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Momentum, a constant boost to my online business

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The importance of gaining "momentum" in your business so as not to fall into stagnation and continually propel it forward.

Do you feel stuck in your online business? Your numbers aren't increasing, your results are meager, and your sales just trickling in? If you are discouraged, don't stop working on your project! Learn the importance of gaining momentum, so that your business is propelled to the next level with the great boost that all the activities that you will carry out will give it.

If you asked me today, what is the formula for my success, I would answer that it is the one I share with you in this article: I am where I am because I simply have not left and I keep moving forward.

This approach has given momentum - a constant boost - to my business, and not only has it allowed me to get to where I am, I know it will take me much further in the future.

The word "momentum" comes from physics and is defined as the amount of movement - or momentum - that a body has. The more movement or momentum a body has, the faster it moves forward and the more difficult it is to stop.

Although this refers to the discipline of Newtonian physics, the concept can be perfectly applied to a business… and, once you have it clear, you will have in your hands a formula for success that will propel your site! of membership, or any other online business, forward like nothing else!

You might want to ask me: “Bettina, what do you mean by gaining momentum in your business?

I am referring to the constant growth and innovation activity of everything you do in your business.

It might seem logical that an online entrepreneur should be continually focused on moving their business forward, but in practice, I have seen that many businesses that start with a great idea and a lot of enthusiasm, stall at some point, because the business owner he did not understand the magical concept of momentum.

They get discouraged because they don't see the results they hoped for, they put aside certain business strategies they once learned (and didn't pay off right away), and they slowly lose the interest and enthusiasm they had at first.

The result is: less focus, less time, energy and money invested in the business and, finally, the online entrepreneur is distracted, because, according to him or her, his project is not productive.

In a new business, both online and offline, the average time to achieve significant profits is 3 to 5 years. And that is just the beginning. Then you have to keep working on innovating and growing constantly, since a business that doesn't grow is dead. Like stagnant waters: they smell bad.

This is why the concept of momentum is so important.

How can you gain momentum in your business?

The key is to make sure that something is always happening in your business. Plan your year in such a way that you are constantly in action.

Here is a list of activities that you should be organizing every year:

  • New product launch: it does not have to be something radically new, but it can be a product that you have already offered in a certain format, for example: an ebook, that you transform into other formats, such as, for example, a membership site. different services: apart from offering consulting or private coaching sessions, it designs different coaching packages, with different price ranges. You can also offer your services in a group coaching format or intensive coaching days. Free advertising activities: organize virtual or face-to-face conferences, interviews, workshops, expert panels, etc., to create a continuous buzz around your business, so that you can get a constant stream of new subscribers - and future customers - to your website.

The idea is that your followers see that you are constantly active, constantly appearing somewhere and that you gain more and more exposure, which gives more and more momentum-to your business.

The important thing is that this is not achieved with one, two or three isolated activities, but with a well-planned strategy of constant activity in your business.

The result is that little by little, your list will grow, because you will have more visits. More visits means more subscribers and that leads to more customers who will buy more of your products and services.

Some will come because of the interview you did half a year ago, others will come because of the launch of your membership site, or because they heard an interview you did. In the end you will not know where they come from, but they will arrive, a product of the constant activity that you keep around your business.

You will say, "But Bettina, that's exhausting!"

It is not if you organize each activity in such a way that afterwards it continues to work automatically, ideally supervised by someone on your team, so that it requires only a minimal intervention from you.

Let's do it! We are at the gates of 2014 and I gave you a formula for sure success: take action and plan the new year in such a way that your business gains momentum and is propelled to the next level with the great boost that all of all will give it. the activities you will execute. I wish you a lot of success!

Momentum, a constant boost to my online business