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Business organization of the company servioptica ltda in its expansion process


Is a good organization feasible for optimal performance in a company?

As companies grow, they notice that they need changes in their organization and measures that define roles and optimize their performance. Servioptica Ltda. Villavicencio is a company in full growth and development. Its corporate purpose is the manufacture of medicated lenses and its field of action is optics and EPS. The market in Villavicencio is optimal since few companies are located in this field, therefore the offer is the best at the moment. Thanks to this, it presents an accelerated growth but it also brings a disadvantage and it is because they are not very prepared administratively to face the changes that are presenting. The production part is its stronghold and enjoys a good reputation, but failures in management detract from business work.It is through the knowledge obtained in the matter of organization theory that I want to explain what are the inconsistencies seen from a more objective level and with the intention of understanding what errors can be made and what is the way to solve them.

In a formal organization, the positions and certain authority relationships are defined. The roles of each person are demarcated and there is a rational division of labor and differentiating one from others with certain established criteria; It should be noted that sometimes there is a tendency to substitute the functions of each person by assigning tasks that do not have to do with the respective position and significantly hinder the performance of each role in people.

Of course, this can be presented since it is a company that is in the process of expansion, I mean, they are in full growth in this area of ​​coverage, but it is vital that these functions are established clearly and on "paper" as well. To say so, since thanks to this failure there are performance inconsistencies and other consequences among the personnel working in the company.

There are procedures and organization manuals, as well as rules and information for both the administrative part and the production part, but they are not made known to the staff. Employees understand what their functions are very tacitly but thanks to the fact that they are informed by third parties, that is, by the same personnel who work in the company, and who are similar to them in positions and not by superiors.

It is observed in this way that it has defined positions, roles and procedures but it is not disseminated in an appropriate way to the company officials, but rather that said employees "understand their functions" thanks to the information of third parties. This has the consequences of hindering the operation of the functions of each person in their field of action.

Thus damaging performance on some occasions in special cases. When performance should be at its peak at times when work accumulates; employees are performing other functions that are not inherent in the position to which they have been assigned.

It follows that a guide is needed for the organizational management of the company, it may be consequently due to lack of experience and professionalism on the part of the directives, obviously it is the cause and result of being a family business, in which it has been developed for the time and work of the senior managers who have "inherited" said position and but not because of their skills and professional experience. They do not have a “professional” culture, so to speak, the people who hold the directive and administrative positions, as in the production part, must be professionally prepared people with knowledge about the position and position they occupy and with sufficient skills to perform competitively.

Servioptica Ltda. It is an organization of narrow sections, although it is a small company and the hierarchical levels are few, it can be manifested in this way since the employees are not directly under the control of the president and / or manager of the company, if not that there are different people with positions that have certain authority and in turn subordinate both in the administrative and in the production part. The general manager has 5 people in charge and the production supervisor has three operators in charge.

In the production part, the supervisor's command is clear and his employees in charge have good communication and performance thanks to this. In the case of the administrative part, there is some confusion and it is precisely in this regard. They all depend directly on the administrator and this makes the work for them tense since he has a lot of responsibility on top and it is uncomfortable for both parties since he cannot meet the needs of all employees for the correct function of the company and the Their own employees make their tasks difficult, without being their objective. That is, the courier who delivers the orders is understood with the administrator and with the dispatch of orders. This is something unnecessary and takes time, as it can be understood directly with the dispatch of orders,since these two are clear about their functions, the dispatcher must have all the orders ready and the courier must deliver all the orders received by the other employee. Question that does not always happen this way. The courier is aware of the dispatch person and must also be aware of the administrator in case he has a "special" request to deliver. All dispatch requests must go directly to the dispatch person and from this to the courier, thus the work becomes more efficient and faster to perform and conflicts between them also cease.The courier is aware of the dispatch person and must also be aware of the administrator in case he has a "special" request to deliver. All dispatch requests must go directly to the dispatch person and from this to the courier, thus the work becomes more efficient and faster to perform and conflicts between them also cease.The courier is aware of the dispatch person and must also be aware of the administrator in case he has a "special" request to deliver. All dispatch requests must go directly to the dispatch person and from this to the courier, thus the work becomes more efficient and faster to perform and conflicts between them also cease.

To fit within a precise organizational structure to our company, the most consistent is precisely the departmentalization by functions since activities and tasks can be evidenced consistently with the main functions developed such as production, sale and collection of portfolio.

In production the lenses are made at the request of the opticians, in the sale the courier and the person who visit the opticians together with the office person are in charge and in the collection of the portfolio there are two people in charge of it, who have to visit the opticians for the collection of money together with the billing person.

The creation of strategic business units is not necessary since it is a small company still in the process of expansion and it is not necessary for its function, nor does it fit the type of departmentalization sought.

Regarding authority, one can speak of the administrator, I mean, that he has the authority that the position gives him, and therefore the orders he deals with are followed, even though they are illogical at certain times and the employees may not agree they are executed because of the authority that the position gives them but not because of how well they are oriented.

Something different is seen in the production part and at the same time it is an example of power. The production supervisor has that power, the ability to influence his employees since he is a person who knows how to reach out to them and give ideas in a clear and conscious way to his subordinates, who are people who can make mistakes, I mean, that his subordinates follow his orders because they know that if they make mistakes they will be understood by him, and a joint solution will be sought, I can say that he is a person with a human sense who knows how to understand his employees, who gives them enough confidence, who possesses tolerance, these are qualities that empower people and also make employees accept you as their superior.

To fit the president and owner of the company in a ladder, it is necessary to analyze him very well, rather he has authority for obvious reasons, but he is a person outside the organizational climate of his company. Well, he is the person who is in charge of the contracts and it is something important since the work of the company hangs on these, but it is evident that the vacuum created is guilty of internal failures.

Empowerment is delegating power and authority to subordinates and giving them the feeling that they are masters of their own work. It is hasty to say that in a company that is currently in the process of expansion, as in this case, keep this notion in mind and make it applicable. With time and experience, the staff will become an important part and that the work environment deserves to be taken care of for its optimal functioning.

Something that is worth clarifying is that the line of authority is evident and clear, it may be due to the simplicity of the organization and it makes it easy to understand who is in charge of each person. The scalar principle and line authority can be seen with the naked eye; Well, it can also be the cause of the inevitable need for man to command over others and feel superior - an inevitable comment is that the lack of professionalism in the people who hold positions is reflected in mismanagement, nothing far from reality.

Something very good is the constant training received in the production part, the brands of lenses with which we work are always at the forefront in technology and improvement of their lenses and therefore they are in charge of training the laboratories with which they work. they work; the nature and personnel of the staff is reflected in this aspect of the company since, being outside the company, they advise for an optimal operation of the laboratory. In itself, the production part works well and gives performance but the administrative area presents a bad management for this reason sometimes the work in general is hindered, as such.

There is no decentralization, but rather a marked centralization, I mean that all activity is carried out by the administrator, well in its majority, thus wanting to have all power over the decisions of the company and its common actions. The administrator has many responsibilities over him and has to do directly with all and all the functions of the other employees but it is also because in this way the manager who is the superior in command has imposed it on him and thus has granted the functions to this without considering the bad consequences at the administrative level that can be obtained as a result.

The delegation of authority is minimal but it is a consequence of the size of the company and that the functions are very basic. Each person does what is understood to be by default at their own expense and they all depend directly on the administrator. With the exception of the production area, each one takes care of a specific function granted by the supervisor. In the bevel area they consist of three operators and the supervisor; One operator is in charge of the design of the lens for the frames, the next operates the bevelling machines and directly handles the lenses so that they come out according to the design, and the third is in charge of assembling the lenses in the appropriate frame, the supervisor almost always executes quality control and that everything goes perfectly to be dispatched. This delegation of authority makes the production team efficient.

It is observed how it is possible to fall into certain administrative errors and it is due and specifically to the lack of information and the lack of academic training on the part of the people who hold management positions, the disorganization that occurs is decisive to be able to say with certainty that this It is the deficiency presented, and it is not only this but the growth that the company is having at this time; Well, one thing is a consequence of another, but they are failures that have to be overcome with proper guidance.

Thanks to the notions learned in this course, it is feasible to see analytically, without any personal pretense, which are the points to improve and how they should be done. Delimiting the charges is essential so as not to hinder the work. The functions manual should be made generally known to all company officials.

The organization by sections must be more specific in order to avoid confusion and better delineate the direct authority between the boss and the subordinate, this also has to do directly with the departmentalization by functions, there is a lack of positions in the administrative part for a better organization, there are many tasks for a few employees.

Senior management must be present in the cultural climate of the company; This helps the employees' feeling of ownership towards the company and consequently better performance. The production part and the administrative part must be united since there is a certain void between these two and sometimes they function as two separate cells causing misunderstandings between the two parties.

Servioptica Ltda. It is a company with an accelerated growth and attention must be paid to precisely these points and avoid a possible internal collapse. You must take advantage of that momentum that you have in your favor at the moment, training is a factor that does not exist within a certain part of the organization and it is very necessary to continue with the successes that are expected to be reaped throughout your future.

Organization chart

Business organization of the company servioptica ltda in its expansion process