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To win battles you need to be accompanied by leaders


"To win battles, you need to be in them, but accompanied by leaders who will give you the opportunity to face them successfully"

Management vs leadership

One of the actions that common businessmen take to face the crisis is to protect themselves and crouch so as not to be involved in problems of an economic and market nature. Actions related to cost reduction are common at all levels of the organization as well as the existing staff in order to "turn around" the business and face the storm as best as possible.

However, I have seen that the most successful companies are not those that are paralyzed or cautiously face changes, but those that confront them with the potential of their people, that is, those who embrace the potential of their leaders to transform and reinvent yourself faster than your competitors.

An army of leaders

The high - performance businesses have taken decisions about the changes that will transform the market time to encourage others to keep them excited. This is how they take advantage of and unfold the potential they have as an asset.

They have realized that the opportunity is really in the minds of those who are part of its structure and it is based on these that they emerge dominating the market.

It is the companies that continually reinvent themselves that are ahead of the rest, and are willing to pay the price to achieve change. "Certainly I tell you, that the only place where you can taste the good and later make the payment is in a restaurant" because in business as in life itself it is completely the opposite. You must pay the price first in order to enjoy the good later. And that requires character to make the change, to make decisions, to invest in the development of their Human Capital and to deploy the talent of the people, turning them into those Leaders Without a Position, who are willing to give everything they have within themselves. themselves in order to serve the Highest Level and make a difference against their competitors. A process of "Turn Around ”is nothing more than trying to preserve what you have earned, it implies much more than that.

The need to continually reinvent oneself is required starting from the basis that "one must learn to die continuously in order to be born every day in a different way".

If you want to make a difference, learn to die every day to expose the best of yourself the next day, both individually and as a team. That will make the differentiation you are looking for.

Learn to die every day to be born differently tomorrow! That will give you the ability to become the provider of choice for your clients.

These are not waiting times. No more fruitless analyzes of the environment that only cause fear and consequently stop good Decision Making. It is time to move forward better and faster than your competitors. It is time to put the talent of your work team to the test, empowering them to make decisions in each of the business areas, aligned with your vision.

It is time to provide the necessary guidance, training and support so that they are encouraged to put all their skills and abilities at the service of clients and your company. It's time to let that compressed energy be uncovered with the force of an erupting volcano to transform your organization and be different in the eyes of your customers. The question here is: How long will you decide to bet on this precept?

Stop carrying the responsibility of others and make each one assume their own! Allow yourself to test the potential of your organization through your people.

I hope you are aware that the only competitive advantage in the future against your competitors in a sustainable way, is what your people have stored in the talent warehouse in your company. Decide to open the door to change and do not resist anymore.

Take advantage of the resources at your disposal and, together with your team, assume the commitment to be different in your management model and impact on results. Your customers will appreciate it. Create it!

In times of turmoil, confusion and great economic and market problems, its people are the only option, there is no other way out.

"Faced with the vertiginous changes that today's world presents, you only have two options: Either follow others, or concentrate on changing before others, with the advantages that this implies" Choose now!

To win battles you need to be accompanied by leaders