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New business paradigms in the 21st century

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Today organizations are trying to end certain paradigms with which they have been working for a long time.

A new paradigm is the beginning of a new path, a new way of doing things.

Generally, a new paradigm will not immediately make all processes 100% more efficient, but the model it is replacing will improve.

New ways of dealing with situations are required to improve the company with new organizational structures and managerial mentalities that break with the old ways of doing things to respond to new challenges that require more creative and innovative solutions.

The transition to the new is a new way of looking at something, which is necessary due to new developments in science, technology, art and other areas of work.

The concern of entrepreneurs to be more competitive has been continuous since the dawn of the industrial revolution, but it has been changing in their strategies to the extent that the basic assumptions of good management have also changed, as a consequence of the increase in knowledge and technologies and demanding needs, stimulated by gradually increasing business competition.

On the world stage, the processes of change are more dynamic every day, where structures, forms, instruments, means and knowledge are being renewed.

We are in a new century, with different needs, demands and behaviors.

The modern economy is characterized by being globalized and interdependent in its production, commercialization, investment, financial flows and technological development processes, where companies have increasing productivity demands, where market laws force them to deepen and change strategies and policies, to plan, create and innovate, to have the capacity to adapt, speed of response and sensitivity to anticipate future needs and to be able to survive and develop in this new and increasingly complex environment.

The current situation of companies around the world demands that in order for them to survive successfully, they must conduct profitable business in the short and long terms, with a clearly defined vision, mission and objectives adopted and understood by all the personnel involved that they augur and ensure a promising future and quality of life for all participants, in accordance with all the changing and dynamic factors of the internal and external environment that influence them.

Today it is necessary to continuously redesign the organizational culture of a company, in order to generate commitments with other companies, and society, to develop new projects that seek to improve the quality of life of the community

A new way of directing and guiding companies is required, which offers a humanistic and integrative method, where administrative thinking and its ethical values ​​acquire more and more importance in all companies.

Today a company oriented to the creation of value is required for all actors: entrepreneurs, executives, collaborators, advisers, trusted and grassroots workers.

Creating value means giving a new approach to business administration that requires a great ethical, moral, social and legal sense.

Creating economic value through creating social value is one of the most innovative trends to generate economic growth.

The survival and success of companies depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of their staff, their systems and processes, on having access to cutting-edge technologies and the ability to respond quickly and with quality to satisfy their customers that every day you have more offers and they are more demanding.

Companies must continuously evolve and improve and have a good vision to adapt to the circumstances of each moment and scenarios that constantly change.

The continuous improvement processes, the instrumentation of quality models, the reengineering of processes and the comprehensive evaluation systems are not in themselves an end, but a means that will allow companies to have a more successful position every day.

These systems and techniques allow entrepreneurs to know what they want to do with their business, how they are going to do it, to be able to put it into practice with a previously defined methodology and planning and to evaluate if the proposed objectives were really achieved, in order to decide whether It is advisable to continue on the same path or if there is a need to correct the course and strategy.

This renewal effort has to be carried out at all hierarchical levels, from the owners or their holders to the last operational level of the company, thus avoiding a gap between ideas and decisions, actions and results.

It is necessary to start from the base that competitiveness cannot be imposed, but rather requires the committed participation of all, where entrepreneurs have the social responsibility of equitably organizing the factors of production, based on man; origin, reason and purpose of social processes.

Being competitive and having productivity implies the development and implementation of modern technologies, which requires the modernization of administrative systems at all levels, deepening training programs and creating new organizational models.

Changes are needed that improve the performance of organizations and at the same time make the work of the staff more interesting and satisfying, reflecting in a better quality of life for all participants.

Today, businesses are conceived in a different way in this new digital world, cutting-edge technology, economic globalization, electronic money and the impressive advance of telecommunications, among others.

The current commercial world is the one that dominates the large internet network, with millions of connected companies and millions of clients and with the possibility of sharing information without restrictions and that has changed the way of doing business and will continue to transform as social networks are growing and being used more and more.

Faced with an environment that has become widely dynamic, it is essential that companies are constantly updating the knowledge, systems and processes that allow them to be successful in an increasingly competitive job market.

In general, it can be affirmed that modern societies go through very profound economic, political and social change processes, which implies modifications in the behavior models that have traditionally been followed.

These models or paradigms, just like societies evolve, because they continually have to face changes and social crises and when these reach a critical level, the model begins to wear out and a change begins that ends up replacing the previous model, with models according to the new conditions and needs of contemporary societies.

This means change and for this you have to be willing to change.

It must be considered that while the transition from one model to another lasts, the new model is difficult to implement and therefore generates a state of uncertainty that causes confusion between the new and the innovative that puzzles on the one hand and the old known, the accustomed and sometimes idolized, on the other.

It has been proven at a national and international level that those companies or institutions that have adopted the new models are an example of how their productivity and competitiveness can be increased.

It is about a radical transformation in the way of seeing, doing and thinking about the administration and operation of a company.

The corporate culture has undergone very deep paradigmatic transformations that substantially modified the administration and operation of companies.

Fundamental changes are generated in the application of computers in business.

Information technology makes it possible for companies to have a high-performance team structure.

Software development, acquisition, creation and maintenance costs are higher than hardware

Host-type computing environments are being replaced very rapidly by networks of intelligent computing systems in all types of companies.

Companies can function as integrated businesses independently of the autonomy of each business as well as reach and develop new relationships with external organizations, with the aim of becoming a company of social responsibility and expanded where all the actors intervene in the change and in the benefits of success.

The greatest impact that companies achieve is on the environment and society as they try to ensure that the products they sell are of quality, supporting their suppliers to manufacture sustainable products, improve distribution channels and logistics to reduce the pollution caused. by the emanation of gases and carbon, the use of solar panels and renewable energy, the creation of more green areas and free wireless internet networks.

Paradigms of corporate culture

Old model New model
Personal responsibility. Collective responsibility.
  • Little Technology
  • A lot of technology
Work - obligation. Personal development work.
Short-term unstable employment. Long-term stable employment.
A director - dictator. A leader - director.
Centralized administration. Administration. decentralized.
Top-down decisions. Decisions both ways.
Quality is the responsibility of the area Quality is everyone's responsibility.
Lifetime specialty. Mastery of several areas.
Administration by independent functional areas. Interdepartmental or process administration.
Authoritarian system. Consensus system.
Rigid organization. Flexible organization.
Nationalist economies. Globalized economies.
Irrational exploitation of natural resources. Respect for the ecosystem.
Sellers market. Buyers market.
Limited competition - passive. Broad competition - aggressive.
Limited information - slow. Comprehensive information - fast.
  • The company offers
Client decides what and how he wants it
  • The customer second
  • The client is first
Moderate changes
  • Continuous improvement processes
  • Product quality
  • Comprehensive quality
  • Individualistic companies.
  • Strategic Alliances.
Ask suppliers for credit
  • Financing providers
Restricted freedom
  • Creative freedom
Low organizational culture q High organizational culture

Questions to change

How is the company today?

What will happen if it continues like this?

How should or do we want it to be?

Do we have a chance of achieving it?

What should we do and undertake?

When should we start?

What are the common reactions to face the change?

How can the group minimize its resistance to change?

How can positive reactions be affirmed in the group?

When faced with change, I generally react like this?

When these reactions are negative, how do I solve them?

To ensure a positive reaction in the future, ME?

Goals of the change

  • Better satisfy customers Be more dynamic than the competition Adapt to technological changes Increase the market, sales and yields Transform processes that have errors and bottlenecks, into processes with greater Added Value Modify the model used, for a more efficient one. To project an image of a reliable, modern, innovative company with a solid culture of quality.

Improve in staff:

  • Participation.Delivery.Values.Principles.

Improve in the company:

  • Effectiveness, Productivity, Competitiveness, Profitability.

When to make changes:

  • The company does not work as planned Important decisions are not taken at the right time Not everyone who should intervene in the decisions There are conflicts between and in the areas The structure of the company is inconsistent with its objectives The Programs are not fulfilled in a timely manner

How the change occurs

To overcome resistance to change, it is necessary to avoid negative positions of personnel such as the following:

  • It is difficult for it to work The problem is temporary This problem we have already had When the economy is fixed it will improve The problem is not within our competence The change had already been suggested It is not necessary to change It has risk, it is better not to do it There is no remuneration for change We have already tried It wasted a lot of time We are well and not there is why to change

The changes are reflected in:

  • The Structure The Systems The Processes The Procedures The People The Infrastructure In having a quality model

But the most important change should be:

"In Groups and People, in their Behaviors and Attitudes"

The success of the changes depends on the commitment of managers and staff.

Ensure that the change is understood, implemented and respected by all staff.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


New business paradigms in the 21st century