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Outsourcing, specializing our company

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In the business world there are, on many occasions, deficiencies in the efficient management of resources, each department of an organization should have special attention to be able to function actively and help the company to meet its objectives, this often cannot be thus due to the lack of knowledge on the part of those who make up the company to know how to manage these activities. It is here when Outsourcing comes into play, also called outsourcing or outsourcing, an Anglo-Saxon term made up of the words out and source, which can be defined as the process by which an organization is hired to develop a certain area or function of the contracting company. (Almanza & Fernández, (sd))

Some important points will be explained below to better understand this process, from its origins to the general panorama that exists in Mexico and some of the companies that apply and provide this service in our country and the world.


Outsourcing has its origin in the 40s of the last century in the United States, in its beginnings it did not have much relevance, however a company was born in 1948 to be the pioneer of outsourcing, its name is Manpower, this organization is currently a global leader in recruitment and outsourcing of personnel for both temporary and permanent positions. At first he was dedicated to the provision of secretarial services and with the passage of time he specialized in other professional areas.

Despite the existence of an outsourcing service provider organization, the concept of Outsourcing expanded only until the 1960s, focusing mainly on the areas of technological information, which at that time was the most demanded by companies.

Between the 60's and 90's, new companies appeared that implemented outsourcing models, among the most renowned are Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Arthur Andersen, which was until 2002 one of the five largest auditing companies in the world, and Price Waterhouse.

In the 90's there was also an important evolution in terms of the activities that were carried out, becoming more strategic where the relationship with the outsourcing service provider was closer, focusing on activities such as product design and logistics distributions. (Rivo, 1999)

After this, the rise of more companies began that wanted to stand out in the market by having the best skills without spending much of their budget.

Advantages of implementing outsourcing

  • It allows the company to focus on what its main activity is, without wasting time to supervise or do other less important and time-consuming activities.Risk reduction: as an example we have a wine company which obtains all its grapes through this type, thus leaving outsourcing providers the risk of bad weather, land prices and labor problems Appropriate disposal of capital funds to other areas that require it Easier management of functions out of control Greater quality of service as it is specialized Faster access to innovations

Disadvantages of the application of ousorucing

  • Loss of Know-how Excessive dependence on the supplier Mishandling of confidential information putting the integrity of the company at risk Possible cost increases

Application areas

There are functions that for the safety of the company cannot be delegated to a third party, however in most departments of an organization you can work with outsourcing.

  • Financial systems Accounting systems Marketing Human resources Administrative systems Secondary activities Transportation Sales and distribution

Outsourcing modalities

To continue understanding the outsourcing system, we must know that there are different ways to use this service, each depending on where it is carried out and especially depending on the objectives we want to achieve.

  • Offshoring-Off-shoring. This applies when the person who will provide us the service resides in another country, a favorable issue since it is sought where the costs are lower due to various factors, marking a great difference between provider and another. Example: call centers. (Bohon, 2009) In-house. It is when it is done in the organization itself. Off-site. When it occurs in the facilities of the company that provides the outsourcing service. Co-sourcing. It applies when the outsourcing provider offers the client added value in their work, for example sharing certain risks. Collaborative. When idle capacity is used in operations for the production of articles or provision of services to a third party. (The outsourcing or outsourcing, (sd)

Outsourcing in Mexico

More than 40 years ago, outsourcing arrived in Mexico offering new options for business improvement. At that time, the companies mainly hired surveillance and cleaning services and after a while they began dining and maintenance services. Over time, the services were extended to other areas such as recruitment and selection of personnel, public relations, information systems, etc.

Currently the federal labor law defines subcontracting as follows:

Article 15-A. Federal Labor Law. Subcontracted work is that by means of which an employer called a contractor executes works or provides services with his workers under his dependence, in favor of a contractor, individual or legal entity, who sets the contractor's tasks and supervises him in the development of the services or the execution of the contracted works. (Almanza & Fernández, (sd))

Despite the existence of this law and others that regulate outsourcing in our country, some companies have not made good use of this service, or rather they have simply used it for their benefit without taking into account the status of their workers, much less their rights.

Even with some changes necessary to promote more formal employment, it is expected that this year 2015 there will be a 6% growth in the industry, which will therefore promote the hiring of administrative personnel, sales and technical operators, in addition to that, if they are not permanent jobs, they will be projects, explains Laura Obregón, president of the Mexican Association of Human Capital Companies (AMECH). (Martínez, 2015)

To cite some examples of companies that have decided to carry out subcontracting for some of their departments, we have SAMS with its frozen products, Cemex in the areas of personnel management, logistics, production systems, dining room and cleaning, Walmart and Banorte, with the knowledge that these are just a few of the many organizations that delegate functions to a third party. (Almanza & Fernández, (sd))

Some of the companies in charge of providing services, external sources, are:.

Of Mexican origin:

  • Productive Outsource Solution: Founded in Baja California in 2006 providing comprehensive specialized services in the human resources area.Adecco: With 24 years of experience, this Mexican company offers the best human capital solutions.AVG Outsourcing, Installations & Logistic: Private company founded in 1992 providing outsourcing, installation and logistics services.

Native to the United States:

  • Smart Sourcing: It is a global manufacturing and outsourcing company helping American companies with their offshore manufacturing needs for more than a decade.Comprehensive Health Services: Founded in 1975, Comprehensive Health Services is one of the largest and most The nation's most experienced medical services workforce.

Of Europe:

  • CapGemini: French multinational corporation based in Paris. It provides IT services and is one of the world's largest consulting, outsourcing and professional services companies in more than 40 countries. (Outsourcing Companies, 2012)


Any practice to grow our business, be more competitive and increase revenues will be welcomed to implement in companies, as long as the relevant standards for its use are complied with.

We must not forget that in the business world there will always be competition where everyone wants to be the first, offering a better product or better service and therefore they must stay at the forefront; For this reason, Outsourcing represents a very important tool for any company that wants to stand out among other advantages that are added.

Giving control of our company to people we do not know is not always easy, but once you are clear about where you want to go, it will be faster and safer to be able to choose a provider that meets all our expectations and carry out a successful outsourcing.


  • Almanza, M., & Fernández, A. ((sd)). Outsourcing and tax planning in Mexico. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://www.eumed.net/libros-gratis/2015/1452/outsourcing.htm Bohon, A. (July 31, 2009). CNN Expansion. Retrieved on September 3, 2015, from http://www.cnnexpansion.com/opinion/2009/07/30/ventajas-y-desventajas-del-outsourcing Outsourcing or outsourcing. ((sd)). Obtained from http://www.degerencia.com/tema/outsourcingEmpresas de Outsourcing. (May 17, 2012). Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://www.quiminet.com/empresas/empresas-de-outsourcing-2740809.htmMartínez, M. d. (February 5, 2015). Law remains unclear on outsourcing rules: AMECH. The Economist. Retrieved on September 3, 2015 Rivo, E. (1999). Dialnet. Retrieved on September 3, 2015, from http: // dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=565287
Outsourcing, specializing our company