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Methodology for the design and development of a website

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The use of state-of-the-art technologies, mainly ICT, has revolutionized the world of information and communications, an activity of essential necessity for today's man. The tourist activity obviously requires the knowledge of what is offered for each place or destination and among so many ways of providing information, Web sites occupy a privileged place for everything that the person can receive through them.

The World Wide Web allows a more organized way of accessing the information available on the Internet, presenting a user-friendly interface through browsers such as Netscape, Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The rise of the World Wide Web has helped the Internet grow considerably today.

The present work aims to show the capabilities of the World Wide Web, through the design of a Web site inviting a nature tourist destination, what it consists of, its utilities, as well as the criteria to be taken into account in the design for a website to be successful.

With the development of sustainable tourism, the world is gaining strength in natural areas, the nature tourism modality. This type of tourism, despite representing a small fraction of the entire tourism industry, constitutes the fastest growing tourism segment in the world with an annual rate of 25%, and in turn is the best model for sustainable development in the tourism sector.

Nature tourism in our country is mainly developed in protected areas, taking advantage of the potential of the Cuban archipelago in natural resources, especially in terms of its diversity of ecosystems, landscapes and species of its flora and fauna, as well as cultural and historical values. and socioeconomic.

Methodological Design for the elaboration of the Ciénaga de Zapata Website, an Exclusive and Magical Nature Tourism

In this chapter we carry out a characterization of the most important elements for the design of a site and we establish, based on the assessment of some methodologies, ours to develop the Ciénaga de Zapata website an exclusive and magical nature tourism product.

Advantages and benefits of owning a website for your business

Imagine advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a low advertising cost, where you do not have to pay for catalog prints, for expensive advertisements on television, radio or newspapers, also where you can get new customers, offer information about of your products and services, obtaining information on the preferences and tastes of your customers, promoting your company to other countries and new markets….

What are the advantages of having a website?

There are numerous advantages and benefits that owning a website provides, it provides a current and technological brand image on your business, creates new contact ties and relationships with customers, allows a worldwide presence of your products and services….

  • Real results in obtaining customers and contacts with companies Strengthens and updates the corporate image of the company Report new products or services to customers who visit its website Promote communication with customers and suppliers Generate good Modern and technological image of the company for its clients. Internationalization of the company through a multi-language website. Worldwide presence of its products and services. Recruitment and loyalty of new clients.

Think of the millions of users who get in touch and place orders with your competition for the mere fact of having a website,

are you losing customers and market by not having your own website?

Static Websites

Static Web sites are those sites mainly focused on displaying permanent information, where the navigator is limited to obtaining said information, without being able to interact with the visited Web page, static Web sites are built mainly with hyperlinks or links (links) between the Web pages that make up the site, this type of Web are unable to support Web applications such as database managers, forums, online consultations, intelligent emails…

This is a more than enough option for those websites that simply offer a description of your company, who we are, where we are, services, etc… ideal for companies that do not want many pretensions with their website, simply inform their customers of their products and your company profile.

The main advantage of this type of page is how inexpensive it is to create, with an attractive design and including the images and text with which we want to inform surfers, it can be easily created without the need for any special programming (php, asp,…) a static website.

The great disadvantage of static Web sites lies in how laborious it is to update them, as well as the loss of powerful tools supported with databases, such as the creation of historical records of customers, online orders,…

Some examples for which the creation of static webs is useful are the following:

  • Curriculum vitae. Every day we find more people who use the Web to present their curriculum vitae, it is a good way to introduce themselves to companies when it comes to finding work or establishing business relationships. Web Quest. They are websites developed mainly by professors and universities, with a clear educational objective, proposing to a group of students a particular topic (biology, geometry, physics, literature…) with a series of questions formulated about the chosen topic, the group It has available, on the same Web, addresses (links) to other Web pages where they can inquire and investigate about the subject, in such a way that they can answer the questions posed. The main objective of the Web Quest is to learn the contents of the chosen topic in an interactive way. Blog or blog.It is a website where messages from one or more authors are compiled chronologically, on a particular subject, always keeping the author the freedom to publish what he or she deems pertinent, also called a blog or informative web blog. Those websites that simply offer information about a specific topic (Fiestas in Valencia: Las fallas, Andalusian Gastronomy…..), these sites are generally not updated, in such a way that the contents remain unchanged throughout their lifeThose websites that simply offer information about a specific topic (Fiestas in Valencia: Las fallas, Andalusian Gastronomy…..), these sites are generally not updated, in such a way that the contents remain unchanged throughout their lifeThose websites that simply offer information about a specific topic (Fiestas in Valencia: Las fallas, Andalusian Gastronomy…..), these sites are generally not updated, in such a way that the contents remain unchanged throughout their life

Suggestion for website design

Before starting to talk about the methodological aspect for the design of websites, we visited the site http //: www.lawebera.es which gave us essential requirements for the design of a website with guarantees to anyone who accesses it.

We will list them below.

  1. Respect your visitors Bad publicity is harmful Inform and teach your visitors Respect the standards Be clear. Don't be afraid to say what you mean. Hate Internet Explorer if you want, but don't ignore its users. Worry about your content. When developing websites try to keep them informative, interesting and well presented. Write, publish, feel free to ask. Reply to your email immediately. Make relationships Think globally. Never compromise your principles. Stay in touch. Learn to handle creative block..Beautify the Web. Realize the Power of the Web.

Advantages and benefits of owning a website for your business

Imagine advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a low advertising cost, where you do not have to pay for catalog prints, for expensive advertisements on television, radio or newspapers, also where you can get new customers, offer information about of your products and services, obtaining information on the preferences and tastes of your customers, promoting your company to other countries and new markets….

What are the advantages of having a website?

There are numerous advantages and benefits that owning a website provides, it provides a current and technological brand image on your business, creates new contact ties and relationships with customers, allows a worldwide presence of your products and services.


  • Real results in obtaining customers and contacts with companies Strengthens and updates the corporate image of the company Report new products or services to customers who visit its website Promote communication with customers and suppliers Generate good Modern and technological image of the company for its clients. Internationalization of the company through a multi-language website. Worldwide presence of its products and services. Recruitment and loyalty of new clients.

Think of the millions of users who get in touch and place orders with your competition for the mere fact of having a website, are you losing customers and market by not having your own website?

Next, and as an element of vital importance for our Research Project, we put three methodological algorithms for your consideration (consulted on the Internet at the aforementioned addresses)

Description of some methodologies for the design of pages and Web sites

  • 1st methodological model for the design of a website.

Figure 2.1 Methodology for designing a Website

Source: www. web andmacros.com/ Diseno _ web _metodologia.htm

Methodology for the design of a Website

Our ideas and goals are put on paper


Choice of the type of Web.

The first thing to decide is the type of website we want to create, it is the starting point that affects all subsequent stages of creation, we will make a design, applications, navigability… appropriate to the type of website selected.


  • Commercial website Professional website Information website Leisure website

Definition of the Theme

The topics to be displayed on the website must be defined, allowing the definition of key search terms to later carry out a positioning methodology.

  • Website where all kinds of objects are sold Commercial website specialized in the purchase and sale of flats Professional website specialized in consulting new technologies Information website about the Prado Museum.

Goal setting

The objectives to be achieved with the creation of the website have to be established, to later mark functional strategies to achieve these objectives.

  • Publicize the business, attract customers and generate new orders. Sell contextual advertising, banners… to obtain income. Present my Curriculum Vitae on the web…..


Scalability is defined as the short and long-term views of our website, if over time we want to expand our website with new applications, new pages, constant updates…

Design definition

Depending on the type of Web, the selected theme, the objectives set and the defined scalability, we are prepared to define the design of the Web on paper, including backgrounds, fonts, buttons, forms, links, templates, applications…. in such a way that we obtain a «storyboard» of the elements and design that we want to implement on our website.

We materialize ideas into realities


Visual design and creation of the information to be implemented

Creation of the skeleton of the Web, tables, headers, space for images, text, buttons…

Creation of the images that will accompany our website, logos, headers, photographs, in addition to the process of conception and materialization of the information to be offered.

Web applications

Creation of applications that will contain our website, surveys, forums, customer support, online orders, through specific programming and creation of databases.


Once we have finished our website, what we want is that in any search engine, especially google, we appear in the first positions to receive more visits to our website.

It is this point where a specific methodology has to be implemented to achieve optimal positioning, defining the search keywords, creating robots.txt files….


Carrying out tests to check the usability and correct functioning of our site, we do not want to show pages with broken links, pages in a different format than the previous ones, non-functional applications… since they provide a negative image and will prevent visitors from returning to our page.

We show ourselves to the world


Extensions and updates

It is very important to offer new information that attracts and builds loyalty to our visitors or customers, it is important to define a page of news or news where visitors quickly obtain new information and appreciate that the website remains "alive" and can offer new services.


The art of positioning is a methodology that requires monitoring in order to position ourselves and stay in the top positions of the search engines, a large part of our success depends on the number of visits the Web receives.


Carry out a marketing strategy to publicize our website can already be through publications in newspapers, pamphlets, links to other websites….


Carrying out maintenance programs so that our website is in operation throughout its life.

2nd methodological model for the design of a website

Every project, to be completed successfully, must follow a proven and experience-based methodology that guides the development process until the proposed objectives are achieved. At ADWEBS we implement a Web Development Methodology to achieve the proposed objectives of the project through the following steps:

Figure 2.2 Methodology for designing a Website.

Source: www.ad web sdesign.com/metodologia_proyectos_ web

Website Generation Process


Either in presence, by phone or via email, the requirement of the needs of your WebSite is raised; definition of content sections, navigation map, desired colors and images and reference designs


The designers proceed to create 2 Layouts (Visual Mockups) of their website in real size, to select 1 of their preference and up to 3 rounds of arrangements and modifications to the selected one


Wireframes (functional mockups) of your site are created to define how your content will be structured and how they work

Development: with design and Wireframes, programmers create the code that builds their Website.


Once the development is finished, visual and functional tests are carried out, first by our team and then by the client, to verify that the final result meets the defined requirements

Domain and Hosting

Once the site has been tested, the final Hosting where it will be hosted is created, the entire website is migrated from the development server and linked to the real domain. Our offer includes one year of FREE Hosting and domain name, plus UNLIMITED email accounts.

Publication and Delivery

Once the site is in its final Hosting, the client is given all the access data and training necessary for its use.


Keywords are included in the titles and tags to guarantee a good search engine positioning and the site is registered in Google Analytics to give the client a statistical control of the use of the site.


Additions and modifications after delivery, support in the publication of content. This step is optional and is priced separately according to the client's needs.

2.3 Characterize the methodological design developed for the Ciénaga de Zapata website for a Magical and Exclusive nature tourism . From these three models consulted on the Internet, we developed our own for the methodological design of our site.

Figure 2.2. Methodology for the design of the Ciénaga de Zapata website, an exclusive and magical paradise for nature tourism.

Source: self made.

Methodology for the design of the Ciénaga de Zapata website

Theme and Objectives

Offering the market a tourist product, Ciénaga de Zapata as an option for Exclusive and Magical nature tourism. Do it through a website, using ICT. Single stage for site design

Choice of Web type

A static site is proposed (informative (there are only links from others, not our own, a first intention is to publicize). There is no info. On the network of networks a first attempt to launch the product to the world through WWW.

Search and selection of information

It is done by applying the selected tools. In order to guarantee all the information and images to be located within the site. It is carried out continuously depending on the tourist influx, stages of the year and unforeseen conditions that could affect the infrastructure of the product.

Site layout

The site is elaborated using the own applications for the work Adobe photoshop and Adobe Dream Weaver CS5, in addition to documents and images previously edited in Word 2003. (Main page and accesses). It is modified depending on the previous element.


Awaiting approval and location by the tourism company to which it belongs in the product referred to this Research Project. (only register and maintain on the WWW).

Systematic update

Keep the site alive, updating new and expired options, continuously reporting and not making the site a fixed and invariable Web. Obvious action that guarantees the authenticity of the site and its information. (Make the stages indicated by dashed lines cyclical).

Partial Conclusions

  • The analysis of the models makes it possible to know the effectiveness of a model as a methodological instrument capable of developing a static website with the intention of guaranteeing commercial improvements through the Internet of the exclusive and magical Ciénaga de Zapata nature tourism product. a consistent methodological solution to the scientific problem posed, since it allows to characterize and intervene in this problem through a logical methodological procedure in addition to characterizing the product and informing the world of its existence.The site must constitute a support resource for the entity that represents the tourist activity in Ciénaga de Zapata, with a single objective to guarantee commercial improvements of the product through the Internet.

Ávila, R. (2002). "Introduction to the concept of sustainability and sustainable tourism", in Sustainable Tourism, IEPALA Editorial, Madrid, pp. 17-24.

Section dedicated to the development and design of web pages. Methodology for the creation, design and development of pages and Web sites, planning, creation,…


Methodology to design web pages.

Methodology for the creation, design and development of pages and Web sites, of our Web site requires a proven and well-defined methodology.

Www. web andmacros.com/ Diseno _ web _metodologia.htm

Tourism websites in Mexico

Tourism websites in Mexico. Directory and guide of tourism websites in Mexico. Direct contact with Mexico tourism websites. Mexico.

guiamexico.com.mx/ sites - tourism-web /empresas-guia.html

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Methodology for the design and development of a website