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Organizational objectives

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In the second half of the 21st century, in an uncertain and changing environment in the economic and geopolitical field, organizations must adapt to changes, but to do so successfully they must have the identification and commitment of their most valuable resource, human resources, in addition to a solid knowledge and application of the fundamentals of Administrative Science. This is where a widely studied topic becomes relevant, but which should be of main interest in organizations, the objectives.

The Goals and their role

Goals are statements that identify the end point or condition that an organization wants to achieve. Having a specific set of goals is what gives an organization its own identity.

The objectives serve three main functions:

  • They establish general principles They provide legitimacy They propose a set of standards.

Classification of Objectives according to their function.

Strategic Goals

Organizations have to satisfy different interest groups. Among these interest groups we can mention the shareholders of the organization, workers, clients, the community and the State.

Therefore, when establishing organizational objectives, these stakeholders must necessarily be taken into account.

Short and long term objectives

The establishment of a sequence in the objectives in different time dimensions, is a useful method at the time of handling diverse objectives at the same time.

Short-term goals

They are those that the organization hopes to achieve in approximately one year or one accounting period.

Long-term goals

They are those that the organization hopes to achieve in a period of more than one year. Currently three to five years due to rapid changes in the environment.

Mission of the organization

All organizations, whether they are public or private entities, non-profit companies or business companies, have missions.

The formulation of an organizational mission implies determining the raison d'être of the organization and is a fundamental element for the establishment of organizational objectives, generally for its elaboration the market, social and economic aspects are taken into account.

Types of Organizational Objectives

The determination of organizational objectives is formulated in terms of measurable results that span the entire organization. Numerous authors have raised various types of organizational objectives, using various approaches, one of the most prominent in my opinion is that raised by Peter Drucker, even though he calls them goals.

Peter Drucker proposes eight types of goals:

  • Market goals . Financial performance goals . Resource goals . Innovation goals . Productivity goals . Productive development goals . Employee attitudes and performance goals . Goals of social responsibility and ethical behavior.

In conclusion, organizations today must be able to respond to what is completely unpredictable, within certain limits of the organization's mission and guiding principles.

Our rapidly changing world requires organizations to be fluid and easily adapt their structures, products and services.

Managers must imprint the values ​​and mission of the organization in the minds of workers, who are the main asset and engine of an organization. It is under this context that the correct establishment of the Organizational Objectives becomes relevant.

Organizational objectives