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Organization of production systems


How a Productive System is organized

Production: It deals specifically with the activity of production of articles, that is, their design, their manufacture and the control of personnel, materials, equipment, capital and information to achieve those objectives.

Operations: It is a broader concept than production. It refers to the activity that produces articles or services of any organization, whether public or private, profit-making or not.


Operations management, therefore, encompasses production management.

Product: It is the generic name that is given to the result of a production system and that can be a good or a service. A service is an activity requested by a person or customer.

Productive activity:

To produce is to transform some goods or services (production factors or inputs) into other goods or services (outputs or products).

Producing is also creating utility or increasing the utility of goods to satisfy human needs.

So we can say that productive activity is not limited to physical production. These activities are called productive economic activities and are those that make the product have a higher value. The production concept is divided into:

  • Production in a generic, economic or broad sense: it is the global economic activity carried out by an economic agent by which a transactionable value is created. Production in a specific, technical-economic or strict sense: it is the specific stage of the economic activity of value creation that describes the transformation process.

Production function:

It is that part of the organization that exists fundamentally to generate and manufacture the products of the organization. The production function in turn is made up of:

Transformation process: it is the mechanism for converting factors or inputs into products or outputs.

It is composed of:

Task: it is an activity to be carried out by workers or machines on raw materials.


Flow of goods: they are the goods that move from: one task to another; a task to the warehouse; the warehouse to a task.

Information flows: these are the instructions or guidelines that are transferred.

Storage: occurs when no task is performed and the good or service is not moved.

Production factors: there are 3 types:

Creative: these are the factors inherent to design engineering and allow the configuration of production processes.

Managers: they focus on the management of the production process and seek to guarantee the proper functioning of the system.

Elementary: they are the inputs necessary to obtain the product (output). These are the materials, energy,…

Output or outputs: are the products obtained or services provided. Certain unwanted products are also produced (waste, pollution, etc.).

Environment or environment: are all those elements that are not part of the production function but are directly or indirectly related to it.

There are two types:

Generic environment: It is everything that surrounds the company or coincides with the company's environment. For example: they affect policies, legal conditions, technology.

Specific environment: It is the one that encompasses the rest of the company's departments.

Feedback: it is a mechanism to know if the objectives are being met.

Example: hypermarkets

Production systems and their characteristics

System Main inputs Activity of


Chance events Main results
Renault Steel, glass, workers, managers,… Car assembly New government regulations, fewer competing cars


Red Cross Buildings, ambulatory, people,… Diagnosis, surgery, rehabilitation,… Decrease in payments for health care

Healthy people

Las Tinajas Meat, people,. Food preparation Increase in the price of meat, waiters strike Satisfied customers who want to return
IC Classrooms, diverse material, staff, teachers,… Classes in classrooms, readings, analysis with students, use of library Loss of books in library, cancellation of course due to teacher's health Professionals with training that can be hired

The characterization and classification of the production system is of great importance as it defines the techniques and methods to be used in production management.

According to the criteria of various authors:

Table I. Productive system classifications

Criterion Type of system Authors
- Type of process flow

- Material flow

- Types for manufacturing

- Realization of the production volume

- Line (continuous)

- Intermittent (per batch) *

- By project (unique or singular)

Schroeder (1992)

Diaz (1993)

Salvendy (sa)

Ottina (1988)

Velázquez (1995)

- Type of customer order

- Relationship with the client

- By order *

- For inventory (against warehouse)

Schroeder (1992)

Arjona Syria (1979)

Dilworth (1989)

- Types of production - In mass

- Online

- By batch *

Maynard (1984)
- Time of use of the productive equipment

- Process type

-Intermittent or discrete (sequential or manufacturing) *

- continuous

Voris (1970)

Alford (1972)

Arjona Syria (1979)

Mallo (sa)

Dilworth (1989)

Ochoa Laburu (sa)

- Number of productive plants - Mono-plants

- Multi-storey *

Arjona Syria (1979)
- Response to demand - For stock - According to order *

- Assembly according to request

Ottina (1988)
- Mode of manufacture of the products - Part by part *

- By process

Voris (1970)

Ottina (1988)

- Terms of sale - Custom

- About catalog *

- Against order * - Against stocks

Ochoa Laburu (sa)
- Repeatability of production - Non-repetitive production

-Repetitive products or with repetitive demand *

Ochoa Laburu (sa)

The systems approach, we could say that it is a useful and valid administrative proposal that has scientifically proven its effectiveness, closely related to the organization's environment, that facilitates the business humanistic relationship and that allows the application of different models for different problems "

A system is a perceived totality whose elements agglomerate because they affect each other over time and operate with a common purpose.

The essential idea of ​​the systems approach is that the activity of any part of an organization affects the activity of any other… then, in systems there are no isolated units, on the contrary all its parts act with the same orientation and satisfy an objective common. The correct functioning of the parts is necessary for the effective performance of the whole as a whole.

Systems-oriented organizations can be represented through traditional organizational models such as the organization chart; however, if these models are created to be useful and not just for office decoration, they are often quite complicated. The advantage of accountability linear systems graphs is that they allow the user to appreciate both their own role in the organization and that of the individuals with whom they must work every day. The graph of linear responsibility systems allows a clear description of the roles played by individuals in the organization and, as such, is an organizational model that focuses on the characteristics of the system. "

- Concept of Control Section.

It is the number of supervised that a manager can manage effectively and efficiently.

Control sections

Span of control can be defined as the number of subordinates that a manager can manage effectively and efficiently. Its importance is reflected in the fact that as a manager moves up in an organization he has to deal with a greater number of unstructured problems, so that senior executives must have a smaller span than middle-level managers.

To a large extent the span of control can determine the number of levels and administrators that an organization needs. If all the aspects that are related to the management of the company remain unchanged, the broader the span of control, the more efficient the design of the organization.

The control section cannot be saturated or extensive because communication is lost, if there is an excess of people, efficiency in the functions is lost and the head of the section will have a

work saturation.



It is an organizational system in which the most important decisions are made by the highest levels.

Its characteristic is the doubling and convergence of authority towards the top of the organization. There is only one supreme authority that centralizes all decisions and controls the organization.


It is an organizational system in which part of the directional authority rests at the lower levels of the hierarchy.



It is the technical structure of the relationships that must exist between the functions, levels and activities of the material and human elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum efficiency within the stated plans and objectives.


  1. The structure, where it is perhaps the most typical part of the elements that correspond to administrative mechanics.

2.- How the functions, hierarchies and activities should be.

3.- The functions, levels or activities that are to be structured; more or less remotely, go to the immediate or remote future.

4.- The organization constitutes the final data of the static or mechanical aspect; It tells us how and who is going to do each thing and how it is going to be done. When the organization is finished, it only remains to act, integrating, directing and controlling.


1.- It is of a continuous nature, where the company and its resources can never be said to be subject to constant changes.

2.- It is a means through which the best way to achieve the objectives of the social group is established.

3.- Provides the methods so that activities can be performed efficiently and with a minimum of effort.

4.- Avoid the slowness and inefficiency of activities, reducing costs and increasing productivity.

5.- Reduce or eliminate duplication of efforts, by defining functions and responsibilities.

The organizational structure describes the framework of the organization.


It is when managers build or change the structure of an organization.

The ideal design depends on contingency factors such as strategy, structure, size, technology, environment.


MECHANICS: Complexity, formalization, centralization, it is more effective in stable environments.

ORGANIC: Low complexity, formalization and decentralization, it develops in dynamic and uncertain environments.

In order to carry out the organizational process, it is necessary to simultaneously apply the techniques and organizational principles, as well as to define what type of organization is suitable in the specific situation that is being handled .



Separation and delimitation of activities giving rise to the specialization and improvement of work, is divided into hierarchy and departmentalization.


Synchronization of resources and efforts of a social group to achieve the objectives.

The factors on which the determination of the most suitable type of organization depends are: Turn or magnitude of the company, Resources, Objectives, Type, and Production volume.



1.- Linear or military

2.- Functional or Taylor

3.- Lineo functional

4.- Staff

5.- Committees

6.- Matrix

1- Linear Organization

It originated with the ancient armies and in the ecclesiastical organization of the medieval era.

It is a very simple organization with a pyramidal structure, where each boss receives and transmits everything that happens in his area, each time the lines of communication are rigidly established.

It has a basic or primary organization and forms a foundation of the organization. Their characteristics are:

Linear and single authority:

It is the authority of the superior over the subordinates. Each subordinate reports only to his superior, has a single boss and does not take orders from any other.

Formal lines of communication:

Communication is established through the existing lines in the organization chart. Each superior centralizes the upline communications of the subordinates.

Formal organization

It is a system of well-determined tasks, each of which has in itself a certain specific amount of authority, responsibility, and accountability.

This organization facilitates the determination of objectives and policies, it is a fixed and predictable form of organization, which allows the company to anticipate its future achievements.

Construction of the internal organization

The main objectives of the organization are: development, stability and interaction. The latter is the provision of means for its members to associate, reciprocally in activities that make up the organization.

Decision-making activity focuses on one person who makes the decisions and has the basic responsibility for leadership.

The advantages of concentrating on decision making:

  1. a) Easier decision making

    b) There are no conflicts of authority

    c) It is clear and simple

    d) It is useful in small companies

    e) Discipline is easy to maintain.

The disadvantages of being concentrated in decision-making:

1.- It is rigid and inflexible

2.- The organization depends on key men

3.- It does not promote specialization

4.- Executives are saturated with work, they do not dedicate themselves to tasks directives if not that of operation simply.

2- Functional Organization:

The functional organization was created by Frederick Taylor and consists of dividing the work and establishing the specialization so that each man, from the manager to the worker, performs the fewest functions.

Advantages of the Functional Organization

1.- Greater specialization

2.- The highest efficiency is obtained from each person

3.- The division of labor is planned.

4.- Manual work is separated from the intellectual

5.- The pressure on a single boss decreases.

Disadvantages of the Functional Organization

1.- Difficulty in locating and setting responsibility, which affects the moral discipline of workers.

2.- The principle of unity of command is violated, which causes confusion.

3.- The unclear definition of authority leads to friction between bosses.

3- Lineo-Functional Organization:

It is a combination of Linear and Functional Organization

LINEAR: responsibility and authority is transmitted through a single boss for each special function.

FUNCTIONAL: The specialization of each activity in a function is more applicable in companies.


The Staff arises as a consequence of large companies and the advancement of technology, which originates the need for help in handling details.

Advantages and disadvantages of staff

Advantage: Help from experts who work on a fee basis and are outside the organization, so the payment of benefits is not necessary.

Disadvantage: They pay a lot for their services, and it is not sure that they act with confidentiality policies of company affairs with others.


It is a body of people who meet and commit to discuss and decide in common the problems that are entrusted to them.



Represents the shareholders of a company who are responsible for deliberating and resolving the issues that arise from it.


He is appointed by the steering committee to execute the agreements.


Trusted personnel who are in charge of inspecting.


Composed of specialists who issue opinions on matters that are consulted.

Advantages and disadvantages of Committees


Decisions are made with multidisciplinary groups of representatives from various strata, for example government, managers, workers, etc.


Decisions take time to make because there are several interests that are at stake.


It consists of combining the department by project with that of functions.

Organization techniques:

They are the necessary tools to carry out a rational organization, essential during the organization process applicable to the needs of each social group.


The Staff is the result of the linear and functional organization, in this organization there are decision-making bodies in the consultancy.

Line bodies are characterized by linear authority and the scalar principle, while staff bodies provide specialized advice or services.


The use of committees in organizations is very wide and varied. There are different types of them because each one plays a different role.

Among the most used committees we can highlight the following: directive, executive, surveillance, consultative, among others.

These committees are in charge of deliberating and resolving the issues that arise in it, executing the agreements, inspecting, issuing opinions on matters that are consulted, etc. depending on the type of committee.




  • Detail all the work that must be executed to achieve the goals of the production organization, so that these goals are achieved, their tasks must be established first.Divide the total workload into activities that can be executed in a logical and comfortable way by a person or by a group of people. The division should be on the basis of qualities. Tasks must be appropriate Combine work in a logical and efficient way As production grows, it becomes necessary to group people whose tasks are related to each other. Production processes are grouped by department, at different levels, and we call this departmentalization of production Production is grouped according to common characteristics, depending on their qualities Establish mechanisms to coordinate,Improving and increasing production is one of the main objectives of the production organization. Monitor production efficiency and make adjustments to maintain or improve it.


Due to the high cost of doing things wrong, repeating jobs, correcting continuous errors, not avoiding waste, among other concepts. Because of the competitive advantage that provides customers with Quality in goods and services that they receive as such.

So it means achieving a higher return on investment for today and forever. For these and other reasons, we must implement a training system for all staff in the organization. In this case for those of the production department.

The primary objectives of a training system in a production department are to control inventory levels, assign operational priorities for items, and plan the load capacity of production systems.

The advantages of the systems are:

  • Ability to establish more competitive prices Reduction in sales price Reduction in inventories Better customer service Better response to market demands Ability to change the master production schedule Reduction in set-up and dismantling times Reduction in downtime.

Implementation of training systems:

The training must be completely rebuilt, the organization needs its staff to know the company in depth from the spare parts and materials that are used, to the customers who are provided the service one of the most important waste that there is is the no Take advantage of the skills of the staff, this causes frustration and has pernicious effects on the worker.

It is necessary to totally reform the training programs as this is given in a deficient way and out of favor.

The organization must consider that the money spent on training, education and training does not appear reflected in the balance sheet and therefore does not increase the net value of the company as it would be in the case of the acquisition of inventories, tools and equipment.

Adopt and implement leadership:

The administration must be distinguished by its leadership capacity, it must become a promoter of improvement and make the characteristics of quality preside and stand out in the service they provide.

As authentic leaders, bosses must know the work they supervise in order to help their staff improve their own performance and remove the barriers that prevent them from doing their jobs with pride.

Leaders not bosses are required:

Authority will be in crisis when the boss is content to be a "chief administrator" without deciding to be a leader.

What a nation or any large or small group needs is to have at the head not someone who achieved a position of responsibility, but a servant of the organization.

To develop and maintain quality, more than bosses, leaders are required who are committed to the organization and its workers, who inspire confidence by their actions, who fix and solve, who assign duties, who prepare, teach, whoever is not satisfied with what possible but with the impossible.

He makes ordinary people extraordinary people, he understands them with a mission and amalgamates them in the faith of realizing a dream that allows him transcendence and fulfillment, he gives meaning to the lives of his followers and above all "a reason to live ».

Eliminate fear at work:

No one can give their best when they do not feel safe and as long as they do not overcome fear in any of its manifestations: fear of expressing their own ideas, of asking questions, of learning, etc. fear always implies an economic loss, so it is necessary to create an environment that encourages security in personal performance.

Knowledge is a very important element that helps to perform the assigned work more efficiently, however it is very common to find resistance to acquire it, if fear is not suppressed, the best interests of the organization cannot be served, since then the workers They fulfill at any cost what is asked of them, regardless of whether the spare parts or materials are appropriate for the equipment to operate correctly.

Eliminate inter-departmental barriers:

The personnel of other areas must be aware of the problems that concern the different phases of the service. If they work as a team, they can eliminate the inter-departmental barriers that, due to selfishness and negligence, cause delays in information and of course in customer service; Important improvements are achieved, both in the quality itself, as well as in the process of the phases of the service and in the reduction of these teams could be called quality control circles Eliminate exhortations or warnings and goals to the workforce: Most of the errors do not come from the workers, but from the system itself, for this reason it is frequent that when admonishing them they generate frustration and resentment.

More than exhortations, what workers need is for the governing body to draw a route for them to follow to improve quality and productivity.

The exhortation campaigns and the signs generally have as an immediate effect a slight increase in quality and productivity and in the decrease of some defects, however, over time, the positive attitude with which they were received will emerge, an attitude contrary to improvement and even more. when numerical goals are required of them since they think that the organization is never satisfied with the effort that is made, different situation when the organization exposes posters with information about what is done month by month in order to improve systems and increase the quality and productivity, with a smarter work.


Contributed by: Claribel Arias Duverge - [email protected]

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Organization of production systems