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Innovation as the survival of technology companies

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The survival of technology companies is supported by innovation and their presence in other countries

The world economic situation continues to be immersed in a crisis to which the different gurus set a deadline, which in general does not usually coincide. Over time, the management teams of companies have come to the conclusion that to survive it is necessary to differentiate themselves from the competition. The key exclusivity factors lie in the commitment to innovation and a presence beyond its borders.

Technology companies bear a great responsibility, that of leading the process of recovery from the crisis. In fact, its economic role is increasingly important, with large companies in the sector that are leaders in the world economy, although the role that medium and small organizations play in a closer environment should not be underestimated either. In this way, it is the technological ones, regardless of their size, that play a fundamental role as a starter, which affects the efficiency and productivity of the rest of the economy.

Team innovation

An Océ designer, Guido Stompff, defended in his doctoral thesis -presented at the Delft University of Technology- the importance of collective thinking in relation to R&D. "Innovation is often a new concept, usually arising from the interaction between specialists, because when their knowledge is combined new ideas appear that no one had thought of before." Through this new mechanism, which he called 'team cognition', the group's activities can be aligned and coordinated into a total set: the product.

When a company chooses to bet on a product, its success against its competitors resides fundamentally in differentiating itself from the rest, in order to position itself properly. Experts remember that it is not about the rivalry between products, but between the perception that customers have about them. In this way, it is essential to determine which is the target audience you are targeting; as well as, stand out with qualities, essential for that target.

Along the same lines, technology companies that allocate a large part of their income to the development of their innovations and adapt to the needs of their clients, in addition to being active in the market, are providing feedback on their processes. This adaptation and flexibility will make a difference from the rest.

A competitive advantage that small and medium-sized companies have is the closeness of their dealings with customers. From this close relationship it is possible that the ability to innovate and convert that first-hand information obtained into innovation emerges.

Future outlook

The Manifesto of the Train of Keys (also called Cluetrain) is a document written in 1999, which gathers 95 ideas about how the relations of companies should be in the new market of connections. One of his points is that "Companies that do not realize that their markets are now interconnected person-to-person, and thus becoming more intelligent and deeply united in conversation, are missing their best opportunity."

The presence outside its borders, both physically and virtually, represents an added value for any company, in an interconnected market on a global scale. In fact, another point highlights that “There are no secrets. The network market knows more than companies about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they communicate it to everyone.

Since the beginning of the crisis, the managers of technology companies have rethought both their strategies and their repositioning within the global environment. The objective is to sell its knowledge, structures and technologies outside its borders, since exclusive contact with the closest environment is destined to disappear while on an international scale the necessary options are given to obtain resources if it is competitive.

The external presence can have several levels, which in turn can be compatible with each other. The establishment of a company in one or several countries is a valid option, fundamentally, for large companies. The presence outside the borders through a solid network of partners is another very interesting opportunity for medium and small companies, because these alliances allow to maximize the permanence of an organization beyond its borders. Beyond English, a language that is more than recognized as the language of technology, it is also worth betting on others from emerging countries such as Chinese, Russian or Portuguese to translate the web and / or maintain direct communication with this this leading market. And of course, social networks,They are an essential instrument to disseminate information and to generate a fluid interaction.


Guido Stompff, Delft University of Technology, Code Train Manifesto.

Innovation as the survival of technology companies