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Interdisciplinary operation of human capital in the administrative processes of companies

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"In this essay I present the importance of human capital in the different administrative processes that make up companies since it is considered that human capital is the most important element of it, therefore human capital has to be in constant improvement as well as the environment in which it operates in order to better carry out its activities and the fulfillment of the established objectives are achieved with greater satisfaction. "


Operation, Interdisciplinary, Human Capital, Administrative Processes, Companies.


In order to understand the subject we have to clearly define the keywords to have a clearer idea of ​​what is intended to be known.

We will start with the operation, according to Emilio Gómez, director of the Executive Master in Supply Chain Management (On Line), says that the operations “Are all those activities that are related to the areas of the same that generate the product or service that is offered to the clients ”.

In my opinion, operations are all those activities that intervene in all areas of the company, both for the production of products and / or services and for its operation ”.

The next key word is interdisciplinary as the sociologist Louis Wirtz says in 1937 the interdisciplinary "It is what is carried out from the implementation of various disciplines."

In the understanding it can be said that the Interdisciplinary "It is the combination of more than one discipline to be able to carry out any desired activity".

THE Human Capital Gary Becker, "asserts that human capital is the set of productive capacities that an individual acquires by accumulating general or specific knowledge that can be accumulated or used.

Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services. Economic growth is often accompanied by an improvement in living conditions, which is why many economic policies pursue economic growth.

Economic growth can be achieved by increasing the quantity of productive factors (labor and physical capital), improving the quality of these factors and / or increasing the efficiency with which they are combined in production processes. The last two objectives refer to the increase or improvement of human capital.

The theory of human capital was officially born as an attempt to explain the part of the growth of national income or product that could not be attributed in the calculations to the factors traditionally considered (new cultivated land, new fixed capital and new incorporations of labor force). The difference, it was said, should come from the new quality of work, from its higher productivity, and this should be attributed to new investments made in the work itself: health, experience, migration and, above all, education.

Specifically in the education section, human capital obtained such importance within the economic literature that it was an aspect of great interest to be studied and analyzed in different world conferences.

As a factor of production

The idea of ​​introducing human skills into the production function is an idea derived from the works of Uzawa (1965) and Lucas (1988). According to his works the production function of an economy could be represented by a Cobb-Douglas function

Y = A. K ∞H1-∞


And, it is the total production or output of the economy.

K, represents the amount of physical capital.

H, represents the amount of human capital (CH).

0 <∞ <1, is the percentage of participation of physical capital.

Therefore, it can be said that Human Capital "are the people who, supported by a set of knowledge acquired based on experiences, carry out the different activities within the company"

Administrative Processes are "It is a set of phases or steps to follow to solve an administrative problem, in which we will find problems of organization, direction and to solve this we have to have a good planning, a previous study and have the objectives very clear to be able to make the process as less blocked as possible ”. These processes are defined in four phases:

Planning: planning tries to create the desired future by deciding in advance what, how, when, where, who and with what it will be done.

Organization: combines the work that individuals or groups must do with the resources necessary to do it.

Direction: guides the work of the staff towards the achievement of the organization's objectives through communication, motivation and leadership.

Control: it checks that the planned actions and programs are being carried out, the proposed objectives are being achieved or not, and proposes correction and improvement measures.

Therefore we can define the Administrative Process as “The combination of different stages with the follow-up of different steps to solve problems of an administrative nature that arise.

Finally, the Companies Ricardo Romero, author of the book "Marketing", defines the company as "the body formed by people, material goods, aspirations and common achievements to give satisfaction to its customers."

A company aims to produce goods and / or services that society demands in order to satisfy its needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively; for this reason, the company is said to be an economic unit of production. But for a company to function, it is necessary to have a series of integral elements, the most important of which are:

  • It is the natural or legal person who will direct the company making the appropriate decisions to achieve the desired objectives, and, therefore, will assume the risks that may arise from the business start-up. A company may be made up of one or more entrepreneurs, however, some entrepreneurs may delegate the direction or total or partial management of the company in the directors of the same It represents the human capital of the company, they provide their services to it in exchange for an economic consideration called salary. Formed by the set of goods that will allow the employer to achieve the desired objective. It is the end or objective pursued by the company, for example: growth, internationalization, positioning, etc. However,one of the most important objectives in a capitalist society is profit making. Economic activity. Any company that is established as such must carry out at least one economic activity Technological elements. All those processes, techniques, machines, equipment, etc., that allow the production of goods and / or services, people or companies that provide the raw material or the necessary products that allow the company to produce or sell products are included. People or companies to whom the company markets its products and / or services. This factor is capital for the survival of the company, without customers, there is no business and without business there is no profit.All those processes, techniques, machines, equipment, etc., that allow the production of goods and / or services, people or companies that provide the raw material or the necessary products that allow the company to produce or sell products are included. People or companies to whom the company markets its products and / or services. This factor is capital for the survival of the company, without customers, there is no business and without business there is no profit.All those processes, techniques, machines, equipment, etc., that allow the production of goods and / or services, people or companies that provide the raw material or the necessary products that allow the company to produce or sell products are included. People or companies to whom the company markets its products and / or services. This factor is capital for the survival of the company, without customers, there is no business and without business there is no profit.This factor is capital for the survival of the company, without customers, there is no business and without business there is no profit.This factor is capital for the survival of the company, without customers, there is no business and without business there is no profit.

Which we can say that a Company "is the entity that results in the set of tangible and non-tangible goods that provide products and / or services to a certain section of society."


Based on the foregoing, we can define that the Interdisciplinary Operation of Human Capital in the Administrative Processes of the Companies as the administrative activities carried out by people based on the combination of several disciplines acquired with experience to solve problems and to the functionality of the companies in which they work in the company ”.


Sala-i-Martin, 2000, p. 158-159.



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Interdisciplinary operation of human capital in the administrative processes of companies