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It is common that in our life agenda we spend a good part of our time working and having fun, raising families and making money.

However, the daily life, the needs, the ambitions and the stress, make us forget the internal improvement and the search for personal happiness.

It is necessary to make a parenthesis and take self-improvement as a goal. Keep reading.

More than 20 years ago, a friend told me that growing up was a painful thing, but that it was even more painful not to grow up.

Over time, and after working for many years with people overwhelmed by health problems, money or relationships, I have concluded that the priority of every individual should be to work on their personal evolution, their inner growth, which would translate into success and general well-being.

Overcoming here means to develop to the maximum the consciousness that makes us human, and to overcome the automatisms and primitivities that make us basic and violent.

To achieve this, we need to know, accept and value ourselves, and then to know, accept and value those around us.

The result of this would be to create and preserve a more harmonious and productive way of living socially, through the generation of thoughts and acts of common benefit.

However, this is not common in our days. Today, the priority seems to be placed on obtaining, mainly, pleasure, power and prestige, while the most important aspects of life are left aside. Although in some ancient cultures such as India and China it has been a tradition to search for the spiritual reason for existence, modernity has made it seem increasingly absurd to ask ourselves: Who are we?

I know that for many the subject is artificial, complicated, boring or useless. Perhaps they forget that we did not create ourselves, but were created as intelligent beings. And for what? Surely not to lie to us, steal from us, kill us or choke on drugs.

It does not matter if we are adolescents or the elderly, men or women, firefighters or businessmen, we must make sense of our presence in this world, on pain of dying of boredom or frustration.

The way to that discovery of who we are, and to the possibility of experiencing a fuller life, is to escape from superficiality and consciously participate in a volitional and constant process of psychospiritual improvement that allows us to discover the potentialities that are throbbing in our minds and bodies, and that so many teachers have told us and repeated that they are portentous and infinite.

Perhaps we should explore and understand the meaning of the phrase that Sathya Sai Baba, the Indian mystic said to a journalist when he asked him if he was God: «Yes, I am God - he replied - and you are also, only I am aware while you are not.

Fortunately and for our benefit, a multiform movement has been developing for several decades now, in much of the world, announcing the discovery of great potential in humans.

Specialties such as parapsychology, homeopathy, acupuncture, flower healing, the laying on of hands, Psychoneuroimmunology, Neurolinguistics, Crystal Therapy, Music Therapy, Regression, Meditation and many other disciplines and techniques, have been born or re-emerged as alternative forms of knowledge to enrich and improve the life of man of the third millennium.

It seems that the paths of personal growth open for us.

We have before our eyes a new and unsuspected stage that offers you to live "the adventure of growing up." We know, however, that we will come across numerous charlatans, businessmen and profiteers, who are looking for easy money and who present themselves as saviors, even if they lack the talent, training, sensitivity, experience or vocation. People who speak of love and cannot be kind; it offers "truth" and "knowledge," but fails to even respect an opposing opinion.

They, however, are and will be just a tiny shadow, an opaque stain in the midst of the blazing light that is on for sentient and brave beings.

It is not, as some claim to express, a commercial fad that has spawned thousands of products on Self-Help topics.

It is a natural evolutionary step that leads us to value intellect and science differently, since complementary or substitute elements have emerged to help us in a process of elevation that takes us internally from animal to man and from man to angel.

This which is known as The New Age is actually a period of development of consciousness; a time of change in which the observer observes himself, and pays attention to his goals, habits, conflicts and potentials.

It is an integrating time of the material, the psychological and the spiritual. And that is why, if you look at it without prejudice, it is the great opportunity to jump over the rigidity and pragmatic sense with which we so often value our lives, to go after a broader and more productive way of understanding our way of being. and live.

A person's life should be more than collecting a salary, taking children to school, watching television, talking trivia, rushing an orgasm, sleeping eight hours and waiting for the presidential announcements to favor us.

There is a universe that is waiting to be discovered and that demands from us an investment of energy, time and money, to develop and do something for everyone around us.

To discover and use wisely the gifts that have been granted to us, must be a loving, voluntary and consistent mission.
