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Consultative selling

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Even when we recognize the vital importance of selling in all activity, entrepreneurship and business for its subsistence and development, we must accept that improvisation and consequent malpractice in its exercise that still persists in our days, has reached such an extreme that if If we had to describe the current preference of many potential buyers, we can safely summarize it with the expression with which this article is titled.

It is totally logical and understandable since perhaps you also agree with this expression after suffering repeated situations of poor care when what you really wanted was simply to find an illustrative or clarifying answer at the time of analyzing how to satisfy a need or solve a problem through of a product or service.

It happens that we have evolved as consumers at a higher speed than those who cultivate a traditional sale who have been left behind due to their own negligence in the exercise of the true role of sales that every potential buyer demands today in any western, hypercompetitive and globalized society.

In this way, it is reasonable to understand that the main reason for this differentiation between today's consumer preferences and the traditional style of sales, we will find precisely in the sum of bad experiences before improvised, negligent and even unscrupulous sellers who continue to cultivate it in their daily performance with no intention of updating or improvement.

Expanding on the details of the current preference of the consumer already described, that is, of those who prefer not to be sold, this should be interpreted as not really wanting:

  • Ser atendidos de mal modo, con antipatía, sin ningún respecto a su presencia, a su identidad como persona ni a sus verdaderos intereses.Sentir que su presencia o llamada para efectuar una consulta molesta o interrumpe otras actividades que pudieran estar realizando escuchar comentarios improvisados o que despierten dudas acerca de su veracidad que les ofrezcan todo el muestrario de oferta sin que sean consultados acerca de lo que desean o requieren previamente ser presionados a tomar decisiones para lo cual no están resueltos ni en condiciones en cada oportunidad que les compliquen, dificulten o nieguen una devolución para cambio o reintegro por fallas en el producto o servicio adquirido.

We should not forget in this analysis that in our days there is also the competitive factor, since when the consumer undertakes the purchase action, they have extensive information through different means to be able to access rich and varied options to consider and be able to take thus the best decision.

After this introduction to the subject and in the face of this new situation, you will surely be wondering: then, what is the best way to sell products and services today?

The motives

It is not only a matter of declaiming but of demonstrating that potential buyers and satisfied customers constitute the best capital that any company, business or venture can count on.

Perhaps we will discover the reasons and explanations in greater depth in the results that we obtained in a recent Latin American survey on the subject and that are analyzed in our Sales Articles page of our site: "How those who sell sell", "How they think those that lead the sale ”and in“ The causes that prevent better sales ”.

Today it is not questioned that acting in a market implies being alert to its trends.

We can say that it is like sailing in the sea where its winds and waves can be taken in favor of our interests or let them wallow us with their powerful force, simply by not making correct and timely decisions, letting us take to unwanted destinations by the current. and the vicissitudes of unpredictability.

This is not a conceptual utopia but a reality that many should no longer ignore, deny or believe that they do not need to update and improve their own management.

It is only a matter of attitude about how to compete in the market and it requires awareness and deciding the course to go to the destination we want to reach, taking the corresponding action and docking happily in the ports we want to arrive.

But letting ourselves be carried away by the mere fact of "leaving everything as it is" causes potential buyers to doubt whether those who want to sell more and better are truly willing to do what is required to improve and perfect the sales management they require. currently perform.

It is important to note that each interested party or potential buyer who is poorly served does not stop trying to meet the requirements they have. Perhaps some mistakenly think that they return home saddened by not having resolved their situation and without making another effort to solve it or satisfy it, or they simply do not care what happens to them.

Reality can show us with conclusive facts that the consequence of not improving one's own management will mean allowing other competitors in the market, who sell with quality, to receive all potential unsatisfied buyers because it has not been known, been able or wanted to delight them in a timely manner. they deserved.

The age of consultative selling

If we had to describe the new state of affairs, we could not do it in a better way than defining it as "the era of consultative selling" where each time a contact is made between the representative of a company and its potential buyers, its real desires to find satisfaction to your needs or to solve your problems.

Going to exercise this style of sales management implies turning all those negative experiences described above into a positive state of management realities and perceptions through the improved behavior of the representatives.

In this way, all potential buyers are advised by true connoisseurs of their own product or service as well as the rest of the market, providing them with honesty and analytical skills the best suggestions and beneficial and "tailor-made" recommendations so that they can always take their better purchasing decisions, which means exercising a true sales role desired and appreciated by them.

This consultative sales management means exercising a professional role that produces satisfaction to each interested party, potential buyer and clients even when they do not decide to buy in the first contact interview.

The satisfaction received and remembered for the quality of such care will surely keep them coming back for more in the future, as well as being recommended to their social ties generating a solid stream of fresh new opportunities to sell.

If this practice is continued over time through permanent management improvement, the differentiation appreciated through each of the representatives, which logically extends to the company they represent, its brands and products, will make the business Enter the "virtuous circle of professional sales" where what really matters is the customer and all potential buyers.

© Copyright 2004, by Martín E. Heller

Consultative selling