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New management models in the company


Companies are incorporating new concepts in their management: Internet and New Technologies, human resource and knowledge management, globalization, greater power in the client, constant change, innovation management, etc.

These elements that are being integrated into business management, force the traditional business model to evolve towards new management models, thus improving competitiveness and business results.

And these concepts can be especially important at a time like the present in which, faced with the more than probable economic downturn, the company has to optimize the management of its resources.

These are the concepts that most affect business management:

  • The technology well managed can and should be an advantage for the company over its competitors. Emerging technologies such as the Internet, information systems, electronic commerce, mobile devices, etc., provide great opportunities for the development of the company, provided that they take into account what resources and needs of each organización.Los are human resources are the greatest asset of companies and must be managed as such. For this reason, leadership and the ability to attract and retain the best professionals are critical elements. Globalization is an element of growing importance as customers, competitors and suppliers are becoming more global.customer focus and innovation are moving from being recommended to being indispensable. These elements have to be shared by all individuals in the organization and introduced into the corporate culture.

It is now when we have to ask ourselves, is the company prepared to incorporate them into its current management model?

The answer is that companies are doing a lot, but they have much more to do. It is true that traditional models work. In fact, companies have worked with them for many years, achieving positive results year after year.

But, could business results and profitability be improved by incorporating new elements into the traditional business model? . The answer is clearly yes.

In the area of ​​technology, although it is true that the use of information systems has grown considerably in recent years and that most companies use them, the current position on the Internet, electronic commerce, mobile devices, etc. is one of expectation and a certain distrust.

These new concepts are not to be seen as technological elements, but as important opportunities to improve results. Technology must always be seen as a tool to optimize business and not as an end in itself.

For this reason, companies need "travel companions" to improve their management models, developing this transition in a non-traumatic way and managing to improve their results from the first moment. They need colleagues to help them both in the management area and in the technological area to obtain comprehensive solutions.

New management models in the company