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New realities of knowledge management


If knowledge is associated with a certain degree of power or control, it is logical the feeling that people feel to unlearn old norms, behaviors or mental processes. The feeling is linked to the insecurity of leaving the known to embark on the unknown and become vulnerable in the process of change.

WB Arthur wrote in 1997 for Harvard Business Review that,…. rethinking everything has become something necessary because the search changes continuously and the company needs to change, it needs to reinvent its objectives, its goals and its way of doing things. Ultimately, you need to adapt and adaptation never ends.

The processes of change generate an intrinsic fear of "now what." I remember a story as a boy when I stood on the tip of the diving board in a pool. Before getting on the trampoline, he looked with desire and at the same time with terror at the people who were embarking on the fall from those twenty meters high. When curiosity finally joined with desire I decided to go up and once I was standing at the top there was no going back, I jumped or jumped. That feeling of chaos and uncertainty that I lived while falling did not prevent me from doing it again and again until the jump became routine and bored me.

I have brought this personal anecdote because several concepts are extracted:

Chaos and uncertainty: We live in an era where changes are continuous and this generates a feeling of constant instability. It is for this reason that it is vital to unlearn knowledge that is useless, to learn new mental models that give us value in the market.

It is true that the adaptation to unlearn quickly to learn quickly is linked to mental, social and emotional factors. Unlearning implies leaving the comfort zone involving the three aspects mentioned above. For example, when we end a love relationship it is more linked to the emotional aspect, however we also unlearn the tacit and explicit understanding that we had with the person, in addition to the way in which we both related to other friendly couples.

In the new learning processes there is a period of instability, both in the jump of my anecdote, and in the example of the love relationship, we must go through that stage of chaos and uncertainty until we make the decision, first to unlearn and after learning.

In today's world something similar happens, we live jumping into the void, be it a new position in the company, a new client, a new studio, a new conference, a new partner, a new presentation, in short, a new day. So it is useless to stay insulting the world as a denial mechanism, but the most convenient thing is to adapt by unlearning and learning to learn new knowledge that allows us to get the best out of it at all levels, both professional and personal.

Decision: When learning processes are forced, the unlearning process can be hindered and the learning process even more difficult. The reason is that when there is no self-decision, we do not give the value that new knowledge really deserves.

On a personal level, when the decision is made to learn new knowledge, it is unconsciously accepting that the known is going to be unlearned, to take on new knowledge or to update the existing one. Note that in my personal anecdote, since it was my decision, I decided on my own to face the unknown and take the risks that it engendered.

In adults, most of the decision to take on new knowledge is their own, but note the importance of unlearning and subsequent learning in children when they start school. At school, what is known in the family and in the garden is put aside to embark on a new world, not only of intellectual knowledge, but of social, emotional, personal knowledge, etc. So, you are not a child and you have your own decision, so, if you could do it before now too !!! So take the first step, which is to make the decision, and stop making excuses (there is nothing negative when it comes to new knowledge).

At the organizational level the matter is different, the management or the direction of the company assumes the role of father and mother choosing what knowledge they provide us or not. The problem is that we are already great and we can reveal ourselves. In fact it has happened, happens and will continue to happen.

In the book «Know your value? Mick Cope's "Value What You Know" gives an example in the production of Sony's walkmans. During the 1970s, the Sony Corporation manufactured a small, portable, single-earphone recorder. It was called pressman, because Sony expected journalists to use it to record interviews. In 1978, the engineers who had developed the pressman tried to upgrade it and make it stereo. They were successful in introducing all the necessary components into the pressman's body. But there was no room for the recording components so they found a recorder that did not record. Not quite sure what to do, the engineers forgot the project and used the prototype without success to put background music in the labs.

The founder of Sony in 1946 was Masura Ibuka. Although Ibuka was already retired, he was still the honorary president of Sony and had a habit of occasionally stopping by laboratories and factories. One of these visits took them to the laboratory where they put music on their prototype "and then one day Mr. Ibuka came in, our honorary president. He entered the room, he saw us hearing this and he thought it was very interesting." Ibuka thought that the sound coming from that little box was excellent. He asked the engineers if they had considered producing a machine that did not have the recording facilities. He also suggested that if the machine didn't have microphones the batteries would last much longer.I had just visited another Sony labs where someone had developed very small headphones that could perhaps be attached to this non-recording recorder. The engineers and directors of the recorder division and the headphone division saw no merit in the Ibuka recorder. A recorder that did not have headphones or recording capacity was not a recorder so no one would buy it. The headphones were only a supplement to the columns, if an article only had headphones only one person could hear it.The headphones were only a supplement to the columns, if an article only had headphones only one person could hear it.The headphones were only a supplement to the columns, if an article only had headphones only one person could hear it.

Without telling anyone, Ibuka went to the actual chairman of Sony, Akio Morita, and said, 'Let's put these two things together and try. Let's see how it sounds. In this way they assembled a machine and they both liked how it sounded. Morita decided that Sony would manufacture the Wallkmans, this made the directors of the recorder division quite unhappy because they were ordered to produce an item that was surely going to lose money. With the lightweight headphones it would cost $ 249. Not only was it more expensive than column recorders, but 15-year-old consumers couldn't afford more than $ 170. Marketing managers blurted out, "This is a crazy idea." Morita declared that the price would be 165 dollars and ordered the recorder division to manufacture 60,000.

The directors of this division considered that it was losing $ 35 for each unit sold. There was no profit. The more we produced, the more we lost. They secretly decided to make only 30,000 units and allocated a marketing budget of just $ 100,000.

Sony sold almost no Walkmans for the first month after the product was introduced then sales started to climb and during the third month they skyrocketed… until Sony ran out of merchandise. At that time it learned that the division had ordered to manufacture 30,000 instead of 60,000, the division quickly corrected its error. Six months after the introduction of the product Sony was producing and selling 30,000 units a month.

Sometimes when management tells us that to unlearn and to learn, it is convenient to stay open, because if the Sony engineers had done it, this error would not have happened. And on the other hand, if we go back to the previous concept, here at the organizational level there is nothing wrong when it comes to knowledge.

So at the organizational level, the decision of human capital must be to remain open to new learning, perhaps in a short, medium or long term it will be useful to increase its value in the market.

© Pablo L. Belly All rights reserved. You can redistribute, forward, copy, print, or quote this article as long as you do not modify its content and do not use it for commercial purposes. You must include this note, as well as the name of the company Belly Knowledge Management International and its author: Pablo L. Belly, the email [email protected] and the address www.bellykm.com

New realities of knowledge management