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Technological research methodology


Some Concepts about Technology

  • Technology is neither good nor bad. Ethical judgment is not applicable to technology, but to the use made of it. Technology differs from science and art:
    • science = understanding reality art = mentally enjoying reality technology = transforming reality


The Technological Research Project

  1. Identification of the Problem Formulation of the Research Problem Identification of the Research Object Identification of the Specific Research Field Formulation of the Research Objective Formulation of the Research Hypothesis The State of the Art Development of the Theoretical-Conceptual Model Development of the Quantum Model Formulation of the Research Title Tasks, Schedule and Budget

1. Identification of the Problem

  • Necessary condition = state of the research object (set of poor or unexplainable phenomena, facts and processes) Necessary condition of the diagnosis = adequate approximation and understanding of the reality carried out by the researcher It depends on the reflective and analytical capacity of the researcher to ensure better results and quality. It also depends on the references of other authors about the problem: it can be in the same or in another scenario. The problem is abstraction, using the concepts, theories and laws of the science under study, on deficient situations, facts or processes, manifest or probable, that hinder or prevent reaching a desired and feasible state.

2. Formulation of the Research Problem

  • It is formulated as a proposition, because as a question it makes it difficult to make the inference in the hypothesis. The problem is the external manifestation of the object and provokes in the subject the need to explain it. The more accurate the problem statement, the greater the possibility of having a satisfactory solution.

3. Identification of the Object of the Investigation

  • It is the part of reality that is abstracted from the systemic grouping of the relationships between the elements of the problem. Its characterization is carried out through particular and specific concepts and they are deduced from the problem, as necessary. In the process: enter –exogenous elements- and leave, as a result of the process –endogenous elements-. The interior of the process –the mechanism of interaction between the intervening elements- cannot be observed. There must be something hidden behind the things we observe. Science then seeks to discover these underlying elements.

4. Identification of the Specific Field of Research

  • The specific field is a part of the object, where the researcher produces the innovations or inventions. Here, the researcher abstracts only the properties or attributes of the object that he is going to systematize, produce changes, or explain. It is the field on which the researcher works and assumes that you can achieve the desired goal.

5. Formulation of the Research Objective

  • It is the purpose or the overcome situation of the problem (the transformed object), once the human intervention has concluded. It is formulated with an action verb according to the taxonomy It is formulated with an action verb according to Bloom's taxonomy. It guides all research work and must be based on a theory, law, or principle that supports the work of the specific field of research. It is expressed with clarity, coherence and is achievable. The tasks derived from the objective to solve the problem come from of the theoretical-conceptual model.

6. Formulation of the Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis is expressed as a conditional statement:

IF (sufficient condition), THEN (necessary condition)

  • It is a prediction formulated in such a way that it can be discarded or accepted. It must contain novel aspects in the formulation, new relationships, new variables that lead to theoretical contribution to enrich the field of technology or science.

7. The state of the art

  • Analysis and systematization of existing theories about the object of the research: concepts, categories or laws that characterize the object. Here, the complex social and natural field is described where the researcher reveals his critical, analytical practice, and his communicative capacities and argumentative. It is based on references to other authors, using the Chicago style in Engineering, for example, to obtain scientific rigor. The depth of the State of the Art depends on the analysis of as many sources as possible.

8. Elaboration of the Theoretical-Conceptual Model

  • Ideal representation where the essential elements and their relationships are abstracted and the information is systematized. Use of critical thinking, logical reasoning, creative thinking, with a referential base in the State of the Art, to conceptually solve the problem. The connections of the objective and methods with the vision of solving the problem. The Model not only constitutes the contribution and the concretion of the researcher, but also describes the patent, according to the norms of the regulatory bodies.

9. Elaboration of the Quantum Model

  • Genius must be measurable. Statistics collaborates effectively in the conversion of a conceptual situation to reality: establishing variables. The operability of this conversion may coincide with some statistical problems already solved, thus facilitating the viability of the verification of the Quantum Model. The experimental or quasi-experimental verification is recommended to give validity to the Quantum Model, and with adequate statistical adjustment. Also, the demonstrative logical verification allows to validate the model. Validity of the contribution = Theoretical Conceptual Model + Quantum Model

10. Formulation of the Research Title

Establish levels of relationship or dependence between the variables that interact in the Quantum or Verification Model:

If there is a relationship: Monographic Research

X> X1: Relationship between X and X1or Study of XX X1, X2: Improvement of X

If there is dependency: Empirical Research

X> Y: Effect of X on YX Y: Study of the interaction between X; AND

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Technological research methodology