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Nanotechnology. its social benefits and challenges

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In recent years, there has been an impressive development of technology, currently it is almost essential to have it. That is why more and more people are devoting their time, knowledge and efforts to creating new technologies for practical purposes.

One of the premises that has been sought to impose in recent years is the ability to create functional technologies introduced into smaller and smaller devices. Nanotechnology is one of the attempts that in recent times have been carried out to create technologies on a very small scale.

It is important that as professionals we have knowledge of various areas and one of the most important is the technological area. That is why this article is written in order to expose some terms in terms of technology and the applications that this growing technology has in some areas of knowledge


The first aspect that we must consider is to know the meaning of the word nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is the study and development of manometric-scale systems. It must be understood that nano is a prefix of the International System of Units and the term comes from the Greek with a dwarf meaning, in units of length it corresponds to one billionth of a meter, which is known as a nanometer. Nanotechnology studies matter from a manometric resolution level between 1 and 100 nanometers approx. In this type of technology, scientists take advantage of the characteristics of particles with these measures to create nanotechnological materials and devices. (NANOTECHNOLOGY BLOG, nd)

Another definition tells us that Nanotechnology is a relatively new science, applied to many fields of research. It consists of the study, analysis, structuring, formation, design and operation of materials at molecular scales. (CONCEPT DEFINITION.D, nd)

Another concept tells us that Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter in dimensions of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers where new applications of

Unique phenomena become possible. Nanotechnology implies imagination, measurement, modeling and manipulation of matter on this length scale (ALVAREZ, 2011)

Comparison of systems at nano and micro scales (BLOG DE NANOTECNOLOGIA, nd)

Some authors think that technology is the future of today's world due to its versatility to be applied in any science. The above derived from the manipulation of the molecules. (ALVAREZ, 2011)

According to these definitions, the study of technology is carried out in units that are too small, imperceptible to human beings.


The main objective of scientists who are dedicated to the study of nanotechnology is the control of so-called nanomaterials, controlling the morphology, structure and composition of the physical properties of materials. This results from knowledge about the creative manipulation that can be made of matter.

However, it is important to note that particles have existed since ancient times, only that in the present time the human being's ability to produce art, tools and materials through nanotechnology has been awakened. (USKOKOVIC, 2007)


From the 1930s, some advances in nanotechnology began to occur. Although at the time it was not known by this term, different instruments and devices began to be developed in order to be able to handle smaller and smaller particles. The desire of man for the handling of the elements on a molecular level genre that studies on the matter arise.

A great boost to the science of nanotechnology was science fiction, as some movies present some ideas of reducing elements to molecular size. Scientists began to study the real possibilities of carrying out these ideas in reality.

One of the pioneers in the field of Nanotechnology is the American physicist Richard Feynman, who in 1959 at a congress of the American Physics Society at Calltech, gave the speech “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (There is a lot of space down there) in which he describes a process that would allow the manipulation of atoms and molecules individually, through high precision instruments, in this way systems could be designed and built at the nanoscale atom by atom, in this speech Feynman also warns that the properties of these manometric systems would be different from those present in the macro scale. Feynman is considered the father of Nanotechnology.

The term nanotechnology was used for the first time by the Japanese scientist Norio Taniguchi in 1974 describing nanotechnology as the processing, separation and manipulation of materials atom by atom or a molecule.

From that moment on, other scientists focus their studies on this field of science based on Feynman's ideas.

In 1981, Eric Drexler, an American engineer published a publication in which he reinforces what Feynan had described years before. In 1986 he used the term Nanotechnology for the first time, describing a machine with the ability to replicate itself. In 1992 he received an award for his book "Nanosystems Molecular Machinery Manufacturing and Computation" considered the best science book of that year. He has also made reference to the so-called "gray plague" which presents a scenario of world destruction in the hands of nanotechnology. (NANOTECHNOLOGY BLOG, nd)

Nanotechnology and nanoscience made notable advances with two important developments: the beginning of the science of clusters and the invention of the tunneling microscope (STM). These developments were followed by the discovery of fullerenes in 1985 and the characterization and structural identification of carbon nanotubes a few years later in 1991 (WIKIPEDIA, 2016).

Below is a table that establishes some of the events that gave rise to the origin and development of nanotechnology.

Date Event
1936 Erwin Müller at Siemens invented the field emission microscope, which made it possible to achieve near-atomic resolution images of materials.


Von Neuman studies the possibility of creating self-reproducing systems as a way to reduce costs.
1956 Arthur von Hippel at MIT coined, among other concepts, the term-

"Molecular engineering."

1958 Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments designs and builds the first integrated circuit, for which he would later receive the Nobel Prize in 2000.
1959 Richard Feynmann speaks for the first time at a conference on the future of scientific research: "In my view, the principles of physics do not speak out against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom."
1966 The film "Amazing Journey" is made, which tells the journey of some scientists through the human body. Scientists reduce their size to that of a particle and enter the interior of a researcher's body to destroy the tumor that is killing him. For the first time in history, this is considered a true scientific possibility. The film is a great success.
1974 Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo University of Sciences coined the term nanotechnology in the dimensional framework at the atomic scale
1985 Buckminsterfullerenes are discovered
1989 The film "Honey I Shrunk the Children" is made, a film that tells the story of a scientist who invents a machine that can reduce the size of things using lasers.
nineteen ninety six Sir Harry Kroto wins the Nobel Prize for discovering fullerenes
1997 The smallest guitar in the world is manufactured. It is about the size of a red blood cell.
1998 It is possible to convert a carbon nanotube into a nano pencil that can be used to write

“Nanotechnology is one of the most promising areas of modern science and technology with a great economic and social impact. It works with extremely small elements such as one millionth of a millimeter and even more. For this, the human being has had to develop techniques that allow him to even manipulate matter atom by atom ”. (DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, 2012)

In recent years, products made with materials that have nanotechnological elements have begun to be commercialized. Some of the most important are: fast charging batteries, cell phones, digital cameras, stain resistant clothing, upgraded sports equipment, etc.


One of the main advantages with respect to the use of nanotechnology is that different problems can be solved in different areas and disciplines, especially in science and technology applications.

Obtaining materials through technology has driven their use in areas such as electronics, ceramic development, and metallurgy in order to utilize the properties of nanotechnological materials.

Among its most important advantages are:

  • Wide field of action: it is true that the development of nanotechnology has technological and scientific implications, but over the years it has begun to use the materials in articles of common use such as toothpaste, batteries and of course the clothes. As can be seen, the possibilities for the use of nanotechnology are not limited to a specific area. In addition to this, many entrepreneurs have begun to develop research projects based on nanotechnology, as well as investments in projects that have to do with this area.Increase in quality of life: many of the studies and technological advances in recent years, They have been made with the intention of improving people's lives, especially in relation to health and caring for the environment.That is why there are numerous projects focused on generating energy, solving environmental problems, health problems, etc. For this reason, nanotechnology is considered the “industry with the greatest projection in social and economic impact.” Future investment: every day new development opportunities open up in the field of technology, which means that new ideas and fields are constantly emerging of application. Large companies have chosen to invest their money in material and product development processes which will result in future profits. Innovative Products: New products emerge every day with unique characteristics that are difficult to understand in terms of their operation. Many of them created to solve problems that other products cannot. However,many of these products offer better solutions, have a higher level of precision. The so-called “smart products” have come to revolutionize a large part of the markets.

Some studies around the world have detected that more and more products with nanotechnology applications are emerging every day. Investments by countries have also increased considerably in recent years. New research centers, industries, etc. have been built. with the aim of developing an increasing number of products and not only specialized products but also products of common use that people can acquire at a reasonable price while having a small part of the world's nanotechnology within reach.



"They are materials with morphological properties smaller than a micrometer, in at least one dimension." (DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, 2012). Its size is estimated to range from 1 to 100 nanometers. Many of these materials are located on a molecular scale which is 0.2 nanometers.

In nanometric materials, electrons cannot move easily due to limited space. Hence, if the dimensions of a material are reduced, its properties can be modified and materials with properties can be created according to the needs that arise.

The US Environmental Protection Agency classifies today's materials into:

Carbon-based: These nanomaterials are mainly composed of carbon and usually take forms such as hollow spheres, ellipsoids or tubes. Carbon nanomaterials with ellipsoidal or spherical shape are known as fullerenes, while cylindrical ones are called nanotubes. These particles have many possible applications, including the development of improved coatings and films, lighter and stronger materials, and various applications in the field of electronics.

Metal-based: These nanomaterials include quantum dots, gold and silver nanoparticles, and metal oxides such as titanium dioxide.

Dendrimer s: These nanomaterials are nano-sized polymers built from branched units. The surface of a dendrimer has numerous chain ends, which can be tailored to perform specific chemical functions. This property could also be used for catalysis. In addition, because three-dimensional dendrimers contain interior cavities into which other molecules can be introduced, they can be useful for drug delivery.

Compounds: Composites combine nanoparticles with other nanoparticles or with larger materials. Nano particles are being added to numerous products, from automotive parts to packaging materials, to improve their mechanical, thermal, protective properties, etc.

In order to use nano materials, it is necessary to have tools capable of manipulating these materials in the size that they are. That is why there are nano tools.


"Nano tools are tools that allow us to see and manipulate nanometer-sized elements with unimaginable simplicity, however, being able to make use of these tools requires technical knowledge." (RODRIGUEZ, 2016)

There are numerous uses for nano tools, but they are currently used in major sciences such as medicine, chemistry, and biochemistry to name a few.

Companies that invest in nanotechnology development not only invest in nano materials but also in the way they manipulate them, which is why nano tools are just as important as materials.

"Under the term of nanochemistry, all those activities of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are encompassed that have in common the use of traditional approaches and tools of Chemistry to create, develop and study objects that present useful properties due to their nanoscopic dimensions.. (VECIANA) One of the activities of nanochemistry consists of grouping matter on a nanoscopic scale, in order to find new applications for the elements.

Nanochemistry studies existing elements or products in order to improve them or develop new applications that in other times would not have been imagined could be developed.

It is through nanochemistry that great discoveries have been made in the areas of health and the environment thanks to the real-time detection of various molecules.

Through the development of new and better nano materials, nano chemistry has contributed to the reduction of waste and to a better use of energy. The new organizational policies on sustainable development have helped to promote nanochemistry by supporting sectors such as industry and for the benefit of society.

According to the European Technology Platform 2, some of the areas in which nanochemistry will have the greatest impact in the coming years are:

  • Energy: better materials for the storage and transport of hydrogens, battery construction, conductive polymers, superconducting materials, solar cells and insulating materials Information and communication technologies: better materials for screens, molecular electronics, conductive and insulating materials, materials optics, electronic devices Health: tumor therapy, smart drug delivery systems, prosthetic materials, bone reconstruction materials, diagnostic devices Quality of life: efficient lighting systems, water purifiers, sound insulation materials, smart materials for food packaging Safety: protective fabrics, super hydrophobic fibers, optical textile fibers, pressure sensitive mats Transport:driver assistance devices, recyclable and degradable materials for automotive use, traffic sensors etc. (VECIANA)

Nanotechnology is of great importance in nanotechnology because it allows the analysis of the materials through which artifacts or products will be designed and produced.

It is estimated that nanochemistry is a developing science with growth potential for the next few years, so many governments, as well as individuals, have made large investments in this area while generating employment for millions of people.


Nano electronics is the branch of electronics referring to miniaturized electronic circuits integrated in semiconductor chips, its base element being the transistor. (ECURED)

Nanoelectronics is generally considered as the study of interatomic relationships and quantum-mechanical properties, although the name is used to refer to very small transistors. One of the branches of nano electronics is advanced molecular electronics.

Nanotechnology will be used more and more in the future because there are increasing demands for integrated circuits with greater functions, but in a smaller size. The development of better technologies in computer and cell phone equipment, as well as great advances in obtaining the human genome have supported the promotion of nano-electronics.


Nanotechnology is part of human activities in many areas of human knowledge. For many, it is part of the industrial revolution of the 21st century.

Although there are many practical applications in daily life, there are still applications under development that will contribute to improving many conditions in human life.

Some of the most important areas in which the application of nanotechnology exists are:


Through nanotechnology, the development of different materials, energies and non-polluting processes can be carried out, wastewater treatment, water desalination, soil decontamination, waste treatment, recycling of substances, as well as such as the detection of substances, gases and elements that are harmful to the environment.


In the area of ​​medicine there are more and more applications of nanotechnology. The area of ​​nanotechnology in charge of the area of ​​medicine is known as nano medicine. Some of the applications of nano medicine are: nano-transporters of drugs to specific places useful in the treatment of cancer and other diseases, biosensors in charge of the detection of substances, nanobots for recognition and destruction of tumor cells, reconstruction of tissues and bone tissue in lesions, as well as some nanoparticles with antiseptic and disinfectant properties.


In the energy sector, nanotechnology has generated benefits in terms of energy production and storage, especially renewable energies or clean energies, such as solar energy, technologies that reduce energy consumption, developing new thermal insulators that involve the use of nanomaterials.

Better nanomaterials are emerging that allow energy companies to build more and better solar panels and energy management equipment.


In the food area, nanotechnology is expected to be part of the revolution in the food industries, especially in those of processing and packaging. Safe food, biosecurity, nana toxicity. It also includes nano particles that can be released into systems. Some nano sensors and nanochips are used for quality assurance, food safety, freshness analysis, detection of microorganisms, development of nano packages, as well as foods with nutritional and healthy properties.


One of the applications that the general population has had access to in recent times is textile fibers, which have nanotechnological elements to repel stains, others have nano logic technology to repel water, nanochips for change fabric color, temperature control, in short, this type of technology is known as “smart fabrics”.


Undoubtedly when you hear the word nanotechnology one of the main applications that comes to mind is its use in electronic components. Many of these applications focus on the development of better components that allow to increase the speed of computer processors, cables, etc.

Part of the advances in electronics is based on the premise that people want smaller and better devices that meet their needs.


In the field of construction, nanotechnology is involved in the development and design of increasingly lighter materials, but at the same time more resistant, for example, materials that repel dust, moisture repellants, insulating materials, paints with special properties, self-healing materials, etc.


In information technology, it is used for the storage system for data with greater capacity, but in a smaller size, as well as materials for transparency that allow the creation of flexible screens, flexible materials or resistant to different elements, as well as the development of quantum computing.


Despite the fact that it could be considered that livestock is not related to nanotechnology, various nano components have been developed for the identification of animals, nanoparticles for the administration of drugs and vaccines, sensors for the detection of microorganisms, diseases and toxic substances.


In the area of ​​agriculture, nanotechnology is used in the application of herbicides, pesticides, soil improvement, nano sensors for the detection of water levels, toxicity, nitrogen, etc.


More and more areas are using nanotechnology for their purposes. Cosmetology uses nanoparticles to create anti-wrinkle and anti-sun creams. (RODRIGUEZ, 2016)


Unfortunately nanotechnology has also involved some problems for its handling and application. The use and handling of nanoparticles has affected people in different areas of their lives.

HEALTH: Through inhalation, direct contact and ingestion of nano particles.

ENVIRONMENT: Release of nano particles into the environment, uncontrolled reproduction of living beings, uncontrolled reproduction of reproducible author nanobots.

WAR: Through the creation of self-executing weapons, genetically engineered devices.

PERSONAL FREEDOM: Complex means of access to information, control of movements

SCIENCE ORIENTATION: Allocation of resources for programs that do not have adequate public control.

COMMERCE: Sale of products with nanoparticles that do not have adequate toxicological controls.

DEPENDENCE OF MEDICAL PATIENTS: Dependence to perform activities that the human body previously carried out normally. Dependence on nano particles to fulfill functions.


We have had to live in a time of great technological development. Human beings need technology to satisfy a large number of needs in their life. The development of nanotechnology has given it even greater tools to be able to solve problems that it would never have been able to solve otherwise. With the passage of time, different areas have found in nanotechnology an area of ​​opportunity for the creation of more and better products that result in great benefits. From the best-known areas to those that seem unrelated to technology, they have all experienced great changes through the use of nanotechnology.

We could think that we are not interested in the subject of nanotechnology, as an administrator at no time did I believe I had contact with said science. But when conducting research on the subject, we can realize that we are closer to nanotechnology than we imagine. Many of the products that we use every day have applications of nanotechnology without our knowing it many times. Hence the importance of being able to know about said technology and the impact for each of us.





Amisaday Huerta Zamora. Degree in Administration from the Higher Technological Institute of Tierra Blanca.

Student of the Master in Administrative Engineering at the Technological Institute of Orizaba.

With gratitude to the National Technological Institute of Mexico for being able to belong to him and to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for the motivation for the preparation of these articles for the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering.


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Nanotechnology. its social benefits and challenges