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Software engineering based on the strategic focus of the company

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As a result of the rapid evolution of the macro and microeconomic environment, certain needs arise that imply seeking valid and significant information about the elements that make up the environment, that the company study them in depth based on different techniques, such as market studies, profiles of companies or people, trend studies, among others. At present in the Software Industry there is a tendency to increase the volume and complexity of products, projects are excessively late, higher quality and productivity are required in less time and there are insufficient qualified personnel. Next, an analysis will be made of certain problems that occur in the projects,problems that are dealt with in Software Engineering 1 in the different companies and that have a close relationship with the content that is given in Business Administration, showing that with the link between the different topics that are dealt with in Software Engineering 1 and Administration of companies will achieve a better quality in the result of the productions.


The objective of this work is none other than to follow up on the purpose that we have at the UCI to turn it into an innovative University of scientific, academic and productive excellence.

The UCI aspires to become a University of excellence, distinguished by the intensive use of technologies, significantly applying telework and tele-training, training professionals of excellence.

This university has the characteristic of having a highly flexible and constantly updated curriculum with an intensive use of ICT in the educational process and adequate training models for the production process.

Students are part of software production in the national industry specializing in a second profile that is acquired from participation in productive projects, where it plays an important role. the study plan, in this work we will try to demonstrate how the linking of two subjects can be of great help for the results obtained in production.

In our university we work in such a way that students manage to appreciate the importance of a good understanding of learning certain subjects for a good understanding of others and also in the production process, that is why due to certain characteristics that subjects have such as are Business Administration and Software Engineering 1, they must be dealt with in the same semester, and this is the problem to be dealt with in this research work, whose application in teaching activities will achieve a better mode of communication in the broadest sense through use of the resources offered by Information and Communication Technologies.


Next, an analysis will be made of certain problems that occur in projects, problems that are dealt with in Engineering or Software 1 in different companies and that have a close relationship with the content that is given in Business Administration.

At present in the Software Industry there is a trend towards growth in the volume and complexity of products, projects are excessively late, higher quality and productivity are required in less time and there are insufficient qualified personnel; so it can be said that the failure of software projects is due to:

Unreal planning:

Users ask for a system for today that has a cost of 0 and the engineers are not able to cope with a plan because they are not trained to use planning methods and, frequently, the estimates are not based on real data.

Poor quality of work:

Poor Engineering practices, the lack of adequate quality metrics, and management decisions guided by unrealistic planning; result in unpredictable test times, product with many defects, delays in user acceptance, and an extensive warranty for service and repairs. Poor quality affects planning and renders the testing process inefficient.

Inadequate staff:

On many occasions, the personnel assigned to a project join late, do not cover the needs in terms of quantity and quality and join the project part-time. As a consequence, work is delayed or neglected, is inefficient, and team morale suffers. Regardless of the plan, projects must start on time and with all staff.

Uncontrolled changes:

It is important to remember that requirements change always occur, that project plans are based on the known scope of work, that

changes always require more work, without detailed plans teams cannot estimate the effect or magnitude of changes and if teams do not control each change, control of the project plan is gradually lost.

To face this situation, companies need to develop or acquire a discipline in software development and control that engineers use the new methods consistently. Any path that a software company follows to obtain good quality implies that it has to improve the software development process, therefore, it is required to use the methods and procedures of Software Engineering and Management.

Regardless of this approach, there are certain aspects that are of vital importance in and that are also elementary to be able to successfully carry out any mission that in some way has to do with the production of anything and much more even when what is required to be produced it is something that requires multiple skills and is given to students in the second semester in Business Administration (AE) when they really require their knowledge from the beginning. For example, we start with the first problem: Unreal planning. Well, if engineers are not able to cope with a plan because they are not trained to use planning methods and, frequently, the estimates are not based on real data,It is among other things in the first place because they must know that there is a subsystem in all companies called the information subsystem, which is of vital importance since it represents the transformed data in a meaningful way for the person who receives it, that is, It has a real or perceived value for its decisions and actions and that must be sufficient, but at the same time it must be precise and with the relevant data that allow the administrator to make correct, timely decisions and without omissions. Everything previously said is in terms of information processing, but in this case we are also facing another great problem, which is the training of engineers.Precisely in terms of training we teach them in AE that in every company there must be a Human Resources subsystem and that one of its fundamental functions is Training and development (training): Create in the worker knowledge, and useful skills for their development in the organization and contribute to its development as well as Recruitment and Selection of personnel: Its objective is to supply the selection process of the most qualified candidates. Through the Expert Method, which will be explained in the exposition of this work for a better understanding.Its objective is to supply the selection process with the most qualified candidates. Through the Expert Method, which will be explained in the exposition of this work for a better understanding.Its objective is to supply the selection process with the most qualified candidates. Through the Expert Method, which will be explained in the exposition of this work for a better understanding.

Regarding the problem that there is poor quality of work and inadequate personnel that results in products with many defects as well as delays in user acceptance, it is due, among other elements, to the fact that we have a conceptual basis regarding quality And precisely in AE we teach them that quality must be aimed at "customer satisfaction," that in addition products (goods or services) must not only be designed according to their needs, but must satisfy customers in terms of to price, packaging, availability and after-sales service.

They also present the problem of Uncontrolled Changes. This problem is fundamentally due to the fact of not knowing at that moment of his teaching life one of the fundamental elements of Business Administration Planning or Planning defined as Selection of goals, objectives and actions to be carried out that includes form, material resources, time and people involved for compliance with them. It expresses the awareness, the desire and the possibility of projecting the company towards the future and the Control defined as determining if the task in process or executed is within the framework of fulfillment of the objective. It consists of three fundamental elements1: 1) establish performance standards, 2) measure current performance; 3) compare this performance with established standards;4) If deficiencies are detected, take corrective action.

Now we are going to delve into what is the Software Development Process, where we will also observe and analyze the close relationship that exists between its different elements and the aspects that are treated in AE.

First, a Software Development Process is the definition of the set of activities that guide the efforts of the people involved in the project, as a template that explains the steps necessary to complete the project this set of activities, in the process of developing software, has the mission of transforming user requirements into a software product; so that team members and anyone who may be interested in the final product has the same vision and it does not happen when a development process is not applied.

As we can see, we are in the presence of an analysis that will involve both the efforts of people and a set of activities to be carried out, elements that would be understood much better if from the beginning they were dealt with issues related to what in AE we call work in equipment. A work team generates a positive synergy through a coordinated effort. Their individual efforts result in a level of performance greater than the sum total of the individual inputs. Team decision-making can be used very efficiently if the leader handles the situation properly. One of the most important factors is to win the support of group members; pointing out the value of their contributions in solving the problem.A second very useful approach is to give each member of the group specific elements to think about and work on, so that they can recognize their contributions; also create an environment where people can express themselves openly and frankly and that encourages both creative input and discussion about the faults or mistakes that could be made.

Teamwork has several advantages such as: More complete information and knowledge: Logically, a group manages to collect more information, having access to more information sources than a single individual, independent of their education and experience. Therefore, the groups can offer greater contributions, both in quantity and diversity, for decision-making. Group participation facilitates a broad discussion and a more participatory acceptance, it is possible that there are differences in the agreements, but it is proposed and allows its discussion for when it is already accepted, it is a commitment of a whole group and considerably reduces communication problems.

In addition to that we teach you the most used techniques for group decision making such as the STORM OF IDEAS, Weighted Voting, the Pareto Diagram and the ISHIKAWA DIAGRAM.

Therefore, SW Engineering is very clear to the students that the cornerstones of the software development process are: the project, the people and the product; being the characteristics of the client, the development environment and the business conditions, elements that influence the process. There is a close relationship between people, project, product and process. These terms are known as the four "Ps" in software development, and that is when we are faced with the presence of another type of analysis because the final result of a software project is a product, where people intervene through a software development process that guides the efforts of the people involved in the project, as a template that explains the steps necessary to complete the project.Engineering offers you the 4Ps of SW development and we at AE offer you the 4Ps of Marketing where through its study special attention is given to the treatment of the client and where one of the $ P is precisely the product. Marketing has its origin in the fact that humans are creatures with needs and desires that create a state of discomfort, which is resolved with the acquisition of products that satisfy them. Since a certain need can be satisfied with many products, the choice of the same is guided by the concepts of value, cost and satisfaction.Marketing has its origin in the fact that humans are creatures with needs and desires that create a state of discomfort, which is resolved with the acquisition of products that satisfy them. Since a certain need can be satisfied with many products, the choice of the same is guided by the concepts of value, cost and satisfaction.Marketing has its origin in the fact that humans are creatures with needs and desires that create a state of discomfort, which is resolved with the acquisition of products that satisfy them. Since a certain need can be satisfied with many products, the choice of the same is guided by the concepts of value, cost and satisfaction.

It has several approaches, among which the Marketing Approach (client) stands out, which argues that the key to achieving the objectives of the organization is to identify the needs and desires of the target audience and deliver the desired satisfiers in a more effective and efficient way. than the competition.

In SW engineering, they will find themselves having to deal with elements such as RUP and Business Modeling:

A vision of the unified development process (RUP)

The RUP replaces the traditional “cascade” development scheme, where each stage was developed sequentially (business modeling, requirements analysis, design, construction, testing and implementation) by an iterative and incremental process. It conceives four phases in time, in each of them there are one or more iterations, according to their specific objectives:

The modeling of the business.

A system, no matter how small, is generally complicated. That is why you need to break it down into pieces if you want to understand it and manage its complexity. These pieces can be represented through models that allow abstracting their essential characteristics.

A technique for specifying the most important system requirements, which supports the business, is the business model, which reinforces the idea that the business itself determines the requirements.

Hence, in the field of software it is also useful to create models that organize and present the important details of real problems that are linked to the computer system to be built. These models must meet a series of properties, including being coherent and related. One of the useful models prior to developing software is the business model.

It is then when it is vitally important to have knowledge of the different states that a person in an organization can find when making certain decisions as a process of identification and selection of the appropriate action to solve a specific problem such as: state of certainty, risk, uncertainty and turbulence. For each of these conditions, different techniques are applied to allow decisions to be made, for example, under certainty conditions, mathematical optimization and linear programming are used, to make decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty, these increasingly predominant conditions are used tools, one of the wedges we will be analyzing in this activity.

Therefore, it will be very important to carry out an internal analysis as well as the environment to identify the opportunities or threats that may influence the company.

The analysis of the environment implies looking for valid and significant information about the elements that make up the environment, that the company study it in depth from different techniques, such as market studies, company or person profiles, trend studies, among others.

Once the factors have been identified, and classified into opportunities and threats that affect or will affect the organization, the impact of these factors must be evaluated. (F, M, D) or (A, MB). The internal analysis seeks to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the organization. There are different techniques to identify them, one of them is the functional analysis that aims to study what is happening in the company in each of its areas in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

Other techniques for internal analysis are the value chain and the strategic profile, which is nothing more than a way of presenting the results of the functional analysis based on the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses.

After preparing the SWOT Matrix, the most significant weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities are selected and the general strategic problem is written. If you continue with such or such weaknesses and in the presence of such or such threats, even with such strength, you will not be able to take advantage of such or such opportunities.


ISs are the basis for organizational decision making.

The essence of the Information subsystem is that it is going to provide the necessary information, at the right time and with the appropriate structure, to those members of the organization who require it for various uses.

A work team is very important in a productive project in order to obtain favorable results.

The SWOT matrix is ​​a very important strategic tool to identify the main threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the company.

The general strategic problem is a basic way of presenting the result of the SWOT matrix.

The different techniques to make decisions are very profitable and complement the result of teamwork.

Software engineering based on the strategic focus of the company