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Or ecological tourism and sustainability

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No current world, it is visible to ever greater concern with discarded waste and effluents, with pollution, with loss of biodiversity, with phenomena such as global damage caused, especially, burning of fossil fuels and other aggressions caused by domestic hair. à natureza, as a result of your activities. Due to these concerns, foram obtained, in recent years, important environmental achievements, with the participation of ecological movements and others interested in the preservation of our natural heritage.

Entrepreneurs of various sectors, including tourism, begin to adopt correct environmental positions. In this sense, or ecotourism begins to shoot, it uses in a sustainable way or natural and cultural heritage, encourages its conservation and seeks to train an environmental awareness through the interpretation of the environment, promoting or be-living of involved populations.


The tourism sector is two that have grown the most in recent years. It is directly linked to the environment, being capable of exporting our natural and cultural heritage, nature, and product to be sold. It was not planned correctly, it ends up transforming the number of pollution and destruction.

Ecotourism is the segment of tourism that makes it possible to value and preserve the heritage, making economic returns viable, providing an environmental education, through awareness of the importance of preservation of the environment, generating benefits for the community. It enables the efficiency and efficiency of the economic activity, maintaining the diversity and stability of the environment, acting as an instrument of orientation, awareness and balance between the wear and tear caused by economic development and the need to preserve the environment.

The sustainable development concept has been signed or enough to incorporate, clearly and in an indissolúvel way, the economic dimensions, the environment and the social dimensions of human actions and their consequences on the planet and the beings that inhabit.

Nesse context, or ecotourism uses in a sustainable way, or natural and cultural heritage, encourages its conservation and seeks to train an environmental awareness, through the interpretation of the environment, promoting or improving the involvement of the population.


A perception that environmental degradation was beginning to cause serious health problems evidenced in England, London region, due to an event that occurred between 4 and 13 December 1952. Moura (2002) said that, at that time, a large part The industries, especially the generation of electrical energy and residues, used carva for the production of energy that, in its burning, after the treatment of two gases, emitted a large quantity of enxofre and particulate material into the atmosphere, causing a phenomenon called “smog” - Contração das words "smoke" and "fog".

More for the 60s than a situation of disuse, poluent broadcasts began to move. Nesta decade, the Clube de Roma published a narrative called "Limits for or Growth", which by means of mathematical simulations foram feitas projeções de growth populacional, poluição e esgotamento two natural resources of Terra.

Another important event for the environmental question was held at the Conference on the Human Environment, in 1972, in Stockholm, remaining in opposition between the environment and the economic growth mentioned in the non-related "Limits for the Growth". Nesta Conferência, or Meio Ambiente was defined as being or global physical and biological system in which other organisms live or home, an all complex with many components integrated with its interior.

Foi, also, in the 70s, which arose or concept of "Sustainable Development", which admits the use of two natural resources that we need to browse, to allow a better quality of life, therefore we commit to using the same resources for the gerações future.

Na Alemanha, in 1978, arises or "ecological seal", destined to label the products "environmentally correct", or seja, those that do not involve or unduly discard the nature of waste generated in its production process, or in its use.

It will be required in the United States, also this decade, to carry out Environmental Impact Studies (EIA), as a prerequisite for approval of potentially polluting enterprises.

In the 1980s, many countries will emerge, laws regulating industrial activities not concerning pollution. It was also formalized to carry out Environmental Impact Studies and Reports of Impacts on the Environment (EIA-RIMA), with public hearings and approval of two environmental licenses in different levels of government organizations.

Over two decades (70 and 80), the environmental disasters occurred in Seveso, Bhopal, Chernobyil and Basel, causing a dramatic growth in environmental awareness throughout Europe, followed by an equally dramatic growth in the United States, where or as a Valdez oil provoked intense popular irritation.

According to Callenbach (1993), environmental damage is caused by catastrophes that will occupy recently only small areas, when compared to cumulative damage, at most times it is lost, caused by an enormous number of minor pollutants, more so than according to legal regulations of seus countries.

In the early 70's, it was placed in an evidence or problem of progressive destruction of the Ozone layer by gases. Studies carried out will alert humanity to this global problem that motivated the Treaty of Montreal, aiming at eliminating the use of CFC and replacing it with other products.

In 1987, the Relatório da Comissão Mundial sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento was issued, published under the title of Relatório de Brundtland. This story contributed to disseminate the concept of Sustainable Development.

In the 1980s, it spread rapidly in many European countries, knowing that daily damage to the environment could be substantially reduced by means of ecologically sound business practices. To Alemanha Ocidental, second Callenbach (1993), testemunhou an explosion of products and services “eco-friendly”.

Environmental protection expenditures in the 1980s began to be seen by leading companies not primarily as costs, but rather as non-future investments and, paradoxically, as competitive vantage.

In the 90's, there has been a great evolution in relation to ecological conscience. Or “environmental quality” thermo passed you to part of the daily life of people.

This decade, there has been an important event in Rio de Janeiro, which was at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, also known as Cúpula da Terra, Rio 92, or Eco 92. The main documents produced for Agenda 21, at Declaração do Rio on the Environment and

Development and Conventions on the Climate and Biodiversity.

From August 26 to September 4, 2002, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, or Cúpula da Terra 2 (Rio + 10), met in Johannesburg - South Africa, where two documents resulted: a Political Declaration and Plan of Implementation.

A Political Declaration was titled “O Commitment of Johannesburg for a Sustainable Development”. It is structured in six main themes: From our origins to the future - From the Principles of Rio to the Commitment of Johannesburg for a Sustainable Development - The great problems that we must solve - The commitment of Johannesburg for a Sustainable Development - Multilateralism and the future - How did he do it.

O Plan of Implementation of Agenda 21 item as supreme objectives to be achieved: eradication of poverty, change of two unsustainable patrons of production and consumption, production of natural resources.

Therefore, it is clear about the importance of the environmental question in any discussion and also within two debates of the society, emphasizing the awareness of the preservation of the environment and evolution for the management of sustainability.

Sustainable development

No actual world, Almeida (2002) says that the perception that everything affects everyone, each time with greater intensity and less time for absorption, gerou or redefinition process, conceitual and pragmatic - because there is no more time to lose -, or classical development consumer of natural resources, not qual or homeme and included as a mere production animal, levou à formulação do concept of sustainable development.

A sustainability involves the idea of ​​maintenance of two stocks of nature, or a guarantee of their replacement by natural or artificial processes, or it is necessary to take care of the regenerative capacity of nature. For Moura (2000), the concept of sustainability will be linked, first of all, to the rational use of the resource, avoiding-waste and adating-recovery and recycling processes. Secondly, sustainability can be sought through the development of new technologies, seeking more efficient substitutes for the Spanish materials.

There are several sources of this concept, which, according to Moura (2000), são: social, economic, environmental, political and technological development.

To place these concepts in practice, Coelho (2002) says that he has essential prerequisites such as:

  • Democracy and political stability; Peace; Respect for law and property; Respect for market instruments; Absence of corruption; Transparency and predictability of governments; Reversing the current chart of income concentration in local and global spheres.

Second or United Nations Program for the Environment, CMMAD (1991), or Sustainable Development can improve the quality of life of people.

It must be approached as a goal to be achieved by everyone or world, emphasizing the importance of overcoming disparities between rich and poor countries as a means of achieving success. In search of Sustainable Development requires changes in internal and international policies of all nations, being fundamental to the union of all to achieve this development.

The objectives of Sustainable Development, second CMMAD (1991), are or return to growth, combat poverty, which makes it impossible for people to satisfy their basic needs, as well as using natural resources in an unsustainable way. As well as growth, it is necessary that the development is equitable, meets the essential needs of entrepreneurship, food, or seja, human needs, or control of the population level, to conservation and melhoria based on two resources, since it is more expensive to clean or That it was polluted to preserve. It is necessary to change the lifestyle of two countries so that you can share the resources you have available, a political commitment that makes possible or development, including the environment and the participation of two citizens without a decision-making process.

Based on sustainable development and a system of open and competitive markets that, according to Almeida (2002), reflect prices with transparency, including the environment.


It is an economic activity represented by a set of transactions - purchase and sale of tourist services - carried out between the economic agents of tourism.

According to EMBRATUR (2002), it has been carried out voluntary and temporary relocation of people for two limits of the area or region in which they have fixed residence, for whatever reason, exceeding or exercising some non-local paid activity that they visit.

Or current tourism arises after an industrial revolution through technological advancement that provided Melhoria with two transports and development of the economy. Após a revolução Industrial arises a major concern as a human being, eo tourism becomes a complement for or learned.

It is an economic activity, generating wealth, being or its performance related to the performance of its income and its distribution and available free time. Or tourism is the fruit of industrial society and social conquests. You can be considered a redistributor of income, isto é, movimenta dinheiro in various directions, throughout the tourist state. In this way, it is a multiplier effect that is characterized by the entry of capital (money) national or foreign from a country or region, producing wealth, increasing consumption and production due to new needs for products and services raised for tourism.

Ruschmann & Rodrigues (1994) stated that during or its development or tourism, there were phases of relationship as the environment, the first phase was the uncovery of the environment, not the second moment to protection was somewhat unnecessary, followed by a modification and rapid degradation the environment through mass tourism, where it occurs a brutal domain of tourism over nature, in the fourth phase of the repair and renewal of tourism through the revaluation of the environment tending as north or concept of Sustainable Development and later or ecotourism.

Or tourism can be considered a redistributor of income, isto é, movimenta dinheiro in various directions, throughout the tourist state. In this way, it is a multiplier effect that is characterized by the entry of national capital or foreign to a country or region, producing wealth, increasing consumption and production due to new needs for products and services raised for tourism.

Tourism or tourism sees an extremely fast growing trend in the world, being a promising setor that enables the expansion of the labor market, the generation of entrepreneurship and the most fair distribution of income.

Tourism must respect the compatibility of use with the protection of the environment. Queiroz (2002) says that several measures can be adopted to reduce the environmental impacts of tourism, such as or control, reduce or eliminate two harmful products to the natural environment, or respect the interests of the local population, such as their traditions and culture, or zelo pela preservation of protected or protected areas.

Second or the same author, currently or plan of the evolution of tourism through the Sustainable Development approach appears as an ideal preventive way to protect two visits, preserving nature, offering comfort and satisfaction to tourists who attack the originality of the respective communities.


The sustainability of a tourism environment necessarily depends on the type of tourism that occurs in the area and that this can be an instrument of sustainability of the model of ecological development, required by great transformations or way of life in the entire globe.

In this sense, Ruschmann (2000) says that, looking for a form of tourism in which nature preservation is combined as a tourist flow in such a situation, it finds its ideal expression, not ecotourism.

For Beni (1999) or ecotourism is a denomination given to the relocation of people to natural spaces delimited and protected by the State, private initiative or controlled in partnership with local associations and NGOs. Always pressup a controlled use of the area with sustainable use planning of its natural and cultural resources, by means of environmental impact studies, estimates of loading capacity and local support, monitoring and constant assessment, with a management plan and management system responsible. It is clear that all the planned activities that are not ecotourism can, generally, be carried out, provided that the restrictions on the use of these spaces are strictly observed. For an activity to be classified as ecotourism, four basic conditions are necessary: ​​I respect local communities;effective economic involvement of local communities; I respect the natural conditions and conservation of the environment and educational interaction - guarantee that the tourist incorporates to his life or that he learns during his visit, generating awareness for the preservation of nature and two historical, cultural and ethnic heritages.

Or ecotourism for the succession if some stages are necessary, such as: research of supply and demand; tourist-ecological zone; selection of priority areas; elaboration of infra-structure projects and execution and control of the project.

Or ideal path for or ecotourism, according to EMBRATUR (2002), or that is chama sustentável development. This concept aims to integrate the local community with activities that can promote the conservation of the sustainable use of two natural and cultural resources.

In recent years, or Ecotourism has grown rapidly, increasing the demand for this type of tourism, or the number of publications, TV programs, bodies linked to or subject, etc.

For EMBRATUR (2002), there are various hypotheses to try to explain why people are looking for this type of activity. As more common there are concerns about the environment, greater ecological awareness and a way to escape from rotation and stress in two large urban centers.

Therefore, in accordance with Ruschmann (2000), it is about a “new tourist” that has become a market niche for environmentally conscious people who, seeking contact with preserved natural environments, do not make sense of the conservation of the visited ecosystem. and contributing to its sustainability.

Ecotourism as an instrument of conservation of nature and biodiversity

In view of the growing and serious growth that will affect natural resources all over the world, a great concern of each preservationist has arisen in recent decades, or that culminates in large planet meetings such as the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, to Rio-92.

Foi assinada nessa conferência, to the Convention on Biological Diversity; Very important document on a preservationist theme, onde em seu art. 2nd, it defines biodiversity or biological diversity as the variability of living organisms of all origins, comprising, among others, the terrestrial ecosystems, marine ecosystems and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes from which they are part; including diversity within species, between species and ecosystems.

Seu studied, according to Santos (2002) is of direct importance for the preservation or conservation of species, you can understand life as all we will have more conditions of preservation, bem as it is of utmost importance for our development, resulting in or use of two resources biological so that they are explored in a less damaging way to nature, preserving or more possible, allowing harmony between the development of human activities and preservation, shaping it is modernly sustainable development.

Biodiversity is of a vital importance to us, insofar as our lives and our lives are dependent on it. It is an extraordinary source of food and energy resources that can be fully used by homem, or that practically does not happen, like Brazil is or a country with the greatest diversity of life, having between 10 and 15% of all biodiversity on the planet.

The conservation of biological diversity is also addressed only on its aspect of the protection of species and two ecosystems that are protected. It is now being considered as a fundamental element of progress in the way of sustainable development.

In this sense, we are or ecological tourism that is aimed at native environments, where activity is characterized, mainly, by the interaction between or homeme and nature. This type of tourism uses, in a sustainable way, natural and cultural heritage, encourages its conservation and It seeks the formation of an environmental conscience, through the interpretation of the environment, promoting or improving the involvement of the populace.

It is an activity that, in the first place, promotes or found home with nature in order to understand the ecosystems that keep life, as activities are developed through observation of the natural environment, through the transmission of information and concepts or through simple contemplação da paisagem.

No tourism in the community that hosts you second Tavares (2002), this process helps the development of awareness of one's own existence in balance in nature, aiming, furthermore, to maintain the quality of life of future generations. This learned ensemble allows all the involved ensembles to transform their daily behavior. For tourists, who generally see large cities, urban reality with which they coexist on a regular basis, is being questioned by generating reflections on the pollution of two urban centers, maintenance of green areas, destination and recycling of lix and quality of life. It is also objective to incorporate and translate these reflections in the form of behavior and postures, not the original environment.More or great legacy left to tourism and to conscience it is important to preserve the natural environment, to history and culture, two places of visitation.

Or ecotourism and low impact tourism, devendo gerar or less possible wear to the environment of the communities, respecting their laws, culture and mainly their balance and tranquility.

At present, the planning of the evolution of tourism through the Sustainable Development approach appears as an ideal preventive way to protect two visits, conserving nature, offering comfort and satisfaction to tourists who attack the originality of receptive communities.

A tourist activity occupies an important role in the modern world, because it moves a large amount of money and contributes to the growth of the economy. Two segments of tourism, or Ecotourism, which is growing. It is a characteristic phenomenon of the end of the sec. XX, in consequence of growing concern as the environment. The segment that is closest to the Sustainable Development proposal.

Sustainable development and ecotourism

Ecological sustainability is an essential element of two basic values ​​that underpin the move to globalization. By isso, various NGOs, research institutes and ensino centers belonging to the nova sociedade civil global, second Capra (2002) escolheram a sustainability as a specific issue of their efforts. As a matter of fact, the creation of sustainable communities challenged two times.

In accordance with the code of ethics disseminated by the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), the entrepreneurs of the tourism sector, as well as the functionaries of the tourists' activities, must observe the natural conditions of the environment, as well as the cultural and social traditions and the practices of all native populations, including minorities and indigenous groups, as well as recognition of the value of these years. In this context, the tourist activity must be conducted in harmony with nature and with the attributes and traditions of two receiving tourist centers and respecting their laws, practices and costumes.

Teixeira (2002), says that it is necessary or development of tourism on eco-sustainable bases, so that this makes it possible to reconcile or interest tourism activities with an urgent need to protect and preserve natural resources, so that you can also enjoy and enjoy, do not have your quality of life negatively affected.

To Agenda 21 outlines chapter 9, section II, two considerations that are directly related to tourism activities. At first I respect energy, factor for the development of any setor. Second to the agenda, the atuais forms of production, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy cannot meet growing needs in a sustainable way, since the use of the same must respect the atmosphere, human health and the environment as well as everything. In this context, a higher phase must be given to the use of new sources and renewed energy.

The hospitality industry, according to Teixeira (2002), is a large consumer of energy and therefore, must be included, not tourist planning for a specific location, alternative solutions that will rationalize or energy consumption.

Another proposition found in Agenda 21, also chapter 9, section II, which is related to tourism, is to: “Limit, reduce and control atmospheric emissions from the transport sector, particularly or land, transforming our system less poluente and safer ”.

Or tourist relocation, according to Teixeira (2002) implies the use of transportation systems and surface transportation, especially, a large polluter of nature, a station that emits carbon dioxide for or ar, a two component gases of CFC's - chlorofluororbonnets, you are responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer that protects terra against harmful solar rays. With the destruction of this layer of ozone, the called Efeito Estufa arises, which is among the most serious environmental problems, representing a maintenance of the ecological balance necessary for the survival of various forms of life existing on the planet. O Efeito Estufa is responsible for global research and, according to the forecasts of some scientific cities such as New York, Venezuela and Rio de Janeiro, it will tend to disappear due to the increase in sea levels. Posto isto,It verifies that tourism in the regions would be totally compromised, apart from two damages caused to the local communities.

To OMT, through its General Assembly, it has clear references about the importance of promoting the implementation of International Conventions on Environment and Development, including Climate Change. Also the UNWTO created the World Committee on Tourism Ethics in charge of interpreting and applying the provisions of the World Code of Ethics for Tourism, serving as a reference for various stakeholders, guaranteeing environmental protection and cultural heritage, as well as a balanced distribution of two benefits. do tourism.

Parallel to these normative actions, and due to the ecotourism activities, Verdinelli (2002), says that due to its own conception, it is environmentally sustainable, it has a rapid expansion in the world and, hopefully, no future growth, to organize Nações Unidas, recognizing its global importance, designated Year 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. For the preparation and coordination of two events scheduled at UNWTO and UNEP - United Nations Program for the Environment, join their efforts, on the premise of sustainable development.

As ecotourism activities are duvid, we minimize negative impacts on the natural and socio-cultural environment, transforming our support to the protection of natural areas, generating economic benefits for stakeholder communities, promoting alternative ventures and opportunities, without interfering with diversities. cultural.

The International Year of Ecotourism for Verdinelli (2002) will be able to offer an odd opportunity to review the experiences in many different environments, with no sense of consolidating the institutional frameworks and structures that guarantee its sustainable development in the future. Of the debate and deliberations that will take place during the scheduled Main Meeting, it is hoped that guidelines will be established that will serve as subsidies to maximize the environmental, economic and social benefits of ecotourism, as long as negative impacts are avoided.


Or I acknowledge that it is necessary a deep change of perception and thought to guarantee our survival even with many people.

The concept of sustainability acquiring importance-not an ecological movement is really fundamental. This is the great challenge of our time: to create sustainable communities, ist and social and cultural environments where we can satisfy our needs and aspirations and reduce the chances of future generations.

In accordance with Verdinelli (2002), the promotion of tourism does not include a framework for sustainable development, it involves the attention of two local tourists in two countries and host regions, in which opportunities for the future are protected and highlighted, with a responsible management of two resources environmental, cultural, ecological, economic and social.

Ecotourism is a means of obtaining or sustainable development and, consequently, contributing to the socioeconomic development, representing an entrepreneur and income manager, as well as benefiting the populations involved. It is a sustainable economic activity that aims at the preservation of environmental wealth and contributes to the life history of the communities involved, in addition to making it possible for all involved, directly or indirectly, to have a new awareness, through environmental education that emphasizes the importance of preservation of ourselves. environment.


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Or ecological tourism and sustainability