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History and evolution of the internet. test

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The internet is much more than just unlimited access to information, it has had to face numerous challenges to get to what it is today and to have great meaning in all societies and areas of study. revolutionized the world completely. It is now 46 years since its creation and its beginnings are a true milestone in the history of technology.

This article aims to provide the reader with timely and truthful information about the history and evolution of the internet with the main objective of offering a panorama that allows us to know the origins of such a renowned network.

The history of the internet is very complex, involving many technological, organizational and community aspects, so talking about it in its entirety would be time consuming and would not fulfill the main objective of this research.

The internet has become an influential factor for the whole of society, being used as the main means of interaction between people and computers through which an exchange of information is carried out, promoting the rapid transmission of knowledge regardless of geographical location.

Starting with a brief history of how what we know today the Internet was taking shape, followed by the impact it has had in important areas such as business, emerging new techniques adopted to attract more market, be more competitive and market effective adding value to the company and leading it to success.

On the other hand, mention is made of the great internet milestones over time, which have contributed to the development and evolution of societies and which have set the standard for new creations.


It is a neologism of English formed by the abbreviation of the term International Network of Computers whose meaning in Spanish is "International Network of Computers" or "Network of networks".

Some of the ways through which you can access the Internet is through a telephone line, cable connection, satellite connection or connection to wireless networks called wireless. (Meanings, (sf))


The origins of the internet date back to the year 1958 when the United States Department of Defense, which was responsible for the development of new technologies for military use, created the Agency for Advanced Defense Research Projects, better known by its acronym DARPA. This agency was created as a technological consequence of the Cold War in response to the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik. (Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 2015) DARPA's mission was to develop and provide technological applications for the defense of the United States, becoming this years later responsible for much of the research in innovative computers and communications in the coming years. years.

In the 1960s, the United States set about creating a military communications network through which information could be obtained from any point in the country in the event of a Russian attack and whose main objective was to continue operating in case some of its communication nodes were destroyed.

This network was created by Internet pioneer Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962, and in which he describes his concept of the "Galactic Network" in which he imagined a set of interconnected computers through which everyone could have access to information from anywhere in the world quickly.

In 1969, with the aim of promoting research and technological development, the first connection was made between the computers of Stanford and UCLA Universities, the latter being selected to be the first node of ARPANET and these communicated through telephone lines.; This connection marks the birth of ARPANET, which was the embryo of what is now known as the Internet. This is how the trajectory of the Internet begins.

At first the network was made up of only 4 computers, those of the universities mentioned above, and later that of the University of California at Santa Barbara and another one at the University of Utah. The network grew until reaching link after two years a total of 15 computers between different universities and research centers. (FOR BOOKS, (sf))

In 1972, a change was finally made in which DARPA transferred the ARPANET network to the Defense Communications Agency for use as an operational network, and in this same year the first public demonstration of this network was made at the International Computer. Communication Conference (ICCC).

After that fact, in 1980 the North American Army adopted as a standard the TCP / IP protocol that allows all computers to communicate with each other regardless of the differences in hardware or the platform, being compatible with any operating system, in the same way it will allow begin to share Internet-based DARPA technology and lead to separation between military and non-military communities. (Geocities, (sf))

This was one of the most important challenges of the Internet as it required that all hosts they could be connected simultaneously without having the need to communicate through special mechanisms.

In 1981 the IBM company announced its first personal computer and by 1985 the Internet was already an established technology.

In 1989 Tim berners Lee directed a search for a data storage and recovery system, being between 1990-1991 when the World Wide Web (world-wide web) was launched as a tool for the search and transmission of information which allows that the user can put his page on the network and make links to any of the documents found in it, in this way the web pages are linked to each other within a website and can establish a connection to other websites leading to the user from one server to another they need to type no route. (Lamarca, 2013)

In the following years, the first browser produced by Marc Andreesen called "Mosaic" appeared, which allowed easier access to the WWW, later Netscape emerged. In 1995 Microsoft introduced its Windows 95 operating system, this being the first version of Internet Explorer web browser.


  • Google was born in 1998, revolutionizing the way people find information online. This is formed as part of a doctoral project led by Larry Page and Sergey Brin from Stanford University. This year the history of the Internet changes radically, it reached one million users. In 2000, 50 million users were infected by the first massive virus in history called ILOVEYOU. In 2001 it created the largest collective encyclopedia on the Internet. In 2003 Safari, Myspace, Linkedin, Skype, WordPress and iTunes Store are launched on the market. In 2004 Gmail, Facebook, Flickr and Vimeo are born, In 2005 the internet reaches one billion users, this being also an important year due to the YouTube was born. In 2007 Apple launched the first cell phone with the ability to connect to the internet.In 2008 Chrome was launched by Google Between 2010 and 2012 the social networks Instagram were born and in 2012 there were already about 2.4 billion Internet users, in 2014 WhatsApp was born and until 2015 it had more than 800 million users. (marketingdirecto.com, 2013)


Today, the use of the internet has become a basic tool for the proper functioning of organizations. This allows us to access information quickly from anywhere in the world and on any subject.

Companies make use of it to facilitate work and as a fundamental part of their business strategies in order to obtain greater benefits.

This network offers supplier companies in almost all the existing services of the different industries around the world as well as the benefit of having a greater participation in the market, reducing distribution and sales costs, errors, time, etc. (Pelaez, 2012)

Internet is essential for organizations to survive today as it is of great help for decision-making, for the realization of competitive strategies, problem solving, among other activities, allowing information to be transmitted correctly.

In the same way, it works as a massive advertising medium that is in force 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, promoting communication between suppliers and customers, resulting in an increase in these and, consequently, the volume of sales.


The Internet represents a radical change in the area of ​​information and communications, however, many companies have not paid the necessary attention to be able to take advantage of the benefits that the Internet provides in organizations. Let's see some of them:

  • Immediate obtaining of information. About prices of articles, economic data, environmental situations that affect the organization, information about customers and suppliers, etc. The main problem in this situation is having the necessary knowledge to know from where to obtain each type of data, and if it comes from reliable sources or not, so it is necessary to verify the source from which the information was obtained.
  • Through this, people have the opportunity to do their work from home and even much more efficiently than in an office, this is because in many companies the work consists mainly of being behind a computer in constant relationship with clients and suppliers, an activity that can be carried out remotely without the need for a physical presence in the company. Email is a great support to be able to carry out telework, although in some way it is advisable to be present at the company at least one day a week for the correct coordination of activities.
  • Direct sells. Through the Internet, companies can make their sales through web pages and do not necessarily have a physical space, this allows them to expand their market and make direct sales with intermediary customers. E-commerce or electronic commerce is a clear example that allows companies to carry out commercial transactions through two modalities: "business to business" from business to business, and "business to consumer" from business to consumer.
  • Supplier-customer relationship. Unlike a few years ago, where a physical relationship between both parties was necessary, with the internet and through social networks and email, it is possible to establish contact with suppliers to place orders, or with customers to answer their questions or suggestions through social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
  • Agility in administrative procedures. Today organizations are able to carry out their financial operations through the Internet such as paying taxes, resulting in time savings and improved productivity for the company. (BBVA, 2012)
  • Improve the image of the organization. Through the Internet, brands can be made known more easily through advertising initiatives that reach the entire world or most of it.


The Internet is always in constant evolution, it is difficult to say how far it could go in the future since there is a large amount of scope where innovations based on this network can be developed, but what is certain is that this tool will provide great benefits Radical changes to be implemented in any field are already being made for future and current generations. Here are 10 top internet trends of 2015.

  • Internet of things. It refers to everyday things that are connected to the Internet, making them more interactive. Examples of this are smart homes. It is estimated that by 2020 between 22,000 and 50,000 million devices will connect to the Internet to provide smart applications. (Sanz, (sf))
  • Big data. They are the new tools that help organizations analyze large amounts of information that allow to store it, analyze it, manipulate it, classify it from smartphones, automobile sensors and every click that users make, it helps decision-making for customer analysis, evaluations of risk, improve services reduce costs and save time. Through tools, sales reports and web analysis of customer databases. (I amEntrepreneur.com, (sf))
  • Improvements in Internet access. Google and Facebook are trying to improve speed and connectivity both in the US and in other countries.
  • Clouds for data storage through backups, many companies will move parts of their business to the "clouds". Amazon web is the main provider in this area, followed by Google and Microsoft.
  • Mobile payments. Some companies are committed to accepting payments by cell phone with applications such as PayPal. Apple is close to making an advance in this type of payments to better advance its market, through Apple Pay, which is a telephone and a payment terminal at the same time. (Forbes MEXICO, 2015)
  • E-commerce: Amazon. This company is a leader in electronic commerce and in 2015 other companies in this type of commerce such as Google, Alibaba, eBay, among others, will come with force.
  • Programmatic advertising. This type of advertising aims to attract customers by buying advertising through Real-time Bidding, in order to send the right message to the right segment at the right time. (Gomez, 2015)

It consists of a real-time online auction of different advertising spaces, when a user enters the web their data is collected in the form of cookies to create a profile, later the companies make an offer to the owners of the web and to the suppliers to buy the impressions when they are going to be shown to the profile of the user that interests them in the navigation.

The companies that invest the most in RTB are AT&T, Toyota, American Express, Zalando and Sky.

(Bloggin Zenith, 2014) (RT KNOW MORE, 2014)


The use of the Internet has expanded allowing many things to be done today including learning development, entertainment, information sharing, business development, innovations, etc. Just as the Internet brings us many benefits, it is necessary to ask ourselves if this network is really favorable for the environment and in what way it is impacting it.

The Greenpeace organization undertook the task of conducting research in 17 different companies to assess which of them contribute to the creation of a Green Internet.

The criteria that were evaluated were based on 4 different energy sources: clean energy, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

The companies 100% committed to the environment using renewable energy are Apple, Facebook and Google, followed by Microsoft and IBM.

Among the worst are Twitter and Amazon's web services including apps like Netflix. (Rosas, Israel, 2014)


Internet represents a very valuable tool for the development of society, education, economy, etc. and although it was originally intended for military use, its benefits were radically extended to practically any field.

Every day the number of people who have access to this medium and online tools for electronic commerce, obtaining information among other fundamental issues for companies and for all people, is increasing.

The use of the internet impacts our way of thinking and learning, and helps us to know things that previously would have taken a long time to know. The internet must continue to evolve at the same rate as the computer industry if it wants to continue to be important in the world as well as pay special attention to the impact it has on our environment, since we live in a world in which the difference We do it and each action or decision taken can affect us or benefit us.


"Creation of a new business model based on e-commerce"


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Term used in computing to refer to computers connected to the network that contain data and programs transmitted through a modem or telephone lines.

(Ecured.Knowledge with all and for all, (sf))

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History and evolution of the internet. test