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Business organization and its dynamics

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A good business organization depends on processes and procedures that together achieve the objectives that are desired to be achieved within a company. The organization is the design and maintenance of an operating system based on the determination of the roles that each person in the company must fulfill, as well as the relationships that are established between them.

The objective of the organization is to maximize the results obtained from the collaboration, work and relationship of all the members of a company. Without a doubt, the organization is the basis for obtaining excellent results, since with them the scope of the purpose.

In order to establish controls and processes that are carried out constantly and An adequate, thought and analyzed organization determines the fulfillment of short or long-term goals in order to establish controls and processes that are carried out constantly.

One should not speak of efficient administration if there is not an organization plan and process structuring. Through planning and good organization, all the risk factors that make it impossible to comply with the terms and goals set are taken into account.

A good organization within a company reflects a lot within its external and internal image since it determines the capacity of the same to face any event, with this it is achieved.

Business organization

That is why it is very important before talking about administration to make an organizational plan, which does not show how we started and where we are going, it is important to keep plans for any future changes and to be adequately prevented to avoid damage of any kind to a business structure.

  1. The organization, being the final element of the theoretical aspect, collects, complements and takes to its last details everything that planning has indicated regarding how a company should be. The importance of the organization is so great, that on some occasions it has It has made many authors lose sight of the fact that it is nothing but a part of the administration, leading to their contrasting it with the latter, as if the former represented the theoretical and scientific, and the latter the practical and empirical. between the theoretical aspects; the goals that have been achieved and the goals that should be achieved

The organization ultimately refers to structuring what is planned and putting it into practice so that the planned goals and objectives are carried out, it also refers to how the functions, hierarchies and activities to be carried out should be, it includes what is the organization chart. Functions and activities that are to be structured, likewise it sees the future, immediate and remote, likewise the organization constitutes the final data of the static or mechanical aspect. It tells us specifically how and who is going to do what, see job profiles, the right position for the right person.

When the organization is finished, it only remains to act in such a way that we put everything proposed into practice, integrating, directing and controlling what are the steps and / or processes that follow so that they already belong to the dynamics.

The organization constantly needs to take into account the human and material elements that may be available, I repeat is to find the right position for the right person, to adapt to them. Since today most talents are not exposed to real situations handling only the theoretical concept without going to the empirical side.

In the same way, it is important that integration is managed in a business structure so that all the components of the company are aware of all the events related to the company.

Informal organization

The informal organization is the social structure that regulates the way of working within an organization in practice. It is the set of behaviors, interactions, norms, personal and professional relationships through which work is done and relationships are built between people who share a common organization. It is made up of a dynamic set of personal relationships, social networks, communities of common interest, and sources of emotional motivation. The informal organization develops organically and spontaneously in response to changes in the work environment, the flow of people, and the complex social dynamics of its members.

Efficiently understood, the informal organization complements the more explicit structures, plans and processes of the formal organization: it can accelerate and improve responses to unforeseen events, foster innovation, allow people to solve problems that require collaboration.

The nature of the informal organization becomes clearer when its key characteristics are juxtaposed with those of the formal organization.

Main characteristics of the informal organization:

Constantly evolving

Dynamic and flexible

Excellent in motivation

Hard to define

Requires experience to be seen

Treat people as individuals

Cohesioned by trust and reciprocity

Essential for situations that change quickly or are not yet fully understood

Main characteristics of the formal organization:

Stiffness, unless deliberately altered from top to bottom


Excellent in alignment


United by codified rules and order

Easy to understand and explain

Essential for dealing with situations that are familiar and consistent.

Disadvantages of informal groups.

Informal organizations also have the following potential disadvantages and problems that require management attention.

1. Resistance to change

The perpetuation of values ​​and lifestyle causes informal groups to become overly protective of culture and therefore resistant to change. For example, if restriction of production was the norm in an autocratic management group, it should remain so, even though management changes have allowed for more participatory management.

2. Role conflict

The pursuit of informal group satisfaction can lead members away from the formal goals of the organization. What is good for him and desired by members of the informal group is not always good for the organization. Doubling the number of coffee breaks and the length of the meal period may be convenient for group members, but costly and unprofitable for the company.

3. Rumorology

Misinformed, employees communicate false information that is not verified and can have a devastating effect on workers. This can weaken morale, establish bad attitudes, resulting in deviance or even violent behavior.

4. Compliance

Social control promotes and encourages conformity among members of the informal group, thereby making them reluctant to act too aggressively, or act too high a level. This can harm the formal organization by stifling initiative, creativity and diversity of results.

Advantages of the informal organization.

Although informal organizations create potential challenges and problems for management, they also provide a number of benefits for the formal organization.

Mix with the formal system.

Formal plans, policies, procedures and standards cannot solve all problems in a dynamic organization, therefore informal systems that are mixed with formal ones help to get the job done.

Lighten your management workload

Managers are less likely to control workers when they know that the informal organization is cooperating with them. This encourages delegation, decentralization, and greater support from the manager's workers, suggesting a likely improvement in performance and overall productivity.

Address deficiencies in management capacity.

For example, if a manager is weak in financial planning and analysis, a subordinate can informally assist in reporting through any suggestions or direct involvement. Act as a safety valve. Employees experience frustration, stress, and emotional problems with management and other employees. The informal group provides a means of alleviating these emotional and psychological pressures by allowing a person to talk about them among friends openly and sincerely.

Encourage better management practice.

Perhaps a subtle benefit of informal groups is that they encourage managers to prepare, plan, organize and control in a more professional way.

In summary:

Types of organizations

The authority

Within a business group it is of great importance to denote hierarchical places for a certain type of operation within it since decision-making depends on it, as well as the person who will be given said power must have the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge so that they can correctly play their role in it, as it goes hand in hand with responsibility.

You must have all the knowledge possible to be able to transmit it to the staff, expose new proposals, take into account the capacity of the human factor with which it has and their capacity.

Authority is defined as a power or faculty to do something. It is also the power that one person has over another who is subordinate to her. And finally they mean one or more people clothed with some power or command.

Authority within a company is measured from the point of view of the rank or title they hold within the organization. In this sense, it is important to distinguish that authority is related to the title or position that the person has within the company and not to their personal characteristics or attributes.

When a position of authority is vacated, the person who has left office hands over the authority that he represents. The authority remains with the position and with its new holder.

When authority is exercised, compliance with the orders issued by the authority holder is expected.

Power that a person has over another who is subordinate to him:

  • Assignment of duties Delegation of authority Assignment of responsibility Building trust

The organization, as a whole, is divided into levels that represent “habitats” of certain groups of people who are entrusted with different decision-making tasks with common characteristics.

High direction

Strategic functions with a higher level of responsibility that affect the entire company. They take responsibility for medium and long-term objectives.

Intermediate level

Direct execution functions, general planning and control, activities scheduling.

Management level

Development of programs, execution and control of activity processes.

Committee: group of people who are entrusted with a certain matter so that they decide on it as a group.

Formally, they are established as part of the organization's structure, with capacity for decision-making.

Informal without delegation of authority, constituted to analyze some matter on the initiative of a person or a group.

The organization chart of the company

The organization chart is a graphic representation of its various components, as well as their distribution and order. It must present a total description of the company, it must therefore include the differentiation of the elements that compose it and the distribution of the different levels and positions of decision, responsibility and authority.

In conclusion, the great importance that these various points require within a plan of a good organization is denoted, highlighting the importance of taking the correct direction without losing the previous proposed goals since the success or failure of a small entity or of great demand, it is necessary to have full knowledge of each of the members of the work team as well as to be able to exploit each of the capacities of human resources without wasting knowledge.

As well as the hierarchies within the organization should be denoted and kept to the knowledge of each and every one of the members of all areas to know the person and their specific function within it.


  • Sosa Salico, Mariano (2006), Organizational System. Organizational Structure. Chiavenato Idalberto, Introduction to the general theory of administration, 7a. ed., McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2004.
Business organization and its dynamics