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Technological advances and digital culture

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At present, the way of living in society has evolved by leaps and bounds, as new technologies have been developed important contributions to all the media and the way we communicate. From one day to the next, people's lives took an unexpected change when the computer and digital emerged, it was a huge advance for society. Subsequently, when the internet emerged, the digital created an infinity of information, which people from all over the world could access, therefore communicating became faster and easier, regardless of where you wanted to start your communication, it is worth mentioning that All this generated an exaggeratedly low price compared to what you could now achieve with the use of the internet.

After the emergence of the internet, experts in the field were developing countless useful applications for the tasks and activities that we carry out daily and that over time have become necessary. When the web search engines were created, we were given free access to any information, since previously all this information was digitized and continues to be so in order to share knowledge, to do business, to create a marketing process, to lead us to entertainment. and leisure. It is clear that from the moment we open a web page, we are entering the digital culture, where our values ​​and customs become part of different ideologies and perspectives, at the moment of having to share information.

It is because of the above that nowadays any type of organization seeks the fastest and most efficient way to achieve all its activities in an orderly and systematized way, but to achieve the above, the use of new technology or immersing itself in digital culture is It has become indispensable for the development of organizations.

Previously, all the important documentation of the organizations was kept in printed form, which in many cases lacked accuracy, since said information passed through many people before reaching the person who required it or who had to be aware of it., having the disadvantage that sometimes the information did not arrive because on the way it was declared as lost. As technological advances emerged, organizations began to make use of new channels for the development and distribution of information.

When we hear that "the physical was replaced by the digital", it is worth mentioning that previously slide rules and typewriters were used, which have now been replaced by recent technological innovations that have been giving humanity the ability to improve their skills. with the use of novel tools.

Every organization must immerse itself in digital culture for its development and be competitive in the current environment, where talking about new technologies is already a daily thing and they are so close at hand that their use can already be for both legitimate purposes as illicit, and it is at that precise moment that true digital culture is born… "our digital culture"

1. Technological Advances and the arrival of the digital age

Throughout history, technological and industrial revolutions have played a crucial role in influencing the development of society and its individuals. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution marked the evolution of man understood as a social and cultural entity. The arrival of the digital age and, with it, new technologies, has generated unprecedented technological growth, causing people to speak of the Second Industrial Revolution in certain areas. This technological era has not only favored an improvement in the quality of services, but a spectacular increase in their diversity. Thus, the implementation of these new technologies is manifesting itself on what has been called industrial society, giving rise to what we currently know as the information or knowledge society (Franco, 2005).

It is then that in the course of the 20th century, all kinds of technological developments advanced by enormous strides, when at that time the inventions of Tomas A. Edison (1847-1931) prevailed mainly as something spectacular, which among other researchers, it is worth mentioning that Edison's story makes us see that this genius boy, barely 12 years old, lacked economic resources but had plenty of intellectual resources, he began with the sale of newspapers in train stations, but when he discovered his surprising ability to write, he he dedicated himself to printing his own newspapers in the same train stations. Taking advantage of his travels, he became interested in learning by himself many sciences, the same ones that led him to make various inventions such as the telephone, the telegraph and the typewriter.later he invented and perfected the phonograph and the incandescent lamp. (Calvo Hernando, 2006)

There were other inventors, including Nikola Tesla, who developed radio and television, thus developing ways of transmitting information in a more concise way and in near real time.

All the technological advances developed in the course of that century underwent radical changes, by improving several inventions that are common to this day, and that at that time caused a technological impact. Many useful inventions were developed that caused an impact in the course of the last century, but some remained in just that "inventions" and have been forgotten, but there were still many that were born and that today are no longer just inventions, they are a necessity in daily life and much more in professional and scientific life, since the inventions born in the electronic area, gave rise to the implementation of others and with this a new era emerged, the digital era.

In other words, the above is the tendency to change or adaptation, which Roger Fidler refers to as mediamorphosis. Therefore, the change suffered in the media because of technological advances and demanding new social demands. They mark that an evolution prevails in the media.

The new media appear gradually through the metamorphosis of the old media. When new forms of communication media emerge, the old forms generally do not die, but continue to evolve and adapt ”(Fidler, 1998).

Then Fidler tells us that the new media that already existed must be complemented through a reconfiguration, which allows them to adapt to target audiences.

Negroponte states that all these technological developments lead him to imagine and consider a digitized future1 with the demanding social structure in which we already live to this day, but with a totally new productive image. It tells us the following: A

“Digital life” in the hands of future generations who will reach another era called “post-information era” 2. Thus, the need to analyze the size and scope of social changes resulting from the adoption of these technologies is understandable. (Negroponte, 2000).

1.1 The digital age

During the process of technological innovation, the leap from analog to digital arises that not only generates a change in the media, but also develops a change of mentality in society that will cause a turn in the processes. The Digital Age that we are already living in is constantly opening the doors to the birth of hitherto unimaginable possibilities. An example of this is that many times as viewers, while we watch the favorite program of the moment, we connect at the same time to a social network or website. This concurrence between the use of the PC and TV gives firmness to apply the necessary methods and measures to carry out the audiovisual language as a free language of digital culture.

Nowadays, we who enjoy certain technological developments, we begin to stop mentalizing the image of the television and the computer separately since now we are presented with multitasking contexts and consumers, who have the ability to run online to watch any program which is broadcast on television while they are active on any social network, with a reciprocal relationship between the computer and the user, through specific channels of said program on the Internet.

Therefore we can say that the beginnings of the digital age originate from electronics, since all these devices require the use of electrical energy to carry out the proper functioning of their components, these components are called analog. Electronic devices have evolved in their various components, improving their technology. At present, any device is made up of circuits and microcircuits, working in a binary way, which thus perform detailed functions linked to microprocessors and activity processing chips, which stop executing some analog functionalities, becoming digital devices.

“It is not so important to know if in the future they will have completely merged, giving rise to a new appliance, but rather to think that convergence is operating in a different way: we use different devices to satisfy our information, communication, education and leisure needs, according to circumstances and emergencies. " (Orihuela, 2000)

1.2 Information technology

In this way, the industry that makes use of computers, networks, various software programming for the warehouse, processing, recovery, transmission and protection of the information with which they work is defined. Changes have been generated in the socioeconomic environment of the people who do business, since since we immerse ourselves in digital culture and make use of new technologies, faster, easier and cheaper means are used.

When computers were initially being developed, no term was yet considered for naming them in this way. Specialists who programmed and were in charge of software development were always in charge, because back then the nature of computers was considered complicated.

It was in the blink of an eye that technology advanced and with the emergence of the personal computer and daily use of it in the workplace and at home, the information was already accessible to anyone in the world.

During the 21st century, most of the new generations in the Western world and some other parts of the world, already knew how to use a computer. Communication advanced in an impressive way considering from postal mail, fax transmissions, to the change that arose with digital communication through email, this being almost instantaneously.

1.3 The use of computers today

In this section it is worth mentioning that the digital age had a greater advance with the development of personal computers. Today computers are no longer a luxury, their transformation to a necessity for all types of organizations has made these organizations competitive.

Computers have their first appearance in the history of humanity in the early nineteenth century, because in 1837, Mr. Charles Babbage, designed a fully programmable mechanical computer, called an analytical machine. By 1888, his son Henry Babbage completed a simpler calculation version called The plant.

At the end of the 19th century, Herman Hollerith invented the recording of data on a machine-readable medium using technology already used centuries before in Automata, It was not until 1936, when engineer Alan Turing provided the formalization of new algorithms based on Babbage's, known as Turing's algorithm, providing a model of the electronic digital computer. A year later physicists John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry created the Atanasoff-Berry computer.

With the Second World War, advances in the area of ​​computers began to develop faster with the design of Tommy Flowers and his first programmable computer, the Colossus, and later the ENIAC developed by John von Neumann, these computers were of sizes gigantic and had to be built in an entire room. (COELLO, 2004)

Brief History of the Computer

Definition: Computer: An electronic, analogue or digital machine, equipped with a large capacity memory and information processing methods, capable of solving mathematical and logical problems through the automatic use of computer programs. (RealAcademia, 1992)

The computer is one of the youngest inventions, it is not more than a century old. But it is the result of multiple creations and technological ideas of different researchers who worked for several years. The abacus that was one of the first mechanical devices, whose function was to count; Pascalina was also invented by Blaise Pascal which was later perfected by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, which allowed mechanical calculations with the use of gears, and as one of the last innovations that emerged was the punch card, which assumed a important role in computing.

In the year 1882 is when Charles Babbage invented the "differential engine", of which its primary function was to perform simple table calculations. Later, about ten years later, he designed the "analytical engine", which was delayed for a while and it was only in 1989 that it was built. When this machine was created, it was constituted with elements that influenced the design of the following computers: such as the input flow, memory, processor and data printer. This is why Babbage is considered the "Father of Modern Computers."

During the year 1944, the MARK I was built, designed by a team led by Howard H. Aiken. From this machine they based their operation on electromechanical devices named relays. Later Von Neumann designed the prototype of modern electronic processors, which is based on the concept of memorized program.

In the middle of the 20th century the development of the computer accelerated, but organizations did not use computers until the end of the Second World War, since the cost of computers was very high and their functions were not what considerably advanced to make investments of such magnitude. Today we can say that the most modern computers have their true origin after the Second World War, and it is classified into five generations:

  • First generation (1950 - 1958): They were computers that stopped being used only in the military environment and began to be sold in the industry, they are characterized by having a more mechanical than electronic technology, since they used vacuum tubes for their operation, they were very limited in memory and information processing capacity. Organizations had the opportunity to perform the calculation of some processes generally used for linear and integer programming in the production area faster.The second generation (1958 - 1964): They were computers that left mechanical technology and were replaced by transistors, where the information entered in them was stored in blocks or batches, also called batch processing.This information was stored on magnetic tapes until the computer was turned off or the information was printed and therefore emptied from the machine. Third generation (1965 - 1974): technology perfected by IBM, in which various transistor integrated circuits could be inserted in a small silicon chip that was no larger than one square centimeter. Within organizations the era of automation begins, since these computers could be programmable by the same user through languages ​​such as COBOL and RPG and those most used by production systems such as PASCAL and FORTTRAN, the latter being the most used by companies that wanted to carry out certain activities an enormous number of times and started using the so-called FORTTRAN Cards,which were punched cards in which the programming language was recorded for carrying out activities and when the activity required changing, only the card was changed, there was no need to reprogram the computer.The fourth generation (1975 - 1981): The configuration of The computers had a redesign by using the LSI (Large Sacale Integration) and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuits, in them the information processing was faster and easier, since the distributed processing function is added, the otic disk, and the spread of the microcomputer. In this generation, anyone was capable of using a computer, even if they did not know anything about programming, since it was used as word processing, assisted calculations and information retention and the creation of computerized drawings.Companies in the service area such as Banks and government offices made use of these new computers to develop better ways of accounting and carrying out financial economic analysis in an easier way. • Fifth generation (1991 - present): these computers arose from the creation of the task microprocessor, in which the performance of certain tasks was much easier and faster, the memory capacity and data and information processing is much faster, thanks to the replacement of VLSI technology by ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), in addition to the way in which the same system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)made use of these new computers to develop better ways of accounting and carrying out financial economic analysis in an easier way. • Fifth generation (1991 - present): these computers arose from the creation of the task microprocessor, in which the performance of certain tasks were much easier and faster, the memory capacity and data and information processing is much faster, thanks to the replacement of VLSI technology by ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), in addition to the way in which the same The system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)made use of these new computers to develop better ways of accounting and carrying out financial economic analysis in an easier way. • Fifth generation (1991 - present): these computers arose from the creation of the task microprocessor, in which the performance of certain tasks were much easier and faster, the memory capacity and data and information processing is much faster, thanks to the replacement of VLSI technology by ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), in addition to the way in which the same The system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)These computers arose from the creation of the task microprocessor, in which the performance of certain tasks was much easier and faster, the memory capacity and data and information processing is much faster, thanks to the replacement of VLSI technology by ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), in addition to the way in which the same system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)These computers arose from the creation of the task microprocessor, in which the performance of certain tasks was much easier and faster, the memory capacity and data and information processing is much faster, thanks to the replacement of VLSI technology by ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), in addition to the way in which the same system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)in addition to the way in which the same system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)in addition to the way in which the same system was subdivided into several systems to carry out each of the activities. (Trujillo, 2012)

1.3 Information management in the digital age

At all times, organizations will look for a way to improve the way in which communication channels are set for good information management, currently the use of networks to communicate between departments in different work areas is a necessity They are not just an innovative way, they have already become something fundamental for the development of the organization.

Just at the time when personal computers had their heyday, information went from being just a printed element to being the same technology that was used in the management of information in organizations. Those huge warehouses where documents and papers containing the company's information were kept were emptied and no longer used, and the small devices created to store information began to be used, so that now the printed documents only had printed the really important or summary information of the one that was already supported.

Currently, both for daily life and for the development of organizations, the use of digital devices is really necessary to transmit information, some of the most useful from adaptable to personal computers are:

  • The diskette, which is a device with reduced capacity compared to the devices we handle today, its invention was in 1969 by IBM and in 1983, it was the most widely used device for organizations and for personal use., was developed in 1983 by Sony company, it was born as a new way of transmitting information, which also allowed you to transmit some software. The impact on the organization had its true peak when it stopped using the human numerical capacity using the calculation of computers, and replaced them with the use of software. Later its use was also focused on leisure and entertainment of the youth society to record music albums and leaving behind the use of acetate and already in the 90's the use of the floppy disk was replaced.PenDrive memories called as Flash memories and commonly called USB memories, which is currently the easiest and most practical way to move information anywhere in a safe and comfortable way without the need to load other storage devices. When the company M-Systems was created, the devices have invaded the market and it is almost a fact that in a short time they will make the CDs obsolete.

1.4 The Internet

With the technological advance of computers, the ways of transmitting information were redesigned. At the end of the Second World War, new research in the field of technology was generated, and the ways of being able to store information in digital equipment was no longer enough, then the need arose to send information to thousands of parts of the world and in short time lapses even seconds, without having to be present or go to the place, using only tools connected to a network, a network of the new digital age, the internet network.

The Internet was born in the USA as a project of the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). It sought to exchange information between researchers, scientists and the military, located in different distant places. The network had to withstand a nuclear attack without losing connection with the rest of the sites. It consisted of 4 interconnected computers and was called DARPANET. In 1972, 37 computers were already connected and it was renamed ARPANET, the most used application in it was Telnet and later became e ~ mail or electronic mail. Around 1984 the NSF (National Science Foundation) established the NSFNET parallel to the ARPANET for academic research that was already saturated, the NSFNET was also saturated around mid-1987 and not precisely because of academic activity.In this year the NSFNET was completely resized, with faster access, with faster modems and computers, all of the allied countries of the United States could enter them. In the 90s it began to be known as today, The network o Internet and it was opened for everyone who could connect. The protocol used in this large network is TCP / IP, TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is responsible for accounting for data transmission between computers and recording whether or not there are errors, while IP (Internet Protocol) is the one that actually performs the transfer. of data. And the organizations were not left behind, since the 60's some organizations tried to interconnect in order to have a greater flow of information and data transmission, with the evolution of computers and also the evolution of the interconnection of networks,Computers and departments were connected by making a network in the early 90's and companies like IBM managed to make many of their computers with specific functions interconnected to join all the information to a single network system in an organization. (Delgado, 2000)

Today most new entrepreneurs or managers of new companies think that it is a novelty to connect an entire organization to a single database but the reality is that there are organizations that have worked in this way for almost two decades and achieving them would be almost impossible. Organizations must bear in mind that the use of the Internet is part of our life, and in some years perhaps not too distant, it will be almost impossible not to always be interacting with each other.

2. Digital culture and the Organization

From the earliest term of digital culture known as cyber culture in 1963, the following definition arises until 1995: "cyber culture is the social conditions produced by automation and computerization."

Digital culture has been a very controversial concept, most of the concepts that have emerged do not cover in great detail what it really is and means.

At present we can clearly define that Digital Culture is the study of the social, cultural, ethical and aesthetic aspects of Information and Communication Technology. The main focus is the interaction between culture and technology.

Digital culture studies various social phenomena associated with the Internet and new forms of communication and not only with the cultures of virtual communities, but also extends to a wide range of cultural topics related to cyber topics.

Digital culture is not only the culture that results from computer use, but the culture that is directly mediated by the computer.

The internet and recent technologies have been criticized for creating a gap in the way people socialize, as they become increasingly lonely and human contact disappears. As it happens are the use of Blogs that allow users to post thoughts and updates about their life on the Web and social networks that are sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allow users to create and customize their own space and their profile to communicate with friends.

Nowadays, organizations have had to adapt and adopt the benefits that the digital age has created, they have had to redesign their different internal communication systems to introduce computers and software necessary to facilitate tasks and operations carried out within them or minimal in its main areas.By adopting the tools that have been developed in the digital age, the sending and receiving of information between the areas of the organization and even between organizations has been facilitated, since all this requires at least the use of emails and other applications and tools that can be executed with the intranet, providing savings in time and economic resources. But organizations have also had to acquire various digital technologies for their external communication, Marketing today is no longer functional if it does not have a presence through web pages, cell phones, information screens and other devices.

The business area has also functioned more efficiently with the acquisition of digital devices that make the use of the internet possible, since purchases and sales can be made through a website. All these transactions have become easy and fast with the use of credit cards also product of the development of this era.

Digital business

Digital businesses work as support for entrepreneurs, leaders of any environment and organizations in developing authentic relationships with their business space, making use of digital tools that can maximize their value.

Every project, including the practical realization of a thesis, begins under the premise that all types of businesses must be focused on the value they provide to customers through their products and services.


This is what electronic commerce is called, commonly within organizations known as e-commerce, which refers to the purchase and sale of products or services through one or more electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The basis of electronic commerce are technologies such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management systems, and automated collection systems. of data.

Modern e-commerce today regularly uses the World Wide Web at least one point in its life cycle operation, although it can encompass a broader range of technologies such as email, social media, mobile devices, and telephones.

E-commerce is always seen as the portal for purchases and sales. It is present in the exchange of information to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of commercial transactions.

Within electronic commerce, several aspects are taken into account such as: virtual stores, on websites with online catalogs, the collection and use of demographic data through Web contacts, Electronic Data Interchange, business-to-business exchange of data, e-mail and fax and its use as a means of communication to reach prospects and established clients, business-to-business buying and selling and the security of business transactions


Internet marketing, apart from e-marketing, is also known as web marketing, online marketing, Internet advertising, and is the marketing of the promotion of products or services through the Internet. E-Marketing is used as a shorthand for internet marketing. (RealAcademia, 1992)

E-Marketing encompasses all types of marketing that are carried out with the use of the internet via e-mail and the different means of wireless communication. It is carried out by means of digital data of the clients and the electronic management of relationships with them.

Marketing on the Internet has its own life cycle, since it links the creative and technical aspects of the Internet, encompassing from design, continuing with development and advertising and culminating in sales.

Thesis suggestion

"Implement a telephone call rate system as an administrative management tool for hotel chains"

Objective: To develop and implement a telephone call charging system that allows control of the flow of the trunk lines, as well as the improvement of the administrative process of the hotel chains.


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Technological advances and digital culture