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Participation in business administration


Let's start by defining the concept of Participation.

The fundamental element in the definition of the term participation is the active presence of each man in decision-making…

The Espasa-Calpe Dictionary of the Spanish language has several meanings for this term where the word Participation fits correctly. For the case at hand we will take this: “f. Intervention in some matter ”.

Now, I will use the following sentence to present the idea of ​​participation:

" The basis of administrative evolution is based on participation "

Participating is taking part, being present in decision-making, being part of the success or failure of those same decisions, enjoying or suffering the final goals, feeling the company as an integral part of my being, etc.

The company's employees, regardless of their level, are links that make up the great chain of the organization. All links are important and we should not in fact consider that there are unimportant links, and even ignore them as such.

To achieve the participation of collaborators, it is necessary to start from the principle of “wanting it”.

The company must want the integral participation of its collaborators in all circumstances and not only in events in which it must call them for additional help, in a state of despair and almost because the situation does not give for less.

"Hey, put your hand in", "How about you help me", "Help me, please" and those of constant complaints: "No one helps", "No one cares", etc.

People, by nature, like to participate and have the greatest desire to do so. This natural quality must be managed.

Participation makes people feel interesting and even important (Natural ego boost).

To achieve this, invite them to participate. Do not order him to participate. They are two very different situations.

Vertical, horizontal, and lateral communications are clearly demarcated in organization theory, represented graphically in organization charts and limited by these same principles.

If it is a matter of applying the hierarchy, suddenly it is valid, to respect what the organization chart represents, with regard to the so-called “regular conduct”, but if it is about communications typical of human beings in society, communications should not have hierarchy.

Don't give it to him. Your position in the organizational structure does not give you the right to avoid communicating with other levels, much less to choose with whom you communicate. Do not be loaded with prejudices.

In the company we are all one: The company.

What we know we must communicate. There will be knowledge that will have limited communication, but a large part of what happens in the company that concerns everyone, let it flow. Don't invite your people to speculate.

Speculations are the product of rumors and rumors of the lack of truthful information.

Rumors create speculation and speculation usually tends to be negative.

Trying to have communication with all our collaborators, when the company has a certain size, is a bit complicated, but that does not prevent it from being close to people.

When you go to the plant or the different work sites, smile. Say hello. Be friendly. And be careful, I am not making hypocritical suggestions, do it with sincerity.

When communications flow, the atmosphere tends to be cordial.

Cordiality creates a good work environment and the natural disposition of people to become more integrated into your company. Spontaneous participation is born.

Take into account the ideas of your collaborators. They will be crazy, illogical and inapplicable, but always well intentioned.

Do not make fun of them and if it comes easy, explain why certain ideas cannot be applied. This gives the certainty that we were heard.

If you reject the ideas of your collaborators in a categorical and impolite way, you know when they will comment again: never again.

Democracy allows the participation of the masses, but participation should not be limited to voting. The vote is a choice: yes or no. But taking for an option will not necessarily satisfy the participant, as he could have chosen an option, but….

When there is no opportunity to be direct in the decision and be convinced that you are contributing to a mass decision, you opt for Non-Participation.

We can hardly hear everyone. The company and its decisions cannot become a permanent open council. But that has a solution. The structure allows the creation of groups and subgroups and, at the head of each one of them, someone will act as the leader and that leader will be the one who must channel the communications and the precise messages to where they should go.

But to achieve the spontaneous participation of people it will not be enough that our communication system is fluid. There is a transcendental element in the behavior of people, in the generation of their attitudes and finally in their actions: justice.

Be fair in:

The assignment of tasks Recognition of activities Assignment of wages and salaries Application of reprimands Imposition of sanctions

Do not get attached to profits, they are yours, you are the owner of the company, but there were many people who helped to achieve them. Find a way to share

In other words: Don't discriminate. Always try to be fair.

If you have to make terminal decisions such as suspending a worker or getting to cancel the employment contract, these steps are already the last, of an application of previous steps, tending to achieve the channeling of the collaborator.

If you act fairly, your actions will not lead to criticism or malicious comments. Never think that “what others think of you” is no longer important.

Your employees are an important part of your assets. If your payroll is full of excellent collaborators, your company is full of wealth.

Modern administration says that All businesses are, or tend to be, participatory organizations.

Who understands the importance of participation in the general management of the company, will be much closer to its objectives and achievements.

When we read modern writers referring to Empowerment or Empowerment (right to decide and act) in a sophisticated way, we shake our heads towards the simplicity of administrative logic, and we realize straight away that there is nothing new under the sun. However, there are those who dare to mention that traditional participatory leadership has been overtaken by Empowerment. I think that he rather sophisticated the concept of participation, for some very specific and specific cases.

It is not just employee engagement in the classic sense, Empowerment is much more than that.

" Simple Participation is consultation and communication between management and employees, while Empowerment is the explicit transfer of authority to make decisions and take action, usually in the context of a broad set of rules and structures. "

Empowerment has more a direct relationship with acting, executing and putting into practice decisions based on the criteria and experience of whoever becomes an actor and protagonist.

It is no longer just participating with ideas, it is acting almost without consensus and according to the circumstances that are occurring at the time.

The dizzying changes that occur daily and that require speedy decisions have led the administration to use new techniques, because the situation now is to act, do it well and as quickly as possible.

The changes will occur as something natural and could occur in a vertiginous way, so the administration must assume the best attitude towards them and an important tool in the face of changes, it is directly related to strategic planning.

Then, such a situation forces the collaborators to be vested with authority, not only those who hold a command rank in the organizational structure, but all those who need to use this resource.

Let us observe that theoretically it could be easy to apply:

Now I will not only listen to your ideas, but you will have the power to make decisions and take actions when necessary without having to have a command rank in the organizational structure.

The implications are many: mistakes and generation of problems or the ideal: assertiveness and solutions.

The foregoing indicates the need to know who is being Empowered and how large the assignment of power would have.

Empowerment if used as a modern and practical tool applied with common sense and above all with responsibility in use, by the parties; who assigns it and who receives it, it must give excellent results.

I want to emphasize that the Empowerment analyzed and applied in a simple way will not present major complications in its use and results.

As we apply this "technique" to the different levels of command with a deeper focus, it will imply care, monitoring and control.

The modern company, we said, lives in a permanent dynamic of constant changes, corresponding to its managers to adapt to them and try to evolve at the rate that they are presented, if they do not want to be left behind by the competition.

Whatever the form, technique or system that allows our collaborators to participate in planning to make them feel like active members of the community, it will surely give us magnificent results over time, which will redound to benefits for all.

Participation in business administration