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Self-esteem in the company

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Self-esteem is the most important value judgment in the psychological development and motivation of the individual.

It goes far beyond what a person consciously says about himself, since from before birth and throughout life we ​​are collecting experiences, feelings, thoughts and emotions that are related to our being.

This highly diverse collection of experiences and emotions is processed, generally unconsciously, until a set of "automatic" concepts are constructed regarding the person.

Millions of impressions gathered in this way are integrated into an image (the self-image) which can be positive and act for the benefit of the person, or can be negative and consequently affect his life.

It can be inferred, then, that the level of self-esteem acts (for better or for worse) in everything an individual does.

Thus, we can affirm that the self-esteem of an individual defines the quality of interpersonal relationships (with other people), intrapersonal relationships (with himself) and with his environment (with what surrounds him).

However. Let's analyze this within the limits of the workplace:

to. Interpersonal relationships are established with:

  • Co-workers Clients Bosses Collaborators Suppliers General public Competition

The quality of these relationships is important to achieve in the most diverse fields:

  • Work environment Sales Quality of customer service Corporate image Conflict resolution Teamwork

b. Intrapersonal relationships define whether the individual has:

  • Personal goals Self-confidence Willingness to achieve Attitude favorable to change Self-motivation

The quality of intrapersonal relationships are fundamental for matters as diverse as the following:

  • Decision making Facing and overcoming failure Adequately enjoying success Interaction with other people Favorable attitude towards work Service attitude Conflict resolution

c. The relationships that the person establishes with the environment define:

  • Sense of belonging Attitudes towards the environment

Relations with the environment are essential to achieve:

  • Collaboration with the company Solidarity towards the company Commitment to the goals of the company Link with non-work activities Work in ecological and social activities

Interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal relationships and relationships with the environment have been outlined, indicating in each case the aspects that they usually influence. Naturally, achievements are achieved to a greater or lesser extent depending on the level of self-esteem of the people who participate in a process.

For example, people with low self-esteem have a tendency to transform a small obstacle into a huge problem. They have the strange "ability" to find "one problem for each solution."

With this trend, they can ensure that they will always have problems in their work or that their business will always be in trouble. However, it also works in the opposite direction: people who have a healthy self-esteem trust their abilities, their ability to find solutions or seek the help of other people when they need it.

The healthy self-esteem individual considers himself a person capable of facing important challenges, trusts his ability to make decisions and choose options. Regardless of whether those decisions are wrong or right; for what is decisive, what is truly important is not error or failure but the mental state with which they are faced.

In short, characteristics such as self-responsibility, creativity, ability to interact, clarity of personal goals and the persistence necessary to achieve them, the attitude towards the problems that arise, the way of dealing with successes and failures, effectiveness and self-respect, A taste for service and self-motivation are, among others, qualities of the individual with healthy self-esteem. They are also, in a very high percentage, the guarantee of success of a business.

The manager's role in building self-esteem

It is a fact that people tend to feel more pleasant with other people who have a level of self-esteem comparable to theirs. This topic does not apply that opposites attract.

People with low self-esteem have a tendency to bond with other people with low self-esteem. How high self esteem people look for other high self esteem people.

This behavior is the result of an unconscious act in which the individual has the feeling of having found his peers.

Let's see the importance of this concept in the management of the human resources manager and in corporate life.

Suppose we measure self-esteem from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest level and 10 the optimal level.

If a human resources manager's self-esteem is 5 on that scale, who do you think will give preference when selecting a candidate: one with self-esteem 4 or one with self-esteem 8? You will surely hire the candidate who has self-esteem 4. Very well: now multiply this exercise by five, ten, fifty or one hundred hires.

The result is a company with mediocre employees, without commitment or creativity; a company that will go, sooner or later, towards failure.

How to build self-esteem in the company

It is important to say at this point that no one can give of what he does not have.

It is impossible for a business manager to inspire self-esteem in his collaborators if he does not possess it himself, and even if he tried, he would not achieve the credibility necessary to inspire other people.

Therefore, when offering some suggestions to develop an action plan that aims to build self-esteem in the workplace, the first recommendation can be no other: Design a training program for the development of self-esteem, which covers all levels of the company.

Self-esteem development program

A Program for the development of self-esteem, not a program for the development of "self-esteem at work". The expansion of self-esteem, by itself, is reflected in the different areas in which the individual operates.

A Self-Esteem Development Program links a set of different and complementary events that aim at the same goal.

According to the specific needs of the company, human management management can design a program that includes Seminars, Workshops, publication of a bulletin or newspaper (or the inclusion of special topics if the newspaper already exists), an internal electronic bulletin, image campaigns (posters, billboards), analysis groups, painting, story contests, etc.

Corporate goals and personal goals

Setting goals meets several organizational purposes. But in relation to our subject, the fact of setting goals and making the decision to go after them to achieve them teaches in practice that the future cannot be left in the capricious hands of chance.

It is very important to stimulate in employees the habit of setting personal goals that are articulated with the objectives of the company. This helps officials build a life project that is associated with the company, creating a strong sense of belonging.

Developing a culture of excellence

Converting Excellence into a mental model that guides management at all levels and processes of the organization, must be a permanent purpose. Excellence is, says the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Language, the condition of one who stands out among those of his class.

The products, the customer service, the personal and professional quality of our people, the company in general must have the seal of Excellence.

All people in the organization need to be familiar with the habit of excellence, of going beyond the expectations that internal and external customers have of each of them.

Creativity stimulation

In addition to the above, it is essential to promote creativity and innovation as part of culture. This culture leads employees to think: How can we solve this problem? How can I give added value to my work? How can you improve what is already done well today?

Creativity cannot be limited to the discovery achieved by chance, what we colloquially call a “spark” (“serendipity”), but to the result obtained through the application of techniques.

Without a doubt, the program for the development of self-esteem must contain workshops for the development of creative thinking.

It is very important to design and apply different forms of contests that aim at the creative solution of real problems of the company.


The importance and usefulness of teamwork is well known. The value of an employee increases thanks to his abilities as a member or as a team leader.

It is an effective way to enhance individual skills and increase productivity, seek solutions to complex problems and improve quality levels.

However, the practice of teamwork requires training and coaching.

Building trust

To build trust, we have the most diverse resources.

Although they are resources known to the human resources manager and the vast majority of business managers, in practice they are not applied or are done very poorly.

Here is a brief presentation of some of those resources:

  • Objective and timely feedback. "Surprise" people by doing things right. Positive assessment. Proactive communication habits. Consistency with the values ​​promoted in the company. Communication and attitude consistent with each other. Allow and protect the difference, promote consensus. Promote teamwork. Generate a sense of belonging.

Although the subject of this article is Self-Esteem in the Company, it seems that what was described here was aimed at stimulating innovation, teamwork and other elements of productivity, rather than the subject of the title. However, it is healthy to say that the subject is the same.

If companies want to consolidate and obtain satisfactory results in the long term, it is necessary that self-esteem in the organization becomes a purpose of management, a matter of great interest to managers and a strategic matter of human management management..

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Self-esteem in the company