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Productive orientation of the leader: quality of life


Comparing these factors with studies of the leader, there are coincidences and similarities, the main contribution of these results is the empirical nature of the analyzes carried out and the prioritization suggested by the factorial weight of each dimension. This validates conclusions from other studies conducted with more qualitative methodologies, which predominate in leadership research. For example, the personal integrity factor of the leader is a key dimension that appears in the studies carried out in the theory of transformational leadership. The ability to influence is a dimension common to all theories and studies on leadership; the coaching factor is close to the postulates of the path-goal theory; and Fardella (2013a) strategic skills coincide with central postulates of transformational leadership theory,Without the personal values ​​of the leader, his roots and beacons of light embodied in his person: there is no transformational leadership Fardella (2012b).

The man of integrity is just and upright, his attitudes and behaviors are guided by the beacons of light of his conscience (instrumental personal values) that are born in the sphere of feeling after experiencing them in his own life and then in others for a time; Also in this sphere the roots of his heart begin to form (terminal personal values); From that moment on, he has the ability to morally influence his neighbor: he achieves his commitment and collaboration towards higher ends (transcendent function) Fardella (2017b).

Regarding quality of life, the central nucleus of the leader's orientation, the World Health Organization (WHO), proposes that it is the perception that the individual has of his position in life, in the context of his culture and value system in which you live and the relationship with your goals, expectations, standards and concerns The World Health Organization Quality Of Life Group (1995). The Domain Theory proposed by Olson and Barnes, who use a subjective conceptualization to define the quality of life and relate it to the fit between the self and the environment; state that a common characteristic in quality of life studies constitutes the consideration of the domains of the life experiences of individuals, where each one focuses on a particular facet of life experience,such as marital and family life, friends, domicile and housing facilities, education, employment, religion, among others Grimaldo (2010, p.3). It can be pointed out that it constitutes a multidimensional concept, which has an objective and a subjective component; that is oriented towards well-being, as a subjective indicator, which is measured from the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of being. Today we would have to include other dimensions such as security to leave your house and not be robbed or assaulted, among others.which is measured from the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of being. Today we would have to include other dimensions such as security to leave your house and not be robbed or assaulted, among others.which is measured from the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of being. Today we would have to include other dimensions such as security to leave your house and not be robbed or assaulted, among others.

Environmental pollution is a growing concern worldwide due to the dangers and risks to the health and quality of life of people. It is a dissonance since: who pollutes the planet? the same man. The destruction of the ozone layer, the extinction of species, the decrease in the supply of drinking water, population growth, air and water pollution have been identified as the first threats to the terrestrial environment Elston (2001) and Oskamp (2000).

Happiness and Joy are not: the satisfaction of a need originated by a physiological or psychological deficiency or the relief of a tension, but the phenomenon that accompanies all productive activity, in the spheres of thinking, feeling and action. This indicates that man has found the answer to his existential dichotomy: the productive realization of his potentialities (talent) being simultaneously one with the world and at the same time preserving his own integrity. It is, the proof of partial or total success obtained in: the art of living, which is the greatest triumph of man; responds from his total personality to a productive orientation towards himself, his neighbor and nature Fardella (2014b).Reason why the present study aims to know the relationship between the leadership orientation and the quality of life of the human being.

Hypothesis (Objective). The productive orientation of the leader is born from his personal integrity and from it his moral influence to achieve the quality of life of the being, which is reflected in the evolution of his talent. This transcendent function derives from its conscious and unconscious contents.


Fardella (2011): Productive Orientation of the Leader, is the active and creative relationship for himself, his neighbor and nature. They allude to three dimensions Fardella (2014), which relate it in the spheres of:

  • Thought manifests itself in understanding the world through reason and truth; Feeling, is expressed through love, the feeling of union with men, work and nature; And Action is manifested in productive work, that is, in the work done for: your own well-being, your neighbor and nature.

These three chaotic systems self-organize their personal values ​​Fardella (2012):

In a state of inner harmony, an absolute condition to live the present moment (the Now), conscious of your unconscious; and thus be able to listen to the voice of your conscience. do it wisely. There is always something first, that is, I must do "now" the first step, to achieve a goal (goal) in the future.

Then in the sphere of Thought with reason and truth he structures:

¿ How ?do it wisely. The routine does not have a positive connotation, the mass is carried away by habits, not by its own choice. It is contrary to creativity and innovation, however neuroscience researchers have discovered that as we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic pathways, including completely new brain cells that can jump from habitual thought paths to unknown ones Fardella (2015a, p.126) The act of innovation is both cognitive and emotional. Conceiving an idea is a cognitive act, but detecting its value, nurturing it, and carrying it out requires emotional skills such as self-confidence, initiative, tenacity, and the ability to persuade, related to practical intelligence Sternberg (1985).

Creativity is a process that is born from the sphere of feeling, that unavoidable stillness: Inner harmony, which flows from rest and silence from listening to oneself, it precedes innovation and is negatively conditioned by excess stability and order.: habits. Sometimes a moment of clear foreboding makes us exclaim, "I've got it!" It may be a time when we see something that may be trivial to anyone else, but in us it has created a bifurcation point in the chaotic system that forms our mind: thoughts, and not mind: consciousness without thought, which changes our perspectives to take over. of the authenticity of our experience of life Fardella (2011, p. 366). The How? "It oscillates between the sphere of feeling and thought, and it is shaped by intelligence."

Creativity, intelligence and wisdom must act in harmony to achieve results of excellence Sternberg (2007). It takes creativity to generate ideas, analytical intelligence to determine if they are worthwhile, practical intelligence to develop them, the ability to persuade others about their value and, finally, wisdom to balance the interests of all the stakeholders involved., ensuring, at the same time, the search for the good of man and nature: their quality of life. The heart of the understanding acquires wisdom; And the ear of the wise seeks science Pro. 18:15.

In the "interpersonal sphere", in the sphere of "action" this orientation is brought to life with prudence (conscious of his unconscious: wisdom); that is born from personal integrity (its root: humility), and together with it its moral influence that achieves commitment and collaboration towards transcendent ends Fardella (2017a) which is: quality of life. And the result of this action is feedback: change, for continuous learning (learning to learn) in reducing poverty.

These three spheres (feeling, thinking and action) are linked together in a closed circuit, if one of these is missing, the circuit does not exist; we conclude that: first is orientation; and then he brings it to life in attitudes and behaviors in a productive activity; This is how the Productive Orientation of the Leader is born: Quality of Life.


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Scientist and Coach in: Leadership, Teamwork and Strategic Management. Engineer, MBA.Experiences such as: Army Officer, Director of the Commercial Engineering School, Manager, Academic, Head of Multidisciplinary Professional Teams and Supervisors, Rapporteur, Advisor, Finance Area Director, Service Quality Manager and author of books: Raíces y Faros de Light of the Leader; Directing is: Science and Art and the leader's anthropological approach. Spanish Academic Editorial. Germany. Researcher Grupo SEJ: 301: Andalusian SMEs: Management and Competitiveness Univ. De Sevilla. Collaborator Mundo Coaching Magazine.com

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Productive orientation of the leader: quality of life