decision making, with the management of the objectives and above all the responsibility that implies being at a level of this type.

The German biologist Ludwing Von Bertalanffy in his book General Systems Theory tells us "that everything is a system and that these exist within other systems and in turn feed back to others, each of them fulfills its own function, however they are related to each other forming a whole ", a very practical example is the human body since it is a system that has different organs which have to work in coordination so that our body responds adequately but if any of our organs does not do its job, it would hinder the work of some another and this would cause a chain reaction that would be reflected through some disease, the same thing happens in an organization each area is independent,He has his own activities and develops them so, but if one of them fails to do his job, it will inevitably affect another area, for example the Warehouse area, he was not careful to record the latest purchases and was giving out merchandise never entered. In the company's books, at the time the sales area requests a report of the merchandise in stock, could it really give accurate amounts? What will happen when I have to cross information with the shopping area? It can even affect the profits of a company since the records take the basis to assign sales prices by applying some method of inventory evaluation, here we see a chain reaction and as an error in some part of the system it forms a domino effect in the other systems.Therefore, there should always be a feedback of the processes, each one has its properties but they cannot be studied separately since all the systems have an interrelation with each other. In every organization, each process has a gear that leads to simultaneous mechanisms for its operation, generating with them favorable results or not, so the importance of reviewing each process because it affects the final result.therefore, the importance of reviewing each process because it affects the final result.therefore, the importance of reviewing each process because it affects the final result.

Therefore systems are an organized and complex whole has an objective or a purpose and has a cause and effect relationship.

There are physical or concrete systems, examples of which are the things that we can observe with the naked eye and the abstract systems that only exist in the thinking of people who cannot be observed.

We can deduce that buildings, furniture, transport equipment, etc. that are part of a process is the physical or concrete part and the objectives, plans of the organization, procedures, functions, mission, vision, etc. they are abstract systems.

Each of the systems or areas talking about administration respond to some independent purpose or objective that together reach a common objective, so strategic and operational plans must be implemented that allow them to be achieved, Bertalanffy tells us that a system is made up of input, output, process, environment and feedback, inputs are the knowledge we bring to the area, outputs are the goals achieved by the system, the process is formed by the acts performed by the system, for this it is important to know the mission, vision, objectives, the environment is everything that is part of the organization but it does not determine how it operates, feedback is the information transmitted from system to system which serves the other to streamline the work, as it is understood every system has input,process, feedback and an output that are the results.

As a conclusion, we can say that when we speak of management, we must consider it as a process in which each process must be analyzed and studied separately, in order to subsequently fit and adjust them to the needs of the organization. Most of the time the decisions made in management are decisive for the success or failure of an entity.

The role of management is to achieve adequate coordination between its areas, make its resources efficient, see the organization as a whole in which each of its parts, staff, work environment and everything that can be cared for have any effect on achieving your goals.

Systems are repeating cycles, therefore the importance of management to apply the continuous improvements of each of the processes, correcting that process that is not operating according to its effective standards. Synergy makes the result of an organization different for each of its parts.


  1. General Systems Theory, Ludwing Von Bertalanffy, Economic Culture Fund, Mexico 1989. Management Skills Development, David A Wheten, Ed. Pearson, Mexico. Management Information Systems, Kenneth E. Kendall, Ed. Pearson, Mexico.
Management from the perspective of general systems theory