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Work of peter f. drucker. Mr. management


The most influential writer on Management since the 1940s is undoubtedly Peter Ferdinand Drucker, the Austrian who, upon arriving in the United States, made Management a true discipline. Although his work covers more than 30 books, an attempt is made to make an essay of his thought through some of his works.

Previously, the location given to Drucker (together with Ernest Dale, Harold Koontz, Cyril O'Donnell, William Newman, George Terry, Ralph Davis, among others), by Idalberto Chiavenato in his book General Theory of Administration (1999) is considered interesting., in the so-called Neoclassical Theory of Management, which is nothing but the updating of the Classical Theory, an eclectic theory that takes advantage of the other theories for its application to today's companies. Here is a synopsis of his works:

  1. The End of Economic Man (1939). This is Drucker's first long book. He sets out his reasons for the causes of fascism and analyzes the failures of established institutions. He adduces vigorous arguments in favor of the need for a new social and economic order. “On reflection, the only thing I did well was to observe phenomena and ask myself what they meant. In 1933 I already knew how Hitler would end, and then I started my first book, 'The End of the Economic Man', which could not be published until 1939, because no publisher wanted to accept such horrible visions. It was perfectly clear to me that Hitler would end up killing the Jews and it was also clear that he would end up signing a treaty with Stalin. The Future of Industrial Man(1942). The author investigates the topic, can individual freedom be preserved in an industrial society? The dominance of big business, the power of managers, automation, and the dangers of monopoly and totalitarianism are important topics discussed in this book. «In my second book, 'The Future of Industrial Man' I came to the conclusion that the integrating principle of modern society had become large-scale organization. At that time, however, only the company organization existed. In this country, the commercial enterprise was the first modern institution to emerge. I decided that I needed to be on the inside, really study a great company from the inside; as a human, social, political organization - as an integrating mechanism ». Concept of the Corporation(1946), the author reveals that through decentralization, General Motors becomes one of the largest American corporations. Drucker said decentralization was good because it created small groups where people felt their contribution was important. The success of this work showed that in those years there was a huge interest in management. Alfred Sloan Jr., its president (1923-1956), would also tell about his experiences in the company he directed in his work "My years with General Motors" (1962). The New Society(1950). In this important book, Drucker brings together the themes that run through his first two books, The End of Economic Man and The Future of Industrial Man. He refines his impression of the new world order. It extends into the concept of the large company, as the representative social institution. It presents a picture of the way the world will work in the last decades of the 20th century, a picture that became remarkable reality. Practice of Management(1954), he did it for the common people to learn to manage, something that at that time only an elite could do. From then on the Administration became a true discipline and the book the first "bible" in management. His analysis of Management is a valuable guide for business leaders who need to study their own performance, diagnose their own failures and improve their own productivity, as well as that of their company. Illustrative examples are taken from companies such as Sears Roebuck & Co., General Motors, Ford, IBM, Chrysler, and American Telephone & Telegraph. This work also exposes about "Management by Objectives", considering Drucker as one of the main pioneers of the concept. Landmarks of Tomorrow(1959). In the first two chapters, Drucker describes New World norms from recent years. He then sets out the tests that we will have to overcome in education, government and political economy. The book ends with Drucker's observations about the spiritual reality of human existence. Managing for Results(1964). It was the first book to explain business strategy. Drucker shows how existing businesses have to focus on opportunities rather than problems to be effective, so opportunities grow and develop. «'Management by Results' was the first book to discuss what is now called 'Business Strategy'. It is still the most widely used book on the subject. When I wrote it, more than twenty years ago, my original title was, in fact, 'Business Strategies', but 'strategy' in those days was not a term in common use. Indeed, when my publisher and I decided to test the title with well-known executives, consultants, management professors, and booksellers, we were strongly recommended to drop that term. 'Strategy', they told us over and over again,it belongs to the military or perhaps to political campaigns, but not to businesses ».In The Effective Executive(1967), talks about the executive's obligation to be efficient, but that effectiveness can be learned, considering that effectiveness is a set of habits, that is, a sum of repeated actions that end up being internalized in the executive's way of being. For Drucker there are 5 practices and habits that must be learned to become an effective executive: 1st every efficient executive controls his time, 2nd every effective executive directs his efforts towards predetermined results, 3rd the efficient executive builds with strength: own and those of his superiors, colleagues and subordinates and those of the circumstances, 4 ° the effective executive focuses a few major areas, therefore, establishes priorities and; 5 ° the efficient executive makes effective decisions, he knows that he has to apply a system to do so.The Age of Discontinuity (1969). Four main areas of discontinuity are studied: a) the explosion of new technology, the fruit of which is new important industries, b) the change from the international economy to the world economy, c) a new social and political reality of pluralistic institutions and; d) the new universe of knowledge based on mass education. By clearly pointing out the changes we are experiencing, -such as the role of the manager-, it is impressive how he analyzes economic, technological, political and cultural changes, it seems that the book had been written last year and no more than 30 years. He talks about privatization and the "knowledge worker" and its impact on the economy and society. To serve as a basis for action, Drucker asks: What must we do today to shape tomorrow?Technology, Management and Society (1970). It is a collection of essays that cover the technological trends of the 20th century, such as: long-term planning, reciprocal relationships between technology, science and culture; and those of the old and future administrator. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices(1974). The Administration is an organized body of knowledge. "This book," says Drucker, "tries to equip the manager with the understanding, thinking, knowledge and skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow." Drucker discusses the tools and techniques for a successful management practice; "Well, it should be repeated, the effective administration of our institutions is the only option in the face of the tyranny of our pluralistic society of institutions and the goal, motive and purpose of this work are to prepare the effective action of current and future managers". A true classic, essential reference work for the executive. Managing in Turbulent Times(1980). This important and timely book concerns the immediate future of business, society, and the economy. We are - says Drucker - entering a new economic era with new trends, new markets, new currencies, new principles, new technologies and new institutions. How will administrators and the Administration deal with these new realities? The author explains that this work is concerned with action rather than understanding, with decisions rather than understanding, with decisions rather than analysis. It deals with the necessary strategies to transform rapid changes into opportunities, to turn the threat of change into productive and profitable action that positively contributes to our society, the economy and the individual. Innovation and Entrepreneurship(1985). The first book to present innovation and entrepreneurship as a determined and systematic discipline that explains and analyzes the challenges and opportunities of the new entrepreneurial economy in America. It is an excellent practical book that explains that established businesses, public service institutions and new risks have to know, learn and do to prepare and create the successful businesses of tomorrow. “I wrote that book because I felt that the time had come to get a little more serious about that subject than most of the works were and partly also because, abruptly, most of the things that are read and heard to me they give the impression, based on my 30 years of work and experience, of being misunderstood. The entrepreneur - the person with the entrepreneurial personality of George Gilder - exists, yes, there are people like that,but it rarely succeeds. On the other hand, individuals whom Gilder would never accept as entrepreneurs are often extremely successful. "Managing the Non-Profit Organization (1990). He talks about service and non-profit organizations, sectors of our rapidly growing society that create a greater need for experts to manage them effectively. Drucker gives examples and explanations about mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals, person development, decision making, and much more. Post-Capitalist Society(1993). Post-capitalist society is a knowledge society. In a capitalist system, capital is the critical production resource and is totally separate from and even in opposition to "labor." In this society where we are going very quickly, it is knowledge and not capital that is the key resource. It cannot be bought with money or created by investment capital. Extensively explains the emerging economy, the knowledge economy, its protagonist (the knowledge worker), and the implications for organizations. An incisive analysis of the greatest global transformation that takes place from the age of capitalism to the knowledge society. Examine the radical influences on society, politics and business now and in the years to come. Management Challenges for the 21st. Century(1999), talks about self-management, that is, it asks a series of questions such as what are my strengths? How do I perform? Am I a reader or am I a listener? How do I learn? What are my values? ? Where do I belong? How can I contribute? Giving us the answers in an extremely simple and brilliant way. This is not a book about predictions. It is not a book about the future. The challenges and issues discussed here are already with us in all developed countries and in most emerging countries (for example, Korea and Turkey). They can now be identified, discussed, analyzed, and prescriptions can be formulated for them. Already some people, somewhere, are working on them ». The Essential Drucker(2001). Peter Drucker is perhaps the best known author on Management and Economics. His first book was written in 1939 and since then he has published so many books that people wonder where can I begin to read Drucker? Which of his works are essential? The answer is The Essential Drucker, which contains 26 chapters taken from his various works published between 1954 and 1999, offering in Drucker's words "a coherent and reasonably comprehensive 'Introduction to Management' and gives an overview of my Management work.".

Apart from the written works, one must also consider the opinions and concrete facts that a person makes to understand their thinking. Although he modestly considers himself just a consultant, Drucker is more than that, because he practically invented modern management and is generally recognized to have played an important role in shaping managerial thinking. He was the first to make clear that "no business without a customer" (no business without a customer). And although it sounds controversial, we would dare to say that he does not identify with the system, because he does not regulate his life according to the patterns of gift money, he lives in the suburbs and dedicates a good part of his time and for free to organizations without for profit (in 1990, he helped found The Peter F.

Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management). People have always prevailed for him over capital and merchandise; workers should be treated as resources, not costs. It has had the ability to anticipate changes and has had the ability to study and systematize them when they began to occur. His work covers all of Administration: industrial organization, leadership, business culture, motivation, strategy, and many of his terms have entered everyday language: privatization, administration by objectives, decentralization, knowledge worker, "discontinuity." His work also includes economy, politics, culture, society and philosophy. Those who have not yet read Drucker's work - especially executives - have a big gap to fill. He systematized a new reality:the company and gave dignity and consistency to a profession: manager.

Finally, we should also talk about his magisterial work. Peter F. Drucker is an example to follow, who writes, as a teacher of Administration, he only wishes he reached his age… and continue teaching.

Here is a very interesting interview in which Dr. Drucker expresses some of his thoughts on management and strategy.

Work of peter f. drucker. Mr. management