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Or conhecimento: measurement and accounting

Table of contents:


I summarize

Intangible assets, such as the qualifications of two employees, information technology and innovation incentives, for example, can play a preponderant role in creating value for the company. The traditional systems of measurement, therefore, are not conceived to deal with the complexities of disadvantages, whose value and potential, indirect and dependent on the context. Otherwise, intangible assets are truly valuable yet not convincing a large number of people, so that it is not accounted for and has no value. Based assets I do not know must be endorsed with extreme caution, because their impact on or fate of any business is tremendous. In this case, there are two major problems in Accounting: measuring this goodwill, because there is a lot of speculation regarding the overvaluation of companies.According to Edvinsson & Malone (1998), the existing gap between the information reflected in our equity balances and market perception of companies is turning into a true abyss.

1 - Introduction

As a human bem, or intellectual capital in companies, it presents us with a paradoxical, because, despite being recognized, by a large number of organizations, as one of the most important assets, it is not properly accounted for.

As globalization and technological advancement, companies are investing in human capital, as a goal of faster return. In this context, valuing human resources is essential for business competitiveness, because they are the main ones responsible for the performance of companies and constituent competitive advantages in an increasingly demanding market.

But this capital - your skills, competences and talents -, in contrast to two investments directed for your development and two social commissions for your company maintenance, do not appear in our records. To answer this question, Accounting needs adjustments, with the objective of attending to the users of the information nessa nova was that it is a conhecimento company. Therefore, to Accounting we cannot provide, to these users, information of an intellectual, ecological, social and human nature.

Intellectual capital does not fit into our traditional countable molds, by involving many variables that do not immediately affect the results of companies and, therefore, are not considered by the current Accounting.

Intellectual assets will become the most important elements in the world of two businesses. The accounting value, as an economic-financial benchmark for modern organizations, is out of date, not efficiently diagnosing or business assets, mainly of conhecimento companies, and, in this way, not reaching the highest accounting purpose: a qualitative information.

In the meantime, it is not possible to stop acknowledging the necessity of moving and some adjustments to the systems and practices you have, so that this new reality is duly acknowledged and reflected in our records.

2 - Or conhecimento as manager of wealth of organizations

O novo milênio is challenging all the organizations to show their competitions. The systems have to be increasingly open, egalitarian and honest. You have to think together to explore opportunities, perform services, and solve problems.

Second Crawford (1994), or knowledge of the ability to apply information to a work or a specific result. Here, information is on the first material of the knowledge. The author said that a society has passed through four different economic moments.

  • Or first it was a primitive society, based on a natural world view, whose main economic activities were colheita, hunting and fishing. Or second time it was an agricultural society, formed by a feudal political system, based on religious beliefs, when or conhecimento was concentrated in mathematics and astronomy. Or third moment was an industrial society, characterized by the valorization of physical capital and work-hand with specific skills. At the press and television, we were the principal means of communication. At the present time, we are represented by the conhecimento company, which shares unlimited electronic means of communication and item as its main economic activity to provide services based on non-compliance. Another characteristic of this was the valorization of the individual,capable of continuous transformation and growth. Or human capital or fundamental resource.

For Drucker (1970), a truly controlling leaf or resource, or absolutely decisive factor of production, not capital, a land or a man-of-work. É or conhecimento. In the past years of capitalism and proletariat, the classes of the post-capitalist society are the workers of the knowledge and the workers in service.

3 - Intellectual capital: main source of intangible companies and a competitive differential in relation to concordant years

Or thermo intellectual capital has its origin in intellectual property. It represents the components of knowledge of a company, gathered and legally protected. A set of intangible benefits that add value to companies.

Second Brooking apud Antunes & Martins (2002), or intellectual capital can be divided into four categories:

  • Market Assets: potential that the company has two intangibles that are related to the market, such as: brand, clients, loyalty of two clients, recurring businesses, business in progress (backlog), distribution channels and franchises. Human Assets: understanddem The benefits that the individual can provide for the organizations through their expertise, creativity, knowledge, ability to solve problems, all seen in a collective and dynamic way. Intellectual Property Assets: include assets that need legal protection to provide, as well as organizations, benefits such as know-how, industry segregation, copyright, patents and designs. Infrastructure objectives: understand technologies, methodologies and processes undertaken, such as culture, information system, management methods,aceitação de risco and customer data bank.

Or intellectual capital, second or FASB apud Wernke (2001), can be defined in two ways:

  • Combined intangible assets that allow the company to function and maintain a competitive vantage, differing between the company's real market value and the company's real market value two less passive tangible assets of the company.

Os fatores que geram or intellectual capital, according to Brooking apud Antunes & Martins (2002), são:

  • knowledge, functionary hair, of its importance for the objectives of the company; functionary treated as a rare asset; allocate a certain person to a certain function, considering their abilities; opportune or professional and personal development; identification of know-how gerado pela research and development (P & D); assess or return on or investment in P & D; define a proactive strategy to treat intellectual property; measure or value of brands; assess investment in distribution channels; assess synergy resulting from improvement and corporate objectives; Provide infra-structure and adequate work environment; enhance the opinion of two officials; facilitate the participation of two officials in defining two company objectives; stimulate officials for innovation.

It is also clear about the importance of intellectual capital for the development of companies, as well as representing competitive differential in relation to concordant years.

Lopez (2000) classifies intellectual capital in three closely interrelated components: human capital, structural capital and client capital. All of them are intangible, plus some tangible savings for executives. É o intercâmbio between those who raise or intellectual capital.

3.1 - Human capital - a mine in a company

Constituem or human capital or accumulated knowledge, to the skills and the experiences of two officials to carry out the tasks of day-to-day, values, culture, business philosophy, and various intangible assets, or others, as people who do you human assets of the company. The main strategy of the company will be to attract, return, develop and take advantage of the maximum or human talent, which will be, more and more, the main competitive advantage.

Second Duffy (2000), human capital and accumulated value of investments in treinamento, competition and future of a functionary. It can also be described as competence of functionaries, ability to relate and values.

To understand human capital, it is necessary to understand the skills that determine any task, process, or business. Silva (2002) relates as follows:

  • Ability of the commodity type: in addition to the acquired skills, customs will not be specific to a company and power or the same value for any organization. It is, for example, the ability to attend or telephone. Advanced skills: Knowledge may be more valuable for a certain company than for another. São specific to a setor and not to a company. Programmers at Andersen Consulting, for example, can advance that skill set by Bank of America by adding value to their employees. Proprietary Skills: These are company-specific talents, around two four organizations built their business. They can be coded in the form of patents, direct authors, expertise. Or Ritz-Carlton é or specialist in hotel administration.

Or the same author places in addition that Bill Gates, for example, opened the capital of his company to his employees, because these will create the main property of the companies: the software codes. In this way, the incentive for the employees does not have a financial aspect, or instead of raising them for other companies.

The management of human capital goes through the raising of human potential, identifying the strategic potentialities to develop and the necessary training.

3.2 –Structural capital

Duffy (2000) says that this capital is the value that is left to the company, when you work - human capital - go home. Examples: databases, customer lists, manuals, brand and organizational structures.

They understand the intangible assets related to the structure and the processes of internal and external functioning of the organization that support human capital, or that remains in the company when you are embarked on going home. Baum & Gonçalves (2001) say that no structural capital stands out in two aspects, or technological and infra-structure.

  • Or technological capital is formed by patents, registered trademarks, data bank, software, copyrights, franchises, process and product technologies. Or capital related to the infrastructure of the company and represented by the command structure, philosophy and culture of the organization, management processes and information systems.

Edvinsson (1997) proposed the following division for structural capital:

  • Organizational capital: open or invest the company in systems, instruments and operational philosophy that streamline the flow of knowledge for the organization, as well as in the direction of external areas, such as those aimed at the supply and distribution channels. Innovation capital: refer-se Capacity for renewal and innovative results in the form of commercial directives protected by law, intellectual property and other assets and intangible talents used to create and quickly place the market for new products and services. Process capital: it is constituted by those processes, techniques (such as ISO 9000) and programs aimed at years undertaken, which increase the efficiency of production or service provision. This is the type of practical knowledge undertaken in the continuous creation of value.

Stewart (1998) says that structural capital transforms a monge capable of creating an elegant calligraphy not surprising star of a Xerox television commercial, capable of making many copies of a document. Functioning as a kind of amplifier, the packaging or human capital and allows its repeated use for the creation of value, it gives the same form as a matrix can stamp peça após peça.

3.3 - Client capital

Or capital of the client is gerado when or intellectual capital is transformed into money. It is defined as the value of your franchise, your ongoing relationships with people and organizations for which you sell.

It is of vital importance for the companies that manage the client's capital. The investments not capital of the client must be made jointly with the clients, seeking or mutual benefit not that it says respect to the information and the established years.

Oliveira (2002) relates some ways of investing the client's capital:

  • Innovate as customers: regardless of who you are or your buyer, you want to get the maximum of your customer. Investing in research and development can be much more productive, in case you never have a client capable of benefiting from being or first to experience innovation. Invest in your clients for empowerment: offer clients the opportunity to support them electronically, then a step, to manufacture of a product, can be advantageous with relation to the power of barganha. In the meantime, it presents an infinite number of advantages, highlighting the possibility of obtaining feedback from the client, before even committing mistakes. Concentrate clients as individuals: or empowerment, as a benefit, increases the capacity of the company in acquiring information about your clients. Meanwhile,transform this information into client capital, a durable asset, requiring the ability to flexibly meet the needs of two individual clients. It is therefore necessary that the information to be used can be extracted from databases organized by clients, where they consist of individualized records. Divide your earnings with your clients: the client's capital agreement is only felt when the client or producer does not have excess hair that they will breed together, but openly agree with them together. The greater the ties between the producer and the consumer, the greater the ability to generate surplus in the form of client capital. Learn about the business of your client and the ensine or seu: at the end, how much informed I am about or business of a client, melhor will be able to serve him.This will be given through the identification of non-express needs of the client, or that will allow or development of products that serve you. Turn-it-essential: the information about the client can be used to seek to offer a vital service for or customer, difficult to replace by another supplier. By means of information, it is possible to know the characteristics and specificities of a certain product that makes it especially attractive to the buyer.It is possible to know the characteristics and specificities of a certain product that makes it especially attractive to the buyer.It is possible to know the characteristics and specificities of a certain product that makes it especially attractive to the buyer.

4 - Management of intellectual capital

Second study of the Financial and Management Acconting Committee (Accounting Technique) apud Baum & Gonçalves (2001), the basic concepts related to measurement and management of intellectual capital are related to three aspects:

  • Economic context - or growth of major industries and nations focused on the creation, transformation and capitalization of two knowledge that is linked to the exploration and use of two natural resources in their processes. O knowledge of a differential competitiveness. Accounting Context - Traditional Accounting is not enabled to measure aspects of the company in terms of managerial and personal capacity, or information value, technological capacity, market potential and research and development investments. Context Entrepreneurial to vision in the management of the company, starting from the current era of knowledge in relation to the industrial era, it moves on to the following approach, according to or chart 1.



Total asset / borrowed ($)

Market share (%)

Profit / Employed ($)

Number of clients

Recipes from new

customers / Recipes total (%)

Annual sales / customer ($)

Value added / undertaken ($)

Number of lost customers

Investimento em Tecnologia da

Informação (IT) ($)

Customer satisfaction rates (%)

Receitas resulting from new

businesses ($)

Support / customer expenses


Profits resulting from new

businesses ($)

Sales / sales contacts

dated (%)

Market value ($)

Number of visits two

clients to company

Baum & Gonçalves (2001)

Quadro 1 vision in the management of the company from the current era of knowledge in relation to the industrial era

For Stewart (1998), the intellectual assets of a corporação are generally three or four times more valuable than you tangible that we are free. I say that you pass to administer it:

  • define the importance of intellectual investment for the development of new products; assess two strategic components of the asset of knowledge; classify or your portfolio: what you use, or what you use, where they are allocated; analyze and assess or value the portfolio: how much they cost, or that can be used to maximize or value them, must be kept, sold, or abandoned; invest, based not on learning about previous steps, identify spaces that must be pre-built to explore with success, defend-concorrência is given, direct the action of the company or the advancement of technology; Assemble or new portfolio of knowledge and repeat the operation ad infinitum.

O intellectual capital assumes various forms and for this reason it is difficult to manage.

A growing computerization of companies, a use of the information system in networks, a flexibility of two hours (work at home), a third-party service with a tangible asset representing a decreasing parcel in relation to the total value of heritage, carrying a diminuição of traditional physical heritage.

We will find disadvantage, in relation to others, as companies that have not yet been counted on their intellectual capital, will not find the importance of intellectual capital within their heritage. Or first step for the management of this capital and identify it, to depois measure it.

5 - Mensuração do intellectual capital

Or greater challenge of the Accounting Science and to know how to assess and measure the intellectual capital of an entity, pois, in accordance with Paulo (2000), or an intangible asset that is relevant to the value of the company and influence or power to generate future benefits tangible.

Among the various instruments that seek to measure the intellectual capital of the company, the following stand out:

  • difference between the market value and the book value; the ratio between the market value and the book value; Tobim's “Q”; Stewart's model; calculated intangible value; Edvinsson & Malone's model; Sveiby's model; Heuristic model

5.1 - Difference between the market value and the book value - (CI = VM-VC)

It is determined by the difference between the book value and the market value of a company. Assim tem-se:

The market value of a company is higher than its book value, which makes sense to attribute a difference to intellectual capital. Paiva (1999) says that this equação presents some problems, due to several exogenous that interfere with the market, as for example: the taxa of juros and as ações da Microsolf falls x%, isso means that the value of your intellectual capital also falls ? Is a company traded below its book value, does that mean that it is not more intellectual?

Another unfavorable point is that both the accounting and the market value may be underestimated, or that, in both cases, interference does not result.

5.2 - Ratio between the market value and the book value (CI = VM / VC)

This indicator partly eliminates exogenous factors that affect all companies of a greater or lesser degree. Segundo Paiva (1999), the pageancies - which influence the market value - are filtered by the market itself and therefore this indicator is suitable as a basis for comparison and evolution over a certain period or the same as a comparative basis as concordant ones.

In both models (CI = VM-VC and CI = VM / VC), there is a simplification, by virtue of the fact that a majority of two physical or financial assets is represented, no Equity Balance with historical costs and no reposi- tion costs.

5.3 - Tobim's “Q” - (Q = VM / CR)

Developed by economist James Tobim, this method is a comparison between the market value of two assets. This method foresees investment decisions regardless of macroeconomic influences. The same is not a measure developed to specifically measure intellectual capital, a benchmark, or compare or market value of the company as custodian of reposição de seus ativos.

Stewart (1998) says that: if or “Q” for less than 1 - ou seja, if um ative is worth less than its custody of reposição -, and improvavel that a company buys new assets of the same type; On the other hand, it is or “Q” for greater than 1 - you choose, an asset is worth more than its custody of reposição -, as companies tend to invest more than the type of asset.

It is possible to calculate or “Q” for Tobim for specific assets, such as vehicles, machines, buildings, or for companies like um everything. For software industries, abundant intellectual capital, or Tobim's “Q” tends for a number equal to or greater than 7 (seven) or more than physical capital companies, this indicator tends for values ​​approximately 1 (um).

5.4 - Stewart's Model Intellectual Capital Navigator

Stewart (1998) understands that either intellectual capital must be analyzed or the company performs from various perspectives. To do this, suggest a circular graph, cut by several lines, in the shape of a radar cloth. This graph has the vantage of being able to group several different measures (for example: ratio,%, absolute values, etc.) num same quadro. The author uses a general measure (market value / accounting value ratio) and indicators for each two elements that compose the intellectual capital: human, structural and client.

Exemplifying the Intellectual Capital Navigator, item in figure 1, where the interior area of ​​the polygon represents the current situation, while the external area indicates the desired situation. In other words, reach the extreme of the serious or ideal circle.

Fonte: Stewart (1998)

Figure 1 - Intellectual Capital Navigator

Based on the above figure, it can be concluded that the company, in terms of «customer satisfaction», is meeting the intended goals. Meanwhile, the index of «participation of new products in total receipts» is long overdue by the company. It can be concluded, in this example, that the company had satisfactory performance in customer capital measures, meanwhile a very poor performance in structural capital measures indices.

O Navigator of intellectual capital item to vantagem gives easy visualization and the accompaniment of the evolution of the performance of the company. Special care must be taken to escort two performance indices so that they are adapted to the company's strategy.

5.5. - Calculated Intangible Value (VIC)

Stewart (1998) reports that NCI Research in Evanston, USA, affiliated with Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University, set up a project group to find a way to measure intangibles. The value of two intangible assets was defined as the company's ability to outperform or perform as a similar competitor. Therefore, calculate the first or return on assets for a company, not within three years, and hurry up to the middle for the company. Based on us atives of the company, or excess (deficit) of ganhos is calculated and compared as it would be produced by a medium company. Either tax is deducted from the result or the prize of money attributed to active years intangible to the company. Such premium is converted into its liquid present value to pay at a capital value.

5.6 - Skandia Group - Edvinsson & Malone Model

The Skandia group identified certain successor values ​​that should be maximized and incorporated into organizational strategy. These factors are grouped in five different areas that, according to Edvinson & Malone (1998), are: finance, client, process, human, renovation and development, to assess the intellectual capital of the insurance company and issue a report. No table 2 has been transcribed these indicators.



Total asset / borrowed ($)

Market share (%)

Profit / Employed ($)

Number of clients

Recipes from new

customers / Recipes total (%)

Annual sales / customer ($)

Value added / undertaken ($)

Number of lost customers

Investimento em Tecnologia da

Informação (IT) ($)

Customer satisfaction rates (%)

Receitas resulting from new

businesses ($)

Support / customer expenses


Profits resulting from new

businesses ($)

Sales / sales contacts

dated (%)

Market value ($)

Number of visits two

clients to company





Custo two

administrative errors / receitas gestiónis (%)

Index satisfação two


Leadership index (%)

Capacidade da rede / empregado

Hours of training (%)

Motivation index (%)

PCs and laptops / embedded

Investments in

relationship / client ($)

Number of employees

Administrative expenses / employer ($)


/ contracted expenses ($)

Turnover of two employees


IT expenses /

administrative expenses (%)

Investments not

developing new markets ($)

Average house time

Computer equipment

purchased ($)


investment in basic research (%)

Idade averages two empregados

Corporate performance /

quality goal (%)

Patents in the registration phase


knowledge two empregados

Processing time two

payments to third parties

Business opportunity (%)

Treinamento time

(days / year)

Fonte: Edvinson & Malone (1998)

Quadro 2 - Indicators to assess or intellectual capital

The same authors establish steps, in order to create an equation that translates into a number or value of Skandia's intellectual capital:

  • Identify a basic set of indices that can be applied to all societies with minimum adaptations. Recognize that each organization possesses additional intellectual capital that needs to be valued by other indices. Establish a variable that captures no-perfect predictability of the future, bem like two teams, you give organizations and people that nela trabalham.

In this sense, chegou-se à following formula:

Organizational Intellectual Capital = iC,

Where: C = Monetary Value of Intellectual Capital

i = Coefficient of Efficiency

According to Antunes & Martins (2002), or monetary value of “C” is obtained based on a relationship that has the most representative indicators of each focus area, monetarily valued, excluding those that belong more properly to the Social Balance. These indicators refer to or social exercise:

  • Revenues resulting from the development of new businesses.Investment not development of new markets.Investment not development of the industrial sector.Investment not development of novos canais.Investimento em Tecnologia da Informação (IT) applied to sales, service and support.Investment in IT applied to administração.Novos equipments de TI.Investment does not support clients.Investment does not serve clients.Investment does not train clients.Despesas with clients not related to or product.Investment not developed by competition of two entrepreneurs.Investment in support and training related to new products for the entrepreneurs.Treinamento specially directed to the empregados years that do not work with the installations of the company.Investimento em treinamento,Communication and support aimed at permanent year-long full-term employees. Specially targeted training and support programs for temporary full-term partnerships. Treinamento and support programs especially aimed at temporary, partial-time partnerships. Investment not developing partnerships / joint-venture. Upgrades no system.Investment in brand identification (logo / name).Investment in new patents and direct authors.Investment in new patents and direct authors.Invest in new patents and direct authors.

Quanto year coefficiency index "i" of intellectual capital, this is obtained, according to Antunes & Martins (2002), by means of the most representative indicators of each focus area expressed in percentages, numbers and indices, whose arithmetic mean two indices Allows you to place them in a single percentage. These parameters, according to the authors, refer to:

  • Market share (%). Two clients satisfaction index (%). Leadership index (%). Motivation index (%). Research & Development investment index / total investment (%). Treinamento hours index (%) Performance / quality goal (%) Retention of two employees (%) Administrative efficiency / receipts (%).

Therefore, according to the formula presented by Edvinson & Malone (1998) - Skandia means or intellectual capital in function of the quantity of investments, measured in monetary terms, carried out in elements that can be objectively measured.

According to Antunes & Martins (2002), this method does not consider as intellectual capital or total investment value (value of custody) made, but only the proportion that will revert to the company, in medium or long periods, measured according to the index. percentual gives satisfaction to two clients (não-financial indicator).

5.7 - Sveiby model

This model was developed by Sveiby, in the Swedish Community of Practice, which through an annual report appears to evolve two items of intellectual capital.

Sveiby (1998) divided into tangible and intangible assets, classifying them into three groups: competencies of people; internal structure and external structure. For evaluation, the Intangible Assets Monitor is used, which is a presentation format that simply displays a series of relevant indicators and, depending on the company's strategy, these are chosen. This monitor (chart 3) can be integrated into the information management system, it must not go beyond a page, but be accompanied by various comments.

External structure

Internal structure

People Competition

Crescimento / Renovação

Crescimento / Renovação

Crescimento / Renovação

Organic growth

of bandages volume.

Increase in

market share.

Satisfied customer index or quality index

Investimentos em Tecnologia

da Informação. Tempo plot dedicated to internal

P&D activities. Index of personal attitude in relation to managers,

culture and clients.

Plot of sales generated by

clients that increase competition.

Increase in

professional median experience (number of years).

Rotation of competition.




Profit per customer. Bandages by


Proportion of

support people. Sales by support officials.

Removal not added value by

profissional. Moving in proportion of professionals




Frequency of repetition for

orders. Age structure.

Idade da organization.

Rookie tax.

Rotation rate for two


This monitor was developed based on the analysis of Sveiby's intellectual capital and this form of measurement aims to assess or increase intellectual capital by performing an assessment of each financed completion.

5.8 - Heuristic Model

This model was developed by Jóia (2001) and considers the link between the intellectual capital and the business strategy, so that intangible assets are endorsed by the company over the long term, second to the business strategy implemented.

Jóia (2001) centers or model in two main points:

It considers it possible to infer that the attribution of values ​​to the corporate intellectual capital and its components is only worth seeing a link with the company's business strategy. To calculate intangibility, it is necessary to define and classify some indicators according to the components of intellectual capital (human capital and structural capital) and also to monitor the weights associated with each of these indicators. Therefore, all intangible capital can be calculated by combining two data available for the indicators and their weights.

Some weight derived from the business strategy must be applied to define the intellectual capital in its entirety, hoping to find a large statistical correlation between the intellectual and market capital values, as time progresses.

6 - Intellectual capital: or challenge for a Contabilidade

Donkin apud Antunes & Martins (2002) affirms that companies see that the accounting value of certain fixed assets is, in many cases, decreasing in relation to their market value, since this value is being measured in terms of capacity that they have. of exploration of seu conhecimento.

Sendo to Accounting a social science teria, necessarily, according to Sá (2002), that will accompany the environmental transformations not that are characterized as causes agents not cellular patrimony. He also says that the study of "material" added to wealth was only true about a secular, with great seriousness, Italian doutrinárias and Fábio Besta, in his work, at the beginning of secular XX, he defined as sendo: "o value that the prosperous company has by itself independently two bens, ou seja, a greater value that it acquires "

Sá (2002) continues, saying that a new matter, but a serious economic and social transformation for the last two twenty years, requires a demanding position on the observation of two intangibles added as capital, even suggesting a special accounting for the study of the question.

As Accounting transforms the information given in order to make a decision, it is necessary to provide accurate information in a timely manner.

The traditional accounting, or intellectual capital, does not fit, due to several that does not impact on the immediate result of the company, as, for example, cited by Paiva (1999), customer loyalty, development of competition two entrepreneurs and satisfaction two entrepreneurs. They correspond to assets of an intangible nature, which belong to the category of assets with the most difficult valuation, because they do not have physical existence, despite representing a patrimonial value for the company.

Or the study of intellectual capital is a way to try to clarify, as stated by Edvinsson & Malone (1998), the subjective, semi-hidden information about a company, which was found hidden in the explanatory notes of the Balance Sheet.

The financial reports do not indicate the value of quaisquer assets of an organization. As Flamholtz said Pacheco (1996) said, they report depreciated two assets as a substitute for value. Additionally, financial reports do not inform investigators or investments of human em atives by an organization. Conventional Accounting treats human resource investments as assets instead of treating them as assets.

Therefore, this means a distortion, because the company does not invest in human capital, an asset with expected future benefits, which adds value to its product and / or service, manager of Intellectual Capital. Added value is or value, for example, that a carpenter adds to the wood that he buys, since it is transformed into a table. This is the difference between the custody of wood for the carpenter and the value of the table when it is sold. The author agrees that, in the case of products based on knowledge, for example, or custody of the silicon of the substances used in the manufacture of two microprocessors in relation to the value that they have, as well as or custody of two floppy disks with which a software is taxed in relation to ao price and ao value of software.

In this context, it is verified that added value provides vital information on the remuneration of employees, which can be used by the same and by other users interested in the relationship between human resources activities versus performance and value of the company.

Therefore, Accounting has not been raised in consideration, despite the great patrimonial repercussions, these assets, as or face as the other assets, the patrimonial valuation and disclosure of its information. Therefore, several studies are being carried out, in search of an adequate methodology to measure this type of capital.

A new reality shows that these elements add value to companies, Antunes & Martins (2002) say that Accounting should consider these intangible assets and develop a form of evidence, be it for this or case, but it is not possible to establish that evidence or value of the company with no objective of the Equity Balance, hair less até or moment. Therefore, it is clear that the measurement of the transactions involving the assets of an entity, whose function belongs to Accounting, is too complex and that it is not critical to the Equity Balance.

But this is a great challenge for Accounting today: to demonstrate the dynamic and intangible nature of the creation of value in a modern company. You are professionals of the accounting area, aware of these limitations, you have received influences from new concepts, methodologies and models that aim to add to the accounting information paper, adapting to the information needs of increasingly demanding users.

7 –Conclusion

As economic, technological, political and social changes, there is a profound alteration of the structure and two values ​​of the society. Nessa nova was, or conhecimento passed on, a fundamental importance in all economic activities, as its main ingredient.

In view of this, it is essential that the administration has some care so that employees are considered as intellectual capital of the department not mudem for other areas (or companies) and also that they remain, not because of motivation for or constant improvement.

The problem is all about measuring this intellectual capital. A big question is to know how to identify and disseminate or knowledge generated within the company, promoting the transformation of raw intellectual material gerado hair ingredients of organization in intellectual capital, and that guarantees a costume of growth and development.

I know that there is an awareness of the need to continue with studies and definitions, in order to make the intellectual capital an increasingly efficient managerial ferramenta, or the same demonstration as an integral part of the Demonstrations Contábeis, pois or traditional accounting model, which descreveu with so much brilliance to the operations of companies during half a millennium, I have not managed to accompany the revolution that is happening in the world of two businesses.

Despite the difficulties encountered in the search for a measurement of the great asset that this or intellectual capital, the accounting science is trying to give its contribution in more a hard task of valuation of all the elements that interact on or patrimony.

Still, it is not possible to stop recognizing the necessity of moving and some adjustments to our systems and practices that you have so that this new reality is properly reconsidered and reflected in our records. Na verdade, as informações sobre o intellectual capital vêm to complement and expand as informações contabeis atuais.


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Or conhecimento: measurement and accounting