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Optimization of resources in food service

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The optimization of resources does not refer to the action of saving or suppressing, it is defined as determining the best way to carry out an activity.

The study of human nutrition in Mexico has been approached from different approaches:

Where food is seen as a matter of State and from this perspective, policies of the Mexican government implemented to promote the production and supply of food are set.

It is then that concepts such as: self-sufficiency, sovereignty and food security emerge.

To know that food security exists, it is based on the institutions and processes that are used to guarantee access to these goods by the poorest and most vulnerable.

Organizations such as FAO (Food and Agriculture Agency, WHO, are in charge of optimizing food resources by improving food production and distribution.

The optimization of resources is to achieve better results either to solve a problem, using the natural resources of the environment, human resources, monetary resources, all together to satisfy the needs of the population.

In this present work some types of resource optimization are mentioned and a more specific panorama is given in the optimization of gastronomic resources, but as previously mentioned with the set of resources, an adequate optimization is obtained because each one contributes something to obtain a favorable result.

Resource Optimization

What is optimization?

This term is a verb that distinguishes action from finding a suitable way to do something. It is intended to obtain better results, more effectiveness or greater efficiency in carrying out a job.

The objective of optimizing is to obtain a better management of our resources based on the objectives and goals that we want.

Types of optimization

I. Optimization of administrative resources

This type of optimization is more focused on the managerial areas of planning and management, here it is intended to improve work processes and increase effectiveness and efficiency in productivity. For the optimization of this, it influences the time that workers use for the execution of specific tasks and the techniques they use, in this way they will achieve greater productivity, maintaining quality standards.

II. Optimization of economic resources

This type of optimization aims for the human being to obtain greater performance with the minimum amount of material resources, as well as monetary. For a product or service to be profitable, it must optimize resources to ensure the sustainability of economic activity.

III. Optimization of human resources

Human resources are the backbone of any company, because they must have knowledge, skills and positive attitudes in their performance. That is why the need to optimize these resources to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness for the different areas that the company has.

IV. Optimization of material resources

It refers to all those areas of an organization or company, for example, facilities, batteries, kitchenware and tools, machinery and equipment, as well as raw materials and consumption.

  • Facilities: hotels, cafes, bars, restaurants, warehouse, offices, require a supply of electrical installation, water and gas, air conditioning system, smoke extraction, etc. 1 Battery, kitchenware and tools: all kitchenware, cutlery, crockery, That is, major and minor utensils and office supplies for billing, warehouse management, offices.1 Machinery and equipment: kitchens, ovens, car washes, kitchen robots, coffee makers, cold rooms, extractor hoods, air conditioning, elevators and forklifts, computers, photocopiers, printers, washing machines, dryers, etc. Raw and consumer materials: all kinds of food, kitchen paper, film, aluminum foil, glass jars, plastic, bricks, tablecloths, cloths, sheets, cleaning products, office supplies, gas, water, bath soap, etc.

V. Optimization of resources in the food service

In the gastronomic area, an optimization of resources is needed and for this there are a series of steps to follow to achieve this, which are proposed below:

A collection of raw materials:

When making a dish we must be guided by a market cuisine, based on local and seasonal foods. This guarantees the freshness and quality of the food avoiding impacts on the environment.2

How to optimize purchases:

♣ Analyze your purchases, suppliers and the negotiation with them to develop a purchasing plan appropriate to your needs.

♣ Creation of indicators on your purchases, sales, price fluctuations, etc., to detect possible improvements.

♣ Negotiate delivery times with your suppliers to better adapt to your production and improve your profitability.

♣ Negotiation of prices, quantities, forms of payment, etc.

♣ Information and management of the most appropriate computer applications for your case.


A daily grocery supply should be kept so that not so many holding chambers accumulate. It is important to use airtight containers to store food, it is recommended to store it in film or aluminum foil, which we discard with each use.


To obtain the best degree of product quality, use stoves, ovens, grills, etc., it must be turned on when it is used, monitor the water consumption when washing vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

Take advantage of all the raw material if possible for example; the bones of the fish are used for fumets, some parts of the vegetables would be used for funds, the proper cut of meat must be made so as not to waste, among others.


Hygiene standards in food services are mandatory, so it is necessary to use appropriate products and procedures: open the taps when it is going to be used, do not let them run while washing or soaping, place sprinklers on the taps to reduce the volume of water emitted.

Use biodegradable and phosphate-free products that harm the environment.


Recycling is necessary in a food area, to know the recycling needs or specific treatment of the different waste generated in the processing. Make a correct selection of waste for separation. Avoid using drains for the elimination of residues such as edible oil.

Home appliances:

These are essential for the equipment, you must choose high-efficiency and energy-saving appliances. Carry out proper maintenance of these, regulate the thermostats of the cold rooms, general cleaning of the equipment.


Taking advantage of natural light and turning off lights when not needed helps lower your electricity bill. In passageways, place timer buttons so that the lights are not turned on unnecessarily, use low consumption and long-lasting light bulbs.

Washed and ironed:

The table linen requires daily washing and ironing, so it is done with an external company, it must be ecological. If you have a washing and ironing area, the washing machine must be filled to a full load, opt for cold wash and avoid prewash, use the anti-crease program. Dry in the sun and avoid the use of tumble dryers, surface ironing and low temperatures.

Distribution of spaces:

It is important to use the spaces correctly. Large areas require more lighting, air conditioning, etc. These spaces often raise maintenance costs.

By optimizing the food flow spaces, it allows drafts and natural lighting to be facilitated by strategically placing windows, doors, skylights, etc.

Liquid waste:

They are those surplus liquids, coming from the activity, which must be evacuated through the ducts.

For example such as wastewater in the kitchen, cafeteria and bars, water from toilets, cleaning processes, etc., the drainage system must be adequate. In the case of oils, there are stocks to avoid discarding it into the environment.

SAW. Optimization of resources in the nutritional field

In the nutritional field, food quality will depend on components of the diet, taking into account that there may be a deficit (malnutrition) as well as an excess of food (obesity).

Food depends on the tastes, habits, family customs and what society imposes, on the food available at the same time, the resource available and the price of the same

The basis of a healthy diet can be summarized in consuming a variety of foods and including inexpensive foods from all groups on a regular, daily basis, in adequate quantities and being varied in the type of preparation. It is important to remember that eating well and something healthy does not mean that it is expensive.

It is important to consider the nutritional value of each food group, considering the cost of each one and the performance they have (including their waste) with respect to use in family nutrition, to achieve a responsible purchase taking care of the budget and quality of food.

To optimize household expenses, family food planning is important, having an idea of ​​an approximate amount and type of food necessary to cover the requirements.

Bear in mind the following points is important:

  • Choose carefully (it is appropriate to make a shopping list) Compare the content of the labels and the prices Check the expiration date Prefer the foods in the basic basket Buy vegetables (green, orange, red) and fruits necessary to avoid wasting them.Buy lean meats, skim dairy, legumes and whole grains.

All this will help to optimize the natural resources that we have to nourish ourselves adequately and without damaging the family economy.


The optimization of resources helps us to form methods or strategies that help us obtain better results for the activity that we want to carry out, which is why the great importance that this has in the various areas for example; economic, human, material, administrative, etc.

In addition to being very versatile because it can be applied even at home when shopping for the pantry.

It is necessary to know which foods provide us with the amount of energy, nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and which foods only provide calories with little or no amount of nutrients, called “empty calories”.

In the case of a restaurant, the optimization of resources is the plus that helps its proper functioning because it helps save money, time, is more effective and efficient from its human, material and administrative resources.


  1. Armendariz SJL. Management of quality and food safety and hygiene. 1st edition. Editorial Paraninfo: Spain; 2013 Lettuce SE. Strategies for optimizing human resources. 2nd ed. Editorial ISEF group: Mexico; 2004 Armendariz SJL. Supply and conservation of raw materials and hygiene in handling. 1st edition. Editorial Paraninfo: Spain; 2013 Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires. Manual: workshop course in food handling. Buenos Aires: Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires; 2011. Peralta C. Food products 1. 1st edition. Editorial Limusa: Mexico; 1999. Diet quality index. By Pueyrredón P, Rovirosa A., Durán P. January 2004. Elaboration of an index of the quality of the diet.
Optimization of resources in food service