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Outsourcing and strategic reasons to outsource

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At the beginning, the companies carried out all the processes before administration and direct personnel, even these were or not intimately related to their main business, that is, it was self-sustaining, later they realized that to differentiate themselves from the competition it was better to focus their efforts on the activities that They were the heart of your company and leave your weaknesses in the hands of a third party (great connoisseur of the process) in order to help you strengthen the stage where your weakness was.

Over time, companies began to outsource to third parties (outsourcing, in English) for simple activities such as messaging, cleaning, travel, etc. achieving with this reduce costs and not require specialized personnel.

As time progressed, outsourcing moved to areas such as logistics and distribution. The companies were looking for an external company specialized in a specific activity.

In the early 1990s, one of the clearest examples of what is called “strategic outsourcing” was the alliance between Eastman Kodak and IBM, which allowed Kodak to stay focused on its core business and leave the management of the process to IBM. data.

Currently, companies seek to be competitive and meet their objectives using administrative techniques to achieve this and at the same time obtain economic benefits.


Outsourcing began in the United States in 1940, later expanding to the rest of the continent. In the 70's it began to emerge in areas of information technology in companies.

Some of the pioneering companies in the implementation of Outsourcing are: Price Waterhouse, EDS and Arthur Andersen. In order to define the fact that companies transferred their information systems to suppliers, the term Outsourcing was created in 1980.

“In 1998, Outsourcing reached a worldwide turnover of one hundred million dollars. According to recent studies, this amount will skyrocket to $ 282 billion. " (FERNANDEZ)

In Mexico, outsourcing appeared more than 40 years ago when companies hire the surveillance and cleaning services of other companies, later dining rooms and maintenance, until today where recruitment, personnel selection, public relations, information systems, are included. systems maintenance, data processing, etc.

“The evolution of outsourcing continues and at the beginning of the new millennium it takes another step forward, some companies begin to outsource complete business processes, not considered strategic for the company but with a high technological component and human capital. These are mostly administrative processes, allowing companies to focus on their core business. " (Sandra Sieber, 2006)

What is Outsourcing:

Outsourcing is an English term formed by "out" which means outside and "source" which means source, that is, an external source, which refers to outsourcing, outsourcing or outsourcing. Through outsourcing, the client company transfers responsibility for how to do things to the supplier and limits itself to demanding quality of service through the agreed price. Some Outsourcing concepts are:

  • "Outsourcing, also known as the subcontracting or provision of services regime, is a legal and fiscal figure that allows an employer to contract through an external company and" indirectly "the services of one or more workers." (Talavera, 2015)
  • "Outsourcing is when part of the support processes for manufacturing, administration, sale, among others, is developed by another company or natural person who does not belong to the company." (Carlos, 2011) An agreement in which a company provides other services that could have been performed internally. That is, transfer responsibility for the provision of services to a third party. It is an innovative management technique that concentrates the efforts of the activities that are essential by transferring third parties to certain processes that are not part of the main activity of the company with in order to obtain competitiveness.According to Ben Schneider "Outsourcing is the total or partial delegation of an internal process to a contracted specialist" Also called subcontracting of services whose primary purpose is to make production processes more agile and economical to meet the company's objectives in the most efficient way.

Based on the previous definitions, outsourcing can be defined as: a management technique through which it is possible to subcontract to a company specialized in a certain area that is not the main purpose of the organization; In other words, through this technique, the production process can be streamlined and greater competitiveness can be obtained.

“When a company does something that others can buy or do more efficiently, it is sacrificing a competitive advantage. Focus on what gives a company a competitive advantage. Outsource the rest. Outsourcing is one of the most important management tools of the last 75 years ”(Ertel, 1999)

Outsourcing characteristics:

  • The subcontractor performs the provision of the service at his own risk, thus always keeping responsibility for its execution on himself.In the employment relationship it is necessary to have the element of subordination or dependence.There must be a contract for the provision of services where the Obligations of each of the parties (contractor and contractor), the task entrusted to perform and the payment for the service The contractor and the beneficiary of the work must be jointly and severally liable for the labor obligations contracted for canceling the workers of the same; This if, the contracted tasks correspond to the ordinary course of the work contractor's activities.The contractor cannot interfere in the contractor's guidelines and procedures, except for the final result, which is the purpose for which it was subcontracted.

Outsourcing Classification:

Outsourcing is classified based on the areas that a company has in which it may require external support. The most common classification according to this is:

  • Outsourcing of financial systemsOutsourcing of accounting systemsOutsourcing of computer systemsOutsourcing in the human resources areaOutsourcing of administrative systemsOutsourcing of secondary activities

Modalities of the different types of outsourcing:

  • Collaborative: That is, providing services to a third party through the use of idle capacity in operations to provide services or to produce a product. "Out-tasking is a service contracting model that allows organizations to commission certain people or companies that are responsible for specific issues of the operation, for example the printing of invoices or the development of their information systems. " (Sandra Sieber, 2006). Out-tasking is considered as a step towards a broader outsourcing contract. In-house: it is the outsourcing produced within the facilities of the company that contracts the service. Off-shoring: it is also called de-located and treats outsourcing to third parties in other countries due to its low cost and other factors.the optimal solution in choosing the company that is selected for the outsourcing service. Co-sourcing: the outsourced company offers some added value to the organization that hires it. An example of added value may be risk sharing. Off-site: this type of outsourcing refers to the fact that it occurs within the facilities of the company that provides it.

Phases of Outsourcing (Shneider):

There is a complex methodology that must be followed for the outsourcing process and these are described below:

  1. Phase 1.- Planning

Within this phase there are 3 fundamental activities that are:

  • Preparation of a work plan detailing the scope of the process, the tasks to be carried out, responsibilities, necessary resources and all that is involved in the process directly or indirectly. The initial diagnosis or evaluation of the feasibility of the project in the which delimits the scope and limitations for the development of the project. The planning where all the activities to be carried out are combined.
  1. Phase 2.- Contracting: this is divided into 3 phases
  • Selection of the supplier: for this phase it is advisable to make a description of the service to determine the requirements that the supplier must meet, it must be investigated which are the potential suppliers, a prequalification must be carried out with the already predefined criteria, evaluate the suppliers and obtain two or 3 that are the best, carefully select the supplier and finally review the decision to increase the probability of success.
  • The negotiation of the contract must address the following aspects:

*Contract period

* Prices and variations

* incentives

* Responsibilities of the parties

* Change management

* Sanctions or penalties

*finished the contract

  • Contract design is carried out with what is defined within the contract negotiation.
  1. Phase 3.- The implementation

In this phase, an attempt should be made to minimize the number of possible contingencies through what was obtained in the previous phase with the design of the contract. So at this stage the contract is drawn up and must be implemented in order to begin activities after the operational start. The client should receive regular progress reports until the completion of the job.

  1. Phase 4.- The control is divided into two:
  • Strategic control: it makes assumptions about external factors that coincide with the activity of the organization, the internal factors that intervene in the strategic plan of the organization are evaluated and the results, progress and achievement of objectives are monitored, thus achieving identify potential risks.
  • Tactical control: it seeks to have a commitment from both internal and external employees to achieve goals through good communication of the organization's objectives, determination of responsibilities at all levels and the communication of relevant and necessary information for each one of the areas.

Strategic reasons for companies to outsource:

  • Companies need to focus on their core business because there is high competition in almost all sectors Continuous improvement of the quality / price ratio Reduce or control operating expenses Due to the technological change that exists in order to compete, taking into Note that this in many occasions cannot be carried out completely in companies. That's when they turn to outsourcing to carry out these sophisticated processes Have access to world-class capabilities Share risks Due to high staff turnover and high costs of staff specialization Allocate resources for other purposes.Other capabilities belonging to providers due to their specialization that may be beneficial to the company.

Advantages of Outsourcing:

  • Administrative burden can be freed Ability to supply the client with their requirements to the place indicated The payment of outsourcing services is tax deductible All members of the organization can focus on the company's objective Reduction in the costs of hiring personnel and resources Reduction in the total costs of the goods and services acquired Optimization of spaces by reducing them Indicate the consumption of each position or work center in a single total account statement Strategic alliances Improve the quality of the service obtained Elimination of processes ü Specialized attention

Disadvantages of Outsourcing:

  • It can be found under a commitment to work by subcontracted personnel It can become dependent on the service provider It can lead to no worker becoming an expert in their corresponding area due to staff turnover Staff can be hired poor quality due to the poor choice of the outsourced company and thus affect the development of the organization. Production control can be lost. New technologies can be lost sight of, thus losing opportunities for innovation. You can gain knowledge of the product in question and become a competitor.

Outsourcing in Mexico:

According to AMECHOutsourcing in Mexico has generated at least 140,000 formal jobs that include legal benefits, however, it indicates that on average outsourced workers obtain a salary of 7,728.00 pesos. (Escamilla, 2013)

In Outsourcing schemes, workers and their rights must be protected, for this the Ministry of Labor, the Tax Administration Service, the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, the IMSS and the Federal Attorney for the Defense of Labor have signed the collaboration bases for the exchange of information.

The aforementioned agencies signed said agreement to combat non-compliance with labor and tax obligations, that is, an evasive behavior has been registered in which workers are transferred to other companies or organizations to avoid the payment of profits, tax, social security and various job obligations.

Keys for hiring outsourcing:

  1. The company must be a legally constituted commercial company The subcontracted company must have records from government bodies such as SAT, IMSS, Infonavit, Infonacot, etc. It must have been ruled for tax purposes, IMSS, Infonavit and local taxes It must have employer records for Be sure that the contracted personnel receive medical attention in a timely manner The subcontracted company must register workers in the correct risk class The subcontracted company must have financial support for the fulfillment of salary payments and the payment of employer obligations.

Importance of outsourcing as a cost element in companies:

"When companies have weaknesses in the production processes such as lack of quality, low production level, bottlenecks, lack of technology, deficient knowledge, lack of financial level to develop the process, constant damages, legal damages, lack of legal documentation and other problems that are complicated to solve or elements that, to put them to work optimally, require excessive investment of time and money, the option of outsourcing the process to a strong company in the development of the same must be considered, analyzed and budgeted.. This will give strength to the company where it had weaknesses and will also give time and liquidity to focus resources on the processes where the company has strengths. " (Carlos, 2011)


Outsourcing is a current trend in recent years that is increasing for its successful application, the objectives of the contracting company and the contracted company must be combined so that both the collaborators of one and the other are motivated and work together for compliance of the same objective. You can get huge benefits with outsourcing because outsourced companies are specialists in the activities you want to delegate to them. However, outsourcing allows the contracting company to focus its attention on its main activity and can delegate subsequent activities to carry out the main one. Outsourcing does not always mean savings, which is why a strenuous study must be carried out on whether or not it is the most convenient for the organization.


  • Carlos, SR (2011). Cost guide for micro and small entrepreneurs: an easy and simple way to grow. Bogota: Ecoe Ediciones.Ertel, D. (1999). Turning negotiation into a corporate capability. Harvard Business Review.Escamilla, VM (APRIL 10, 2013). FORBES MEXICO. Retrieved on FEBRUARY 1, 2016, from FORBES MEXICO: http://www.forbes.com.mx/6-clavesvitales-para-el-outsourcing-en-tu-empresaFERNANDEZ, MA (sf). OUTSOURCING AND FISCAL PLANNING IN MEXICO. MEXICO: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC SERVICES Sandra Sieber, VJ (2006). Information systems in today's company: strategic aspects and tactical alternatives. McGraw Hill Spain. Shneider, B. (nd). Outsourcing The management tool that revolutionizes the business world. Grupo Editorial Norma.Talavera, J. (October 10, 2015). I amEntrepreneur.com.Retrieved on February 1, 2016, from SoyEntrepreneur.com:

The Mexican Association of Human Capital Companies

Mexican Social Security Institute

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Outsourcing and strategic reasons to outsource