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Technology in companies

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The first invention or innovation in remote times was the first wheel that cavemen created and since then a whole technological evolution and scientific growth that has carried the transcendence of several years in time, technological advances in our time were very scarce and seen by society because it was very expensive to have some type of artifact in your home and that they could not easily acquire it; But scientists create in seconds some technological device every day to do manual work faster and without any effort, the machines already do that work faster, specific, without errors, without delays, without getting confused, because it already has everything installed in a system or program that performs activities in seconds, instead a normal person who did not have that technology that he did not know, but that already existed,It took a long time to produce an article and now that the machines are innovative and that companies buy to produce more for less time and that they can make more articles faster and more accurately.

In contemporary times technology began to occur in large companies, to make life easier for people (consumers) or to other companies to generate products and services, today new ways of doing things are still being created faster that previously could not be done at a constant speed and that this delayed production, the poorly trained personnel and the processes that were required, has had an impact on society and the rest of the world due to the great trends of very advanced technologies and which has led to invent, create, design, innovate, change the future faster than usual.

Technology in SMEs


In this part we talk about technology since it began many years ago when the planet was young, by which they began to see human lives to evolve into tribes, society, individuals or give way to the growing population of the human race.

This led to the evolution of human beings, and intelligence to create survival tools and thus give step by step to modern science and technology.

Stories after stories technological science was created so that human beings could devise, create, remake, implement and innovate the devices of new technology and science that would provide us to produce, build, any artifact that an inventor would think of, to make life more useful and efficient.

This I believe that entrepreneurs saw things technologically so that communication networks so that entrepreneurs themselves can devise a way to make themselves known, also these social networks, virtual conferences, virtual didactic classes, hospitals with technology and advanced science to heal the sick and fight the strongest and deadliest viruses. Vaccines were created for this, drugs to prevent these deadly viral diseases.

In the last 100 years ago technology was scarce, but later these tools were invented that would help the human race, with more analytical and logical thinking to make things easier and more flexible for human beings.

since the technological revolution could be revealed against the people who created them and who gave them their lives to make things more precise and without any error in production and with a good quality of goods.


History after history the inventions of tools and techniques in technology came to make things easier for human beings and this is related to the history of science since advances after advances and changes have led to inventors, designers and strategic make modern artifacts for ease of work. The previous knowledge that human beings have perceived since ancient times began to question or devise forms of survival, because the human brain realized the functions of collecting, hunting animals, remembering the routes to look for food, the ways of making tools and houses. From ancient times to the present (modernity), technological advances and the science of knowledge of the human race are improving every day.

The last years of antiquity the first technological inventions that helped the first men of the Stone Age, in which they devised a way to survive, creating evolution, growth of a new human race with other knowledge and how to implement survival functions; the first rock tools made of stones and bones that they used to collect food such as seeds, fruits, among other products, clothing (piles of animals), houses, hunting animals, and also what helped them to live longer was fire, which helped them obtain prior knowledge to grow as individuals and that this led to new future civilizations taking into account the technological science that was just evolving day by day to improve human knowledge and advanced science.These were the first technological advances and the knowledge of science that created the future foundations of technology.

"In the Age of Copper and Bronze revolutionized radical changes in sour technology in the way that man began to manufacture molten metal objects, this led to human knowledge about metals and the metallurgical process, which with these factors made possible a great development of the smelting of copper and later bronze and in which technology began to make more fertile, that these valuable objects were not contemplated to spread to other civilizations and with these systems of the three ages they did not describe the history of technology with precision in Eurasia and that in some isolated populations the civilization of these Amazonian villages such as the Sentinelese and the Spinifex that still use the technology of the stone age, because they have not known other types of advanced tools to grow fast ”(James C., 2014, p.01).

The cultures of that time of the copper and bronze age used for domestic (empires) and commercial (barter, commercialism, boat areas, among other forms of negotiation), of these precious metals such as plates, glasses, goblets, jugs, vessels, cutlery, spoons among other utensils or transformations of precious metals, which were given or engineered building constructions and as pillars, wooden bridges, rafts, wheelbarrows and houses so that society could learn more about technology and with a knowledge broad of technological science.

Like the Iron Age, it is a time that “began the development of the technology necessary for the work of iron, which replaced bronze and made it possible to create more resistant and cheaper tools. For agriculture, strong farming tools such as iron axes, picks, rakes, shovels, and plow points made land clearing and food production faster and more efficient and it allowed farmers to cultivate stronger land ”. (James C., 2014, p. 02).

In the Iron Age they had favorable results because they already began to have more technology due to scientific knowledge that invented devices that helped human civilization to transform raw material into products for the villagers and the functions that the villagers exercised to take the tools to cultivate among other activities, because the devices resisted more due to the heavy work and in which the "barter" began to be given with the exchange of merchandise of equal value and the metallic currency of value was also presented to buy merchandise and store its value. And this gave humanity a movement towards modernity.

Lugo came the Egyptian Culture that made devices or artifacts to speed up construction and boat activities “they invented and used many simple machines, such as the inclined plane and the lever, to help themselves in the constructions. The Egyptian paper, made of papyrus and the pottery were exported by the Mediterranean basin ”. (James C., 2014, p. 03).

In this ancient Egyptian culture, technology was already a little more advanced, greatly impacting society, because human beings already thought more innovative and creative ideas widely in other objects or machines to facilitate work for slaves faster, they created ships to the navigation and commercialization of products with other distant civilizations, structures or larger and more complicated buildings, as well as writing, the hieroglyphics that needed where to capture it and the Egyptians created the paper made of papyri such as cloth and among other strategies of inventions to implement technology and grow more and take steps to new scientific technologies.

Lugo came from Ancient Greece in which the following technological inventions occurred at this time “the Hellenistic period this character Herón of Alexandria invented a basic steam engine and showed that he had knowledge of mechanical and pneumatic systems, another historical character was Archimedes he invented many machines and the screw, in which they were unique in the pre-industrial era for their ability to combine scientific research with the development of new technologies and the Greeks were the first to invent wind and water mills. (Saldaña J., 2000, Page 01)

In this Greek era there were inventions, designs and technological creations that made the work more useful for that civilization, as well as the scope of science and human knowledge towards great magnificent inventions putting into practice all their ideas and they reflected them in prototypes that were they make reality for future research or analyze parts or pieces of machines to redesign new technological advances or transform innovative changes of those prototypes, for future scientific achievements in modern technology.

In the Roman culture the following technologies were invented that renewed the world that were iron and masonry improve the construction of roads and many different machines such as the combine, Romans were the first to build monumental arches, amphitheaters, aqueducts, public baths, stone bridges and crypts. Some notable Roman inventions were the codex, blown glass, and concrete. This led to more new technological trends and human science for future and modern advancements.

In civilization like China, the Chinese made many early inventions and discoveries. Some technological innovations were the first seismographs, matches, paper, cast iron, the iron plow, the multi-tube seeder, the suspension bridge, the wheelbarrow, the use of natural gas as fuel, the compass, the relief map, the propeller, crossbow and gunpowder. That it was intended to bring this to new civilizations and that science goes beyond the common and analyzing and implementing life forms for the human race. In the Medieval civilization Lynn White the 1940s in the innovative character of many medieval techniques. They are, for example, mechanical watches, glasses and windmills. They also invented some more discreet objects, such as the button or the watermark.Military technology with the invention of the complete armor of metal plates, the steel crossbows, the tread and the barrel. That in a short time they were already beginning to renew and know more practical knowledge where small textile minindustrial companies began to be given by the spinning wheelbarrow, to give more advances in technological science towards great innovations and the success of future companies with machines or artifacts made at that time. In the Industrial Revolution, the economy based on manual labor was replaced by another dominated by industry and manufacturing, then it began with the mechanization of the textile industries and the development of iron processes, which led to the great technological inventions that revolutionized the country and the whole world with great scientific and technological developments,for which the most important great technological innovation was the steam engine and the so-called Spinning Jenny. And this helped the first companies to produce their product faster and in large quantities, because manual labor was slow and it took a long time to produce an item or a batch of orders to sell in a market where the needs of the people were more frequent and are constantly changing due to the trend towards new ways of carrying more prototypes or innovative devices to make more useful the work and training of personnel to operate these machines that revolutionized the country's economy and employment, and also the first agreements or alliances with companies to specify the product and the type of market to which it will be directed, due to the demand for the product and the marketing.

In the 20th century, what we now know as communication developed rapidly, before they were large telephones with antennas to call a person from another place and later, the type of transport, television that was black and white and the first televisions were given to Color, another innovative invention was the computer, before the computers for the people in their homes were gigantic, and the military used it to prevent future wars and that form of communication and devices was evolved and renewed, adapting them to working people making them smaller with a faster computer. And science is another branch in which medicines, drugs, devices that help your health and other functional technologies were created.

In more recent times of the 21st century, the scientific technological renovations revolutionized the planet because now in our time we see great trends every day in a myriad of tools, devices, machines, scientific devices, communication and communication networks was a revolution that had an impact much to society for the changes and the factors that led to inventing or creating to make work easier, faster and more useful for people and companies to produce more products and implement technology internally in industries, textiles, petrochemicals, oil, automotive, beverages, electronic devices, among other items for everyday use.


Now that we know what ancient history was like, designs or prototypes of the first beginnings of technology began to be created since since the stone age they built tools for the survival of the human race, then new technological trends began to emerge to do more easy work and give more importance to this modern science that is changing according to the environment of the planet and the way of presenting or carrying out these machine innovation strategies that are going to revolutionize the world and society, but this was given to the eating and even in our modern time each device or technological revolution evolves day by day, the way we communicate digitally and no longer personally,Otherwise, we can do it from any point where we are, either in a very distant area or to our own home where we have this cutting-edge technology, taking the trends of modern technology to where we want to take it to the future. That is why, for companies, obtaining this technology leads the company to know more about its environment within the competitive market where there are countless companies that use very advanced technologies and that can harm other companies or have an alliance so that both companies come out with a prestigious fortress, with a dignified image and taking into account the market factors and modern science.That is why, for companies, obtaining this technology leads the company to know more about its environment within the competitive market where there are countless companies that use very advanced technologies and that can harm other companies or have an alliance so that both companies come out with a prestigious fortress, with a dignified image and taking into account the market factors and modern science.That is why, for companies, obtaining this technology leads the company to know more about its environment within the competitive market where there are countless companies that use very advanced technologies and that can harm other companies or have an alliance so that both companies come out with a prestigious fortress, with a dignified image and taking into account the market factors and modern science.

The need for technological innovation and the adaptation of companies to the changes that are provided or that occur in their environment are issues of undoubted interest and current in the field of business administration.

The Innovative Company manages to transform technological scientific advances into new products and processes, through the adequate and effective linking of science, technology, production, social needs and requirements of the national and international market.

Having a defined development strategy leads to having vision to identify (anticipate) the requirements of the economy (market trends), as well as the ability to obtain, process, assimilate technological and economic information. The ability to achieve internal cooperation (in all its functional structure) and external (with research, higher education, advisory and consulting centers, clients and suppliers), in which there is constant interest in the professional improvement of the entire personal because they bring that practical and functional knowledge to create,designing and inventing technological devices to facilitate work and the types of communication networks are already more advanced and this macro-technological use is benefited by companies because they handle very advanced technology and hope that there will be more to adapt day by day with these technological innovations.

In the search to improve business competitiveness, obtain competitive advantages, reduce costs and increase efficiency or increase sales, in each economic cycle, strategies based on "just in time" production have been highlighted. », Outsourcing, continuous improvement of production processes, search for quality, presence on the Internet, investment in new technologies or knowledge management, among others. To carry this out internally, obtaining mutual benefits and proposing alliances with competitors who are more skilled in the market and who know how this scientific trend, technologically at the forefront, is being revolutionized with the machines that are presented in the company and in the community.

This character Alejandro Llano "the close relationship between business responsibility and innovation, considers that innovation should be led by people, free from prejudice, capable of distancing themselves from current principles and thinking, from the same reality, with nonconformist and radical attitudes". (Romero, Y., 2011, p. 01).

He mentions that the perspective of technology in companies shows us that innovations have led the organization to have more production, sales and that the market may not be competitive for other small or large companies and that the proposed strategies harm them.

"At present it is a fact that companies must have information technology since society demands more in the market, demanding that companies agree to trends and innovative artifact molds that they implement within organizations are not left behind, it is of utmost importance for SMEs to have something that adds value to the company to stand out from the competition and succeed in a globalized world and new ways to communicate with entrepreneurs from other parts of the distant world and find a way to reach that line of communication ”. (Lopez, 2014).

With this way that companies are always in constant change as companies look for a way to reach the consumer or other entrepreneurs to sell the product or technology and apply it in the company because the renewal of these devices will lead to success or failure depending of the way the organization engages with these technological trends.

The ways in which this technological trend can be implemented, there are 10 steps for companies and these are “Management and diversity of mobile devices, Mobile applications and apps, Internet of things, Hybrid cloud and IT as a service broker, Cloud architecture / customer, The age of the personal cloud, Everything defined by software, IT that scales with the Web, Intelligent machines and 3D Printing. " (Cuevas, A;, 2013, p. 01).

Since each concept defines modern technological innovations that gives another perspective within the company and that leads to new ways of thinking and taking the importance in question to modern technological science and applications that leads organizations to contemplate the devices of the tomorrow because it will revolutionize the companies of the future below are these definitions and point of view.

In a future period the variety of computing device, user context and paradigms of interest when the use of personal devices in the company, is doubling and even tripling the size of the mobile workforce, this will be implemented in organizations and that It is reviewed in security policies, the better performance of browsers as in a predominant application development environment, apps will continue to grow while traditional applications will begin to relapse. Another part that also affects is that PCs are not the only entrances to the internet, but there are other networks that are expanding to multiple devices and not only to mobiles, but to all kinds of objects such as cars,televisions among other electronic devices with expandable and intelligent memory that require this avant-garde technology and with new models of technological robotic science, the problem lies in most of the organizations and technology manufacturers that still need to explore more of this trend than brings with it in its competitive environment, just as organizations must design private cloud services that will be responsible for integrating and customizing services. But in the same way in this structure the client is an enriched application that runs on a device connected to the internet and the server applies to multiple devices, with this many of the devices that we know as the Tablet,Smartphone among other mobile or touch devices that are revolutionizing or innovating this product in generation after generation, due to the adaptation of the role. But even software will remain in the global marketplace and other software programs will exist. Smart machines will flourish advanced global industrialized systems and the era of smart machines will be the most disruptive in the history of IT

This character mentions that the technological trend can be “essential problems of humanity today: how to prevent the extraordinary revolution in information and communication technologies from being monopolized and sterilized by an archaic vision of property rights and by manipulations of companies such as Microsoft. Software is the language that allows us to relate to computers and digitized systems ”. (Castells, M;, 2013, p. 02).


In this work he shows us the beginnings that appear in remote times the ancient technology that began to give its first beginnings of tools made of stone, remains of animal bones and among other devices or tools, to collect their food, the house and their clothing.

After technology evolved, human beings also evolved since they were thinking people, because they already devised artifacts that facilitated the obtaining of goods and the flexibility of work was no longer so heavy, when those old tools began to innovate, they occurred other uses more profitable for individuals.

When the beginnings of commercialization began, there were already more utensils, tools, machines made of wood, this objective reached an impact on people, because they created ideas that were going to revolutionize the world and society. Science did not stop at any moment, human beings were always looking for a way to do things faster in less time and do more for fewer resources or vice versa and this led to proposing, designing prototypes or valuable objects that would soon innovate those antiques and redesign to make machines faster.

When I enter the first textile, mining, automotive, oil industries or factories, among other industrial companies. Therefore, a scientific approach was given to analyze designs or prototypes to corroborate the dimension, structure, foundation of machines, so that companies began to use these technological trends to produce a certain amount of goods and position themselves in the market to know the functions or processes of implementing these machines that helped workers to facilitate work and get things done in less time so that workers could be early with their families and thus these revolutions of science and technology were created so that human beings They have big thoughts to make and redo other inventions.

Now in our modern and futuristic times, technology will continue to grow until it is a world with advanced technology and science creates things that will be useful so that we humans can use it to do our activities or functions, in the place where we are and the communication or the devices help us to contact our clients or businessmen who are far from where we are and this makes communication easier due to advanced technology. And very soon the planet and human beings machines to protect the company and its customers.


  • Manuel castells (2012) Technological innovation at the level of private companies www.monografias.comStevan Henrry (2014) History of Technology www.es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_de_la_tecnologiaJose saldaña (2014) Technology in companies www.historiacienciaytecnologia.com / news / historical-relations-of-the-… Staff F. (2014) 10 technological trends that will improve companies Harriague y Asociados (2013) The 10 technological trends for companies in (2014) www.harriague.com /…/Las-10-tendencia-tecnologicas-para-las-empresas..Pinacho Juan (2014) Technological trends for the companyMoreno Wilbert (2013) Technological trends for medium and small companies.
Technology in companies