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Implementation of a virtual switch for the interconnection of SMEs

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Implementation of a virtual telephone switch for the interconnection of branches in SMEs


This article compiles information about the implementation of a virtual telephone switch to interconnect branches of SME-type companies, theoretical terms on the subject are included, as well as some points to take into account for the implementation of this type of systems, it is intended to define if the implementation is possible and if it favors the interconnection of the branches.


Recently, an investigation was carried out in which information was collected from some virtual switch and telephony service providers as well as a background of the technologies that are used and that currently serve for the operation of said switches, this article includes which ones These are the points to consider in order to implement a virtual switched telephony system to share telephony among the branches of a SME-type company.

In 2007 the first switchboard was launched in Mexico, the company Alianza GCS (Viay, 2013) offered its contractors a promise in cost reduction and an increase in profit of up to 90%. SMEs in Mexico have sought a way to save money and most in turn always seek to stay at the forefront of technology. Many SMEs require the use of telecommunications so that their business productivity and profits increase, which is why one of the main needs is communication via telephone either within the same building from extension to extension or between branches, within of this need there is the use of a switch (PBX).

Migration to voice over IP (VOIP) services is essential, as the time will come when, imperceptibly for most users, all telephony services will migrate 100% to these technologies, which is why it is necessary to start With the process of changing technologies compatible with these services, virtualization is a great leap in this area since it requires the use of more than one technology for its use, the implementation of a virtual switch favors all these aspects, because in the case From the implementation of a telephone network that interconnects branches, we will be able to have many advantages, ranging from an economy that may be present in the long term, to a reduction in billing costs and man-hours.

Currently there are many companies that implement new technologies to offer to all types of businesses so that they can make telephone calls with these various technologies, they also include virtual switches (virtual PBX). With the rise of the internet every day its capacity for bandwidth and transmission speed increases, this allows the emergence of new communication protocols, and the ability to send voice signals through data signals, in This article will explain if the implementation of virtual switches is recommended for its implementation in branch offices of SME-type companies and what benefits its use may entail.

Theoretical framework

In order to understand the term virtual switch, it is necessary to understand the following terms:

Switch or PBX: (Prívate Branch Exchange) (Wikipedia, 2013) whose translation into Spanish would be Private switching branch, it is actually any telephone exchange directly connected to the public telephone network through trunk lines to also manage of internal calls, incoming and outgoing with autonomy over any other telephone exchange. This device generally belongs to the company that has it installed and not to the telephone company.

VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol (for its acronym in English), is a group of resources that make it possible for the voice signal to travel through the Internet using an IP protocol (Internet Protocol). This means that the voice signal is sent in digital form in packets instead of sending it (in digital or analog form) through circuits usable only for telephony such as a conventional telephone company or the public telephone network.

Virtual switch (virtual PBX): It is a PBX that performs the normal functions of switching and digital services of a conventional switch, but this is hosted in a virtual way in the internet cloud, in a virtual storage space, at home physically no switching device is found.

The implementation of a virtual switch favors SMEs in several aspects (Juana, 2010) because in the case of having a telephone network that interconnects branches we can have many advantages from the economy, perhaps in the long term, savings in space, ease of troubleshooting, no need to visit external personnel etc. you should choose a company that guarantees a good quality of service. With the migration to voice over IP (VOIP) services, companies are approaching technology because it is essential in these times, because the time will come when all telephony services are imperceptibly migrated to these technologies, for which is necessary to start with the process of technology changes compatible with these technologies and services,The implementation of a virtual PBX has the necessary benefits to supply a physical switch so the SME company enjoys its benefits without any affectation and can transparently use the same functions and characteristics of a conventional switch.

The interconnection of branches to share telephony through a virtual switch has to lead to an increase both in the productivity of the company and in considerable savings (bytecoders, 2008) in this project the needs and benefits that the implementation of a Virtual implies will be evaluated and analyzed. PBX in the branches of a company, which can range from two to hundreds of them with free and open source license software.


According to an investigation carried out at the research center of the University of Castilla in Spain, (Martinez, 2004) in order to interconnect branches through a virtual switch, the following points should be considered:

  1. An assessment of the needs involved in the entire project is required, evaluating whether it requires changes in technologies, civil works, cabling or any additional service that has to be contracted for the implementation of the switches. You have to choose a service provider, this It is the one that will be in charge of providing the telephone trunks and assignment of telephone numbers. The technical feasibility is carried out by the suppliers and hand in hand with the technical staff of the company that contracts the service,They should share continuous feedback in this part, it should also include recommendations on what services should be hired, in addition to the implementation, the provider should comment on the costs of preparing the internal wiring that are paid by the client and the possible change of technologies (Telephone Devices). The contracting of services must be done by the administrative staff, in which the monthly costs of the service are defined and that include equipment.The definition of rates is an important point that goes hand in hand with the contracting of services and considers the services of minutes and calls included in the contract as well as additional fees. On the Implementation there are several points to be considered,There must be a space to install a concentrator (Switch) which is responsible for providing the necessary connections for each of the extensions, the site where it will be installed must have Air Conditioning for the correct operation of the equipment. The services can be installed through fiber optic, copper or microwave links depending on the provider's coverage. At the end of the process, tests will be carried out by the provider in conjunction with the client to verify that all services are working correctly. Tests must be carried out to validate that all services are working correctly.The services can be installed through fiber optic, copper or microwave links depending on the provider's coverage. At the end of the process, tests will be carried out by the provider in conjunction with the client to verify that all services are working correctly. Tests must be carried out to validate that all services are working correctly.The services can be installed through fiber optic, copper or microwave links depending on the provider's coverage. At the end of the process, tests will be carried out by the provider in conjunction with the client to verify that all services are working correctly. Tests must be carried out to validate that all services are working correctly.


It is possible to implement a virtual telephone switch for the interconnection of branches in SMEs, it is important to take into account the implementation costs and technologies, implementing this technology also leads to savings in the interconnection of telephone calls.


  • Bytecoders. (March 08, 2008). bytecoders. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from History of Asterisk PBX: http://bytecoders.net/content/historia-de-asterisk-pbx.htmlHiperpbx. (2010). Hyperpbx. Obtained from http://www.hiperpbx.com/mexico/index.phpJuana, R. d. (April 18, 2010). very SMEs. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from How virtualization works and what it is for: http://www.muypymes.com/2010/04/21/como-funciona-la-virtualizacion-y-para-que-sirveMartinez, AE (September 2004). Mendez, D. (2005). articlesphere.com. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.articlesphere.com/es/Article/A-Brief-History-of-PBX/234009Rivero, L. (February 06, 2013). SIPTEL. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from Conmutadores Virtuales México: http://www.siptel.com.mx/conmutadores-virtuales-en-mexico/Viay, IG(February 21, 2013). Cronica.com.mx. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from First Virtual Switch: http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2007/289034.htmlWikipedia. (October 18, 2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from PBX:
Implementation of a virtual switch for the interconnection of SMEs